View Full Version : Career Choices...

Jan 20, 2005, 10:24 PM
I'm in 10th grade right now, but at my school we're having "reccomendationd days" in which you basically tell your teachers what class of the subject you want to take and they sign a sheet reccomending you for it. I'm taking lots of advanced classes next year such as Physics and Pre-Calculus. Deciding on what classes I wanted to take got me thinking about career choices. It has been bothing me for a while. Basically, I have no idea what I want to go to college for. I considered music, which is what I'm most interested in, but I always think I lack the talent, although everyone tells me how amazing I am and I'm section leader of my section for like every band I'm in. It just bothers me.

I know I have a few years to think about it, but I feel like I will never find anything I want to do. So I ask you, how did/are you deciding on what you want to do? I just wanna be able to at least explore options that I am even remotely interested in.

Jan 20, 2005, 10:57 PM
A good place to start is by making a list of ALL the things you're good at. Include things that you personally think you're good at, as well as a few things here or there that people tell you you're good at (assuming there might be some possibility to said things being true). If you like music, then by all means, look into a career in music. It's good that you're thinking about career choices, but don't feel rushed about picking something. A career choice is no joking matter, so take your time, and try to talk to a school councelor.

I ended up declaring an Aerospace Engineering major, mostly out of curiousity (but not out of ignorance). I wasn't sure if it would really be what I wanted, but I knew that my interests had alot to do with the major. I knew I was very good at math, and I also knew I had a very strong interest in physics, as well as in airplanes. If you say you're taking physics and pre-cal (very good for a high school sophomore), then you might as well look into some sort of engineering.

Just to recap: don't make any decisions until after you've looked at all of your options. RESEARCH! Asking these types of questions online or off shows that you're on the right track. Don't feel bad about having to switch majors once you get into college, but do try to at least declare a major based on your interests so that you can at least get a feel for something (you can always switch majors if you feel unhappy). Try to avoid going in undeclared - I've never seen that go well for my friends (just my opinion).

Jan 20, 2005, 11:31 PM
Actually, you're at a very good age to be thinking about your career. I wish I'd been thinking more about my career when I was in 10th grade.

If you're taking advanced Physics and Pre-Calculus classes at your age, then it's apparent to me that you're good with logic and sciences. I'd personally suggest Architecture, Engineering or Programming.

Given that your interest is in Music, Programming would probably be better for you than Architecture or Engineering. If you Major in Programming and Minor in Music (or vice versa), you could work toward developing music-oriented software, perhaps for commercial application, or even just for yourself. That's the nice thing about Programming-- no matter what your primary interest, it can *always* be used toward it. All you need is a purpose.

By contrast though, Engineering is very easy to get into. Just a couple of CAD classes in High School is enough to get your foot in the door. I don't know how it is in all states, but in California you only need 3 years of field experience to become eligible to take the Engineer-In-Training (EIT) test, and another 3 years after that to take the Professional Engineer (PE) test, and get your Engineering License. This career path also pays very well. After attaining a license, one can expect a good $60,000 a year, and upwards of $100,000 a year soon thereafter.

You can also study Engineering in College for 3 years, and take the EIT test upon graduation.

Heh... I recall... Back in High School they had us take a test to see what sorts of jobs would be good for us... My results suggested I should be an Airline Pilot... I thought it was kind of a bad idea, myself.

Jan 20, 2005, 11:43 PM
Listen to the qwazy civil. The man knows his sh stuff.

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Jan 21, 2005, 07:25 AM
Yeah, I took that test also. I think I was suggested for human services or something. People helping people and crap.

I'll be taking a voice major next year, because it is the only class in high school I both enjoy and am good at (other than Creative Writing, but I'd prefer not to become a manic depressive). If you're the section leader in your band, it means you know your music well, and that's a sign of talent. You should at least try and minor in some sort of music.

As for your technical skills, it seems to me you know your way around it. I suggest, as previously stated, you find something that can be applied to both of these topics. Perhaps Broadcasting? (hehe, we all wake up in the morning to hear DJ CGoodness playing our jams)

Jan 21, 2005, 01:26 PM
On 2005-01-21 04:25, RavenTW wrote:
(hehe, we all wake up in the morning to hear DJ CGoodness playing our jams)


I never really though abuot programming or anything else with computers... I guess it's because I'm not too great with them to begin with. I'm really only taking Pre-Calc and Physics because I have finished all of the required Math/Science courses and I need to pick something.

Music is sounding like a better and better idea, but I don't know if I want to be a teacher. I don't really like the whole teaching idea for me and teachers are payed realtively low, correct?

Does anyone know anything about music industry?

Jan 21, 2005, 01:49 PM
You spend the majority of your life in a job - A life is for enjoying, so basically, choose something you enjoy. As long as you know you'll enjoy it long-term, you'll be ok http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif