View Full Version : Yuji Naka E3 Interview at XenGamers

Jul 16, 2002, 07:06 PM
I'll highlight the PSO related things. Nothing drastically new, but you might be interested either way. Though you might find it an interesting read if you like other Sonic Team games.

At E3, the XenGamers staff was given the opportunity to sit down for some questions with Yuji Naka, a man who needs no introduction.

XenGamers:How will you deal with multi-platform issues in Phantasy Star Online? Will there be a different design team for each platform.

Naka: We will have separate teams. Also, the Xbox version will have to coincide with the launch of Xbox live. So each release will take a different form.

XenGamers: The backdrops (the spaceship, utopian forest, etc.) are rather wondrous. What is your inspiration for these?

Naka: Well, PSO is a SF/Fantasy RPG. The setting for the game is Gal da Bal Island, on another planet. I wanted to create a sort of resort-like atmosphere for it.

XenGamers: What will be the story for the new versions of PSO?

Naka: I can't talk about the story in detail right now, but I want to follow up with the story that started in the previous game.

XenGamers: Will there be any downloaded content?

Naka: There will be a download feature. There are a lot of as of yet unannounced things in the works that I think will surprise players. I hope the players will enjoy this [aspect of the game].

XenGamers: Nintendo has seemed reluctant to embrace online gaming. Has this had any effect on PSO development for the GameCube?

Naka: No, not at all. Nintendo has a very positive attitude on network gaming. They are paying close attention to new forms of gameplay. I have heard Nintendo is developing network games in-house too. There have been no difficulties in [PSO] development with regards to this, and we have built a very good relationship with Nintendo.

XenGamers: We did not see any Sonic games at E3. Will this series be continued?

Naka: I think we're going to stop the ?Sonic Adventure? series at 2 for the time being. We want to do something different for the next title in the series. We are working on a number of Sonic games now, including ports of older titles. We'll be able to announce these in the near future.



"Nintendo has a very positive attitude on network gaming. They are paying close attention to new forms of gameplay. I have heard Nintendo is developing network games in-house too."


XenGamers: Will future Sonic games be platform exclusive (e.g. GameCube only, etc)?

Naka: No, we're not thinking in those terms. There is a good chance that Sonic will appear on a number of platforms.

XenGamers: How would you respond to comments that Sonic moves too fast in a 3D environment for the players to appreciate the scenery?

Naka: The player can slow down or stop and enjoy the scenery if something grabs his/her eye. I think Sonic himself doesn't always run full-tilt. I'm sure if he finds some nice scenery he stops to take it in. I hope players will do the same.

XenGamers: You released some Sonic sports games (such as fishing) for i-Mode cellular phones in Japan. Will you make any Sonic sports titles for the home consoles?

Naka: I get the impression that the Sonic sports games on i-Mode are pretty fun, so they may appear on other platforms. However, we aren't actually developing any at the moment.

XenGamers: Will we ever see another Nights game?

Naka: The GBA Nights game is on display in the E3 Nintendo booth. [Until the GBA version] I hadn't seen Nights in a long time, so it was nice seeing it again. Who knows?

XenGamers: How about a sequel to Samba de Amigo?

Naka: The cost of the peripheral is the big stumbling block here. If we could guarantee at least 100,000 people would buy the game, we'd make another one, but the hardware makes it difficult. I'd really like to do a sequel.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GhoStar on 2002-07-16 17:12 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2002, 07:17 PM
hmmn i didnt realize the new area's were on a different planet O_o

Jul 16, 2002, 07:57 PM
If each Xbox release takes a different form, I hope that means one of them is PSO2.^_^

Jul 16, 2002, 09:10 PM
On 2002-07-16 17:57, Denny wrote:
If each Xbox release takes a different form, I hope that means one of them is PSO2.^_^

What are you talking "aboot." It meant the GC and XBOX versions will be in different forms meaning GC PSO isn't the same as XBOX PSO.

PSO2? as in Phantasy Star Online 2? If the story is continued in the GC version as well as the XBOX one, you can't jump from PSO v1/v2 to a #2 as you say it, without the GC story or vice versa with the XBOX one.

The new versions have continued storylines so they are PSO2 if you wanna look at it that way.

Jul 16, 2002, 09:27 PM
I love how Xbox owners keep hoping they will getting PSO2, it's quite humorous to watch.

Jul 16, 2002, 09:28 PM
On 2002-07-16 19:10, HAYABUSA-FMW- wrote:

On 2002-07-16 17:57, Denny wrote:
If each Xbox release takes a different form, I hope that means one of them is PSO2.^_^

PSO2? as in Phantasy Star Online 2? If the story is continued in the GC version as well as the XBOX one, you can't jump from PSO v1/v2 to a #2 as you say it, without the GC story or vice versa with the XBOX one.

The new versions have continued storylines so they are PSO2 if you wanna look at it that way.

Ya never know. Anything is possable and Sonic Team in the past has preformed the impossable so who knows. ^_^

Jul 16, 2002, 09:29 PM
This is confusing, even if they are diffrent they cant make them THAT diffrent. If they do that would be rather...retarded.

