View Full Version : Suggested amount of HP for Hard Falz

Feb 6, 2005, 08:46 PM
My question is pretty much that, what would be a good amount of HP for Dark Falz? With a FOnewearl at level 47... I would have thought I could beat Falz easily at that level, but I guess I was wrong.

My equipment is:

Summit Moon
Dragon Frame
Psychic Barrier

and my mags stats are:
DEF: 15
POW: 6
DEX: 36
MIND: 143

Her stats are: (I'll only list evp and Def, I guess)
DFP: 202 (112)
EVP: 478 (284)

HP: 229 <- I know that in itself is a problem.

Dark Falz 1-hit KO's me, I do not have any God or Dragon HP, and I have no scapedolls at the moment. But it's frustrating getting through Ruin 1,2 and 3 then realizing DF 1-hit KOs you. I haven't even seen what his Grants can do yet....

It's his first swipe that kills me off, and I looked through the guides but the only one I saw that gave me any seemingly helpful information was the one that said I should be around level 30 to beat DF on Hard Mode... Which I'm questioning seeing as how I'm 17 levels higher and can't seem to do so.

No guide tells the amount of HP, nor what DEF could help out, at least the ones I browsed through. I looked through ones in the character sections, and boss sections but couldn't find any information that was helpful.

Feb 6, 2005, 08:58 PM
Falz swipe attack is a fix damage attack so def isn't going to do much good against it.
It does 250 so anything above that number is fine.

Here is the link to dark Falz attacks it tells you how much damage each attack does for online/offline.


Hope this helps.

Feb 6, 2005, 09:02 PM
Oh bummer, I need over 311 HP to survive its grants... Well, looks like I have a while to go.

Thank you, I appreciate the help

Feb 6, 2005, 10:51 PM
Was just about to go try that on my 48 FOmar. I guess I'll have to wait too lol. Unless I equip some HP boosting add-ons. I'll give it a shot.

Feb 7, 2005, 06:17 AM
Lol, im about to try Hard Falz with my Fonewearl too, gonna level up a lil bit first, Im only lv42 >_<

Feb 7, 2005, 02:36 PM
Yea my FOnewm was like lvl 40 and got instantly killed by Falz 3rd form on Hard. But my HUnewearl is level 33 and is in Very Hard mode without too much difficulty!

Feb 7, 2005, 03:11 PM
Easiest way is to strap on as many God HP units you can find. If you don't have any, use General or Digger HP units. Get your HP high enough (this is true for any level) that he cannot kill you in one hit short of a lucky megid blast.

If you can't boost your HP enough, bring enough scapes that you can outlast him.

For the grants, use Resist Saints or Resist Holys if you have them. That helps, but I still prefer to focus on boosting the HP as my primary tactic. If you have an extra slot, resist blizzard or, of course, cure freeze, really helps and is essential for Ult. Falz.

The magic users have a much easier time with Falz with Resta, mates and fluids at their disposal. Good to use a mag that give invinicibility as well like Sato.

Robots can have it tough as you run out of mates and can't use fluids or resta. Scapes and ranged weapons are essential. Plan ahead and save 10 extra star atomisers in your bank. Many fights, those extra 10 stars made the difference for me.

Feb 8, 2005, 04:42 AM
On 2005-02-07 12:11, Sitka wrote:
Plan ahead and save 10 extra star atomisers in your bank. Many fights, those extra 10 stars made the difference for me.

Do the star atomizers revive you I you have it on you?! I'm a lvl 45 Fonewn and I get killed so easily, god dangit!! Took me three tries to figure out that I should rabarta the darvants before falz appears...

I've 12 scape dolls stocked in the bank, is it worth it to take out all of them to beat falz? (It would suck to still get my ass beatXD)

Feb 9, 2005, 03:50 AM
*bump*, sorry

Guys, I'm really interested in finding this out. I would love to move on to V.Hard but I'm not able to beat falz, YET! And please don't tell me to read the quides and FAQs becuase I've read them and they didn't answer my questions.

Feb 9, 2005, 08:41 PM
I won't tell you to go there, but the link that was provided for me tells how much dmg each attack does from Dark Falz on each difficulty. Looks like:

Darvants: 60 dmg

1st stage:

Rafoie: 157

Rabarta: 140

Second Stage:

Heaven Punishment: 330

HP Drain: 170

Stage 3:

Blade Drain: 390

Guided Missiles: 330

Grants: 326

From what I understand, that should be about how much damage DF will do offline VH. And Scapedolls auto-revive you, not Star Atomizers (They give full HP heal).

Feb 9, 2005, 08:51 PM

"Guys, I'm really interested in finding this out. I would love to move on to V.Hard but I'm not able to beat falz, YET! And please don't tell me to read the quides and FAQs becuase I've read them and they didn't answer my questions."

