View Full Version : DS or PSP???

Mar 25, 2005, 06:13 PM
Only poll if you have played both. Which is better? If you haven't played both, list why you like (PSP/DS). Thanks. I plan to get one and want to decide first. Maybe you guys can help!

Mar 25, 2005, 06:31 PM

Obviously you can do alot more with the PSP.

Mar 25, 2005, 06:54 PM
there both good but whatever you do dont listen to stupid ps2 fanboys who say the touch screen dont work there just full of shit the touch screen works just like an analogue control makeing games play nice and smoothely and personally any console with mario on gets my vote.

Mar 25, 2005, 07:01 PM
i played the PSP for about 2 minutes...and i was bored. I would never choose PSP over DS.

Mar 25, 2005, 07:06 PM
Then you are obviously the only one. Nintendo seems to have lost the one thing it had, and that was handhelds

Mar 25, 2005, 07:18 PM
eeeer wrong! the DS may not have the horsepower of the psp but for quality of games and innovation you loose!

Mar 25, 2005, 07:34 PM
How the hell can "you loose"? The PSP was just released, and you're already deciding it's quality of games?

Innovation? A touch screen is about the only thing going for the DS, and in that regards, fuck innovation, gimme something that has multi-purpose use.

And I'm sure you're quite exagerating zelutos, heh, two minutes? Two minutes isn't even long enough to check out the initial features of the system and menus, let alone a significant amount of time to even judge a game being played on the system.

Both systems have their drawing points, but it happens that the PSP is capable of drawing a larger audience due to it's multi-purpose use.

Overall, it comes down to what you intend to do with it. And in that standpoint, if you can't make the decision on your own, you prolly should'nt be making the decision at all. The two are quite different, so take it from there and think of what use you'd like to make out of it.

Mar 25, 2005, 07:39 PM
I am sure the DS will have alot more then a touch screen.. trust me, There's still stuff to come.. you see the GBA slot isn't only to be used for GBA games ya see http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif If you put in a GBA cart alittle wonky.. it comes up with "There is a DS Option pack inserted" so.. there you see, add ons, oh wonderful.. expensive.. add ons.. o_o;

Mar 25, 2005, 07:47 PM
I really don't care about either at the moment, I rather wait until both have a sizable library.

Mar 25, 2005, 07:49 PM
yup and all theyve done with the psp is clutter it with mediocre extras which the real devices such as ipods etc can do much better merely to disguise the fact its just a scale down ps2 with possibly more web capabilities in the future.

Mar 25, 2005, 07:50 PM
The DS and PSP actually share a lot more features than people are willing to admit, but meh.

Look at what games you want and choose from there, that's what I say.

Mar 25, 2005, 07:59 PM
On 2005-03-25 16:49, tank1 wrote:
yup and all theyve done with the psp is clutter it with mediocre extras which the real devices such as ipods etc can do much better merely to disguise the fact its just a scale down ps2 with possibly more web capabilities in the future.

Except for the fact that you get all of those capabilities in a nice package that also plays games, instead of paying $200 for individual things that are restricted to one purpose.

Ipod for music and so on. Mediocre extras, how are you labeling them mediocre? You might as well say the Ipod is mediocre because all it does is store music files and does nothing else.

You're really not making any points in the matter, just blabbing.

And yeah, Outrider has the idea, you have to choose based on what you're going for. Games? Usage? You have a better idea of what you want out of it than any of us.

I don't mind discussion, but don't turn this thread into a fanboy flame-fest. If you're going to brag about the DS and how much better it is, list some shit that makes it stand out so the guy can atleast compare the two.

Mar 25, 2005, 08:01 PM
On 2005-03-25 16:59, ABDUR101 wrote:
And yeah, Outrider has the idea, you have to choose based on what you're going for. Games? Usage? You have a better idea of what you want out of it than any of us.

Yeah, I suppose I shouldn't have just said games. Maybe you want the PSP for movies and music and maybe you want the DS for, uh... PictoChat.

I'm sure there's somebody out there who bought the system just for that. At least one person.


Probably not.

Mar 25, 2005, 08:10 PM
The psp can do a load of extra stuff but it is all to disguise the fact it is designed like and old handheld. It cant offer the same easy control as the ds i admit the extra features are cool but still its all there to disguise the fact its just a mini ps2 without half the awesome titles (anyone know what theyve done to metal gear on the psp?)and also im no fanboy cuz ive played em both.

Ultimately if you want innovation easy controls and to be able to rest easy in the fact ninty has been unchallenged in handhelds for years go for DS.
But if you want lush graphics some nice extras but are willing to sacrifice nicer controls and a few quality games go PSP.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tank1 on 2005-03-25 17:13 ]</font>

Mar 25, 2005, 08:29 PM
yeah um.. it came out yesterday tank. Of course they aren't going to have a shitload of games..(yet somehow, still on the release date in the US, have more games made and released than I saw in the DS case, you are expressing biassed opinions? i think so). How can you deny being a fanboy, you're thoughtlessly defending something as if it is going to save the world.

No one asked for rants about "how Kewl teh DS ar", the guy is simply asking for someone, that owns both (I say own because you can't figure out shit if you're playing it gamestop when it's attached to security device) for reviews on each in depth, so he can figure out which one he'd want..

