View Full Version : Bana vs Sato/Nidra

Mar 23, 2005, 02:23 PM
I'm planning to make a 45/0/0/155 bana for my future FOnewearl. I know I can go the long way and make 50/0/0/150 sato/nidra instead. But what's the difference between bana and sato/nidra in terms of their special since they all give the yellow sparkle on all instances? Do sato/nidra have a higher activation rate or last longer? Thanks in advance.

Mar 23, 2005, 02:29 PM
Sato and Nidra don't change when you feed them.

Plus, Bana is kinda ugly XP I can see if you were making an Andhaka, which isn't commonly seen legitimately, but Bana can be obtained without 45 DEF.

Mar 23, 2005, 02:50 PM
Nidra and Satos do not loose there syncro everytime you stop playing like regular mags do. The syncro only gots down when you die. plus they are easier to feed.

Mar 23, 2005, 05:03 PM
I meant force bana, I'm too lazy to have a B hunter to feed my mag everytime I lose sync. I know ep2 mags doesn't evolve (mutate?), but I'll be keeping the mag on my force all the time anyway.

I could make an andhaka, but it doesn't give all invincibility and I don't want power on a FOnewearl. Sure, I could go poke at megid bear with a chao stick, but he'll just grab it and use it as a tooth pick. And me being its dinner, the chao being dessert.

I know bana is ugly, but... I would rather look like a noob and fight like a god than to look like a god and can't even kill a rappy.

Regular mags lose sync when you log? Since when? I'll check tonight.

So is the invincibility better on sato/nidra? That's the only thing I care about.

Mar 23, 2005, 05:10 PM
I'd go for Sato/Nidra. Mainly Sato cause' it is teh UBER CUTENESS!

And yeah, my Kama looses sync everytime I choose quit game from the menu and log back on with my HUcast. BTW, I hate Kama, and just wish it would change into ANYTHING else.

And another thing about losing sync everytime you quit or log out with it still equipped, that's been around since DC days. To prevent it from losing sync when you quit game, put it in your bank.

Mar 23, 2005, 05:10 PM
i created bana mags for both my forces. i do not believe the invincibility varies from the sato/nidra mags. in my experience it's just as reliable as the rare mags that offer that ability.

and what's wrong with the way banas look? it's kinda like having a spaceship trailing after you, and i think that's nifty. personal preference, i guess. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Mar 23, 2005, 05:16 PM
About the only significant advantage to making a Nidra is that it levels up a lot faster than a Bana or a Sato does. You'll get it from 100 to 200 in a much shorter period of feeding time.

Mar 24, 2005, 01:42 PM
I checked. My mags don't lose sync when I log regardless if I have them equipped, unequipped or in the bank. Maybe your copy is broken? I'm sure they removed losing sync when logging since v3.

And yeah, everybody I know hates kama. You could put no dex on it and give it 1 mind an it'll be an apsaras. It's nice since it gives all invincibility. Dex has priority over mind so you have to have one mind.

Well, if invincibility is the same among all mags, then I guess I'm making a bana. The only way to make 50/0/0/150 sato/nidra is to have 50/0/0/50 at lv100. And that's going to be a lot of trimates and trifluids if the def is 20 at lv50.

Personally speaking, if I can choose what my lv50 mag looks like, I would pick naraka and perhaps sita or ashvinau. I still have yet to even seen an ep2 mag ingame, though.

Yay, I messed up my 5/91/104/0 mag. I had 3 mags on me and when I sorted my items, it switched order with another one of my mags. That made me fed it the wrong thing so it has 6 def now. I guess I could raise it as an andhaka.

Mar 24, 2005, 01:51 PM
On 2005-03-24 10:42, Notos wrote:
I checked. My mags don't lose sync when I log regardless if I have them equipped, unequipped or in the bank. Maybe your copy is broken? I'm sure they removed losing sync when logging since v3.

I can tell you from playing PSO+ not any other version... that regular equipted mad do loose there sync unless you bank them. IQ however doesnt change.