View Full Version : GC: BBA cable error

Jan 21, 2005, 05:47 PM

Could somebody please offer me some assistance, I'm trying to connect my Gamecube to the internet so I can finally play PSO online but I keep getting an error which I can't find any evidence of anyone else ever getting.

My setup is I have an ethernet cable going from my Gamecube BBA going straight into my router.

The error message I am getting is:
Connection Error
Please check to ensure that the correct cable is connected to the broadband adapter.

Has anyone seen this before and have any idea how to fix it?

I have tried playing with all the IP settings on my router and gamecube but it doesn't help.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Jan 22, 2005, 09:27 PM
The error indicates that maybe you're using the wrong kind of cord. [That's... what it says.] Er, the only solution would be to get an ethernet cable, not one of those cheapy phone cables.

I tried that at first because I didn't have an ethernet cable. =P

Anyway, if that's not the problem, then I don't really know how else to help you.

Jan 23, 2005, 12:15 PM
Do you know what kind of cable you are using? If you are trying to use a cross-over or phone cable, that will not work. Try to find a cat-5 ethernet cable with good ends.

Jan 25, 2005, 07:55 PM
Unfortunately, it may be more than that. Check the BBA's pins and look for one that might be lower than the others.

My BBA disconnected because of that. It happens if you unplug-plug the adapter, or if the cable moves too much while its connected.