View Full Version : Leveling up-What's the point?

Dec 11, 2004, 09:39 PM
Whats the point of leveling up in EPIII if your characters dont get any stronger? I mean, I've finished dark and I'm at level 27, but when I play erlier quests with my old decks, it still sort of tough, comparatively speaking.

Dec 12, 2004, 12:04 AM
There really isn't that much a point to lvling in Ep3. (Not like there used to be, at least)

The only things that I know of which you "Get" for leveling is, the higher you go, the higher your chances go at getting rarer cards. Like, for instance if you're under 20 you CANT get a SS. As you lvl more, you'll notice you get better evolves and more frequent S, SS cards.

The fights seem just as tough, probably because the NPCs act more difficult as well. They are more likely to use better cards and strats vs you as you lvl.

I think there is a handicap online for higher lvl people if they fight others 10-15 lvls below them. I have heard that the higher lvl will tend to roll lower dice on average. Personally, I think it's true...so in this way lvling up can actually hinder you...

Jan 28, 2005, 03:55 AM
and doesnt it really sound cool if u reach lv. 999 XD

Feb 23, 2005, 12:24 PM
I agree....lv999 I was like holy crap! Then realize you don't get any better....just better chance for rare cards...poo >.<