Jul 16, 2002, 10:14 PM
I love how Xbox owners keep hoping they will getting PSO2, it's quite humorous to watch.

Oh brother. It's actually humorous for me to read stuff like that. If Sonic Team actually does keep the series going beyond the currently planned Xbox version and Episodes 1 & 2, maybe they will create a new game from the ground up for the new systems (PSO2). That's what I meant by my reply, not "Oh my God! The Xbox could be getting PSO2 this year!"

How about you quit trying to turn this into the my system vs your system issue, or is that too hard for you to do?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Denny on 2002-07-16 20:16 ]</font>

Jul 16, 2002, 11:36 PM
Well at least we know there are seperate teams working on each version. So they should be working on the Xbox version right at the moment. Not like some people said Sonic Team would only start to work on the Xbox version after GCN version is completed. So we now know that is not true...
I am not sure what is the xbox version will be..Can't wait till TGS, probably it will be shown there...most probably will, or maybe even at ECTS...
Whether it is ver.2, or eps1&2, or PSO2, I am pretty much sure Sonic Team is giving as much effort to this one as it does with the GCN and DC version...Sonic Team is a great and respectable company, I am pretty sure each version willl be as great as the next...I am anticipating the GCN ver as well as XBox version...We all know what GCN ver will be getting, I can't wait to see the Xbox ver...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 17, 2002, 12:20 AM
What would really be dumb is if Xbox Live released with Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1, and then later they released Episode 2.

Jul 17, 2002, 01:20 AM
I am a GC fanboy: PSO2 is not coming out for X-Box ever, ST told me personally. NINTENDO FOREVER!

I am also a X-Box fanboy: PSO2 is definatly coming out for X-Box ST told me personally! X-Box forever!

See the conflict?

Jul 17, 2002, 01:54 AM
This 'different team per machine' quote comforts me in what I have been thinking for a while.
That the GC PSO isn't staffed by the best ST crew.
(PSO delayed by such a list of bugs ? Are we talking about the same Sonic Team ?)

Heck, I wonder what kind of team is assigned to the Xbox. We might consider lucky getting a flawless/not delayed DC v2 port ...

btw, mamak has a link to a gamespot japan article talking about Xbox live testing using PSO. Impossible to judge details on screens, but there they are testing it.

Jul 17, 2002, 01:59 AM
On 2002-07-16 22:20, Strider_Gren wrote:
What would really be dumb is if Xbox Live released with Phantasy Star Online: Episode 1, and then later they released Episode 2.

I agre with Stider_gren, it maybe ver.2, it maybe eps 1&2, but I doubt ST will release ver.2 first then eps1&2 later...it's just the dumbest move ever...I don't see that coming in a long way...It could be ver.2, but only ver.2 and nothing more...It can be eps1&2 too...it can even be a special XBox version...But a ver.2 and eps2 later is the dumbest thing ST will do, I doubt they will do that...ver.2 maybe in a download form. but who knows...
But the monthly fee, a seperate team developing xbox ver, in a very limited time, ST could port the whole eps1 for display at E3, I have a feeling Xbox ver is not just a ver.2...it can be just ver.2 but could have some little extras...not as much as the GCN but little more than ver.2...that is my bet if it is a ver.2 port...but I think it is eps1&2, but who knows...ST should announce it soon...sigh...the teasing

Jul 17, 2002, 02:16 AM
On 2002-07-16 23:54, saffaya wrote:
This 'different team per machine' quote comforts me in what I have been thinking for a while.
That the GC PSO isn't staffed by the best ST crew.
(PSO delayed by such a list of bugs ? Are we talking about the same Sonic Team ?)

Heck, I wonder what kind of team is assigned to the Xbox. We might consider lucky getting a flawless/not delayed DC v2 port ...

btw, mamak has a link to a gamespot japan article talking about Xbox live testing using PSO. Impossible to judge details on screens, but there they are testing it.

well the GCN team is oversee by another guy, not sure his name, but it's not Yuji Naka. Naka-san is working on something else, probably the next Sonic installment or could be the XBox version...who knows. Not sure who did the Xbox version, but given a small amount of time, the team could come up with a playable version at E3...I think it was less than a month...playable, different hud, voice chat implemented, graphics similar to GCN ver...And I heard from a Japanese website, that it is not only the forest level, but the whole eps1 was coverted to Xbox, and that is 40%...And look at the GCN version, still new features late at this point...and new boss??new area??Thought it was almost out next month...so what I am trying to say is, anything is possible...I believe that ST is a respectable company and I doubt he will just port ver.2 and give it to us, if so, then he never wanted to work on the XBox ver...but was forced to...Given the credibility of ST, I doubt it is just a straight port of ver.2, but who knows...

anyway regarding the gamespot japan Xbox live report...it is Revolt, not PSO...Mamak didn't even bother to translate the website, but the demo they got it REvolt...they expect to the Japanese to get PSO when the beta test start sometime around September...anyway I will post the translation page...

The beta test plan of Xbox Live! can be seen!?
July 12, 2002

Deployment of the on-line service for Xbox of Microsoft "Xbox Live" etc. can be seen. This is what MS clarified by coverage of Softbank publishing.

By coverage, RC car race game for connection verification "REVOLT" was entertained in the U.S. "Xbox Live" correspondence title. It is divided into the different room and is actually on-line waging war in four sets of Xbox(es)!

The voice chat of attention was interesting beyond anticipation, and has been effectively utilized for the competition partner in voice during the race play with it being as teaching course ‚Ç‚è ‚½‚è [ and ]. [ giving a mental damage ] Moreover, in text input, the exchange of the information on the conversation which does not meet the deadline at all etc. was completed.

Now, it consists of a beta test that everybody, a general user, can touch this "Xbox Live" first. It seems that according to MS he aims the start of the test for a general user at the Tokyo Game Show front, and it wants to start collection from per end of summer.

Moreover, the software of the beta test in Japan is due to serve as "fan TASHI star on-line." Although the test of an overseas was also scheduled to be performed at the period, it was not shown clearly what software was used overseas.


if they really tested PSO, probably they would have given a much indepth report...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 17, 2002, 07:58 AM
Bio breath you are like tearing yourself up from this lack of info...... go out and enjoy the summer, cause you know some kind of PSO will come out in whatever form this year and the info on it will come soon enough. so relax, go hang out, and please stop second guessing yourself.

Jul 17, 2002, 08:10 AM
On 2002-07-17 05:58, WEBSTER wrote:
Bio breath you are like tearing yourself up from this lack of info...... go out and enjoy the summer, cause you know some kind of PSO will come out in whatever form this year and the info on it will come soon enough. so relax, go hang out, and please stop second guessing yourself.

We are all just curious about the XBOX vers. as there is mega GC coverage but secretive XBOX coverage meaning little or none. So if they wanna post tidbits to further someone's knowledge on it then so be it let them.

Oh and Summer what's that? http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Maybe forest is Spring? caves are Summer? mines are Fall? and ruins are Winter?
Too much PSO makes your brain crazy yet you enjoy making it crazy like some kind of drug PSO is which many have said before me.

Jul 17, 2002, 10:37 AM
On 2002-07-17 05:58, WEBSTER wrote:
Bio breath you are like tearing yourself up from this lack of info...... go out and enjoy the summer, cause you know some kind of PSO will come out in whatever form this year and the info on it will come soon enough. so relax, go hang out, and please stop second guessing yourself.

I am just excited for PSO...not only Xbox's ver...but the only one we aren't sure of is just XBox's ver...so it is normal to speculate this and that, hey I am so excited about it, aren't you??Yes I will wait for it, as a matter of fact, I stated that I will just wait till more news(if you read my post more carefully), but I can still think, I have a brain and I need to use it...And this summer is too hot, I just couldn't help but get even more excited for XBox version...

Jul 17, 2002, 07:00 PM
First of all, I think Xbox sucks, the PS2 and Gamecube are making Bill Gates wet his pants. Actually he is playing Gamecube right now drooling over a Metroid Demo he bought!

Haven't you heard the rumors that Bill Gates may discontinue the Xbox? Right as we speak Bill Gates is selling his stock, soon he won't be the chairman. The new chairmen will discontinue if not already the big black money draining box!

Further more, Ver.2=Xbox, better Vr.=Gamecube, get used to it! Get Lives and stop hanging around the computer all day! Like me on a Jet Ski!

(Waiting to get flamed by low lifes)

Jul 17, 2002, 07:08 PM
On 2002-07-17 17:00, SMOKU_9X wrote:

Further more, Ver.2=Xbox, better Vr.=Gamecube, get used to it!

Heh smart man.
By the time the XBOX version hits or significant news comes out, this topic will be pushed back some pages from here, so if you were wrong everyone couldn't tell you off for saying XBOX=v2 port and being wrong.

Jul 17, 2002, 08:58 PM
Haven't you heard the rumors that Bill Gates may discontinue the Xbox? Right as we speak Bill Gates is selling his stock, soon he won't be the chairman. The new chairmen will discontinue if not already the big black money draining box

That's interesting, seeing as Bill Gates has nothing to do with XBox directly (ED Fries and Seamus Blackley do/did), and Microsoft is still the biggest Software publisher in the world by far. Yet he's giving up based on the Xbox's performance?


Jul 17, 2002, 09:49 PM
On 2002-07-17 17:00, SMOKU_9X wrote:
First of all, I think Xbox sucks, the PS2 and Gamecube are making Bill Gates wet his pants. Actually he is playing Gamecube right now drooling over a Metroid Demo he bought!

Haven't you heard the rumors that Bill Gates may discontinue the Xbox? Right as we speak Bill Gates is selling his stock, soon he won't be the chairman. The new chairmen will discontinue if not already the big black money draining box!

Further more, Ver.2=Xbox, better Vr.=Gamecube, get used to it! Get Lives and stop hanging around the computer all day! Like me on a Jet Ski!

