View Full Version : My mom's mourning for our dead cat (and some family bullshit

Dec 18, 2004, 02:38 AM
This isn't a rant about my cat being dead.

in fact it's more of a rant at my mom. I just couldn't think of a good title >_>

for 12ish years we have had this cat and we have had it since it was born and been bottle feed by us.

you can understand the attachment you would get to it after raising it like that.

but my mom who knew Quan (my cat's name) was going to die soon kept telling me and daphne to not be too upset because she had a full and long life

but when she actually died my mom broke. She held her for 4 hours crying non-stop rocking back and forth.

I don't want to sound heartless or anything but I keep wanting to tell her to shut the fuck up.

sure I can understand some tears and such but this is full blown crying and wailing. she was the one telling us not to get too upset or anything.

She didn't even cry when her dad died (and yes, my mom was VERY attached to grandpa) and she won't stop crying for Quan.

What pissed me off further is what my mom did, She wrapped Quan up in a sheet, dumped her in a box and threw it in the dumpster >.<;;;;;;

I got our cat out of the dumpster and took her to some family on the indian reserve where they buried her for us for free.

when I got back home my mom flipped out on me and wouldn't stop yelling or crying at me.

She is still crying right now holed up in her room sitting on her bed rocking back and forth.

I feel a little sorry yes, but she is taking it a bit too far.

doesn't help the fact of what my fucking cousin's did.

my cousin so far has 2 kids and has just gotten pregnant again. She basically has sex with anything around her with a dick -.-

her house is a mess. A bed on it's side is blocking the bathroom, a TV on its side is in the middle of the hallway, diapers everywhere and a whole lot of other shit in her house.

So apparently child protection social workers were called in -.-

she left the kids at my house and told a bunch of bullshit lies to us and the workers

apparently my house is a health hazard to the kids and before I forget, I am also very abusive to them :/

so my mom and daphne put the kids in her car and fucking hid from the workers :/

they drove a town over and came back and then my mom stayed at home but daphne kept the kids in the car and drove like 2 towns away -.-

those stupid workers raided mine and my aunt's house looking for stuff and claiming lots of bullshit >_>

so all this crap has still to be determined what the hell is going to happen in the end -.-;;;

I can not wait till I can move away from this hell hole >_>

Dec 18, 2004, 07:27 AM
Call those social workers back up and tell them the truth, Eclair.

Don't let them grow up in a completely shitty enviroment just because some of your elders don't want to lose them. No. Fuck that.

And Eclair, it sounds to me, from all the stuff, that your mother was not crying because the cat died, but that was more of the climax for a lot of pent up depression, perhaps?

...she threw it away in a dumpster? I had one pet in my life, and if somebody had thrown his head away(the only part left of him after the neighborhood cat got him. Only part left on that fuckin' cat too)in a dumpster, I would've beaten the endless shit out of them.

Dec 18, 2004, 12:23 PM
Our whole family lost it when our golden retriever died about six years ago, but we got over the initial depression in about a day.

I'm also guessing that the cat's death was the final thread that was cut in your mom's head. My mom cried a shit load when my grandpa died, but she completely lost hope in life for about a month once my grandma died. Your mom will get over it eventually.

I too suggest calling the social workers back up and telling them the truth. Your cousin's the one being irresponsible anyway.

Dec 19, 2004, 12:23 AM
Aiye. For what its worth, sorry to hear of this.

Did the child protective services see your cousin's home? How bad it was?

They couldn't justify you being responsible for the children's living environment and well being if you really aren't. Your cousin is reponsible, or 'to blame' right?

Help out however you can and or see fit. Do your best and know that you did. Keep working towards that goal of moving out. Try not to get too stressed.