View Full Version : Mag: Mag Feeder

Mar 22, 2005, 10:14 PM
On 2005-03-22 15:53, Skorpius wrote:
The MagFeeder isn't accurate.

So the Mag Feeder isn't accurate? I'm trying to make a 35/65/35/65 Chao and I got directions from the Mag Feeder. I used the feeding chard the Feeder gave me in MagFarm to see if it would work, and except for the final result being Ravana instead of Naga, the stats were just as the Feeder said they would be. So is it just the feeder that is inaccurate or the Farm also? And if indeed these programs can't be trusted, any tips on how to make my desired mag?

Mar 22, 2005, 11:47 PM
for the most part, the feeder is right..
just that some trickier evolutions make it less reliable
in that case, guides are your pals
use a feed guide together with an evolution guide for the desired mag
for best result, you would need the pd learning guide

i only tested the feefer, i don't use it
however with my set up, i can get any mag i want, find your way!