View Full Version : Fuck you, rants edition

Oct 1, 2004, 08:57 PM
and now i think im ready to fucking own you, jackass.

Check it out, im rockin steady... GO

Fuck you, jackass who buys 30 sheets of plywood, cuts and drills through them, then wants to return them.

Fuck you, hurricanes.

Fuck you, discrace to human intelligence that calls and asks for a quoute on a backhoe rental, then hangs up on me as im telling you about the deposit, then is AWESTRUCK that there is one.

Fuck you, jackass who wants to know where to plugin a ghenerator, thinking its a gianrt rechargeable battery. (doesnt occur to you that the gas tanks there for a reason, and that theres no FUCKING POINT TO THE GENRATORS EXISTENCE if it needs electricity to work, eh?)

Fuck you, coca cola vendor who put nasty as FUCK lime gatorade in the cherry coke slot.

Fuck you, cheap ass snack vendor who can put fucking milky wzy in the snack machine.

Fuck you, Mcdonals Life Reject, who cant understand PLAIN ENGLISH because youre an illegal fucking alien. (but you still complain that >I< should learn fucking spanish to fit YOUR needs. FUCKING ha!)

Fuck you, preschool reject who AFTER I SHOW YOU HOW TO MIX GASOLINE FOR THE FUCKING CHAIN SAW, you complain about it not working because you went and got FUCKING DIESEL FUEL because you heard it was used in tractors...god DAMN!

Fuck you, Los Del Rio, for having a song that wont get out of my head for 3 days straight.

Fuck you, cheap ass pansies driving a busted ass 72 toyata ALL DAY, because you dont pay for your own gas, nor do you have a job. No wonder you go 95 miles an hour down the road in front of my house, almost hitting my brothers fucking school bus, and me, numerous times.

Fuck you even more for coming to my house after finding out my dad was a cop, and raising hell with me because you got a speeding ticket. just WOW

Fuck you, person who ALWAYS has to be right, and cant admit their own HUMANITY to see that they arent God, and WILL be wrong now amnd then.

Fuck you, people who state opinions as facts.

Fuck you, people who listen in on half the conversation, get half the facts, then come off ass fucking morons because you have NO FUCKING CLUE.

Fuck you, dumbass that cant comprehend that since my truck is newer, doesnt have a 400 pound grill guard WELDED to my frame, and isnt driving 80 routinely that my truck will get 5 more miles a gallon then you. DUMB motherfucker.

Fuck you, person that asks for my honest opinion, then gets insulted when i tell you it.

Fuck you, jackass that says all horses are the spawn of satan because you came up behind it with a hot shot, used it on its rear, then got kicked.

Fuck you, parking lot Evil Canievals, randomly ducking in and out trying DESPAERATLEY to find a parking spot closed to the store because youre too fucking LAZY to walk that extra 35 feet.

Thank you, though, maniac parking lot person. Thank you for making me laugh when you hit a cop car doing youre maniacal stunts of idiocy.

Fuck you, person who cant comprehend that pine bedding can be compressed, and dont wanna pay that extra dollar for 5 MORE CUBIC FUCKING FEET.

Fuck you, son that makes moms cry, for calling, then calling back raising hell because i put you on hold, and thought i had hung up because there was no holding music... "it got quiet!"

Fuck you, dumb jackasses.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cowboy on 2004-10-01 20:24 ]</font>

Oct 2, 2004, 01:16 AM
ahh, retail service hell, how i cherish the memories...

i honestly believe all people should serve 2 years in retail service, a la required military service, so people can learn patience, compassion, and sense of decency. you have to learn those otherwise you'll go 'postal' and mow down all the stupendously stupid people who come into the store (it's as if they check their brain at the door, isn't it?).

Oct 2, 2004, 02:52 AM
On 2004-10-01 23:16, opaopajr wrote:
ahh, retail service hell, how i cherish the memories...

i honestly believe all people should serve 2 years in retail service, a la required military service, so people can learn patience, compassion, and sense of decency. you have to learn those otherwise you'll go 'postal' and mow down all the stupendously stupid people who come into the store (it's as if they check their brain at the door, isn't it?).

Yes, however his rant was way more than being a hardware store employee who is unlucky enough to deal with bastard customers and handle the phone calls.

Cowboy, you ROX!
You must have some kind of force field to deal with all that on a daily basis. I remember your earlier rant about the hurricane preparedness of these townsfolk.
Hurricanes must make them a little panicky and lose some IQ points along the way.

Hehe. "Ready, steady, GO!" that is some kind of song isnt it?

I can relate to you on the non-English speaking residents of the US who stubbornly refuse to learn the native tongue-if only as a secondary language to get by day to day.

But I'm not a racist name caller by any means(not saying you or anyone else is, but it is way to common for me to hear such crap on a daily basis.) It usually happens under the immediate stress of such things as bad driving. Its okay to point out the person's bad driving move, but not okay to stare them down-glance over, quickly add up their skin color or race in your head and quote some prejudice comment to stereotype all of that group as bad people/drivers.

I hate situations where people resort to another language and seriously talk loud as hell when they are obviously in public and surrounded by people who have to sit there and not speak for fear of starting up their own conversation to cancel out the loud one-which cannot be understood by the majority in the room.

Hopefully this rant will lift a great amount of weight off of your 'shoulders.' But only to have to deal with similar problems later, damn.

Oct 2, 2004, 01:06 PM
I do understand that english is an EXTREMELY difficulkt language to lear. I mean hell, enough Americans have a problem with it, and its our native language. It's the immigrants that get mad because I dont know their language nthat i get annoyed with.

And one thing i have noticed about immigrants:

Even if they don't know any other word, they know "Thank You", which is alot more then i could say for alot of people.

And the check it out, im rockin steady is a line from "The Future Freaks Me out"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cowboy on 2004-10-02 11:07 ]</font>

Oct 3, 2004, 05:35 AM
On 2004-10-01 18:57, Cowboy wrote:

Fuck you, Mcdonals Life Reject, who cant understand PLAIN ENGLISH because youre an illegal fucking alien. (but you still complain that >I< should learn fucking spanish to fit YOUR needs. FUCKING ha!)

... *eyes glow green*

I don't know spanish... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Oct 3, 2004, 03:54 PM
On 2004-10-01 18:57, Cowboy wrote:

Fuck you, jackass who buys 30 sheets of plywood, cuts and drills through them, then wants to return them.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cowboy on 2004-10-01 20:24 ]</font>

As an employee of a grocery store I wish I could shake your hand in agreeance with this statement. >=/ I hate it when customers do that shit.

Oct 3, 2004, 11:18 PM
On 2004-10-03 03:35, Scott_Kuda wrote:

On 2004-10-01 18:57, Cowboy wrote:

Fuck you, Mcdonals Life Reject, who cant understand PLAIN ENGLISH because youre an illegal fucking alien. (but you still complain that >I< should learn fucking spanish to fit YOUR needs. FUCKING ha!)

... *eyes glow green*

I don't know spanish... http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Hah. The irony.
It was just to complain that this said customer thought Cowboy needed to learn Spanish to help him better understand a buying decision.

NOT to say all McDonalds workers speak Spanish.

And your post was very much considered SPAM outside the SPAM FORUM.
I hate seeing those kinds of posts.