View Full Version : Very noobish question about PSOBB

Mar 17, 2005, 05:53 PM
I apologize if this has been covered before, but I spent 4 hours roaming through these forums in search for an answer, but no-go.

I just started to play the trial edition of PSOBB with my friend. We played PSO VER1 on Dreamcast a few years back, but this is our first venture to Episode 2 via Blue Burst. I haven't played an English version Episode 2.

I speak moderately Japanese, but we're having trouble getting to VR Spaceship. We finished VR Beta and killed Barbra Ray. We get teleported back to Labroom. This is where we get stuck. How do we trigger the next VR world? The teleporter still only lists VR alpha and VR beta. Do I need to play Nol's online quests in order to get to the next world? All the guides I've seen just state that the spaceship would just appear on the teleporter list after killing the first world boss.

If getting to the next worlds means playing Nol's online quests, is there a way to play a multiplayer old-fashioned PSO VER 1 style offline mode, in which you can just walz through the stages with only speaking with the principal after killing the boss to get to the next world?

Mar 17, 2005, 06:45 PM
In Blue Burst you have to do the Goverment Quests to unlock new areas.