You should be able to beat Falz at your level as a FOnewm. It might help if we knew what wep/level spells you were using and what your HP is.

Remember tactics: rabarta (darvants), gizonde (Falz-1), barta (Falz-2), and foie (Falz-3). As a force, that's all you need to really focus on - that and keeping yourself healed. Hot button resta and trimates and try to have 10 each of mates, dimates, trimates, star atomisers, monofluids, difluids and trifluids.

If he steals your soul: foie-resta-foie-resta and so on.

Load your slots with the best HP-boosting items you have and if you don't have 'em, get 'em first.

If you have all of the above, then grab your 12 scapes and go for it.

If you want to be sure and don't want to take a chance on losing all of your scapes and still failing, don't quit and save after failing - pull the plug and repeat. You'll lose any items/exp you collected, but your 12 scapes will still be there for your next try (I'm pretty sure you can do that on DC - it's been a few years).

From what I can recall, the above has been pretty successful for me. If I forgot something or mis-stated, the calvary will be posting - they're right behind me.

Feb 9, 2005, 08:54 PM
sigh, no fair! cant beat the damn normal ruins with a lvl 25 FOnewearl! dont know what to customize to!

Feb 9, 2005, 09:01 PM

"sigh, no fair! cant beat the damn normal ruins with a lvl 25 FOnewearl! dont know what to customize to!"

You should be able to beat it. Follow the post up above. Fonewearl has such a huge advantage for that final Falz stage with the Foie boost.

Both forces should be using a Foie boosting weapon, if you can get one. Hildebear's Cane is simply awesome if you have that.

Main thing for forces is to boost your HP so she cannot one-hit kill you. Keep searching/running ruins building up your exp until you have the HP units you need.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sitka on 2005-02-09 18:02 ]</font>

Feb 9, 2005, 09:03 PM
You on GC? Place Foie, Barta and Resta, plus in your second roaster Normal attack, Zonde and Fluids.

Warning: I like taking lots of time to play, and I don't care if I have to snipe from the door and come out of the room every 3 spells. Depending on your Mag and magic levels though, you might want to change to Rafoie and Gizonde.

Feb 9, 2005, 09:13 PM
There are many doorways in the Ruins where you can snipe very successfully without getting hit. If they catch wind of what you're doing and head for your personal space, you can inch back inside the doorway and nail them with Razonde and Rabarta a few times.

Almost every enemy is both easy and slow in Ruins with the exception of Delsabers and Chaos Bringers. Flush 'em out by heading toward them and switching quickly to the left or right to avoid their jump/rush.

If you're having trouble targeting the difficult enemies (Delsabers/Chaos Bringers/Scorcerors), try to doorway snipe to pick off some of the swarming mobs and isolate the bad boy. If trapped, spam rabarta (I hot button rabarta rather than fluids which are easy enough to get to through the shortcut menu).

Just a few tips - try them out and see if they help.

add: you could make all three merges or have weps that boost all three spells, but that's a ton of switching. If you have a foie merge, stick with that - good stuff for a Fonewearl. Foie merge + high level foie + Hildebear's Cane + Fonewearl = Falz killer.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sitka on 2005-02-09 18:15 ]</font>

Feb 9, 2005, 09:13 PM
i found an amplifier of foie and my bitch already has a zonde merge, so should i get all 3 basic merges for switching for the proper situations?

Feb 9, 2005, 10:32 PM
If you have more than 10 Dolls and you don't die on the first two stages, then DF shouldn't be a broblem. F-Merge isn't completely needed because it doesn't rase the power to much. Just get dolls and go for it.

Feb 10, 2005, 03:06 AM
Holy crap! 390HP? I'm somewhere around 280-290 with a +30HP boost already. I guess just go for it and lose a couple of dolls, no big deal. You can always buy a few from the shop.

I don't have any Foie boosting weapons or armors. Matter of fact, I cast bear handed. I have a psychic barrier and a dragon frame (I think. The one which you can equip at lvl 43) with 3 slots. But I'm using a state/maintenance item so I don't get frozen, even at Falz. Equipping Digger/HP adds another 20, upto 300-310HP. Maybe I just play a few more rounds of V.Hard Ruins and beat a few gold sinows, see if I get lucky. I tend to get a shitload of mats for some reason, hopefully I find some more HP mats along the way.

Feb 10, 2005, 10:40 AM
Sounds like your honing in on a strategy.

I have always prefered to play in an area long enough to get enough mats/units that I can survive the boss - but that's me.

