View Full Version : Ramarl opinions?

Jan 29, 2005, 05:05 PM
Hey i've recently come back to PSO after taking a long break and am making a Ramarl she is currently lvl 19 and tweaked from an old char =P. Making a new mag and all I'm gonna shoot for max stats(or close as i can get) when i hit LV200 so i was wanting some advice on the Ramarl. How good are they exactly and such I've never really used one to awful much but i like how their stats look. Also her section ID is Purplenum and I an offline only(cant find a broadband adapter ANYWHERE D=). So any info provided by the PSO vets of PSOW would be veru much appreciated =D

Jan 29, 2005, 05:09 PM
Haven't played much as a RAmarl myself, but from what I've heard they're one of, if not the, best Ranger class. And Purplenum is also a good idea for the RAmarl. RAmarl's are the best for meleeing as a Ranger too, I think. As for the mag, check FurryBagi's stat maxing guide.

Jan 29, 2005, 05:16 PM
Ah i was also wondering if using a /Battle unit on a ranger made enough of a diff in their attacking speed to equip one? =P

Jan 29, 2005, 05:21 PM
On 2005-01-29 14:09, Zeroy wrote:
check FurryBagi's stat maxing guide.

No. Bad! Bad! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wet-trout.gif
That guide is riddled with errors and leaves very little to the imagination in terms of maxing options.

cHaOsMaZtA's, RicoRoyal's, and Quo's Ultimate Max Stat Guide (http://www.pso-world.com/viewtopic.php?topic=88755&forum=7&32)

Jan 30, 2005, 12:10 AM
My Ramarl is also Purplenum and sitting at 108 right now.

She's right on!

Got the Irish red assassin thing going with her. Ice queen with a guillotine. Fronzen shooter and all.

But, I still consider mine to be a work in process. She's fun, but still developing.

Others might have different opinions, but I think Purplenum Ramarl will be a fine choice.

And Damn! RicoRoyal - awesome sig!

I got to get me something for Sitka Blue D. Vielke is working on something that looks pretty damn cool - we'll see how it turns out.

Jan 30, 2005, 07:54 AM
All RA's are good, but racaseals my fav. I have all but racast in ult and none have problems, yet. I like em all but some people overrate ramarl. Shes the best for offline, but in a team with a fo the others are better. Still she rocks http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 30, 2005, 02:24 PM
None of my Ramarl's ever got past level 40. That's not to say that they couldn't, just that I lost interest in them. I could never get them to look right, it does not matter how much fun they are to play, if I'm not happy with the way my PSO characters look then I don't want to put to much time or effort into them.

I do agree however that Ramarl's are propably the best characters in the Ranger Class ( heck they are one of the best character in the whole entire game ). Their stats are fairly strong in most areas and the addition of Level 20 shifta and deband make them a force to be reckoned with for solo offline play.

Stick to your Ramarl's strengths, stat wise her ATP and her DEF wont be as high as the other Rangers so make use of her Shifta and Deband.

Jan 30, 2005, 02:38 PM
On 2005-01-30 11:24, SubstanceD wrote:
Stick to your Ramarl's strengths, stat wise her ATP and her DEF wont be as high as the other Rangers so make use of her Shifta and Deband.
She has clearly more DFP than RAmar -_-;

Jan 30, 2005, 03:03 PM
On 2005-01-30 11:38, Kef wrote:

On 2005-01-30 11:24, SubstanceD wrote:
Stick to your Ramarl's strengths, stat wise her ATP and her DEF wont be as high as the other Rangers so make use of her Shifta and Deband.
She has clearly more DFP than RAmar -_-;

My bad. I just checked my Ranger Stats sheet and you are right.

By the way I also forgot about techs like Jellen and Jailure ( that's what happens since most of all my characters are Hucaseal's, you forget about stuff like techs ). Between her lv. 20 shifta, deband, jellen and jailure a Ramarl should be fine.

Jan 30, 2005, 04:15 PM
Ramarls are good offline, but then again, offline isn't really that hard with any other Ranger char, but she might be able to get to areas faster depending on your playing style.

Mulitplayer/Online she lags behind a bit if a Fo's there, with enemies dealing up to 900 HP and since her HP growth is not to spectacular, you can expect some 1 hit K.O.'s if underleveled, her J/Z and S/D range doesn't really help her if she is doing range support as opposed to healing and such.

I would suggest Greenill because you have a chance at some if not all the best armors in the game, but Purplenum is fine, just because of it's access to yas 9k's, also look for Spread Needle and Frozen Shooter, the best Ranger weapons in the game.

Jan 30, 2005, 04:18 PM
I dunno if you actually tried a RAmarl to say such bullshit, Kaz, but if you have, you must truly suck with them.

Jan 30, 2005, 04:29 PM
^ I have tried them, but in seabed with a low lvl Ramarl and you get a critical from a Zoa in multiplayer mode, you get hit for 900 dmg, now if she's underleveled, with HP that doesn't exceed 900 she's dead in a hit, you can Jellen them to save your ass but then again, if your underleveled would you really want to be in the fray?

Jan 30, 2005, 04:30 PM
On 2005-01-30 13:15, kazuma56 wrote:

... ROFL. :| S/D/J/Z Range is pretty much equal to a FOnewearl, who you probably think of as the best Force in existance.

... EDIT: Anything underleveled will get pwned in Seabed. Your argument is flawed.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2005-01-30 13:31 ]</font>

Jan 30, 2005, 04:32 PM
no, I don't play Forces much, can't stand em, too much of a reliance on techs.

Jan 30, 2005, 04:34 PM
well there is no lvl that is "Underleveled" but my Ramarl was 100+ now you can say that is underleveled, but you can compensate for that with weapons and units... maybe because offline you really don't can't really hear the sfx for stuff unless your close to them maybe that's why Sinows usually 1 hit me there, I haven't done Multiplayer in awhile so my memory of rooms is lacking abit.

Jan 30, 2005, 04:37 PM
On 2005-01-30 13:34, kazuma56 wrote:
well there is no lvl that is "Underleveled" but my Ramarl was 100+ now you can say that is underleveled, but you can compensate for that with weapons and units... maybe because offline you really don't can't really hear the sfx for stuff unless your close to them maybe that's why Sinows usually 1 hit me there, I haven't done Multiplayer in awhile so my memory of rooms is lacking abit.

Well when your by yourself you should always look around you to make sure nothing is near. And sound effects dont become disabled on offline play, unless you have TV sound off. :/ And besides! Sometimes Sinows appear before they strike!

And why'd you change your mind about the Underleveled business?

Jan 30, 2005, 04:43 PM
I didn't, I just said that one's perception of underleveled varies per person, I said I was underleveled at 100+ in Ult seabed but someone else could say that I am at the lvl to go through the area.

And as for the T.V thing, my TV is old, and only has 1 sound output (mono) so that's why I sometimes don't hear other sounds, and if I do, it's already too late.... sinle player is fine though.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kazuma56 on 2005-01-30 13:43 ]</font>

Jan 30, 2005, 04:44 PM
Thanks alot everyone I really appreciate the input. I'm currently working on a HUcast but intend to use the RAmarl quite a bit soon but i'm gonna take him to 150+ before i seriously work on another char. Even so I am looking forward to using a RAmarlthey seem like fun so would anyone have some equip suggestions besides things like Frozen Shooter which i got before i took the break from PSO and aside from it i really dont know of many if any good Ranger weps. D=

Jan 30, 2005, 04:50 PM
Lemme think... Well For Rangers, you can easily snipe away at Enemies with Rifle types(Yas 3R or 7V, or just any Rare Rifle), or hit many with a good partisan(Ramarl can use the Umbrella, or Parasol) or a shot weapon(Needle?).

Though honestly, having a best weapon doesnt make the person that much better in my opinion, just as long as you know what the player is doing makes the weapons great.

Jan 30, 2005, 04:51 PM
Range weapons
Charge Vulcan with high hit, Yiur Hucast can buy it for her.
Spread Needle
Yas 9k
Demon's Laser with 40+ hit
Baranz Launcer?- some like it, some don't

Melee weapons
Twin Blaze (if you can find one out of your 2 I.D's)
MKB (same as above)
Rainbow Baton or Diska of Braveman with high hit

Aura Field or Safety Heart

and 2 cure units of your choice, otherwise I suggest a God/ability and a God/Body and power if you don't intend to max her lvl.

Mag, i'm not sure, her growth isn't too good so maybe a high Dex and ATP mag will do fine.

