View Full Version : Ver. 2 Mags gaining PB?

Jul 9, 2002, 04:29 PM
I've read and been told countless times
that Ver. 2 mags can gain photon blasts
if you let a Ver. 1 user feed them. Well,
I let a Ver. 1 user feed my PANZER'S
TAIL and sure enough, it gained a Photon
Blast. Pilla in this case. However, while
she could see it, I couldn't. It doesn't
register or anything for me. Is there a
trick to it? Did we do something wrong?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Jul 10, 2002, 07:29 AM
In version 2 you can't feel your mag? dimate, difluid...etc..etc..are not available? There is an item called PB Material (?)..I think it's material..well..it's PB something...I have one...your PB builds up slowly as you walk. It is very effective. I use it sometimes on hard.

Jul 10, 2002, 07:56 AM
You certainly must be talking about PB generate; I dont know if it is the strongest one but it stills does the job.

To feed you mag go to MAG then select the mag u want to feed(it must be equipeded)and press "A" there will be a menu with one of the first option is Feed mag press "A" again now select the item u want to feed them

Jul 10, 2002, 08:33 AM
Err I heard about that trick too.... but I never saw it work for real

Jul 10, 2002, 11:19 AM
he was talking about the mag gaining a photon blast from feeding it not just building up PB(yellow bar), cause ver 2 mags arent supposed t get PB Blasts but apparently they will if ver1 people feed them. btw, PB/Create is the highest of the units i think, which ever one says "short distances"....

Jul 10, 2002, 12:39 PM
Same, I asked a ver1 to feed my v2 mag and this way get a PB and it didn't work. The mag for him had a PB but not for me...

I guess it's just a rumor!