View Full Version : Mag Farmer?

Mar 24, 2005, 09:53 PM
I know of the program, but what's the deal with the Mag Farmer thing on the home page? I assume it was a contest of some sort, but I can't find any information on it using the forum search. Plus when I click on it, it tells me I must be logged in in order to view the details.....but I am logged in >_< Yes my cookies are on and all that jazz.

So what's the deal with this, and why has it been up for the past year or so after the contest was over? Don't you think something else would look better in that space? Like a nice Blue Burst graphic or something? Just a suggestion.

Mar 24, 2005, 10:03 PM
It was an old contest.

For somereason, the link points to the http://dynamic5.gamespy.com rather than the planetdreamcast.com url. Since they have different base url's, although they point to the same place, they use different cookies.


That's the url to the contest for the right base url, but as you can see, it ended.

The front page not being changed recently goes hand in hand with a lot of the other issues you see around the site, more or less. Luckly, most of them are going to be resolved after not too long.

Mar 26, 2005, 12:23 AM
Cool, thank you for the explanation.