View Full Version : Should I purchase an FX5600 or FX5900?

Mar 19, 2005, 03:53 PM
I currently have an FX5200 and when I use to play PSO BB (Japanese version); I had to use frame skipping in order to have medium graphics.

Now in order to prepare for the NA version of PSO BB, I was thinking that I should get a card on eBay or something. I don't really play PC games, so I don't want to go overboard just for one game; I simply don't want to have to use Frame skipping in order to boost the graphics.

So FX5600 are pretty affordable, but I was wondering if it would be better for this game to get an FX5900.

So does anyone here play PSO BB with an FX5600 and if so, what GFX settings can you use with this card when playing PSO BB?

Thank you

Mar 20, 2005, 04:24 AM
I'd personally get an ATI 9700 Pro or above, but if you are set on nvidia the 5900 will be a much faster card.

Mar 20, 2005, 03:45 PM
I agree, ATI is much better, but the resolution for TV output is much clearer with NVIDIA. I watch a lot of subtitled anime outputted on my TV and the S-Video output with the Radeon cards is pretty blurry in comparison with NVIDIA (the subtitles are harder to read).