View Full Version : /pif on .pif

Mar 7, 2005, 12:39 AM
Not sure if it belongs here or not, but some random MSN virus has been going on.

Random msn buddies IMed me asking me to accept random .PIF files. Titled like Pictures of me lol, me on vacation...etc

Do not accept them, for its some sort of stupid worm on your computer. And makes you a random sender.

For more info check the url below from Symantec


Be Safe peoplez. Worms are icky!

Mar 7, 2005, 07:34 AM
This fucking thing got me last night! I seemed kinda random for my younger sister to send me something, but I clicked on the off chance. Then other peoples windows started popping up with all them sending it to me and...arg! I dunno of Zonealarm helped to stop this thing (it blocked it at one point and I agreed to block it), but RARGH!

Hear me makers of Virus' and Worms', if I meet you I will grab you by your testicles and twist so hard they pop!

*angry D-Alpha mutters hate towards Virus/Worm spreading gits*

Mar 7, 2005, 06:34 PM
I've heard it is possible on AIM, as well.

Mar 7, 2005, 07:28 PM
I would of been attacked by now.

So i don't think so.

Mar 7, 2005, 07:51 PM
ahahaha! ever heard of virus protection? hehe, i shall take that virus and twist it's program source code to find its way back to its owner and crash them...... and now i work on it......

for those who arent smart enough, when downloading anything, put it in an encrypted winZip file, so if it is a virus, it can only affect you whilst it is opened, and if you know it is a virus, then you can delete it, also set ur web browser to block all cookies to prevent Trojans.... thats all the advice i will give right now

Mar 7, 2005, 07:56 PM
On 2005-03-07 04:34, Deathscythealpha wrote:
This fucking thing got me last night! I seemed kinda random for my younger sister to send me something, but I clicked on the off chance. Then other peoples windows started popping up with all them sending it to me and...arg! I dunno of Zonealarm helped to stop this thing (it blocked it at one point and I agreed to block it), but RARGH!

Hear me makers of Virus' and Worms', if I meet you I will grab you by your testicles and twist so hard they pop!

*angry D-Alpha mutters hate towards Virus/Worm spreading gits*

are you threatening me?! i dont care, i dont have testicles anyways... besides, my virus crashes a computer rather quickly, unless you have good protection.... anyways, i only send it to the IP addresses of the fools who hack my passwords, it may look like a pop-up, but it will cause much trouble with a computer... anyways, it can only be given through a pop-up, and i have to send it directly to ur IP address, so, dont worry about it, unless you've been trying to hack my passwords ^.^

Mar 7, 2005, 07:57 PM
On 2005-03-07 16:51, Jess16241 wrote:
ahahaha! ever heard of virus protection? hehe, i shall take that virus and twist it's program source code to find its way back to its owner and crash them...... and now i work on it......

for those who arent smart enough, when downloading anything, put it in an encrypted winZip file, so if it is a virus, it can only affect you whilst it is opened, and if you know it is a virus, then you can delete it, also set ur web browser to block all cookies to prevent Trojans.... thats all the advice i will give right now

Well to those who are like not computer super literate will appreciate the small warning at least. :/

Mar 8, 2005, 06:33 AM
On 2005-03-07 16:56, Jess16241 wrote:
are you threatening me?! i dont care, i dont have testicles anyways... besides, my virus crashes a computer rather quickly, unless you have good protection.... anyways, i only send it to the IP addresses of the fools who hack my passwords, it may look like a pop-up, but it will cause much trouble with a computer... anyways, it can only be given through a pop-up, and i have to send it directly to ur IP address, so, dont worry about it, unless you've been trying to hack my passwords ^.^

Only threats if you're targeting my PC or other peoples PC's with malicious intent. PC = Personal Computer, by attacking or spreading a virus to someones PC you're attacking their own personal property. So its pretty much like going around to someones house and smashing up their car, pissing on their sofa and adding graffitti to their televisions screen.

Luckily it seems that you're just targeting other hackers who have these malicious intents, so hopefully most of us here are safe.

Mar 8, 2005, 06:46 AM
When I was in highschool I had a nerdy friend who liked to "collect" coputer viruses. I hope he doesnt use any of his collection to make trouble nowadays, or else I'll have to build a time machine and go back and kick him in the balls...again...I wasnt very nice back then -__-