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View Full Version : Want to know the truth about the Section ID's?

Feb 21, 2001, 04:51 PM
Unfortunaly there is no real information about the section id's. Currently its all theory. What we can do if you are willing to put in the time is this.

Give me 2 voluenteeers from each section ID. Over 8 hours of combat you write down every item you get, no matter how trivial. Make sure you are soloing and are online. I will make the comparisons and create a table off of the data I get.

Is anyone willing to put in the time for this? If so private message me.

This way we can finally know the truth about the section ID's.

Feb 22, 2001, 05:16 AM
The official strategy guide has the breakdown of the section ID's. I don't recall seeing anything about it being guesswork. I can say it's not always been accurate but for the most part I've found alot of the items my Section ID is supposed to find more often.


Feb 22, 2001, 09:15 AM
Sub, according to the strat guide, is there one section ID that is best? Is there one that is able to find everything equally, instead of favoring just one type of item? I would like to know before I start a new character, thanks.

Feb 22, 2001, 09:24 AM
According to the guide, no section ID is any better than any other! The only major difference is what tekker you get. Very rare items are still hard to get for everyone, despite whatever section ID they have. I can quote it if you would like.

Feb 22, 2001, 09:36 AM
No one section ID will dominate. Yellowboze is the only ID to not have a modifier to the base chance to find items (according to the guide they find money more). I know what you are thinking.. No. Wrong idea.

The base chance for every item is different. For a rare item, does it really matter if the chance is 1:50000 or 1:45000? No. It will still take a long time to find some rares (or they wouldn't be rare now would they).

If you're gonna be snooty about ID, you want one that has the best chance of finding what YOUR class uses. My RAmar is Greenill, which was totally random but also perfect, since I *apparently* have a better chance of finding rifles and other Ranger things when I play offline.

Online is a different story. Base chances are determined by the game host's ID. One game you may find more rifles. One more swords. One may have more money. This makes for good variation when playing online.

Don't let the Section ID get on your nerves. Just pick a cool name and get on with it. You will survive regardless.