Feb 10, 2005, 11:55 AM
There is no magic boost on DC, even with the Agni and such.
You still might want to equip a wand like weapon, because it boosts you MST - not by much if you are on Hard, but it might give you access to the next level of spell, and that makes a few HP of damage more.
You can buy General HP from the store if lucky enough (+20 HP) try to go for it. Also try to buy a 4 slots armor, even if it's weaker than the one you have - another slot means another general HP or better.

I dunno if it helps, but I cleared Hard DF with my Fonewearl at lv 51. I had an armor with 4 slots and 4 General HP. Sadly I haven't kept track of other infos on the character...
The same Fonewearl cleared then VH at lv 60 with about the same equipment.

I thought I would point out that DF does 390 HP damage with the slash on DC, Offline, very hard. The damage in Hard Mode is supposedly 250.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Saffran on 2005-02-10 19:00 ]</font>

Feb 11, 2005, 01:41 PM
Ah, that should be easy then... I guess I just wasn't pacient enough (not really characteristic of me).

One thing is weird. Since I've been playing I never got a 4 slot armor. Maybe one day...

Feb 11, 2005, 02:06 PM
Keep checking the banks - alot.

In my early days, all my four-slot frames/armors were from the bank. I do recall getting many great items including barriers/shields/weapons and such from those last two rooms just before Falz - you know, right and left. When I wasn't sure if I could beat Falz, I would often play through those last two rooms and then run it again.

Specifically, Dragon's Frame (forces)and Holiness Armor (hucasts) worked well for the final boss from what I can recall using my Force and Hucast back on DC.

Feb 12, 2005, 03:40 AM
That's my strategy too. I keep everything good, unusable equipment until it becomes available. Samething with pretty much every item. I have to take my monogrinders and grind a weapon to +25 to make room for new items:D

I always pipe when my inventory is full. Deposit good stuff, sell sucky stuff, get meseta, refill mates/fluids, enter pipe, rinse, repeat.

My best usable armor happens to be a 3 slot dragon's frame. One state/maintenance, one +20HP and one +30HP. You know I don't like to be frozen or paralyzed, or confused... I really think that it owns!:D

Feb 14, 2005, 05:20 AM
Ok, I beat Hard Falz over the weekend. Man, I couldn't wait to get home and boot up my DC:D

I took out 12 of my 14 dolls and I went into battle. The first two phases were easy, no deaths, but in the third phase...holy molie!!!

The light attacked killed me right away, that's when I started to panic. I kept foieing all the time, for 58 damage. I took me exactly 12 dolls to beat falz. 5 more seconds (or one more light attack) and I'd not make it. But I did, barely. Now I need to activate the 3rd pillar to get into VHard ruins. The game speed is sooo much faster in VHard. What's waiting for me in Ult?!

I've found 2 ? SPECIAL WEAPONs, a double saber and an agito 2001.

Feb 14, 2005, 09:40 AM

I know that feeling you get when it's either you or Falz for that last hit - whoever gets it in first wins and the other dies a horrible death. When it's you, it's awesome - and that feeling is what makes this game so great. I can't tell you how many times we've ended up on both side playing challenge mode. Great thing about xbox is hearing everyone yelling when the team beats Falz/Flow with no mates, no fluids and no scapes left and about 1 hp showing on the health bar.

As for what's in store, all I can tell you is that ultimate Forest on the DC for my level 100 Hucast was very difficult.

Good luck.

Feb 14, 2005, 11:38 AM
Blast! I'm in Ultimate Ruins, and it's a chore for my HUmar at level 104 to make it through all three stages (2 hours at LEAST for me), only for Falz's second form to obliterate me, because of his Rabarta( Following up with the friggin Darvants while frozen =DEATH). What should I do, to beat Dark Falz on Ultimate mode, his hits are devastating! My HUmar is:
Atp:2010(When shifted by my mag)
dfp:910(When debanded by my Mag
Weapons I use in this battle :Godhand+30,Custom Ray ver.OO+4, Flowen's sword+6 (The "fake" one), and the Silence Claw

Armor: Imperial Armor (4 Slots)
FOUR Metal Bodies
Spiritual Shield

Deva Mag

Feb 14, 2005, 12:06 PM
Ultimate Falz is very difficult for any character at your level, but a hunter really has it tough.

I would strongly recommend obtaining a Cure Freeze - it makes all the difference with the freeze/darvants stage. Even with 2201 HP, it's death for me if I am frozen there.

Try to get a better gun. A red handgun or a supressed gun would probably work better.

Honestly, I don't think I would mess with Falz as a hunter at your level. I would do other stuff, level up, find better gear, get a cure freeze and battle him later when you have a more reasonable chance of defeating him.

Good luck.

