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View Full Version : My Trade list.

Feb 22, 2001, 10:49 AM
Here are the following items I have up for trade.

Double Saber

Sacred Guard

Force Field Armor *can only be used by force*

Flowns Shield

Flowns Sword


Dragon Slayer

Photon Claws

Buster Sword

Hell Laser

Meteor Smash

Power Gloves *Gives that extra uhmph to fight without weapons.*




Tons of Grinders and Mesetas

Items Seeking: God/Battle, and Mag Cell.

This will turn alot of heads, but I am sorry. This is how I trade and I will only trade like this because I have been cheated NUMEROUSE times by false traders and now I'm sick and tired of dropping my items first, they take, and run off with it. So you want to trade with me? You must drop your item first I confirm, loot, and then drop my item. Of course I will give you my guild card and e-mail address before the trade begins. Again I am sorry if I am like this but like most honest people I'm sick on losing items because of losers who like to steal and make you feel like dog Doodoo. =(

Feb 22, 2001, 12:32 PM
DW, can you describe in detail the Power Gloves? Are they 9 stars? All caps? Description? Equipable by anyone?
