View Full Version : Which is better?

Jan 21, 2005, 09:00 AM
Hello every i just need to know which is better before i make my choice in a dell notebook. Btw i plan to get WoW this is why i need to know this right now i'm eyeing the Inspiron 8600(when customized it can be pretty good) or the Inspiron 9200. Screw the Inspiron XPS cost to much for hardware i don't need to run WoW.
Your comments and answers would really help atm thanks.

(on a side note i don't have anywhere to put a desktop so please dont say why don't you just build a pc because i can't)

Jan 21, 2005, 11:10 AM
I would go with a configuration that has:

Less power consumption, more memory, somewhat decent graphics card that doesn't share system memory..

thats it..

stay away from celerons and semprons.. because they will make all of the other components useless, no matter how good of memory and graphics card you get.

so if the one that has more memory has shared graphics, don't get it... if the one with the graphics card thats not shared, has less memory.. get that one.

Jan 21, 2005, 12:24 PM
I run WoW on a P4 3.0Ghz with 512RAM and an X300 Card. As you might know, the X300 is sorta bottom of the line for Radeon's X-series right now (X300 < 9800) and it runs gorgeously on my system. I have graphics at max res. and I still get no troubles from loading new areas or anything. Lag will always be an issue, but, hey - that's everyone. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

So WoW runs great on even very mid-quality cards, and I *do* wish I had more memory on my computer, so I would recommend you get more memory. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif