View Full Version : Animal Crossing anyone?

Jul 4, 2002, 05:06 PM
*Before you read this I suggest you read the IGN Cube Preview of this game, its an AWESOME preview of the game, and truly goes in depth with this communications game*

Link- http://cube.ign.com/articles/361/361068p1.html

Now to the game...

The graphics look lame, and it does look like a kiddy game, but after reading that preview... holy shit, I really want this game. It's like the sims meets harvest moon, but less tedious, with RPG elements.

How awesome would it be to play all those NES games on the gamecube, the real time clock, 4 seasons, etc...

It sounds soo interesting for some reason, I think it would be awesome to bring my character into my brothers world and ruin his garden, or deface his home. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Plus the fact that if you dont play the game for some time, and then return to play once again, when you enter your house it's all dusty and bug litten since you havent been home in a while..

Oh, and the fact that the game can progress for some.. 30 odd years?

I can't explain all the delights I have with this game, read up on it from the link I gava ya... At first I was a skeptic and ignored it for its boring graphics, and seemingly boring gameplay, but now.. im anticipating this game more than Star Fox Adventures.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cube on 2002-07-04 15:07 ]</font>

Jul 4, 2002, 05:57 PM
Animal Crossing looks interesting, and its another excuse to use my GBA link cable. Ive already read several previews on it, and all the ideas in the game sound pretty good, like getting furniture from the dump or just claiming things from lost property.

But the graphics dont look particuly fantastic, but that might not matter. Maybe a rent before i buy title?

Jul 5, 2002, 01:03 AM
i am getting this FOR SURE! When does it release in the US?

it shall hold me over for PSO if it comes out soon.

Jul 5, 2002, 01:14 AM
Speaking of The Sims, well I know we weren't really speaking about it but you DID mention it, I want that damn The Sims online game to hurry up and come out already! =P

It looked pretty badass.

Jul 5, 2002, 11:50 AM
I thought it (Sims Online) got cancelled.

Jul 5, 2002, 02:25 PM
No, The Sims Online did NOT get canceled. And Yes, it WILL own... In fact I was going to make a Sims Online website, but all three times I persued it the designer quit or got lazy and never finished...


Ian D
Jul 5, 2002, 09:39 PM
On the topic of Sims Online... anyone have an idea on when it is going to come out?

Jul 6, 2002, 01:15 AM
End of 2002, IF were lucky...

Jul 6, 2002, 04:34 AM
On 2002-07-05 12:25, Cube wrote:
but all three times I persued it the designer quit or got lazy and never finished...

Then design it yourself, sexy!

Jul 6, 2002, 04:41 AM
(this is only true if AC comes out before PSO)
*Buys Animal Crossing*

*Plays til PSO comes out*

*Plays PSO til its old again*

*Plays AC and finds his character dead*

Jul 6, 2002, 05:21 AM
I'm getting this game for sure. I've read about it for along time. Since back when IGN wrote about the Japanese N64 version.

Jul 6, 2002, 01:46 PM
Yeah....I've had my eye on this particular little game for quite some time now. It's games like this that are one of the reasons that I bought my Cube!!!

Jul 7, 2002, 04:03 PM
AC is sceduled to be realeased in late September early October. I think it looks cool and I'm buying it. A word of advice: 75% of the time, Cube's opinion's can't be trusted because he's a fence sitter. He dissed the Xbox in one forum and said he loved it in another. He also said alot of fake shit about the Gamecube itself! For all of you that are like Cube, pick a side and stay on it.

Jul 7, 2002, 06:03 PM
Well um *scratches head* i think as a future gamecube owner i gotta adapt to this kind of stuff so...it looks good, the elements and it's originality at least but who the hell will play 30 years till his/her character is like 40 years old? i am reading the preview just as we speak but can we tweak the inner clock? also what if someone buys this game when the gamecube console is dead? will his character be 70 years old with tom nook being a fat old rat?

Jul 7, 2002, 07:17 PM
On 2002-07-06 02:41, FinalMasterM wrote:
*Buys Animal Crossing*

*Plays til PSO comes out*

*Plays PSO til its old again*

*Plays AC and finds his character dead*

Hmmm...your right, that IS what would happen with me too http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Jul 7, 2002, 07:22 PM
i am reading the preview just as we speak but can we tweak the inner clock? also what if someone buys this game when the gamecube console is dead?

Errr, you do know consoles don't die, and that's a really sad way to look at gaming. You can play games on a console AFTER they stop releasing games for it. Always looking for the newest thing - selling what's old and moving on isn't really what gaming is about. I know a few people who look at it like that, and I'll never understand it. Even when I didn't have alot of money I'd figure a way to save up or earn the money and simply keep my older console in a cupboard.

I pity you in a way, and no offence is intended.


Jul 7, 2002, 07:32 PM
On 2002-07-07 14:03, Ness wrote:
A word of advice: 75% of the time, Cube's opinion's can't be trusted because he's a fence sitter. He dissed the Xbox in one forum and said he loved it in another. He also said alot of fake shit about the Gamecube itself! For all of you that are like Cube, pick a side and stay on it.

Oh please, who said one is not allowed to change their opinion on things once and a while? Ya, I use to hate the Xbox, Now... I don't hate it so much... anything wrong with that? Hardly.

And secondly, what false things have I EVER said about Gamecube? Nothing. Who the hell are you anyways. I've been seeing a lot of your ass hole remarks around here and honestly, no one wants to hear what some braty 12 year old has to say.

Jul 7, 2002, 08:21 PM
On 2002-07-07 17:32, Cube wrote:
Oh please, who said one is not allowed to change their opinion on things once and a while? Ya, I use to hate the Xbox, Now... I don't hate it so much... anything wrong with that? Hardly.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, yeah. And everyone can change their mind as much as they want.