Feb 14, 2005, 03:13 PM
Id agree with Sitka, ive just beat Falz at lv136 with my HUney, the Rabarta/Dervant combo killed me twice, but I struggled through with a set of LK14 Combats with 30%hit. Used those with a Suppressed Gun as a side arm, and cast Zalure on him every chance I got. Just remember that casting Jellen on him is a waste, since his final form's blade does fixed damage (not that I can remember how much off hand). If you're afraid of his elemental attacks, tool up your resistances and you should be fine, but really a Cure/Freeze is essential, or at least a Resist/Blizzard, unless you have tons of scape dolls.

Feb 14, 2005, 04:00 PM
why do you people suggest guns? i dont understand you... i just go towards the center of the stage a bit and stay with him if he moves, then i go in and hack the living shit out of him... its that simple...

Feb 14, 2005, 04:07 PM
On 2005-02-14 13:00, HUcastShinobi wrote:
why do you people suggest guns? i dont understand you... i just go towards the center of the stage a bit and stay with him if he moves, then i go in and hack the living shit out of him... its that simple...

Hard, Vhard, and Ultimate Falz have another form after Normal Falz, where there's a large ring stage, and Falz in the middle. Since she switches between Invulnerable (to most attacks) and Vulnerable, using strictly melee weapons against that phase is not worth it.

On the first Falz phase (after initial darvants), she's riding a three headed mount. Attempting to hit the heads with a melee weapon is a waste of time, so, again, ranged weapons get the hits in you need. You can always switch to a melee weapon when it ducks a head down if you really want to.

If you're taking a gun with you for that phase, and it works for the other phases as well, might as well use what's best right for that moment of time, right?

There's a reason quite a bit of people recommend bringing a gun with you to Falz.

EDIT: Also, Zahir... DFP doesn't matter against Falz. Ditch those metal/body units and use cure/freeze, or, if you don't have that, fill up on Resist/Blizzards. Get used to breaking out of ice quickly (using your hand to quickly move the analog stick left and right).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mixfortune on 2005-02-14 13:09 ]</font>

Feb 15, 2005, 05:02 AM
Would someone tell me what's the strategy to beating Falz in his last phase? I couldn't really find one. I ran around when the blue orbs came at me, that didn't hit me. But his light attack hammered me big time.

I read somewhere on the board that you have to foie, resta, foie, resta... ? Meaning you resta after his light attack hits you? Also, when you attack isn't it supposed to take your HP away too, so that's when you would resta? I didn't get that on Hard...

Feb 15, 2005, 05:11 AM
Foie resta foie resta was on another thread...
DF is weak to 3 different things in his 3 different form (right??) so use them, its mentioned somewhere...

Also, the HP down is on another thread, thats if you use a Berserk wep or a wep that has berserk, like the musashi...but you have to select the berserk attack button, it doesnt do it on a normal attack. It does twice the damage (almost) that a normal power hit does for a small bit of health. Would help get rid of DF ecspecially since it does a 5 hit combo...Just REMEMBER to heal after...

Feb 15, 2005, 05:50 AM
On DC?!...

Feb 15, 2005, 06:03 AM
I got it on GC...

Feb 15, 2005, 08:05 AM
Thought so.

Feb 15, 2005, 11:06 AM
Note that Dark Falz will alternate phases where she looks normal (you can hit with weapons and foie spell) and where she's shining with several colors (you can only hit her with Foie).
The first thing she does is to slap you for a fixed amount of damage. The more damage she has taken, the many slaps she gives (near the end she may slap up to 4 times). It's almost impossible to evade, so just take it and Resta.
The second thing she does is fly within that ring. The easiest way to hit her is to use a gun. Berserk attribute is fine, if you can use Resta. If you're a robot, forget it.
The third thing she does is fly up in the sky. She unleashes blue spheres of light that will fly straight at you (and some more nifty things in ultimate difficulty). Just run, always in the same direction, and you WILL avoid them.
Then she casts Grants. You can't avoid Grants, although logically a higher resistance to Holy should be useful there. I don't remember how that particuliar move works on DC, will have to try.
If you have made little damage to her, she will start again at the beginning.
If you have made more damage to her, she will "possess" one of your group. If you play alone, she will "possess" you. All and any damage inflicted upon Dark Falz will be directly reported on the "possessed" character. That is why you have to use Foie then Resta: because you will take that damage as well.
After a while, she will once again fly high, cast Megid, then Grants, then she will release the "possessed" character and it all starts again from the beginning.

Feb 16, 2005, 11:16 AM
Ok, So i need a Cure/freeze? Never heard of that unit... So add that, A stronger handgun, and maybe a couple Dragon/Hps, and I may have a chance? (coupled with a couple Dimates and Difluids, and I just may win)Also, Dark Falz is a SHE?! I thought it was an IT? Or is it because IT absorbed Rico?