What if he hates touching the screen
What if he doesn't give a shit about watch movies on his handheld.

let him figure it out on his own.

And no, i'm not going to Re-type every single thing I have posted about the PSP, there are around 5-6 other thread already in existence relating to the PSP/PS2/DS/PSU.

Each one gives everyones opinion of the 2 systems.

In my personal opinion.. you should'nt be asking anyone on these forums, because you'll get obsessive, psychologically disfunctional babble about how much nintendo or sony sucks so bad..

Go out and try them out, go to a gamestore or wherever, look at each systems menus, try and find one where both systems have two side by side playing the same game and bring a friend.. test out multiplayer abilities and games..see why you do or do not like either one of them in the end.

"th NinTendo DS ownz PSP because it has MARIO!"

Really fucking helpful... awesome. you love mario.. I'm glad. be mindful of the fact that you are not everyone and someone else could possibly hate bubbly looking cartoon characters or drawing on something the size of a compact, while getting greasy fingers and shit all over the screen.

be mindful someone might already have a video player, mp3 player, wireless palm pilot. And might want to touch mario's fat ass with a pen all day.

lastly, grow up.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-03-25 17:31 ]</font>

Mar 25, 2005, 08:42 PM
lol how many keys on your keyboard did you break typing that in the end told him my opinion im not a fanboy i own both a ps2 and gc and have played both handhelds and im gonna leave it at that.

Mar 25, 2005, 08:50 PM
On 2005-03-25 16:34, ABDUR101 wrote:

And I'm sure you're quite exagerating zelutos, heh, two minutes? Two minutes isn't even long enough to check out the initial features of the system and menus, let alone a significant amount of time to even judge a game being played on the system.

Acutally, i did only play for 2 minutes. And the person i was working with that night played for barely longer and got bored as well.

Mar 25, 2005, 08:50 PM
lol none.. I type fast.

I own.
Japanese SNES (super famicom)
GBA x 2
GB-color x 3
GBpocket x 2

and I don't think the PSP or DS are better than one another. I personally don't even think they are in the same district, the same league, the same ballpark, the same team, the same race, the same type of console.

They are totally different.
I personally prefer the PSP for my tastes.
I love the DS and how much fun the f'ing thing is.

If i didn't have either and I had to choose between two handhelds.. I'd get both again.

Because they both offer totally different things. not just a difference of touch screen vs widescreen. But a difference of ability and function..they have similarities, which is that they play games.. but from that point on, DS can't do what PSP does and vice versa.

merely to disguise the fact

Fact isn't opinion, opinion is how you feel about something. How you feel about something isn't the truth. If you are expressing an opinion, never use the word fact if you're only expressing how you solitarily feel about something.

let's imagine shall we.

fact: the PSP has a recall on parts number 00371.22.
opinion: the PSP sucks because I don't like using the analog stick

note the "I don't".

So yes, you were expressing your opinion, you were also trying to claim your opinion of something as FACT.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-03-25 17:57 ]</font>

Mar 25, 2005, 09:33 PM
On 2005-03-25 17:50, Zelutos wrote:

Acutally, i did only play for 2 minutes. And the person i was working with that night played for barely longer and got bored as well.

This just gives the impression that you had your thoughts set in your mind beforehand, and base what you feel on those, rather than your experiences with the system itself. Might as well have said that you didn't play it at all.

"I only had to play for 2 minutes to realize how crappy it is" is a far worse, and less convincing argument than "I played it extensively enough to get a good feel for the system, but I still don't like it as much". Sure, the first argument may have a sense of a bigger damage dealer in terms of putdowns, but it's not as logically sound.

Either way, the bashing isn't any more justifiable than it was earlier on, despite the clarities to your point that you did indeed only try it out for two minutes.

Mar 25, 2005, 10:45 PM
Ehh I agree with statement about the touch screen is all DS has going for it. To put it simply PSP is in most ways better. I played Mario 64 for the DS and hated it, but yet I loved it when it was actually on the 64. All DS is doing is bringing back outdated games and trying peoples patience for a good game. While PSP is so much more innovated, I liked the style and diversity of the PSP's games. The only set back to the PSP is the joystick, I was happy to see it put into the handhelds but it was a let down with the performance. Either way my vote goes for the PSP because Nintendo creates it, Sony perfects it.

Mar 26, 2005, 12:22 AM
DS. It's awesome. PSP is ok, but I've played both, but I've enjoyed DS time better.

Mar 26, 2005, 12:34 AM
On 2005-03-25 17:50, digigram wrote:

and I don't think the PSP or DS are better than one another. I personally don't even think they are in the same district, the same league, the same ballpark, the same team, the same race, the same type of console.

They are totally different.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-03-25 17:57 ]</font>

Just because the DS has two screens and it is specifically targeted towards the gamer doesn't mean that both systems will not compete for handheld market share.

Sure it's not as distinct as the Xbox, GCN, or PS2 war that has been going on for years, but when it comes down to it, the PSP is a gaming handheld first, with it's other features making it a convenient all-purpose media device.

