View Full Version : Psobb english commmunity

Jan 31, 2005, 05:21 PM
IN the latest epsidoe of ragol turns ......... Recently it seems like the psobb is bore. Dont get me wrong there are many great players out there. However it seems like every week there is some rivlary and rumors then of course more crap. Cant we all just get along ? Arent there plenty rappies to own ? does any one know who is behind the worm on the bhood site and is trt site down ? I cant play for this week i gotta study. But seriously though make peace not war famous line " I don't know"

Jan 31, 2005, 05:46 PM
um...you wanna maybe fix your post so we can read it?

Jan 31, 2005, 05:58 PM
The BS some of the people in the community are pulling is disgusting, yes.

It's sickening to see people who are jealous/jerks/whatever try to pull other people and teams down just for the sake of making themselves feel better. Then again, it's rumoured that that team has half it's members because they tricked them into accepting the team invitation... The whole situation pisses me off. Even if any of the allegations are true, I don't even care. What I DO care about is that it's hurting my friends. And that some people are believing badly edited, obviously faked logs. (Hint: If you're going to make shit up about someone and edit logs, it works better if you edit the logs using a style of speech they actually USE)

Hell, even if the fakery weren't obvious, I'm not going to trust those. The logs are text files, just open 'em up and make 'em say what you want. Screenshots? Sorry, BB uses windows fonts, that's just as easily faked. With that kind of 'evidence', I'm going to side with people I know over people I don't who have childish vendettas.

I wish people would just bloody get along, the community is small enough as it is without people being driven away by these ridiculous pissing matches.

Jan 31, 2005, 08:16 PM
oh boy it has gone from the brotherhood's site to here. it's looks like the first sign of the apokalypse http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif .i just hope everything gets solved and there are no casualties along the way.

Jan 31, 2005, 09:30 PM
I joined yesterday and at the end of the day had a HUcast standing there insulting other teams... I can't wait till it comes out in america so I can have my own team...

Jan 31, 2005, 10:39 PM
I have absolutely no idea what that topic is for - PSO BB is already a great chat program, why don't you just discuss it there?

Feb 1, 2005, 08:13 AM
I just play. I don't take part in any of the arguments at all. Its just stupid imo.

Feb 1, 2005, 08:21 AM
i hear you man. i don't know why people enjoy making other people miserable. is it because they get picked on in real life and the only way they can let out their fustrations is through a game? or are they just very insecure people that like to make others online feel like they are scum so they can feel some satisfaction in their life? i pretty much just keep on with what i'm doing and keep having fun.
who's with me ^_^ .

Feb 1, 2005, 08:29 AM
I am, when I fix my problem with bb I will be back on and just playing.

Feb 1, 2005, 08:53 AM
curious what's wrong with your bb account ? I didnt meen to flame pso world with this topic just that my forums have been well defaced. Sad to say where ever you go you will always meet idiots they just appear in different forms. I wish more gcube players would come to psobb. Last night it was only me and ej, mean while there was like 50 people on the japanese lobby. Will my voice has been stated. Millenia lvl 110 FOneweal Calisto lvl 89 Hucaseal ( Retired) Rimiruru lvl 34 Racaseal Trick Daddy lvl 9 Fonewm

Feb 1, 2005, 02:15 PM
It seems that when one spurs controversy, it affects many others which then a contagious disease is unleashed on all.

Feb 1, 2005, 04:26 PM
It's completely beyond me how people can get so riled up because of bloody PSO. They really must lack content in their real lives.

I just started playing BB JP a few days ago, and already today when I logged on, I was greeted by the ever so friendly "Who are you?", by some jerk. The following conversation then took place:

Me: "What kind of question is that? I don't know how to answer it. Do you want my full name and address?"

Jerk: "No, I just thought maybe someone created a new account."

Me: "Yes, I did."

Jerk: "............................................."

Jerk: "So, it's you. You thought you could ban me. Well I banned you from my site."

Me: "What the hell are you talking about. Jesus Christ. Please take your rampant paranoia to someone who actually knows you."

Jerk: "............................................."

Then I left, but what a nice atmosphere to be greeted with. Petty intrigue on an online game between what I can only guess are teenagers with too much time on their hands and a thirst for drama.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Calx on 2005-02-01 13:27 ]</font>

Feb 1, 2005, 07:28 PM
Its the game itself which is giving me problems at the moment. On my computer on the network it keeps giving me 908 errors. But on other computers on the network it works fine. The funny thing is, there has never been a need to set up my router to allow pso through, and it started all of a sudden just giving mine 908 errors.