(Waiting to get flamed by low lifes)

LOL...fanboyism really is a beautiful thing, as only true bliss can be reached through ignorance.

Jul 18, 2002, 12:34 AM
Yup, damn fanboys. For one thing, Bio, even if PSO is the GC version on the xbox, it still doesn't make it superior, as you fanboys lead it to be. They will be EQUAL, dammit. Xbox will have it's voice chat, and GC will have it's extra GBA minigames and 56k support (56k is used more than you people think it is), I believe that's fair enough. Also, I'm suprised no one has riffed the Gamecube yet. (or not that i've seen, anyway.) Because usually that's the first course of action of an Xbox or PS2 fanboy, is to diss Nintendo.

"Man, Gamecube sucks, it's so kiddie."
Yeah, not all KICK ASS games are totally serious on things. And it has it's share of good mature ones as well.

"PS2 sux, Xbox rules"
Because it sells so well? Because it has the biggest selection of any next gen system and has many best-sellers? I think not.

"Xbox sucks."
Uusually when I see this statement, it always comes out as just two words. But I can say right now, Xbox does NOT suck. It has the greatest power of all the three, however, lack of good games and being the creation of a certain partially hated multi-billion dollar company, it hasn't held too much water to some gamers. The people who support Xbox like a crazed lunatic... That's another story.

When I bought this Xbox of mine, I was thinking to myself: "Holy crap. I hope I don't turn into one of those dumb fanboy guys."

Simply put, dissing console is stupid. Like putting high security locks on glass doors stupid.
*And yes, I agree with the guy above who said something about lowlifes. Yes, I do consider ignorant fanboys as lowlifes.*

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mag_Launcher on 2002-07-17 22:39 ]</font>

Jul 18, 2002, 03:08 AM
First of all, I think Xbox sucks, the PS2 and Gamecube are making Bill Gates wet his pants. Get Lives and stop hanging around the computer all day! Like me on a Jet Ski!

What kind of Jet-Ski ? (Jet-Ski is a brand name owned by Kawasaki)
Do you mean PWC ?

My Xbox does exactly what I bought it for.
That is giving me great action-based fun at the end of a work's day.
Gunvalkyrie, JSRF, DOA3, Halo (solo & online).

Add DOA-X, Panzer dragoon, and Crimson Sea at the end of the year.

Oh, and btw BioFan, the thought of Xbox getting only a V2 port isnt that disturbing.
I mean, it is for you PSO DC player, but think of Joe Xbox owner average who doesnt know anything about PSO.
He'd get some serious fun out of it, not worrying that DC players had the same game before.

Jul 18, 2002, 09:58 AM
On 2002-07-18 01:08, saffaya wrote:
First of all, I think Xbox sucks, the PS2 and Gamecube are making Bill Gates wet his pants. Get Lives and stop hanging around the computer all day! Like me on a Jet Ski!

Exactly! You can't say Xbox sucks because you didn't even give facts you dum dum @___@ This console is the most powerful one right now, there's no point debating that. As for games, well in MY CASE not anyone else's, different systems for DIFFERENT GAMERS, I love the games it has as much as I like some games the GC has. But again in MY OPINION JUST RESPECT IT I like more the Xbox ones. I have DOA, Halo, Silent Hill 2, Oddworld, Gunvalkyrie, Morrowind, and lots others. And yes THEY ARE GOOD. Now I expect tons of cool new games coming to it soon. Just as much as I expect Zelda on GC @_x

ON TOPIC, I don't mind if it's ver.2 too much either, people who haven't played the DC ver. will feel right at home. And look at me I'm still getting it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif So come on, don't make pointless remarks no more please, it really makes you look like an idiot :/

Jul 18, 2002, 02:37 PM
On 2002-07-17 22:34, Mag_Launcher wrote:
Yup, damn fanboys. For one thing, Bio, even if PSO is the GC version on the xbox, it still doesn't make it superior, as you fanboys lead it to be. They will be EQUAL, dammit. Xbox will have it's voice chat, and GC will have it's extra GBA minigames and 56k support (56k is used more than you people think it is), I believe that's fair enough.

When did I say Xbox version is supperior??I never did...I am not an Xbox fanboy, I am a Sega fanboy/PSO fanboy...I love PSO so much, I am excited for both version. I still play the DC version and I still think it is better than anything GCN/PS2/Xbox has right now...well of course it will be different once GCN PSO comes out...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Right now my PS2 and Xbox is eating dust while my DC gets all the love...I love PSO so much, and I never think GCN PSO is inferior to Xbox version. I stated this in another thread, I said both version are great, if I have GCN, I would definitely will buy GCN version AND Xbox version...The reason I don't have a GCN is just because I am low in cash and my brother already has one, so I am saving my money for some games instead...But if I do get a job(I am still a student) then I will get it one day, even a year from now or so, I may still get GCN's PSO, it's a collector's item...The GBA support is a GCN exclusive, that is a certainity...GCN players can play Nights:TIme attack...That alone for me, is worth a buy...That, I think is actually supperior extra to the stupid Xbox's voice comm...I don't care for voice, in fact I wish I could type rather than to talk...

