View Full Version : 2p cmode fun (online)

Feb 18, 2005, 07:07 PM
Anyone else around here ever try this? Ive heard of people trying offline because they dont have 3 others to do it with. But how about online, when you just choose to do it dual?
Well, me and a friend of mine (some may know him as Pallet'), decided to give it a go. He had done it on DC before, but this was a first for me.
So he decided to go as HUcaseal, and I went as a HUmar. It was pretty simple actually up until c5. Thats when we had to start remaking the games; the enemy counts were just awful for 2 people. But after many curses at canadine that refused to come down and relentless sinow, we made it through.
C7 & 8 were pretty simple. >.>
But c9..it was ridiculous. We had to do 3 full runs of it since we both ended up dying by rabarta at falz. It was stressful to say the least.
..But worth it. We finally finished with a clear time of 6'47"54 (S), and I got my beserk shot for my ramarl. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif I figure we may work on getting some of the stages' times lower (the entire run just seemed overpopulated with enemies). But for now, Im just happy with getting it done.

Ok..enough of me. Back to the first sentence of this. Anyone else ever give it a shot?
If youre looking for something new to do with cmode, you may consider giving this a shot. >.>

Feb 18, 2005, 10:56 PM
sounds interesting, though it must be stressful.