I don't know if you are backing Nintendo's claim (can't remember who specifically said it) or you came up with it on your own, but Nintendo's stronghold on the handheld market is about to come to an end (unless for some weird reason the PSP's software lineup ends up being bare within this year).

Mar 26, 2005, 12:37 AM
Sure it's not as distinct as the Xbox, GCN, or PS2 war that has been going on for years, but when it comes down to it, the PSP is a gaming handheld first, with it's other features making it a convenient all-purpose media device.


Mar 26, 2005, 01:04 AM
On 2005-03-25 21:37, Shadowpawn wrote:


There's no comparing Sony to Nokia.

Nokia was unprepared, inexperienced, and lacked support from developers. The system was dead even before it laumched. Anybody who followed it's marketing process and analyzed it's future software lineup could have told you the same thing.

Sony on the other hand is experienced, has secured many third party developers, and has the technical know how to push the PSP to success.

Mar 26, 2005, 02:18 AM
On 2005-03-25 21:37, Shadowpawn wrote:

Sure it's not as distinct as the Xbox, GCN, or PS2 war that has been going on for years, but when it comes down to it, the PSP is a gaming handheld first, with it's other features making it a convenient all-purpose media device.


That was just uncalled for.

All this fanboyism is making me wonder what will happen when Nintendo releases the next Game Boy in a couple years, or whatever it'll be called.

Mar 26, 2005, 03:19 AM
!!!! YES, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO OUR PRECIOUS DS'S!!! oh noooo!!!! *holds DS close* I'll never get rid of you!

Mar 26, 2005, 05:31 AM
The potential of the DS is great. But...where are the games that fully use this great innovation? Metroid Prime: Hunters and Animal Crossing were pushed back until October and Castlevania isn't coming out until September. The line up since launch has been very poor (other than Warioware Touched, there hasn't been a game that caught my eye...and only Super Mario 64 DS and Feel the Magic caught my eye at launch). I really would like to see what comes for it...but I hope companies will take full use and potential of the system. Otherwise, the system will become a big failure.

The PSP on the other hand has floored me. The grapics and sound (provided you are using headphones) are amazing. The video quality of the movies are great. And the line up at launch is superior to that of the DS's (especially with Lumines, Wipeout, Darkstalkers, and such), and the system itself is really nicely designed. It really showed me that Sony is knowing what they are doing. I think that the price is causing its uncertainess in the public, but once they really see the system in action, they will become believers.

Ultimately, I like both, but I would say the PSP would be the better line up so far.

Mar 26, 2005, 09:31 AM
I realize that the DS is all about gimmicks. I realize that the PSP is all about power. Neither one has what I'm looking for. I do own a DS, since I had been anticipating some fairly good games for it. But after beating Feel the Magic XY/XX and Mario 64 DS, I got bored with my system. I live in the sticks, so going out of my house to play someone in a game of ANYTHING on it or a pictochat session is an impossibility. So then I get Wario Ware: Touched, but after unlocking everything the minigames lost thier touch. I was hoping that Nintendo would release some more story-driven games earlier on in the systems life cycle, and maybe some games that took advandage of the 3D capabilities.

The PSP, I was hoping for it to be a little more innovative. A widescreen, fancy graphics, and a sexy case do not a good system make. I have yet to get one, so I cannot give my FULL analysis. I wasn't impressed by the ones for display.

And so, at long last, the decision must be made.

And I chose Dreamcast. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Mar 26, 2005, 12:58 PM
On 2005-03-25 23:18, Outrider wrote:

On 2005-03-25 21:37, Shadowpawn wrote:

Sure it's not as distinct as the Xbox, GCN, or PS2 war that has been going on for years, but when it comes down to it, the PSP is a gaming handheld first, with it's other features making it a convenient all-purpose media device.


That was just uncalled for.

All this fanboyism is making me wonder what will happen when Nintendo releases the next Game Boy in a couple years, or whatever it'll be called.

You know it's true, search your feelings...besides I believe that it's not the add-ons that will win the war...it's the quaility of games. It's too soon to predict a winner.

Mar 26, 2005, 04:32 PM
I like the touch-screen ability of the DS, but the graphics quality and depth is superior on the PSP. Thing is, the 2 handhelds aren't really meant to be in the same league... The DS seems to be designed for pure fun, one of the most fun piece's of equipment Ive played for ages. The PSP in my opinion, is 2 things:

1) Sony's move on the handheld market.. but more importantly..
2) Sony trying to make the most impressive piece of mobile technology, not just a games machine.
I don't really think it's fair to compare them, when they're both made for different purposes.

Mar 26, 2005, 04:49 PM
For the last time.. It's not a freekin Gimmick >_<

Can't they just try something differnt?!

Mar 28, 2005, 05:58 PM
I still no nothing. All i got was that the DS doesn't have many games out yet and you get bored with them fast and the PSP can do a lot. It can play 6-8 hours of movies. Where do you get the movies? Isn't the disc size smaller than standard discs? Do you download them to your computer? How do you get movies onto your comuter? Do they work with apples/Macintosh'? How long does the battery last? Im going to go check them both out.

Mar 28, 2005, 07:35 PM
Actually, the movies are sold on Sony's UMD format. In other words, you buy the movies for use on your PSP. It obviously cannot fit normal DVDs.

It is possible to download some movies (In some sort of mpeg format, I think? Somebody else would know better) from your computer onto your memory stick, but I don't know well that works, or how easy it is to do.

Mar 28, 2005, 08:42 PM
On 2005-03-25 16:06, ViewtifulJoe wrote:
Then you are obviously the only one. Nintendo seems to have lost the one thing it had, and that was handhelds

Obviously he's not the only one.....please be more careful when speaking in generalities

Mar 28, 2005, 08:50 PM
oh so you have to buy the movie specifically for the PSP and can only watch them on the PSP? I went to the store today. They only had the DS playable. I was playing it, the wario touch one, and the touch screen was really off. I don't know if thats because it is being used a lot or just how it is. I think its just because its being used alot. I read a magazine about the PSP and said a lot of good stuff about it; however, a lot of bad as well. Higher storage memory cards are big bucks. 1st party for 1 gig is $300 - more than the PSP itself. But 3rd party 1 gig is $150 from Sandisk, a popular, professional, and reliable memory stick maker, which is still a lot of money though. DS doesn't have really good games yet. PSP has Ridge Racer and Metal Gear Ac!d. Both look nice. But PSP doesn't have PictoChat http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif . The battery lasts a little wile longer on the DS than PSP. It has been tested for the PSP to last 4 hours on max brightness and 75% volume level without headphones. You get a battery warning 20 minutes before and the screen doesn't dim at all. With brightness set lower, itlasts an hour and a half longer with the same game.

How do you get music then? from your computer? I still don't really know how it works.

Mar 28, 2005, 08:56 PM
Yeah, you get your music off of your computer. I believe there's a USB adaptor of some sort? Not entirely sure.

Oh, and a warning of Metal Gear Acid. You should read some previews and reviews of it before you consider buying it (if you end up getting a PSP, that is.) It's a card game, and I've read that it doesn't really manage to capture the feel of the MGS series very well. It's also supposed to have a pretty frustrating set of rules. In other words, if you're an MGS fan, MGA might not necessarily be your cup of tea.

Mar 28, 2005, 10:34 PM
Honestly I don't think this poll should have been made yet. Neither system has been out long enough to really have a poll like this. Give these systems a little more time.

Mar 29, 2005, 01:57 AM
Yeah I read about MGA. I heard good stuff about it though. I also read more stuff about how it will be compatible with Mac OS X using iPhoto and iTunes! Exciting! I can't wait to get mine. There is a USB connection to your computer and from there you plug in your PSP with the memory stick in it and select USB mode on the PSP and begin transfer via PC and the data will copy to your PSP in its format. 3rd party software is available to tweak the size of your movie files to decrease the quality of them to the max quality of the PSP's screen size and audio output to save space on the card. The cards are expensive - $300 for 1 gig 1st party, and $150 for 1 gig 3rd party (SanDisk). There are also 64mb, 256mb, and 512mb.

Mar 29, 2005, 02:43 PM
req. out of research done on me buying a couple extra cards.

256 = 50$ for sandisk.
256 = 55 for SMS.

the 1 GB ones I had found were only 219 for the Sony Memory Stick brand.

Still a lot, but not 300.

Transfering any files from PC/MAC to the PSP doesn't convert it to PSP's format unless you are transferring movies.

For music you create a folder that looks like this..

PSP/MUSIC/ (dump mp3's here)

and it's ready to go.
The Mp4 part of it, doesn't require 3rd party software for transferring video if you know what to encode it as, but when using software such as PSP VIDEO 9, the ratio for compression with no loss of quality is about 25% of the original.

100MB turns into 25MB. this can change I would guess depending on circumstances I can't foresee currently, but I have tested so far, about 28 different AVI's, MPG's, MOV's, and WMV's and all of the ended up 25% of the size of the original.

PSP VIDEO 9 is pretty straight forward and is freeware. Drag and drop, I didn't tweak any of the settings, and the results above are what I came up with.

USB storage is much easier and just requires you to treat the memory stick as a hard drive...

PSP/DIGIFILES/pooop.psd as an example. Somehow I don't think I need to expain this.

Another interesting thing I had found out thats not in the manual. Say you have 10 games, and you play all ten games in any given period of time... scenario.

I'm playing wipeout pure, shit, the phone rings... I click up the power switch fast and it suspends.. answer phone, come back and forget I was playing wipeout or whatever, or I don't feel like playing it right then. So I switch games to untold legends or something, and play that like I had just powered up the PSP.

Suspend untold legends. take out UMD. put wipeout back in, and start from suspend again, and where you left off on wipeout is still saved instantaneously.

Suspend saves individual progress from multiple games on Memory stick, using a very small amount of space to save suspend data for multiple games.

Mar 29, 2005, 04:53 PM
I actually knew the details about the movies and music thing, but i didn't feel like writing what you just wrote. haha and thank you for writing it.But I never heard fo that Suspend thing. It saves it that fast that I can just pull it out?

Mar 29, 2005, 08:17 PM
check out this article about the DS:

DS & GBE vs PSP?
None of the information in the article has been officailly confirmed and it is speculation until confirmed

PSP, the one thing many thought would spell the defeat of Nintendo and the permanent reign of Sony to the gaming world. GBE the ultimate plan of attack for Nintendo to regain the near gaming-monopoly it held in the SNES era. Hold that thought and try to comprehend the genius planning that Nintendo went through to come up with a plan of this immense brilliance, risk, sacrifice, and threat.

1999, next Gen R&D at Nintendo had begun. After taking unexpected losses to the Sony Playstation, and seeing the sheer dominance and popularity of the ps2 was gaining Nintendo knew they couldn?t regain what they had lost in one generation. Enter the plan to take the gaming industry by storm. Launch the system in a variety of colors, something ps2 didn?t have, market in purple and black, and advertise as a family system. Some thought such a move was suicidal, but there was much more to come. Still having a virtual monopoly in the handheld market Nintendo decided to slow-play their hand and hold of the release of the ?Nitro?, instead releasing a weaker and cheaper, GBA. With the success of GBA Nintendo decides to implement an expansion of controller pak-like connectivity as seen with the N64 and Pokemon stadium. This would offer something that ps2 didn?t have. Nintendo knew the connectivity wouldn?t take off right off the bat. But it would become a known, and heard of idea. Something they could use 2 generations later, people would know the concept, and Nintendo would market it in an outstanding way.

Phase one

E3 2004. Around a mass hyped PSP, Nintendo had the first step in its master plan up its sleeve about to be shown. The Nintendo DS. Until then most were skeptic, but seeing the new and innovative features of the DS. Many companies realized an untapped potential of the system.

Phase two

Market the DS as a ?third pillar?; assure the public that the GB line will continue and that the DS would not be the next game boy. Many speculated that this would simply be a way for Nintendo to retreat should DS become a failure against PSP. Not all was as it seemed Nintendo had far more up its sleeve than anyone could have possibly imagined.

Phase three

Enter: Evolution and Revolution. Bold names for a company on ?The brink of defeat?, as some analysts would say. Nobody truly knew what to expect, or, better yet knows what to expect. With the DS out for only a year Nintendo announced what would be, the biggest news in handheld history, every. Releasing 2 systems within one year of each other, many speculate DS owners to get fed up with Nintendo and move to PSP, some as myself, see that things will play out in a different manner.

Phase four

The revolution will house a wireless Internet connection capable of connecting to multiple DS and GBE units at once. The Revolution will be able to acquire Internet via wireless router, or normal Ethernet, as to appeal to gamers of all broadband situations. Now, PSP throw in the towel here come the 2 final punches. HDDS: hard disk DS. A mini hard disk inserted into the DS?s GBA slot capable of allowing 20-50 gigs of memory for, music, media, firmware updates, Nintendo?s own PDA software and more. The Revolution will be used, as a wireless hotspot where such downloads, as well as online DS gaming will take place. Here?s the knockout blow, The GBE. Nintendo originally had been developing a handheld gamecube since the Gab?s final days. However it was far too expensive to shrink the hardware to the size of a GBA at a reasonable price, until now. Gamecube is already the smallest system, running on mini-DVD format, anyone wonder why? Because Nintendo was waiting to drop the bomb, PSP comes out, Nintendo keeps GBE on the low pro, and when Sony least expected it BAM cheap portable gamecube. Crushing PSP in processing power and game library with over 500 games to date .It will be the next GB entry in Nintendo?s ?three pillars?
Beating PSP to a pulp is what Nintendo has in mind and from what I can see, I'm liking the looks of things.


posted by UltimateZeldaGuru

Mar 29, 2005, 08:22 PM
On 2005-03-29 17:17, RegPaq wrote:
check out this article about the DS:

Look like... a few topics down.
I'm hoping you didn't just take this for Skorpius's thread and copy it over here. If you did, there's no need to do that. People can read it there.

Mar 29, 2005, 08:30 PM
DS is owning PSP so far in the poll

Mar 29, 2005, 08:34 PM
ok i found this link look at yourself at one BIG poll


you may like psp and its a good choice, i am thinking on buying one, besides the DS, but the fact that you enjoy PSP and i am not judging you by that, doesnt mean that everyone MUST love what you do, here is where the sales makes the diference.

Mar 29, 2005, 09:19 PM
"I don't own either one" is kicking the ass of both the DS and the PSP. I wonder where I can get this system?

Mar 29, 2005, 09:43 PM
I'm hoping you didn't just take this for Skorpius's thread and copy it over here. If you did, there's no need to do that. People can read it there.

no. of course I didn't. I stumbled upon it in another forum. I thought you guys would be interested in it, too. So i posted it. I didnt see it was already posted.

Mar 29, 2005, 10:32 PM
Personally, I would say DS, but I also would say to wait on it until its game library expands (unless you would be just playing GBA games or something). Besides, the price tag would drop. Both are too expensive for handhelds right now, in my opinion.

Apr 2, 2005, 11:09 PM
Think about it... the DS cost $150... and the PSP cost $250... I wonder why that is. Maybe because the PSP is more advanced in features than the DS as Abdur and others have stated... doesn't this sound like a previous subject?
Gamecube - $200
PS2 - $300....
Maybe because PS2 had a DVD player? Extra Feature
Make your own decision and remember your stating OPINIONS when you say "I think such and such is better than..." and state that's what YOU think.

Apr 3, 2005, 12:17 AM
I don't like to go either/or with my systems, especially my portables. I love my SP, DS, and PSP equally. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.

DS, for instant, isn't as powerful as PSP but makes up by allowing a different way to play. PSP is more powerful and the analog nub will be good for certain things.

I already have something for DS/SP which allows movies/music/ect so multimedia isn't a huge issue for me.

In terms of games, DS has more games I want but PSP certainly isn't a slouch.

Apr 3, 2005, 03:04 AM
Well lets see, I know PSP has some good games out or coming out soon like Ridge Racer, Ac!d, Lumines, Dynasty Warriors, and Need for Speed Underground. And the DS has games like Mario 64, Wario Touched, (Doesn't it have Mario Kart?), Animal Crossing, and Pokemon. What other great games are/coming out for the DS and PSP. I know what the systems can do, but what can and will they be able to play is now my question.

Apr 3, 2005, 03:37 AM
DS for these reasons:

1) Touch screen. Sure the DS is graphically inferior to the PSP, but as long as it can produce 3D, graphics beyond that mean nothing to me. The PSP's graphics have been seen beofore, but the DS's touch screen is completely new. The same can be said for the double screen display and the mic control (if you don't count the Famicom).

2) Games. Innovation is the first thing I look for in a game, and innovation is Nintendo's trademark. Most upcoming PSP games are hardly different from games before them.

Don't get me wrong; the PSP is a great system with a few innovative games, but I'd rather have a DS.

Apr 4, 2005, 07:07 AM
On 2005-04-03 00:37, RedBoxHunter wrote:
DS for these reasons:

1) Touch screen. Sure the DS is graphically inferior to the PSP, but as long as it can produce 3D, graphics beyond that mean nothing to me. The PSP's graphics have been seen beofore, but the DS's touch screen is completely new. The same can be said for the double screen display and the mic control (if you don't count the Famicom).

2) Games. Innovation is the first thing I look for in a game, and innovation is Nintendo's trademark. Most upcoming PSP games are hardly different from games before them.

Don't get me wrong; the PSP is a great system with a few innovative games, but I'd rather have a DS.

I completly agree with red box hunter, the DS brings alot new to the table while the PSP brings nothing new to the game plate, and nintendo said they will release media so the DS can do what the PSP can do too. And the PSP uses memory cards, and like my dad said "isn't that a step backwards?".

My final call:
PSP-better for all-around
DS-much better game system, better for teens+

Apr 4, 2005, 09:42 AM
This is just my personal opinion, but I prefer the PSP. This is for several reasons. 1) Graphics, they are amazing, Wipeout Pure is an outstanding example of what is to come. 2) I can place digital pictures on my PSP. I know some people don't/won't care for this feature but I have a 3 y/o little girl that is my pride and joy. 3) Movies, I ripped "The Incredibles" onto my 512mb memory stick. That alone is just awesome. Not to mention that there is a 1GB and a 2GB memory stick, imagine 4 full length movies on one memory stick. The redeye to New York won't be so boring anymore! 4) Music/MP3 player, I mention the movie that I ripped, well you can imagine the amount of songs that can be placed on here. Will it replace the ipod? LMAO NO! but the ipod won't play games or movies either! 5) Future games to be released, a port of Gran Turismo 4, Splinter Cell, Grand Theft Auto, Syphon Filter, Tomb Raider....just to name a few.

For me, the PSP is a hands down winner. Since I've had my PSP, I haven't even charged my DS.

Hope this helped?

Apr 4, 2005, 02:13 PM
I can't beleive I forgot about GT4 and GTA and Splinter Cell. Oh dang those games are great. and portable with that graphics, dang.

I admit, and not defeatedly, that the DS does bring something new to the table, two screens and a touch screen. Thats great for them and good for the people if it works out good. Heck I might buy one myself still.

But where your wrong is where the PSP doesn't bring anything new to the table. No game system handheld for that matter, has been able to, 1st, use memory sticks, 2nd to store movies, music, and game files (which can be traded/given to other people. No other handheld before the PSP has come close to obtaining the graphics of its older brother (or sister, mother, father, parent whatever) console system (I'm talking about PS2) on a miniature handeheld. The graphics in that little thing is great. So don't say it doesn't bring anything new to the table becaus eI have just prooven it does.

Plus I think the DS looks like it was made from plastic and looks like it could break, but the PSP I think looks more elegant and like a piece of technology and smooth. I think. I think.

Apr 4, 2005, 02:15 PM
DS: Charger Charges Power Faster Than It Uses
PSP: Uses MORE Power Than It Charges

Apr 4, 2005, 02:57 PM
that sucks.

Apr 4, 2005, 02:58 PM
Who got pwned now? Thats right, PSP...

Apr 4, 2005, 04:52 PM
what the hell are you talking about hucast? You are completely wrong. Mine fully charges in 1 hour (from dead)

if it at most, lasts a max of 6 hours (according to manual), that would mean what you just said is biased bullshit.

Apr 4, 2005, 06:49 PM
On 2005-04-03 00:04, RegPaq wrote:
Well lets see, I know PSP has some good games out or coming out soon like Ridge Racer, Ac!d, Lumines, Dynasty Warriors, and Need for Speed Underground. And the DS has games like Mario 64, Wario Touched, (Doesn't it have Mario Kart?), Animal Crossing, and Pokemon. What other great games are/coming out for the DS and PSP. I know what the systems can do, but what can and will they be able to play is now my question.

Well, if you need to be annoying.
DS: Boktai, Castlevania, Splinter Cell, Mario Kart, Another Code, Meteos, Dragon Warrior, Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, Final Fantasy 3, Soul Calibur are a few.

PSP: Twisted Metal, GTA.. all I can remember right now. I'll get back to you on these.

Apr 4, 2005, 07:43 PM
On 2005-04-04 14:52, digigram wrote:
what the hell are you talking about hucast? You are completely wrong. Mine fully charges in 1 hour (from dead)

if it at most, lasts a max of 6 hours (according to manual), that would mean what you just said is biased bullshit.

is that how long it takes to charge it while your playing at the same time?

Apr 4, 2005, 11:48 PM
about 30 minutes longer while playing.

went from dead,,plugged in, kept playing.. 1.5 hours to 1.75 hours pass and it's charged, unplug, play for 6.5 hours (manual reference)

Apr 5, 2005, 01:10 AM
oh thats a fast recharge

Apr 6, 2005, 03:16 PM
I own them both and it is too premature to decide which will be better. Ultimately it will be the quality of games, in which case I don't think Nintendo could beat the PSP with just a new Mario/Zelda game every two years.

But I just think in terms of potential the DS is underrated and the PSP is overrated. Functionality in game systems has always been gimmicky to me. When I bought the PSP I did so I could play the games. I still haven't put any music onto it since I, like everyone else who cares enough about listening to music to have an MP3 device, already owns an MP3. I doubt anyone will upload all their songs already on an MP3 to their PSP. And watching movies on the go is nice, but do you really care?

Now think of what developers could do with the DS's features. Two screens, touch screen, microphone, WiFi online. Can you imagine two player online Mario Kart DS, with voice chat, and the second screen showing a cache of items you've collected during the race, a map, etc. The same applies for any multiplayer game. Imagine a game like Halo (I'm fantasizing here, just pay attention to the concept) which has the main action on the top, an overhead map on the bottom showing ally locations, the stylus to touch a player and get info on what weapons they are carrying, etc, and the microphone to talk. Compare this to the PSP which is just basically a portable Playstation, gg, and that's how I view the two.

Of course all of the above is just me saying what would be cool. I think the DS is an ambitious handheld, but I wish Nintendo waited and used some of its better features in the GBA's asuccesor instead of justy throwing it off the assembly line to compete with the PSP.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: JFK90787 on 2005-04-07 12:27 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: JFK90787 on 2005-04-07 12:29 ]</font>

Apr 6, 2005, 09:36 PM
The idea of using the mic for voice chat wouldn't be practical enough on a 10mbit Wifi connection.

Not only would you be using the majority of the bandwidth for the voice chat alone, you at the same time would not be capabale of acceptable ping while playing a game that would require that full 10mbit for knowing other players (up to http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif locations, what they are doing, timing, if they are firing at you, what they are doing, what they are using to shoot you, and transmitting each of these things to everyone playing in that game, from one DS.

1 DS = hosting 8 players, all of the above AND voice chat?

not happening.. and if it were possible for voice chat in a fantasy situation such as a watered down halo port (fiction), the voice quality would be so bad, that only through headphones you might barely be able to figure out what people are saying if you have some way of re-organizing their fragmented voice to decypher what they are actually saying.

although.. it would be neat.. as you said.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-04-06 19:36 ]</font>

Apr 7, 2005, 03:32 AM
i think the two screens for DS are overated. The DS two screens combined square centimeters is less than the PSPs one huge screen. Plus its easier to look at one thing at a time then to. But PSP has a browser now, you can go on AIM with it. its internet is developing. I think there is more potential in the PSP then DS personally.

Apr 7, 2005, 11:44 AM
psp is obviously more functional, but i dont see anything in it that hasnt been seen before, the only difference its mushed together in one machine. Watching movies is cool, but a glorified dvd player, with umds that i cant use on any other player? Nah. Besides, watching movies on the bus will make me miss my stop anyways.

DS, seems like a GBA with a new gimmick. I'm all for gimmicks n all, but a GBA/GC cable only set me back 20 bucks, while a DS will set me back way more.

In all honesty, im quite happy with the GBA library as it is. And i dont need console graphics when i have consoles at home to play. My GBA SP is all i need to play my lil games in between bus stops or on car trips. I can wait.

Apr 7, 2005, 01:38 PM
Again, you've proven it all comes down to personal taste.

They both have their advantages.. including the GBA-SP.

Apr 7, 2005, 02:33 PM
Just a little curious, I don't know the details of WiFi that much, how fast is a WiFi conenction?

Apr 7, 2005, 02:45 PM
the ones that the PSP and DS have are 10mbit 802.11 connections.

not 10MB, but Mb.

Neither would be able to handle voice in my personal opinion. at least in game. as a voice chat thing like some sort of chat room... probably.. but definately not in game.