Jan 30, 2005, 05:08 PM
(Assuming non-max level):

Anything you want - Melee, "cool" weapons
"Essentials": Frozen Shooter/Snow Queen
Mechguns: Charge Mechs, Red Mechs, Guld Milla, Yas 9kM
Shot/Needle: Whatever the best Shot you have is, or many prefer some form of Needle

Whatever the best you have and can use is

Devil/Battle or God/Battle (General seems to be fairly useless) (This isn't essential, but is preffered in most areas)
Whatever else you want or need to survive (Cure or Resist)


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2005-01-30 14:09 ]</font>

Jan 31, 2005, 02:19 AM
On 2005-01-30 14:08, Ketchup345 wrote:
(Assuming non-max level):

Anything you want - Melee, "cool" weapons
"Essentials": Frozen Shooter/Snow Queen
Mechguns: Charge Mechs, Red Mechs, Guld Milla, Yas 9kM
Shot/Needle: Whatever the best Shot you have is, or many prefer some form of Needle

Whatever the best you have and can use is

Devil/Battle or God/Battle (General seems to be fairly useless) (This isn't essential, but is preffered in most areas)
Whatever else you want or need to survive (Cure or Resist)


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Ketchup345 on 2005-01-30 14:09 ]</font>

only use battle units when in ruins or seabed and your using a shot-type. The other units help more when your using needles/mechs/rifles since they fire fast already.
And wheres the mind on the mag? I didn't screw mine up huh? >.> * goes back to max stat guides *

Jan 31, 2005, 08:20 AM
On 2005-01-30 23:19, Garm wrote:

And wheres the mind on the mag? I didn't screw mine up huh? >.> * goes back to max stat guides *

Since, by the tme you get to 200, you're likely to be making more than one mag, the stat maxing mag doesn't have to be the first one.

Stat maxing is good and all, but before you reach max, it's better to have a mag that will help out more with what you need for the time being, rather than a "max stat planned" mag, waiting for the stats to fill themselves in.

So, think of it as "the mag you use" and "the mag you use at level 200 to help max your stats".

Jan 31, 2005, 08:38 AM
On 2005-01-30 23:19, Garm wrote:
only use battle units when in ruins or seabed and your using a shot-type. The other units help more when your using needles/mechs/rifles since they fire fast already.
And wheres the mind on the mag? I didn't screw mine up huh? >.> * goes back to max stat guides *

*/Battle units help everywhere, and do make a decent difference on all types of weapons. Plus, RAmarls have the ability to easily melee, and some melee weapons are better with */Battle units.

And as was said, MIND should not be on a Mag until you are making a level 200 Max Mag, which you shouldn't use until level 190+. Odds are most players never get a character that far, so the Mag I suggested is probably best for at least quite a while. My RAmarl has a 5/70/42/83 Mag; and I regret making it with the stats I did, as she could be so much more effective with a 5/145/50/0.

Jan 31, 2005, 10:36 AM
On 2005-01-31 05:38, Ketchup345 wrote:

On 2005-01-30 23:19, Garm wrote:
only use battle units when in ruins or seabed and your using a shot-type. The other units help more when your using needles/mechs/rifles since they fire fast already.
And wheres the mind on the mag? I didn't screw mine up huh? >.> * goes back to max stat guides *

*/Battle units help everywhere, and do make a decent difference on all types of weapons. Plus, RAmarls have the ability to easily melee, and some melee weapons are better with */Battle units.

And as was said, MIND should not be on a Mag until you are making a level 200 Max Mag, which you shouldn't use until level 190+. Odds are most players never get a character that far, so the Mag I suggested is probably best for at least quite a while. My RAmarl has a 5/70/42/83 Mag; and I regret making it with the stats I did, as she could be so much more effective with a 5/145/50/0.

When using a gun you can use the exta bonusses (cure or stats) from the max than shooting faster. Only if you melee a battle unit should be used IMO. And my stats are always maxed on hy humar (i managed to max him somehow). But on my others i want something that looks a bit like my max stat mag (when max stat mag should be 5/135/50/10 I use 5/120/50/25 since the resta is needed to fill my hp). A well shes mat free I think (mabby some accidents but 10 max) so i shouldn't care yet.

Jan 31, 2005, 02:38 PM
Spread Needle. Out of all the Ranger weapons out there I lust after this one the most. I have only played Online once in my life and it was with a guy with twinked Ranger and a Spread Needle. The guy was killing everything in the room ( no exp for me http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif ) before I could get any of the action.

