View Full Version : Probably a silly question.. but..

Mar 17, 2005, 06:20 AM
I'm sorry, I just couldn't see anything that looked like what I wanted to know. I keep seeing people's C mode ranks, like, um.. GI-Zan or BU-Ei or RA-Gou.. How do those work? They seem so random, and I was just curious..

Also: I'm a complete and utter c-mode newbie. I've been trying to read up on it but I guess the only way to fully get it is to play with someone. If anyone ever wants to show me the ropes, I'd appreciate it. I promise to follow orders and do my best not to screw it up. After seeing how badly people who do get flamed around here, I'd be afraid to. @_@

Mar 17, 2005, 06:23 AM
Completed stage 1: Ra-GOU
Completed stage 2: Gi-GOU
Completed stage 3: Bu-GOU
Completed stage 4: Ra-ZAN
Completed stage 5: Gi-ZAN
Completed stage 6: Bu-ZAN
Completed stage 7: Ra-EI
Completed stage 8: Gi-EI
Completed stage 9: Bu-EI

Of course, this only applies for Episode 1 online Cmode.
Episode 2 has only 5 stages, and uses no titles.

Mar 17, 2005, 06:27 AM
Oh! Thank you. That makes sense. I'd like to get an S Rank Weapon sometime. You can only get one per char, someone told me. Is that true?

Mar 17, 2005, 06:32 AM
Yes, each character can get one Srank, A Rank, and B Rank from each Cmode type.


Offline Episode 1 Cmode: 1 Srank, 1 A Rank, 1 B Rank
Offline Episode 2 Cmode: 1 Srank, 1 A Rank, 1 B Rank
Online Episode 1 Cmode: 1 Srank, 1 A Rank, 1 B Rank
Online Episode 2 Cmode: 1 Srank, 1 A Rank, 1 B Rank

So each char can get 4 Sranks, 4 A Ranks, and 4 B Ranks.

Of course, only online SRanks are the nameable ones. Offline Sranks are "funny" weapons... also, offline Cmode Srank prizes are the same for Episode 1 and Episode 2.

Mar 17, 2005, 08:08 AM
Yeah, I know about the offline weapons. I wouldn't mind getting a few of them myself. Guess I'll have to try it out later. So.. if you wanted a collection of all of the S Rank weapons, you'd need to play with a bunch of characters. Wow. Guess you have to choose wisely when you get one.

Do you start at level 1 and work your way up? I keep reading things that turn the Force of the team into like, the almighty person. Any particular reason, or just the most obvious ones? Also, if it's a good idea to have a full team when you play it online, does that make it very difficult to play alone offline?

Mar 17, 2005, 08:24 AM
Playing offline - you still need to control 2 characters. It's not a problem until you have to fight the various bosses; then it gets tricky. It is still a great way to learn the maps without getting flamed on-line.

Mar 18, 2005, 06:43 PM
One advantage that xbox has over gamecube is the ability to play with so many characters. It's not difficult to collect every s-rank weapon in the game if you are so inclined.

There are specific starting levels, equipment, stats for each class. Check the challenge mode guides for specifics, but you start stage 1 as a pretty low level and collect discs, items, weapons, levels and such as you advance through the stage. You start each new stage with set stuff and build up the same way. One of the aspects of challenge mode that keeps it challenging is the ability to start TAing stages which means you race through as quickly as possible, ignoring a chance to level as much and disregarding any non-essential boxes. This makes end-stage fighting, particularly boss fights, much more difficult.

The force is usually important in the makeup of many teams. In some stages, the force can extract the greatest amount of damage as compared to the other characters. In many stages, the force's ability to heal, cure or use zalure is critical to the team's success. A good force can make a stage very easy and a bad force can make it impossible - so people want to play with a good force.

The hardest part of challenge mode for me is to get together four people who enjoy playing c-mode, who don't let their personal egos get in the way of the team's success, who have similar ideas when it comes to how to play and who can all get together at the same time.

I've played a lot of challenge mode and had many highs and many lows, but overall find c-mode play to be truly enjoyable. I still believe the best opportunities for great challenge play is for four consistent people who can play together consistently. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find that yet.

I'm hoping that once I get my GC-HL situation remedied (this weekend maybe), I can find a good team to play with. I'd be more than happy to help you with c-mode of course.