Who the hell are you anyways. I've been seeing a lot of your ass hole remarks around here

Now now, I know some 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 year olds that give some pretty bratty remarks too. Come now Cube, even you were that way. We all were.

and honestly, no one wants to hear what some braty 12 year old has to say.

Everyone is allowed an opinion, remember? =)

Now, don't make me seperate you two, no..wait..both of you apologize, say your sorry, and shake hands, then go make mud pies!

Jul 8, 2002, 12:22 AM
On 2002-07-07 17:22, GhoStar wrote:

i am reading the preview just as we speak but can we tweak the inner clock? also what if someone buys this game when the gamecube console is dead?

Errr, you do know consoles don't die, and that's a really sad way to look at gaming. You can play games on a console AFTER they stop releasing games for it. Always looking for the newest thing - selling what's old and moving on isn't really what gaming is about. I know a few people who look at it like that, and I'll never understand it. Even when I didn't have alot of money I'd figure a way to save up or earn the money and simply keep my older console in a cupboard.

I pity you in a way, and no offence is intended.


By "die" i mean end of production, no more software and hardware making, get it? and what if i cant find any way to earn my money? and besides what do you care if i got no money or if i cant afford every console there is. Who are you to tell me what gaming is all about? And i dont think there's anything in that quote that tells you i even do that...even though that's what i do http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

I pity you in a way, and no offense is intended. But to pity i'd really have to care, which i don't.

Jul 8, 2002, 06:43 AM
By "die" i mean end of production, no more software and hardware making, get it?

That's what I said:

You can play games on a console AFTER they stop releasing games for it.


and what if i cant find any way to earn my money?

Well... That's a bit of a downer, but we've all been there, I'm sure. And coped.

and besides what do you care if i got no money or if i cant afford every console there is.

Hey, don't get ahead of yourself. I don't care (I pity). I care enough to write a reply consisting of a single paragraph, but let's not push the boundaries of what 'caring' is and what caring means, OK.

Who are you to tell me what gaming is all about?

Seeing as YOU are willing to post about your gaming habits, freely, on an Internet forum - which is public domain, then I have every right to point that out and state what I feel. That's how this whole forum thing works.

'Who I am' is of little-to-no-importance. Just like everyone else.

And i dont think there's anything in that quote that tells you i even do that...even though that's what i do

Couldn't you tell? You said the exact same in your other thread, which I read (and so did others to reply and point out similar things).

But to pity i'd really have to care, which i don't.*

You cared enough to type out that reply, didn't you. I obviously hit a nerve (;)), so I'll step back and let people talk about Animal Crossing. I've said what I have to say.

* (I don't think you understand the concept of being pitied. Pitying is a jesture by one person, it's not something done by two people, or something you accept like an apology)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GhoStar on 2002-07-08 04:56 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2002, 11:10 AM
ghostar: sorry i cant quote by pieces like you, dont know how but when someones says something directly at me, what am i supposed to do? ignore it like a wuss? i mean by quoting it you are, in return, asking for a reply if you think about it. And to pity someone, you'd really have to care, seriously. You can't really have remorse or show compassion to someone withou even caring. Come on, you knew what pity was, though you intended it as an insult.

Ya i can play games after they were released, but i dont do that because nothing in the newly-released games deserve a 2nd, 3rd, a 4th, or a 5th look in my book. So i'm moving on.

I just dont like when someone critics my methods of gaming, and tells me whats the traditional way or popular way because it doesn't necessairly (Sp?) mean i'm like everyone. But your right, your entitled to say what you think, i just might over-react to it, so take that into consideration next time.

Jul 8, 2002, 11:53 AM
sorry i cant quote by pieces like you,


dont know how but when someones says something directly at me, what am i supposed to do?

Take it in, think about what they're saying. It wasn't an attack on you, merely a critique which was supposed to be constructive (as in constructive criticism).

ignore it like a wuss?

Even if you had ignored it I wouldn't have thought you were a "wuss", and besides, that was not my intent. I think you misunderstood that as a putdown. Which it was not.

i mean by quoting it you are, in return, asking for a reply if you think about it.

That depends on whether the other person thinks there's anything worth replying to. If not, every post would go on, and on, and on, and on, etc.

And to pity someone, you'd really have to care, seriously. You can't really have remorse or show compassion to someone withou even caring.

Yes I would have to care, but put it into context. You don't know me and I don't know you. I'd pity any fellow gamer with such a similar outlook.

Come on, you knew what pity was, though you intended it as an insult.

I can tell you now that was NOT intended as an insult.

Ya i can play games after they were released, but i dont do that because nothing in the newly-released games deserve a 2nd, 3rd, a 4th, or a 5th look in my book. So i'm moving on.

I understand what you are saying because I used to be very similar. Always moving on and selling my old consoles for something new. Now I look back I kind of regret doing so.

I just dont like when someone critics my methods of gaming, and tells me whats the traditional way or popular way because it doesn't necessairly (Sp?) mean i'm like everyone. But your right, your entitled to say what you think, i just might over-react to it, so take that into consideration next time.

I wouldn't say keeping older consoles or playing old games is popular. Quite the opposite (I should know because I used to get funny looks when I told people I still played my SNES, and they'd all moved on to PSX).

If you really don't think there's anything wrong with your outlook on gaming, and if you enjoy it that way, then keep doing it by all means.

In my first reply I was simply giving you something to think about. That was all.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GhoStar on 2002-07-08 09:57 ]</font>

Jul 8, 2002, 02:20 PM
How do you cut your quotes in that fashion? do you have to write [quote, [/quote] every time and copy/paste them every time? looks like a pai nin the buttocks..

Jul 8, 2002, 06:12 PM
I just do:

*insert text*

I disabled code.