I am just excited for Xbox version cos I know nothing about it...I am too excited for GCN version...I already know what it is getting(and I believe more surprises coming from ST before it's release), I am so excited for it, I almost bought a GCN just to play PSO early...I even dreamed about buying a GCN and PSO...But I did not say anything because I already know what GCN version is all about and I know you guys know too...But for Xbox version, some expect it is ver.2 some expect it is PSO2, some expect it is eps1&2...all I say is, yes I do agree, we don't know what XBox version is getting, I am speculating this and that like any people here, but I will wait for more news on XBox version...I don't know what it is going to be but I can trust ST that it will be as great as the GCN version...Xbox's PSO will be great, GCN's PSO is a definite great game. I will not even buy an Xbox if it is not for Panzer Dragoon ORta(my most fovourite game), I like the XBox for it's games, well the ones coming anyway...but I am not an Xbox fanboy, I don't care for Microsoft, I don't support it(unless they would hire me if I say I love Microsoft, then I would...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif)but other than that, I see nothing Microsoft made that makes me gaga for Microsoft, and it will never be...

I love Sega, and I love Sega games, and PSO is definitely one of the best games ever comes out, well actually I think it is the best since it is the only game I spent hundreds of hour on it and still do now and still enjoyed it A LOT! But just to make people clear of my view, I never once think GCN version sucks, I don't want XBox's version to be suck...they are the same game, why people like to bash systems...we love PSO, it's a common thing for all you posters here...I am excited for Xbox version, I speculate this and that, but it doesn't mean I am not excited for GCn version at all. I am so very much do. I just don't talk about it cos I know GCN version and I saw pictures and videos, and all you guys seems to know it alot too and probably better than me...I just have nothing to say but read and enjoy and feel excited...I just don't like that people think XBox's PSO will be suck, it is not XBox that I care of, it's PSO. I haven't heard Xbox owners calling GCN's PSO sucks, cos it isn't, we just want the same version for our xbox, at least.

PSO is a reputable name and so is ST...I don't think ST will just let it ruin the name of PSO and breaking ST's credibility by just porting ver.2 for XBox...I trust ST and Naka-san. They already did the impossible on the GCN version, it is definitely not only a port but definitely a true sequel to PSO, it's damn great. Some of you think that there wil be PSO2, well I think CGN version is that PSO2...we know what GCN version is and how great it is...I will buy GCN just for PSO...but I just want to know what is XBox's version, so you guys usually will see me posting in Xbox's PSO thread only because I have some questions or something to say. I have nothing to say for GCN version because usually when I read a thread, all I can say is WOW...like the new pioneer 2 for GCN and lobby...what can I say but "WOW".

So please don't misunderstand what I post...Yes I am an Xbox owner, yes I am excited for Xbox's PSO, yes I want it to be at least similar to GCN's version. No I am not an Xbox fanboy. No I am not a Microsoft fanboy. Yes I love PSO. Yes I am a Sega fanboy. Yes I am a PSO maniac. No I never think GCN version will be inferior to Xbox ver cos it is a GREAAT game...Yes I never post on GCN PSO thread, but just because I have nothing to say when I read the thread but came out with an awe...No I never think XBox PSO will be superior to GCN version. Yes I have XBox and not GCN, probably Panzer Dragoon is my only reason. but HELL NO, I never think GCN sucks, it's a very great system, Mario SunShine(which is coming out soon), Zelda, RE series exclusive to GCN, PSO eps1&2, VF quest, SMB2, metroid, well you get the idea...I just don't have it cos I am low in cash and my bro already has one(but live in another country http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif), and thinking of saving my money to get games instead until I get a job or something. Yes I am saying the same thing twice, you must be bored to read it http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif, so I am out of here...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 18, 2002, 02:49 PM
Oh, and btw BioFan, the thought of Xbox getting only a V2 port isnt that disturbing.
I mean, it is for you PSO DC player, but think of Joe Xbox owner average who doesnt know anything about PSO.
He'd get some serious fun out of it, not worrying that DC players had the same game before.

Yes, I know some XBox owners who are still excited even if it is just ver.2 cos they never play it on the DC or only played ver.1. If I were one of them, I would think the same thing as well...but sadly, unfortunately, whatever you may want to call it, I play DC's PSO ver.2 A LOT!Still playing it right now as a matter of fact. Beat Ult mode lots of times, doing quest with friends together and all...leveling up a number of characters beyond 100...So for me, if Xbox is just getting ver.2 I will stick to my DC version for a while, the voice comm doesn't sell me, and no one that I play PSO with will get XBox's PSO if it is a ver.2 port...I don't want to play PSO and talk to strangers, I just don't feel comfortable with all those talking shit. I would love to type ONLY if I am playing with some strangers. so there are a lot of reasons why I am not excited at all for Xbox's PSO if it is just a port. But yes you are right, it is just me and there are a lot others who are still excited for XBox's PSO even if it is ver.2 port...maybe they never play it before, or maybe they just love PSO so much and don't mind playing it all over again on the xbox. Yes it is not that bad for some people...but it still doesn't make ST the right to port ver.2 over for the Xbox, http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif...hehehe...
Well even if Xbox's PSO is just a ver.2 port, it is still great, it is still the same game I played hundred of hours on another console...same gameplay, same game, same greatness...But for someone who still playing DC version and low in cash, it is not that great, and probably will save money just to get Tekki or any other game or maybe even a GCN...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 18, 2002, 05:01 PM
I think Mag_Launcher was referring to SMOKU_9X instead of you BioFan which led you on a "typing tirade" about XBOX/GC/PSO which didn't have to occur if Mag_Launcher had referred to the right person. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/whip.gif

