View Full Version : Funniest damn thing.

Feb 22, 2005, 11:01 PM
I went out with some people tonight and one of them as a Yu-gi-oh fan. He had brought his deck with him and was showing cards to everyone. Most not caring at all.

He came up to me and starting to show me, I told him I didn't know what he was talking about and didn't really care. I asked him to please don't pester me about it. After awhile he starts up again:

Me: Please. I know you think I might find it interesting, but from experience I won't. So just please stop bugging me about it.

Him: Fine! Be that way! I shall draw (so-and-so card) and direct your attacks right back at you!

Me: *blank stare*

He then starts to insult me.

Me: Ya...ok then. *walks away*

Him: You can't do that! The duel isn't over!

Me: *turns around ready to start laughing*

Him: I now summon (so-and-so card) letting me summon (so-and-so). Now! (so-and-so) finish him off with your special ability! Never to let him walk again!

Me and the other people, as well as several walkers-by: *blank stare*

Him: What!? Nothing happened! *starts to shuffle through his deck to, according to him, "find a real magic card"

Me and everyone else: *bursts out laughing*

Edit* agagain? Wtf. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: TheOneHero on 2005-02-22 20:12 ]</font>

Feb 22, 2005, 11:09 PM
What kind of friends have you made, man? Were you drunk? Stoned? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Feb 22, 2005, 11:11 PM
On 2005-02-22 20:09, KodiaX987 wrote:
What kind of friends have you made, man? Were you drunk? Stoned? http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif


I shall never make friends with anyone in Michigan. ;p

Main reason I went out: Sick of being stuck inside 24/7.
From the feeling, that counts as being stoned. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Feb 22, 2005, 11:27 PM
I'm a Yu-gi-oh player and never act like that.

That why those people give that game a bad name.

Damn yugioh cartoon. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Feb 23, 2005, 01:45 AM
Lol... My little cousin is exactly like that, but I know he's just playing around. How old is your friend anyway? I seriously hope he was just joking...

Feb 23, 2005, 01:50 AM
On 2005-02-22 22:45, Fefnir wrote:
Lol... My little cousin is exactly like that, but I know he's just playing around. How old is your friend anyway? I seriously hope he was just joking...

I met people like that.
but seriouly, if those were real, i'd draw new attacks and stuff on the cards so i could rulee the world.
http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif ?

Feb 23, 2005, 09:17 AM
They weren't my friends. T.T Just people that invited me to go out with them.

The kid that did this was 16. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Feb 23, 2005, 09:44 AM
My only advice is to challenge him to a duel. When he accepts, take 10 paces away from him, draw a pistol and save the world from his ignorance.

Feb 23, 2005, 09:47 AM
Oh come now. Somebody couldn't possibly be THAT fucking retarded, I'm positive he just did it to make everybody laugh. =|

Feb 23, 2005, 10:22 AM
rotflol hehe, i can say that i've played the game, its a so-so game, but im glad that i haven't met anyone that crazy about it.... however i sold my cards to someone almost as crazy about it....it got boring after a while, that is why i stopped playing

Feb 23, 2005, 10:36 AM
I know someone like that. He's crazy. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif He always says "DUUUUUDE!!! YUGHIO!!!" and stuff like that. He's completely obsessed with it. I don't see why though.

Feb 23, 2005, 11:49 AM
I personaly love yu-gi-oh.
But that much? No.
I think it's a good, fun card game to play.
And ToH, are you sure this guy was joking?
If not he needs help -_-

Apr 19, 2005, 10:43 AM
Yugioh fanboys are as worse as starwars fanboys or lotr fanboys. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

Apr 19, 2005, 10:47 AM
On 2005-02-23 06:17, TheOneHero wrote:
The kid that did this was 16. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

God DAMN. That friend of yours took away my will to see what Yu-Gi-Oh is all about.

Apr 19, 2005, 11:08 AM
I know this post is old but since somebody bumped it..

I'm a big fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. I've watched the entire series in Japanese, with HK English subs, and also watch the WB!'s edited version from time to time.

I'm not going to preach about how terrible the edited version is compared to the unedited version, although it is pretty bad. However, I don't know, it's a pretty good show to me.

You have to realize that the version played on the WB! is targetted more at kids as the Japanese one is very more mature. (It's alot darker, there's death, a killer soundtrack, and bunch of other stuff..)

Thank God they've actually gone back and undid all their edits, including the soundtrack, and started to redub the whole series from the beginning and release it straight to DVD.

The new DVD series is called Yu-Gi-Oh! uncut and I think they've only released 9 episodes so far. They kept all the violence and what not in, plus the original dialog. So it's pretty awesome.

I'm not too much of a fan of the card game, although it does look nifty. I've played the online version of the game against a few people and schooled them, plus got schooled a couple of times, and it was pretty fun.

.. but don't hate on Yu-Gi-Oh! because it's the cool thing to do. Atem > you.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rianna_Type1 on 2005-04-19 09:08 ]</font>

Apr 19, 2005, 11:36 AM
I have to admit, this is an old topic that shouldn't have been bumped, and that the show, at least the version of the show I've caught on the WB, is a lot more interesting than it probably has a right to be.

I'm 28, but the cockiness of the shows characters drew me in. There are huge backstories that are completely unnecessary when they are told, but it gives the program something that most cartoons I've seen recently are missing.

Of course, the obligatory responses from the characters are just plain out of place sometimes. AH! OOH! HUH!! What the hell are you guys doing that for? Music isn't bad for it. The cliches are high, and the entire show is about a kid with a psychotic personality. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up bombing his own school someday (although I can't really be certain of the characters ages. Seto Kaiba seems to be in his 20s at least).

Mixing the main characters in with others who are obviously homosexual could possibly be seen as a huge leap forward for some movement.

Pegasis: Yugi boy, why don't you bring me that box of cleanex over there, hmm?

Yugi: HO!

Pegasis: Damn straight, Yugi boy, you got me pinned down in submission. But soon my anime porn deck will render you horney, and then I'll have your puzzle!

Yugi: AH! Hmm... (as if he's actually contemplating the toon deck, then looks at Mai Valentine and recognizes she was modeled and named after a porn actress)

The edited version is just plain silly, and the comedy seems to work well enough. Mixed in with the serious sides of it, it's being fed to a portion of the youthful population that will be warped by it. Don't judge it harshly until you've at least seen some parts from a few episodes, it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

Apr 19, 2005, 12:48 PM
haha. Sorry bout this. I forgot to look at the date when ToH linked to it and assumed it was recent. Please lock it mods. I appologize. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif