View Full Version : PSO FOR PSP??!?!?!?!?!?

Mar 24, 2005, 01:43 AM
I just got my PSP. Sweet jesus Im turning in my Nintendo DS first thing when I get up. No comparising at all. I love playing Ridge Racer on this system so much its pathetic, but there is something else of interest to me.

You can supposedly go on wireless internet with this baby. When I heard the EB stores man say that the first game that came to my mind is PSO! That would rock! We should get a petition started. They could make like a mini version of it. That way I can still play my GC version and the psp version till the PS2 version comes out. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Oh well I will look into this more tomorrow after I catch up on my sleep. Had to wait at EB games until 12. am this morning. bah!

Mar 24, 2005, 02:01 AM
PSO has been rumored (if not confirmed) to be developed for the DS.

Mar 24, 2005, 02:12 AM
I seriously doubt that another PSO will be released after blue burst. They're gonna have to stop milking this old and technically inferior game eventually...

Mar 24, 2005, 02:49 AM
If you think about it though, Pso on Psp would be a direct port of the Dc versions, considering the psp would be able to match up to the dreamcast. Anyway I don't care if its on Ds or psp. Hell put it on both with extras on each, eigther way I would buy them both http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif
Pso on the go would be the best.

Mar 24, 2005, 02:56 AM
Touch Screen Tech menu <3

Mar 24, 2005, 02:59 AM
Yay for no cluttered screen <3
If anything thats what I would love about pso ds, they could do alot with it, but id be satisfied with a direct port <<
(I think the only game i have played since december is Pso.. no joke ._o)

Mar 24, 2005, 11:58 AM
To Bad about the news on the home page.. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
apiently there will be no PSO On DS.. did Sony buy the series or something?!

And to the thread maker, DON'T Trade it in, DS Can go online too, it has the Technoligy O__O

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: dragoon-girl on 2005-03-24 08:58 ]</font>

Mar 24, 2005, 12:08 PM
As of right now I don't even think SOny knows that there getting Psu ._o
Anyway as I said whatever, both handhelds are great in their own terms, and now my goal is to get a psp x_x

Mar 24, 2005, 02:03 PM
Drithe... all i can say is... omg.

I just bought mine.. this thing is rediculously awesome.

As soon as I turned on wipeout my jaw dropped.

I am going to play now.. umm .. . omg

Mar 24, 2005, 02:11 PM

Potables were the only thing nintendo had going for it, and now, it doesn't even have that. What makes PSP so much better?

Mar 24, 2005, 02:59 PM
On 2005-03-24 08:58, dragoon-girl wrote:
To Bad about the news on the home page.. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif
apiently there will be no PSO On DS.. did Sony buy the series or something?!

And to the thread maker, DON'T Trade it in, DS Can go online too, it has the Technoligy O__O

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: dragoon-girl on 2005-03-24 08:58 ]</font>

The news on the home page really doesn't mean anything. Naka even says he'd like to make a network game on DS, so if anything, the interview improves the chances of a PSO DS.

EDIT: I'd just like to add that at this point, it's really just as likely that some sort of PSO will be on the PSP or the DS. There's really no confirmation either way, and Naka has said that he wouldn't mind working it on either of them.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Outrider on 2005-03-24 12:14 ]</font>

Mar 24, 2005, 03:02 PM
Words for wisdom:

Nintendo DS > Joo!

Mar 24, 2005, 03:54 PM
I have been playing Ridge Racer and laughing and having a blast all day long. A little cursing too but MAN I love this thing. They need to put PSO on this SO BADLY!

Mar 24, 2005, 07:35 PM
I don't understand why people like the PSP over the DS. It does have amazin graphics for a portable, but there's only one screen (which you can't touch I might add), and we've already seen these graphics on the PS2.

Mar 24, 2005, 07:44 PM
On 2005-03-24 16:35, RedBoxHunter wrote:
I don't understand why people like the PSP over the DS. It does have amazin graphics for a portable, but there's only one screen (which you can't touch I might add), and we've already seen these graphics on the PS2.

...you're kidding, right?

Mar 24, 2005, 07:57 PM
The chances of seeing PSO for the PSP are inversely proportional to the number of exclamation and interrogation marks in the topic title.

Mar 24, 2005, 08:06 PM
On 2005-03-24 16:44, Outrider wrote:

On 2005-03-24 16:35, RedBoxHunter wrote:
I don't understand why people like the PSP over the DS. It does have amazin graphics for a portable, but there's only one screen (which you can't touch I might add), and we've already seen these graphics on the PS2.

...you're kidding, right?

No, I agree with him, there's nothing new or amazing about the PSP.. it's just a smaller PS2..... and it's portable.. I guess.. does some other neat stuff, like movies.. but.. I don't really care >_<

Mar 24, 2005, 08:44 PM
These people are too loyal to nintendo.

There's an article in the LA Times, and it seems PSP does whatever DS does, only better, plus extra stuff. They also said the two screens made them both smaller, which make DS (dual screens) worse.

Mar 24, 2005, 09:01 PM
What the hell is up with dual screens anyway? I mean, come on.. and touchscreen? So you are complaining that the PSP is easier to play than having to touch the freaking screen?

Mar 25, 2005, 03:45 AM
On 2005-03-24 17:44, ViewtifulJoe wrote:
These people are too loyal to nintendo.

There's an article in the LA Times, and it seems PSP does whatever DS does, only better, plus extra stuff. They also said the two screens made them both smaller, which make DS (dual screens) worse.

You also have no idea what you're talking about.

The deal with the PSP is that it's a very powerful system in a very small case. As already stated, it's basically like playing a PS2 with you on the go. That is what the deal with it is.

The deal with the DS is it's a moderately powerful handheld with many different ways to interact when it comes to gameplay. Touch screen, voice recognition, two display points, etc. DS is about introducing new ways to play games. That is what the deal with it is.

I'm sure Skett could easily explain it better than me, but let's put it this way:

The PSP is a very powerful system that will let you play console games on the go. It has a large amazing screen, and that suits its purpose. The DS is a unique system that lets you play games like they have not often been played before. The two screens are to present a new way for game development, and really aren't meant to display a widescreen effect like the PSP, so comparing the screens is fairly moot. Both systems are quite good for what they do (though I haven't used the PSP, but I'm fairly sure it's doing its job well) and to say either of them is pointless or obsolete is ignorant at best.

So, in closing - every little kiddy who says "PSP is just a PS2 so it sucks" or "Two screens is like twice the crap" really needs to either educate themselves or just stay out of the internet. This rampant OMG-ism is really getting out of hand.

Mar 25, 2005, 04:17 AM
Well, this basically turned into some sort of DS vs. PSP thread, so I'm sticking my head in real quick to say something.

Both systems have their own plusses. They focus on different things, and are not comparable on a wide scale. Yes you can compare graphics to graphics, battery life to battery life, but on a whole, there's no justified means. They do different things, with different focuses. It's like saying a dishwasher kicks a washer's ass (washer as in for clothes). Sure you could truly think that in your mind, but there's no case for it. It goes nowhere and says nothing.

Just because these two are considered portable game systems doesn't mean there's a straight means of comparasion. They do completely different things in a completely different manner. Looking for an excuse to bash one in favor of another just goes to show you're spending too much time on something no one should care about.

No one's an idiot for buying DS and/or preferring it.
No one's an idiot for buying PSP and/or preferring it.

On 2005-03-24 16:35, RedBoxHunter wrote:
I don't understand why people like the PSP over the DS. It does have amazin graphics for a portable, but there's only one screen (which you can't touch I might add), and we've already seen these graphics on the PS2.

You pointed out a lot of its main points.
Amazing graphics for a portable.
Whether it's PS2 graphics or not, stating it is would be using it as a point. And using that as a point would be a positive, not a negative.

On 2005-03-24 17:06, dragoon-girl wrote:

No, I agree with him, there's nothing new or amazing about the PSP.. it's just a smaller PS2..... and it's portable.. I guess.. does some other neat stuff, like movies.. but.. I don't really care >_<

"Handheld PS2" wouldn't be a negative.
And quite a few people care about movies. Especially on a handheld, again.

On 2005-03-24 17:44, ViewtifulJoe wrote:
These people are too loyal to nintendo.

There's an article in the LA Times, and it seems PSP does whatever DS does, only better, plus extra stuff. They also said the two screens made them both smaller, which make DS (dual screens) worse.

PSP doesn't play GBA games better.
PSP doesn't use dual screens better.
PSP doesn't use touch screen better.

And before someone says "duh, because that's what DS is about!", no shit. That's what DS IS about. That'd be like saying DS can do whatever PSP does, only better, with a footnote saying "except for what PSP focuses on".

Also, it's not like the two screens are really small. Yes each one by itself may be smaller than a PSP screen, but that's one screen vs. one screen. That one PSP screen would still have to have things like maps, menus, and the like, which would cut down on the actual view size. For DS, one screen would be used for all the non action stuff like menus and maps, while the other screen is free of clutter.

PSO, if it's going to be ported at all, should be interesting. As for which system it should be on... well there is no system it "should" be on. Regardless of whatever system you think is better, means nothing when people make games for systems.

Thinking DS is crappy won't make PSO appear on PSP.
Thinking PSP is crappy won't make PSO appear on DS.

If the decision was as definitive on the points brought up here (graphics power, features, etc.), then every portable game in the known universe would only be made on that one system. But guess what, they aren't. So regardless of what your personal preference is, it means nothing. Nothing at all.
Now, this post might seem anti-PSP, but I can assure you it's not. Just happened that the posts that were so out there that they needed help seemed pro-PSP for the most part. They did a good job mentioning the PSP's plusses, but that by no means equates to DS being shit.

Each system does it's own thing in its own way. Not to mention software and games mean more than the system itself, and since these are still early in their life (Nintendo has a bad habit of being slow with titles in the early parts of a new system), there's still a lot to be seen yet. To make a judgement call on which system is better now would be foolish. Save yourselves the trouble, don't be foolish.

Mar 25, 2005, 04:58 AM
Nicely done there Mixfortune, but someone is going to misinterpret your words into thinking you are on one side or the other. Someone may use one sentence against you and continue a flame/fanboy bashing. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif

Not that I want to see that, it is just likely to happen.

I agree that everyone should wait until more software/games come out and the hardware themselves get lowered in price.

The launch dates mean nothing to me. You can pay more now to show off some launch game that isn't much interesting to me anyway.

I can wait until more games come along(thus more quality games) and if I end up wanting one of those launch titles, Wow! I can just go get one!

Its unlikely that all the launch titles are going to disappear and never be seen again.

Also take into account something like the Christmas/year end bundles that come into play later on. Package deals with included games or whatnot and or lowered prices.

Gamecube did it quite a few times, as one example(Zelda, Metroid, Double Dash). So did XBOX(Clone Wars/Tetris, Sega GT/Jet Set Radio Future).

I can fight the urge to splurge on a PSP or DS for now and wait it out and I don't find fault with anyone who doesn't.

Mar 25, 2005, 05:22 AM
I do things similarly.
with all my systems I wait until they've had a price drop or two, and I always get the ones with the included games.
so as much as I'd like to, I won't be buying a PSP or DS in the next few months.
partia;lly because I'm from a ****ing poor family with little money and a car accident to deal with. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Mar 25, 2005, 09:28 AM
I really love that.. one person said "i'm returning my DS", and all of you flip out and a fury of fanboy rage.

Both systems are good. jesus.

No, I agree with him, there's nothing new or amazing about the PSP.. it's just a smaller PS2..... and it's portable.. I guess.. does some other neat stuff, like movies.. but.. I don't really care >_<

you obviously don't own one. So until you do, your opinion on it's pros and cons are void.

I have both psp and ds.
It is not PS2 graphics. I have PS2 and a PSP. Basically, the same game on Ps2, looks ages better on the PSP. lighting is better, shader implementation in most of the games I have seen is better, particle effects are better, there is no frame rate dragging on a full track with everyone using the same space on the screen shooting the same guns (wipeout), where as on the ps2 there is.

PSP is faster than the PS2 by around 100mhz.
PSP has not only p2p wireless interaction (like DS)
but can also connect directly to the internet, use SSID encryption for wireless nodes, connect to services such as SOE for worldwide multiplayer gaming through any wireless node. some games will feature XBOX-like in game playing of your own music through the memorystick (32MB included - rest sold seperately). worldwide sharing of game saves and almost anything on the memorystick.

Yes, PSP and DS are different.. and yes the previous long post is awesome for describing that there is NO COMPARISON between the two systems.

DS isn't better than PSP
PSP isn't better then DS

which one is a better handheld? up to the user. But I can honestly tell you that the PSP is much more a powerful beast than the DS. by far. I have NEVER, seen games that look so beautiful on any current system, handheld or home console. Seriously. and I have all of them.

Mar 25, 2005, 10:45 AM
Just a bemol before people compare similar console and handheld games - I want to point out some games made for the PSP may look like straight ports but were actually modified from their console versions. An easy one is NSF Underground Rivals. It's the same game as its console counterpart (I don't remember if it was 1 or 2) but the developers took off some buildings and scenery. Why? Because the screen is relatively small (we can all say handhelds are no 27-inchers,) it's hard to focus when there's lots of stuff on the screen. So with less scenery, the player can see the track better and concentrate on that. Indirectly, that also means better performance since the hardware has less stuff to fool around with.

Mar 25, 2005, 01:56 PM
First off, thanks Mix, for pretty much pointing out what I was trying to do.

On 2005-03-25 07:45, KodiaX987 wrote:
Just a bemol before people compare similar console and handheld games - I want to point out some games made for the PSP may look like straight ports but were actually modified from their console versions. An easy one is NSF Underground Rivals. It's the same game as its console counterpart (I don't remember if it was 1 or 2) but the developers took off some buildings and scenery. Why? Because the screen is relatively small (we can all say handhelds are no 27-inchers,) it's hard to focus when there's lots of stuff on the screen. So with less scenery, the player can see the track better and concentrate on that. Indirectly, that also means better performance since the hardware has less stuff to fool around with.

Yeah, along those lines, actually - I don't think SCE was allowing any game to be a direct port. That was one of their big rules for PSP development, if I recall correctly. They didn't want straight ports of PS2 games onto the PSP, which is a move I respect.

And while, yes, it can be said the PSP has a stronger processor and whatnot, it's really not fair to the PSP to compare it to modern day systems. (No idea where you're going with the "better graphics" than even the X-Box comment, but ok.)