Jul 19, 2002, 01:17 AM
Yeah, my WHOLE message wasn't about you, I just simply referred to you in the first little paragraph there. And the last statement on my post had nothing to do with you, I was talking about the ignorant ones, the one's who talk all the shit and troll on other system forums. And I agree with you, too, I believe that they should at least bring the Episode 2 part to the Xbox as well, more sales, more fun for everyone. I dunno... I'm just so cautious of fanboys on here because I've been at Gamefaqs too much, and the fanboys there are horrible. But I have no interest in the Xbox version. Mainly because of the voice chat, but also, I can't afford broadband, much less an additional XBLive service charge on top of it. I might not want PSO for Xbox, BUT, I want Unreal Championship, Counter-Strike, and maybe Doom 3. Those games might convince me to buy into broadband, but until then, I'll have to use what I have.

Jul 19, 2002, 01:25 AM
Actually i heard on TechTV that XBOX might be discontinued also so i justthought i would add that here.

Ian D
Jul 19, 2002, 01:36 AM
On 2002-07-18 23:25, Sleet1 wrote:
Actually i heard on TechTV that XBOX might be discontinued also so i justthought i would add that here.

I heard that too, kind of suck if it discontinued before a chance online, I hope they don't discontinue even though I don't own one.

Jul 19, 2002, 05:07 AM
Yeah... that's odd as hell. Well, I did hear that MS was LOSING money on each Xbox sold, even back when they were selling for $300.

Jul 19, 2002, 05:51 AM
M$ discontinuing Xbox??that is weird...Ed Fries(or whoever that MS guy is) stated at E3 that they will be behind Xbox and Xbox name for years...I am not sure, but I will be surprise and disappointed if they were to discontinue it soon..but I doubt that..M$ know from the start this may happen before taking the plunge, but probably they never realise it would be this bad(well in Japan), but if M$ were to discontinue XBox, then for next gen system, one less system to worry...probably in the future it's only SOny..http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
Don't give up Nintendo, you are our only hope...I will get Nintendo tomorrow and trade in my PS2, to suport Nintendo..http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif
Well actually I dont' hate PS2, it is a great machine, but I hate Sony as a company, same reason as I hate EA...no reason...hehehe...I just don't know why...Well Sony I kinda know why, I hate the fact that they try to change videogame to this entertainment system...videogame is what I want, I want no entertainer...I just want a good machine that has great games...simple...so I don't like SOny's thinking...but anyway, well I hope Xbox doesnt get discontinued...I doubt it...But I am not sure...frankly I don't care...I will just jump to GCN...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 19, 2002, 05:55 AM
Yeah i could have bought an XBOX but chose a GC because i trust nintendo with games waaay before an Entertainment or PC making company. I have the PS2 and it is boring as fuck...i dont like any of the games and te dd player is gay IMO. i dont know why but i really dont like it. too bad its not only mine or i would be like 250$ richer tommorow.

Jul 19, 2002, 05:55 AM
On 2002-07-19 03:55, Sleet1 wrote:
Yeah i could have bought an XBOX but chose a GC because i trust nintendo with games waaay before an Entertainment or PC making company. I have the PS2 and it is boring as fuck...i dont like any of the games and te dvd player is gay IMO. i dont know why but i really dont like it. too bad its not only mine or i would be like 250$ richer tommorow.

Jul 19, 2002, 08:06 AM
... the same way I hate EA...

OMG! Me too! But, however, I have a reason for hating them.

1. Like anyone CARES about Madden games anymore
2. They made CRAP Bond games, 'nuff said.
3. Most of their other games are shitty as well, Cel Damage blows, Rumble Racing was crap, I just f***in' hate em.
4. Did I mention the slaughtering of the Bond games? (Goldeneye 4 eva, B107<|-|)

Jul 19, 2002, 11:24 AM
I don't know why I hate EA, but I don't like then and as a matter of fact, I never bought an EA game in my entire life........NEVERR...can you believe that??It is not that I tried to stay away from EA games, but none of them interest me enough to make me get any...but now, if I were to choose a football game, that would be NFL2K3 and not Madden, same as the other sports....I would choose Ghost Recon over Medal of Honor anytime...I love Ghost Recon, played it to death too...I love co-op mission, that is why I love PSO...But I can't say EA games sucks cos frankly, I never even played any...http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jul 19, 2002, 12:16 PM
Well Im just going to wait and see what both versions of PSO offer when they're released. As for which system is better i dont care, as I play all 4(PS2,GC,DC,X-box) systems. Each system has good games so I play them. Actually when I dont play one of them for awhile i decide it's time to pick up the controller and play. As for EA, my opinion is that they are waaaayyy overrated. I played the new Medal of Honor game and was disappointed. The last NHL game wasn't too hot and the NASCAR games need some work too. Have fun.

