View Full Version : Section ID for C-mode

Feb 12, 2005, 07:31 PM
Does anyone here, particularly the TAers, care about section ID for c-mode?

I know there's a guide for best/worst section ID's and such, but it's been an argument with some of my mates lately.

Some swear by the section ID and will only play with certain id's (i.e. yellowboze), while others say it has nothing to do with drops and such. This is, of course, specific to xbox.

Does anyone feel strongly one way or the other?

Feb 13, 2005, 04:13 AM
well, i met many people who religiously practice their "enormous experience concerning IDs in cmode". and i met lots of people who dont care at all.

i for my part care only for people's skill, not about their ID because, really... i made a test, it wasnt long enough to give any result but lots of people commented and the group that didnt believe in it was way bigger than the one who was.

and actually, the japanese TAc players dont care and they should know, shouldnt they.

supersticiousness i'd say. just play and concentrate on your skill. the rest is random.

Feb 13, 2005, 06:53 AM
As someone who has put in hundreds if not thousands of hours of c-mode time on the DC and XBOX I can attest to the fact that there is absolutely no link between section ID and map variation. Anyone that tells you otherwise has no concrete evidence proving otherwise and most likely possesses a crap total time.

A true c-mode professional knows that success lies in practice and persistence and nothing else.

Ask your buddies to explain why there section ID is better and you will most likely be greeted with "umms" and "errs" or information that has been pulled directly out their asshole.

Feb 13, 2005, 05:09 PM
Hmm, there hasn't been a case that has been proven yet. The stuff varies depending on what cmode though from those who are section id paranoid, whitill or redria are the best ids from what I have heard, though usually now I am more dependant on the connection speed of the maker of the game (ESPECIALLY when fighting gal gryphon, him teleporting is not something to be looking forward too).

I know we had a team 3 hunters and 1 FO, and throughout the entire stage there were nothing but non-hunter wpns like rifles and canes, so we had to go through the stage dependant to our starting wpns.

Feb 13, 2005, 09:54 PM
On 2005-02-13 03:53, theonlyHNIC wrote:
As someone who has put in hundreds if not thousands of hours of c-mode time on the DC and XBOX I can attest to the fact that there is absolutely no link between section ID and map variation. Anyone that tells you otherwise has no concrete evidence proving otherwise and most likely possesses a crap total time.
Well you might not have played enough, yourself.

On v2, IDs do affect c-mode maps and items type frequency.

On v3, they do not, as was found out a while ago, C-mode is considered like an "11th ID" by the game data.

Feb 13, 2005, 11:58 PM
Well you might not have played enough, yourself.

On v2, IDs do affect c-mode maps and items type frequency.

On v3, they do not, as was found out a while ago, C-mode is considered like an "11th ID" by the game data.

As far as v2 is concerned, I played on JP Block IO 11-1 up until the very last weeks before the North American servers were disconnected. For at least a year I was the sole American playing on that block. The few that did play there beforehand up and went like a fart in the wind as soon as the GC version was released. The block was almost exclusively JP with a few sprinkles of EU. Where were you Kef?

My v3 experience is also very lenghty. Look around this site. You might find a string or two about it.

Your hypothesis is mere speculation. Where is the evidence? In your head most likely. There is no concrete proof on this site or any other site. I like your "11th ID" quote. Who said that? Santi Claus?

Feb 14, 2005, 01:24 AM
Thanks for the info.

The argument continues with my mates, but you're right. The skill of the players has SO much to do with the success of the team.

When I'm running with the RIGHT team, and for me that is Curacklin, Shigecki and Snow on xbox, we SAIL through stages. It's so incredibly wonderful to play with a consistent group.

On the other hand, when I try to lead a new group or we have more than 1 new player with the group, it sucks.

My times are dropping as I continue to play c-mode and it's a wonderful thing.

Feb 14, 2005, 08:02 AM
Everyone I know says ' I don't want to make the team, my maps always suck'. I really do think it is random, but, strange how the best maps always seem to be when a Japanese player makes them!

Feb 14, 2005, 12:39 PM
I have had some good maps that could have been easily successful in TA, and I have some bad maps, but I do sometimes wonder about the drops sometimes, and sometimes, hey we have to live what we have.