Frozen Shooter is also a great weapon for any Ranger. In terms of Attack power it isn't particularly strong but it does freeze normal enemies 100% of the time and that will always come in handy. I hear Snow Queen is even better since it can freeze multiple enemies at once ( even though it's ablity to freezed enemies isn't as good as the Frozen Shooter ). My Ramar currently uses a Frozen Shooter. Beware of the side effect, it will randomly freeze your character unless you have a Cure Freeze Unit ( I think that's what it was called ). I think the same goes for the Snow Queen. Nothing sucks more then being randomly frozen and having a bunch of Dubichs gang rape you.

Jan 31, 2005, 04:44 PM
On 2005-01-31 07:36, Garm wrote:
When using a gun you can use the exta bonusses (cure or stats) from the max than shooting faster. Only if you melee a battle unit should be used IMO. And my stats are always maxed on hy humar (i managed to max him somehow). But on my others i want something that looks a bit like my max stat mag (when max stat mag should be 5/135/50/10 I use 5/120/50/25 since the resta is needed to fill my hp). A well shes mat free I think (mabby some accidents but 10 max) so i shouldn't care yet.

RAmarls can switch from ranged to melee in just the time it takes to switch weapons. So having a God/Battle constantly equipped is not a bad idea.

And I find that God/Battle does help my level 134+ RAmarl more than any stat raising unit would (except maybe Luck). You rarely need more than 2 Cure/* units per area, and often just one.

Resta will heal enough without having MIND on the Mag. You could use the extra damage more than the few extra points of MST (which will amount to a very little increase in Resta strength).

S-Rank Needle can be better, especially with the right special. Either Needle is great though.

The Frozen Shooter's negative side effect (freeze user) rarely kicks in, and you shouldn't be using this weapon for anything more than freezing certain enemies anyways, then switching to a more useful weapon. If FS or SQ is your primary weapon, then yes, a Cure/Freeze may be a good idea.
The Snow Queen does not combo though, so it makes some enemies hard to hit (unless yours has hit%). It also costs 46 PDs to get the Photon Booster, and is online only. I think this has the same chance to freeze as the Frozen Shooter, but am not 100% sure.

Jan 31, 2005, 05:08 PM
There are a couple of places where the Snow Queen truly shines: Barba Ray and angry mobs.

Snow Queen just destroys Barba Ray, so if you're looking for the Asukas or any other rare drop off this ultimate creature, a Snow Queen is awesome.

It's also good when you have an angry mob - works like a freeze trap would and allows you to freeze and entire group of baddies. You can position yourself and get multiple flowers on Tower for example.

That said, 99% of the time, the multiple shot frozen shooter is better. If I only had one FS, I would not waste the photon drops to convert it. If I had two, I would.

With S&D, J&Z, the Ramarl can melee and do just fine, but I prefer to play mine with s-rank needle (lvl 40 zalure is better than lvl 20 zalure), frozen shooter and charge vulcans. I agree with Ketchup, the extra ATP from the mag is very helpful for clearing rooms quicker.

And damn do they look awesome - I mean, check out Kef's sig - that's hot!

Feb 1, 2005, 10:02 AM
On 2005-01-31 13:44, Ketchup345 wrote:

On 2005-01-31 07:36, Garm wrote:
When using a gun you can use the exta bonusses (cure or stats) from the max than shooting faster. Only if you melee a battle unit should be used IMO. And my stats are always maxed on hy humar (i managed to max him somehow). But on my others i want something that looks a bit like my max stat mag (when max stat mag should be 5/135/50/10 I use 5/120/50/25 since the resta is needed to fill my hp). A well shes mat free I think (mabby some accidents but 10 max) so i shouldn't care yet.

RAmarls can switch from ranged to melee in just the time it takes to switch weapons. So having a God/Battle constantly equipped is not a bad idea.

And I find that God/Battle does help my level 134+ RAmarl more than any stat raising unit would (except maybe Luck). You rarely need more than 2 Cure/* units per area, and often just one.

Resta will heal enough without having MIND on the Mag. You could use the extra damage more than the few extra points of MST (which will amount to a very little increase in Resta strength).

Well my resta is perfeect atm, but shes only lvl 90. And melee is something I never do with a RA, since I like needles/FS/most other guns. And I'm in a sreious lack of cure units (2 sure/paralysis http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif ) so I have more than enough slots to get a decent bonus. This is usefull ATM, but it sounds like it'll change. I'll sse whatever happens.