Jul 19, 2002, 01:43 PM
Desert strike in 16 bit was on of my favourite games and it was from EA.
When they started the sports series the games were cool but with the time... it has become a big piece of shit

Jul 19, 2002, 03:03 PM
Personally, I don't like sequels that include the same and more content from its predecessor. i.e. if XBox's PSO is the sequel, it should be extremely distinct in gameplay and communication, not just communication.

Edited: Grammar that makes me look dumb.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: amoralist on 2002-07-19 15:11 ]</font>

Jul 19, 2002, 05:02 PM
Personally, I don't like sequels that include the same and more contents from its predecessor.

That basically sums up why I dislike companies like EA and Square, who rely heavily on churning out a new sequel each year.

Jul 19, 2002, 05:36 PM
Square??Well I agree with EA, but Square, well they do release Final Fantasy games quite often...they are sequels but totally different games, but just the same type of battles...I am not a big fan of RPG, the only ones I like is Sega's Skies of Arcadia, I have played FF7, FF8 and FF10 and finish none of them...But I don't see them being similar, beside the battles. And FF11 being online, it is a totally different game...some of you may disagree with me...but it is alright...well they are sequels but not like sequels EA made. Totally same game they release last year with different rosters...lol...But then again most sports games sequels are more or less same as last year but a little better...I don't know why some people are crazy for Madden or Final Fantasy, but probably same reason as to why I bought PSO ver.2 when I played PSO ver.1 three months earlier...Probably we just love those games, and for them they love EA's or Square's...

as for Medal of honor, I played that game once, finish level one, kinda like it, but never go back to playing it anymore...wanted to try the beach scene like in saving private ryan, but till now just not interested enough to play...lol...

Jul 19, 2002, 07:04 PM
I'm not a big fan of Square and its RPGs to start with, and outside that they make crappy games like The Bouncer and Driving Type Emotion-S. And they basically spin out FF games like clockwork every 18 months, and then you have all the remakes they release in-between. Yes FFXI is a MMORPG, but I've played (and disliked them) many times before on PCs.

Basically I'm more critical of Square for rarely trying anything new, and when they eventually do they suck at it. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jul 20, 2002, 03:26 PM
Back to M$ to discontinue the Xbox, I think it will happen next year. Xbox live is going to bomb because BB is not that poppular yet, and why would a company support something that is not making a profit?

People how could you say you hate EA? Or EA Big, they made SSX Tricky so I like them for sure!!!

Jul 20, 2002, 03:31 PM
Also Square isn't Square anymore, their Sony's B**** and do whatever Sony say's. Have you ever played FFX, it was the worst Final Fantasy I have ever played!! FFX lived on hype and graphics alone!

Billy Scum: Wow Final Fantasy sure is purty! All my friends say Final Fantasy is cool! I should go out and buy a PS2 to fit in and buy piece of crap games!!

Jul 20, 2002, 03:58 PM
I personally consider epI&II for GC another add-on disc. Sequels are new/modified gameplay and a different storyline; however, add ons(append discs) consists of new and old content with same gameplay (i.e., PSOepI&II , Crazy Taxi: High Roller, Madden, and many Baseball games). FF does rework it's system and storyline, but 7-10 did live somewhat on hype, mostly 8 and 10. 7 and 9 actually had substance. 9 mimiced old school gameplay to a certain degree while 7 was a fresh breeze of air. Everyone hated 8, I personally found it ok, not the best system, could use tweaking. 10, that's a different story. Someone posted this opinion in the FFonline forums already, every FF game seems similar because the main point of the storyline is for one character (usually and always the protagonist) to see through the lies. Otherwise, the storyline differs time to time from a giant asteroid to the evil Kefka or even that temporal sorceress hell-bent on controlling Ellone.

Back to PSO, which has so far been append discs. A real sequel will not come for a while.

Jul 20, 2002, 05:04 PM
Crazy Taxi 3 isn't a append disc, it's a sequel that features the older games which has been designed and developed for a completely new console from the ground up. Which is more of a sequel than FF8 is to FF7, which probably recycle a plethora of development tools in between.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GhoStar on 2002-07-20 19:53 ]</font>

Jul 20, 2002, 07:20 PM
Actually I liked *, it was my favorite next to 7. The reason why people hated it is because it was the hardest! None of my friends beat it.

