View Full Version : Fave computer game.

Feb 12, 2005, 02:19 PM
(sorry if this has been done before)
Whats your fave game min is Doom2 the best shooter ever in my opinion closely followerd by megaman xtreme1.

Feb 12, 2005, 03:26 PM
World of Warcraft...and Half-Life 2

Feb 12, 2005, 03:26 PM
I enjoy playing the Sim City games. I also like Roller Coaster Tycoon.

Feb 12, 2005, 03:38 PM
About the only PC games I own...

Age of Empires: Conquerors

Battlefield 1942

Back to Socom for me.

Feb 12, 2005, 04:56 PM
PSO:BB? O wait I don't have that one... I really lubbed alot of games actually... No fav though

Feb 12, 2005, 05:05 PM

I would still keep playing it on a regular basis, but I've actually experienced some unhealthy sideaffects from playing it recently. I really thought I was going to keel over dead the last time I played a few months ago (irregular heart palpitations have a way of convincing me to not play as much http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif).

I used to make maps for the public, but haven't had time to do much with that anymore *cough*see my profile*cough*

Feb 12, 2005, 05:08 PM
First and foremost - PSO. It just keeps bringing me back.

PC: I can play Civilization, Civilization II, Civilization PTW - any version - for hours. Age of Empires and Rome: Total War.

Other xbox: maybe I'm the only one, but I loved Gladius. Played that thing both sides multiple times. Still go back and play it. Nothing like an executioner's sword to take out a Samnite. And Dervishes with Air Immunity - nice stuff.

Playstation: Final Fantasy VII - my fav of the series + VIII. Tried the others, good, but those two were definitely best for me. Did get addicted playing Jechtball - the underwater ball game on X and I enjoyed the card game on VIII - that was mucho fun.

Gamecube: Supersmash Bros - great game for four people. Then the kids took it over and kicked Dad over to the xbox. That's when I lost my GC-PSO as well. Now it's all Animal Crossing, Sonic and Billy Hatcher.

Gameboy: Pokemon. Seriously. I really enjoyed the Blue and Red versions of that little game. My kids took that away from me as well.

Checked out your website on Starcraft Rico Royal - wow! That's a lot of work. You had to have enjoyed that game.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sitka on 2005-02-12 14:09 ]</font>

Feb 12, 2005, 05:42 PM
As of right now, WoW is going strong.

Halo 2 and Mech Assault 2, as well as Mercenaries.

Can't say I have a favorite, because favorites come and go, easily.

Feb 12, 2005, 06:21 PM
Day of Defeat, the world's greatest HL mod. And I only play on Jiggly's Funhouse (http://jiggly.recongamer.com), the sexiest server evar. Anyone else here a DoD-fan?

Auto > AoE II is indeed a stellar game. I played it religiously years ago, but I'm waiting for AoE III drool drool drool to get back into the series again.

Feb 12, 2005, 06:28 PM
Age of Empires : Rise of Rome

I fucking own in that game. >_>

Used to play Star Craft quite a bit, but had to retire to make myself have a life outside of that game. <_<;

No longer have AoE : II but it is among my favorites. =) *sits patiently fo AoE : III *

Feb 12, 2005, 07:12 PM

Still kicks butt.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Even_Jin on 2005-02-12 16:13 ]</font>

Feb 12, 2005, 07:19 PM
Think there's any way that would still be sold in certain stores? (I'm interested in it)

I liked NWN a lot, but it was only fun with someone else. I actually really like AoEII as well, I never got the conquerers edition but I have played it at a friends house. The only thing I remember about it is two new civilizations with no cabalry and a priest on a donkey :P

But either way, it's a good game.

Feb 12, 2005, 07:29 PM
Hey, Jin, I have that game...but I sucked at it. The farthest I ever got was the part when Metal Sonic abducted *spoiler*...maybe that's why *"spoiler"* loves Sonic so much...

Feb 12, 2005, 07:38 PM
Unreal Tournament

'nuff said

Feb 12, 2005, 08:37 PM
Deus Ex. Animation may look like shit but tis a game that sucks you in and will never let you go untill you complete it. And then you will want to go back and do it again in one of the many different ways you can.

Not to be mistaking with the pile of crap that was Deus Ex: Invisible War.

Feb 12, 2005, 09:26 PM
no real order here, but half-life 2 is my overall favourite! and i'd just mention that before i played it, half-life 1 was my all time fav http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif. a few other favs i didn't mention, but these are the ones that always stick out in my mind.

half-life 2 (oh really startin 2 enjoy the deathmatch - nothing more satisfying than crushin some guy with a toilet shot from the grav-gun. single player an amazing experience. not just a game)

halo 2 (12-16 buds + system link + some beer & pizza = a shitload of fun. and sgt johnson is funny! I dont know why everyone moans about the single-player it was great! yes, but could have been better! MORE EARTH BASED LEVELS)

unreal tournament 2004 (multi-player and mod supremacy! the flak cannon, the double jumbs, the redeemer, the announcer, facing worlds! so many hours spent blasting shit to pieces! unreal tourney series is my fav multi-player game of all time. can't wait for unreal champ 2.)

soul calibur 2 (my mitsurugi mastery dominates all within a 20 mile raidus! so easy to learn, so hard to master, interesting characters, the competition that arises between friends! so much fun!)

baldurs gate I&II (minsc. i say no more. actually i can't leave it at that, the story is just so amazing, deep and makes it feel personal.)

shenmue I&II (time-devouring story of epic AND UNFINISHED proportions)

deus ex (if u played it you know! choice, consequences and depth! a gripping expeirence, made sweeter by the fact it came out a few weeks after perfect dark and showed just how shit PD's single player was. and d-alpha, yes invisable war was bad compared to the first, but dammit i still liked it! well suppose u have nothing to worry about now that ion storm has been shut down.)

total annilation (still my favourite rts! damn ur total wars and red alerts, they lack robots and d-guns! warcraft 3 is fun, but no robots!)

pso (dude, the memories of old dreamcast glories still remain. helped knock my gcse results down a notch higher than what they probably could have been. The original B.O.C., born march 24 2001, still alive today!)

Ninja Gaiden (its just so FUCKING cool and fast and sylish. a 1 ninja army versus an entire city of crazy bastards. challenging, and made no excuses for it. Come back soon ryo...)

Gun Valkyrie (people called ninja gaiden hard? they never played this. gets a mention for been a good game, not great, but earns your respect by been DAMN hard. you beat the final boss and knew u'd beat the fucker with skill and lighting fast reflexes.)

freespace 1&2 (best space based shooters ever. epic battles, big fuckin ships, good backstory. give me a perseus interceptor over an x-wing anyday. god 3 can't get here soon enough. if it is been made.)

giants: citizen kabouto (raise your had if ya played this gem? one of my personal favs, made me laugh. HARD! during a time when i was playing games thru, and not playing them again, i played this one through about 5 times. great fun!)

robotech battlecry (Im no robotech fan. hell i picked this up a year ago in a 3 for 2 special and i just picked this up cause i needed a 3rd game and it had a good cover (im a sucker for giant transforming robots). Anyway i played it more than the other 2 games. and still do. pure frantic action! missiles flying, shit exploding, robots transforming, damn its fun!)

jedi knight II (not the first, not enough lightsabering, not jedi academy, shit levels and story, but the 2nd! great levels, fun light-saber antics, who needs blasters really? and the multi-player is great fun! and has a code of honour. How many games can claim an unsanctioned code of honour. people bow for christ sake!)

dead or alive 3 (i'd say doa ultimate, but it fucking still aint made it to europe. only 5 more days... anyway, what can i say? fast simple fighting. the tag team is a blast with 3 mates, and u never get tired of kick dudes through windows down 10 stories!)

time crisis 3 (time crisis 3 - my all time favourite arcade game, with only crazy taxi (and time crisis 2) coming close. When im rich and powerful im gonna buy a full working tc3 machine. Oh yes)

prince of peirsa - i despise platform games in all shapes and forms. mario can eat a nice large slice of dingle-berry pie and die! same with spyro, crash, rayman and all those other wannabe losers. but, i gotta say that i friggin love POP! easy to control, time powers of doom, a half decent fighting system and the prince's cheeky english accent! Fun! oh and sonic avoids the dingle-berry feast as hes a fast blue hedgehog. and rocks. mario can have his slice.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BOC on 2005-02-14 06:41 ]</font>

Feb 12, 2005, 10:18 PM
Starcraft, Warcraft 3, and Warcraft 2... pwnage biatches!

Feb 12, 2005, 10:52 PM
On 2005-02-12 19:18, HUcastShinobi wrote:
Starcraft, Warcraft 3, and Warcraft 2... pwnage biatches!

Ah the Warcraft Days...

I need to go play the first one again...good times.

Feb 13, 2005, 01:55 AM
Greatest game EVER- Pong!

Seriously though,

Atari 2600- Yars Revenge, the Swordquest games.

NES- Faxanadu, Crystalis, Sky Shark.

Snes- Actraiser, Soulblazer, Tales of Phantasia.

PSX- Castlevania- Symphony of the Night, Tales of Destiny 2.

Dreamcast- Grandia 2, Skies of Arcadia.

Gamecube- Tales of Symphonia.

PC- Might and Magic 6, Wizardry 8, Arcanum, Alice, Serious Sam.

Note- I am NOT listing PSO because there were better games.

Feb 13, 2005, 05:55 AM
On 2005-02-12 18:26, BOC wrote:
deus ex (if u played it you know! choice, consequences and depth! a gripping expeirence, made sweeter by the fact it came out a few weeks after perfect dark and showed just how shit PD's single player was. and d-alpha, yes invisable war was bad compared to the first, but dammit i still liked it! well suppose u have nothing to worry about now that ion storm has been shut down.)

Yeah, heard about on Storm closing their doors, which in a way seems a real shame as they were doing well for themselves.

I was just expecting something as epic and amazing as the first, not something as cut down as IW seemed. But thinking about it, wasnt DE3 already announced? Wonder where thats going.

Feb 13, 2005, 08:51 AM
On 2005-02-12 16:29, tactician7777 wrote:
The farthest I ever got was the part when Metal Sonic abducted *spoiler*...

It takes guts to say something like that.

Feb 13, 2005, 09:03 AM
Isn't that a PC game thread ?

Besides emulators, the only PC game I ever played was Worms Armageddon, so I vote that.

Feb 14, 2005, 09:32 AM
On 2005-02-13 02:55, Deathscythealpha wrote:
Yeah, heard about on Storm closing their doors, which in a way seems a real shame as they were doing well for themselves.

I was just expecting something as epic and amazing as the first, not something as cut down as IW seemed. But thinking about it, wasnt DE3 already announced? Wonder where thats going.

well its a shame they closed their doors, but remember: they did make dikatana. damn john ramero and his rock star hair.

they may have been doing well but that doesn't stop publishers disolving developent studios. look at what EA did to westwood. Or look at looking glass (heh)studios, made system shock 2, thief 1&2 then kaput!

but there is light at the end of the tunnel, most of ion storms developers have been shipped over to crystal dynamics, who are working on (drum roll) project snowblind, which was originally intended to be the 'next chapter in the deus ex universe', but now. well. isn't. but apparently is shaping up to be one hell of a game. It won't be a rpg like deus ex, this is a straight up shooter, served with a side of nano-augmented soldier. so keep ur eye on it.

christ i sound like a promoter for eidos. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif


Feb 17, 2005, 12:55 PM
After PSO, my favourite game is probably... either Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction, or Final Fantasy VII. Probably FFVII of the two. Ancient in gaming terms now, but still EASILY the most playable FF game to date. VIII was close, but from then on, I feel they got worse.

Feb 17, 2005, 02:54 PM
On 2005-02-13 05:51, Even_Jin wrote:

On 2005-02-12 16:29, tactician7777 wrote:
The farthest I ever got was the part when Metal Sonic abducted *spoiler*...

It takes guts to say something like that.

But, I was a lot younger, so if I could install it now, I'd probably get about a level farther. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

And my favorite PC game is probably Star Wars: Battlefront. Blowing people off of cliffs never gets old...and who can forget the time when they used a grenade, missed, and blasted a Jawa all the way down the street in Mos Eisley?