Jul 20, 2002, 07:40 PM
the new pso epsI &II is def just a expansion pack, its the equevallent to what sf2 was to sf2 torbo, few new characters and stages with tweaked gameplay.... i expect and hope that a true sequal would be alot more indepth and not so much like level building, find weapons final fight. i would like to see the game as a world with countries, things to make you really want to explore, not leanier stages that the only porpuse is to open the next door and run to boxes. i guess i just been spoiled by marrowind, but one can allways hope.

as far the xbox ending soon, before they even started making the machine they knew they would lose millions for like the first 5 years on it, but they took the dive so they could try and knock out the ps2 and give gamers other options. and has for xbox live failing cause no one has broadband.... thats just to funny. broadband is the future with more and more people hooking it up everyday. everyone i know has broadband in some form, and once yall leave your parents house and find a good job i am sure you will hook up to it as well, its only a few more bucks then your standerd 56k.

bio i am excited for pso, it was one of my favorite games on the DC, i think i put more time into that game then any other on that system. but i just didn't want to see you blowin a gasgit over what people keep retyping. i know your are little pso defender, but defenders need a break too,

Jul 20, 2002, 08:43 PM
the new pso epsI &II is def just a expansion pack

Yeah, I'll take your word over that of the person who's Development team are making the game, which he's been stated numerous times in interviews. So Episode 1 and 2 is as close to a sequel we'll get for a long time (version 2 was just things that never made it into version 1, as has been stated before).

Of course Naka himself has said for a fully-fledged sequel it would take up to 5 years to make, which we wouldn't see this generation of consoles.

Episode 1 & 2 is being treated as a sequel, and has been in development since probably before the E3 the console came out. It says the story will branch from the first (featured in V1 and V2) as is the case with most sequels. It's also been reported it has new, tweaked and refined gameplay (going from trial reports), more animations, more places to explore and new characters (and more options to change characters). No doubt a new graphics engine has been put in Episode 1 and 2, too, I doubt much of what was done to make the DC versions could be carried over to Nintendo hardware.

At first GC PSO was just a port of V2, but the game was also supposed to come out with the console back in September, and now it's been delayed close to a year (11 months), and since then the developers have said they are treating the game like a sequel.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: GhoStar on 2002-07-20 19:48 ]</font>

Jul 21, 2002, 09:16 AM
is just a port with new and interesting stuff
is the PSO for gc, not a true sequel, not a cheap port, something in the middle

Jul 21, 2002, 09:34 AM
is the PSO for gc, not a true sequel, not a cheap port, something in the middle

I'd agree with that. Half the content has been done for the GC purposely (from the ground up), the other half is what was in the DC version.

Jul 22, 2002, 08:06 AM
It's not yet confirmed but it will be at TGS 2002, PSO for Xbox will contain the v2 Dreamcast and some new features like GameCube but not the same. It's for that reason that Japanse Xbox Live Beta-users are playing with the same game as the Americans and not PSO as it was decided. Also PSO 2 the real sequel is in developpment and will hit the Xbox for FALL 2003.

Jul 22, 2002, 09:17 AM
lol pso2 is in development?? if thats true sonic team doeanst know it
they just went to a little expo some days ago and talked about their projects

Jul 22, 2002, 10:34 AM
Umm.. I hope you read what you said GhoStar. Crazy taxi is more of a add on disc even if it is for a new console. It's not even a real sequel, but a compiliation of the 1st two and the new Glitter Oasis with minor tweaking to gameplay. Compare that to FF7 where hmm., I don't have the same protagonists as 6, hmm I have new spells, wait, I have storyline, wait, I've got a new battle system. Ooh, I have a new look. Oh wait, 8s out too. It also utilizes ATB, but it uses a new kind of system by equipping spells to gain statistics. Wait, I have can only make weapons, not buy or gain them. Wait, new monsters, new graphics, hell new world. Wait, some storyline involve Faye(oops, added that in) and one idiot's illusion, perhaps jerk (hey, no worse than what everyone says about Raiden in MGS2:SoL, I personally thought he was just ok). There might be a formula to FF, but every sequel has something much more different. You're really nuts or a CT fan if you're even defending it as a sequel which well, it isn't.

Jul 22, 2002, 11:51 AM
Crazy taxi is more of a add on disc even if it is for a new console. It's not even a real sequel, but a compiliation of the 1st two and the new Glitter Oasis with minor tweaking to gameplay.

So Crazy Taxi 3 isn't a sequel to Crazy Taxi 2, and you know this, how? If that's the case then Crazy Taxi 2 was never the sequel to Crazy Taxi, despite having two new maps, new mini-games and tweaked gameplay.

The game hasn't even been released yet, and you're talking as if you've played the full version. The game was built from the ground up for Xbox, and includes the old CT1 main map, and that is all.

Jul 23, 2002, 08:00 AM
Lemme sum it up like this:

If you think Perfect Dark is an add-on to Goldeneye because it has some classic guns and arenas from it, you're an idiot.

If you think MGS2 is an add-on just because it has Snake in it, you're an idiot.

If you believe PSO2 is in development right now, and it's only Xbox exclusive, you're an idiot AND a fanboy.

If you think Crazy Taxi 3 is an add-on because the developers decided to include some original stuff, you're an idiot.

If you're a fanboy (Don't f***ing matter what system), you're an idiot.