Apr 8, 2005, 10:04 AM
I don't kno if anyone has mentioned this in an earlier post... but the DS can play dvds and mp3s

I have a friend at school who watches movies nad listens to music on his ds all the time.

it's a little memory card that you somehow use to get movie files and mp3 files off of your computer. It goes into the gameboy cartridge port on the ds.

So now you guys can't keep saying that the psp has more functions.. the only thing it has up on the ds is the planner or palm pilot i saw someone mention earlier.

The only reason you all think psp has more functionality than the ds is because sony does a much better job of advertising this than nintendo does.

Nintendo really dissapoints me with the way they advertise their products. That's why no one thinks the ds is better than the psp. Sony spends all their time advertising the psp's extras, while nintendo concentrates on the gaming side of things.

And lastly no i don't own either the ds or psp.. but i just wanted u guys to know that u Can watch movies and play mp3 files on the ds just to even the playing field here. Really it's about whatever you prefer. They're both amazing.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: pso54 on 2005-04-08 08:06 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: pso54 on 2005-04-08 08:17 ]</font>

Apr 8, 2005, 10:45 AM
On 2005-04-07 12:45, digigram wrote:
the ones that the PSP and DS have are 10mbit 802.11 connections.

802.11a, 802.11b or 802.11g???
the diference is huge between the last letter of each one

Apr 8, 2005, 12:05 PM
Ah luis..thanks for pointing that out.. looked into it further, I had thought both were 10mb wireless..

Both the DS and PSP are only 2Mbit (roughly 2000kbps or around a variable of 1.5 MBps, estimation based on the fact it's wireless and can change due to turning your hand sidewards). So this means there is probably no way there will be a functional in-game voice chat over wireless. Then again, i'm not sure.... I'm trying to re-evaluate the whole connection regarding how much bandwidth is needed for voice/game/wireless interaction. If you haven't heard, PSP in Korea has a Korea only Broadband media service for PSP called NESPOT (I believe this is correct spelling), that allows wireless streaming of movies, music, chat, news, information, blablablablabla. So if movies would be able to stream, obviously voice would as well, just not too sure about it working while playing a game.

As for "dvd" and mp3 for DS. Yeah just read about it..

only available in japan. costs $50-$60 US equivilent. Output sound is 22khz mono and video is 15 FPS. Uses SD memory (panasonic brand I believe) and requires a 256MB chip to view a 120 minute long movie, (with above specs).

from http://www.eurogamer.net

Bizarrely though, Nintendo won't be supplying any means of transferring files to the SD cards, so you will need a separate SD card reader/writer in order to actually record data using your PC.

Which I think is strange and possibly will alienate kids that own a DS. (that aren't up to par with computer literacy and/or knowledge on such things).


so. half quality of PSP movies. about the same amount of storage on SD's (without the portability of USB connectivity) Mp3 quality is perfectly fine. Can only use the Play-Yanand only the play-yan if in SP or DS.

32-64MB SD card = 29.99-49.99
SD reader/writer=15 (usb)

roughly about 250-265.. equal to PSP's Value pack (which is the cost of all the basic accessories and system), plays movies at half the quality, 15 FPS no matter what, MPEG-4 is played in 22khz mono sound. No mention of other supported video types and what the specs are on them.

DS with all thats needed=$250-$265

The ONLY, thing I find REALLY REALLY REALLY cool about this, is that I can now play mp3's on my SP. but if I wanted an Mp3 player, like many others have said, i would have bought one. I have an MP3 CD player and that works perfectly fine... the difference between the play yan and the PSP's onboard stuff, is that I can have a game in and fly directly to audio or video and then return to game without having to move more than my thumb. no switching CD's in my mp3 CD player, no changing games to have to carry more shit around, movies are at 29.97FPS with 128kb-320kb stereo audio full control over angle and perception ratios.

Play-yan is being touted as Nintendo's response to Sony's out of the box multimedia capabilities. I think this is a good idea for the SP and Mp3 playback, but I think it is a half thought out attempt of a response to the PSP's ability if used with the DS, because simply, you're paying $265 for a DS that can play mediocre quality movies and store 5 mp3's, but with 32 MB - not at the same time.

SD - play-yan

32MB = comes with system, $15 otherwise
64MB = 19.99
128MB = 29.99
256MB = 49.99
512MB = 69.99
1GB = 115.00 (cheapest I have recently found)
2GB = ?
4GB = ?

Ultimately, people will still say "who cares about movies and mp3's, I have 15 pockets and 2 mp3 players in my pants. But, if one had to choose between the 2 in capability, the DS still plays good games, with option of watching bad quality videos and listening to mp3's.

Still, down to personal taste.

If I still were to pick one that is my personal choice. It'd still pick the PSP. Fit's my lifestyle and computer/wireless/audio setup more than the DS ever could.

It's a good thing for me, to be able to upload a Video file one of my partners is working on with me to do audio for, with no loss in quality from the original other than slight resolution change and be able to watch it over and over and over on the road. Continually getting ideas for how i'm going to program the compositions for the visuals. To me, that is more of a useful tool than anything else the PSP can do. Having the games there and how bad ass they look, is definately a very LARGE bonus, but i would have bought the PSP with just the wireless,audio and video capabilites.

anyhow... this post has become too long..

hope the info helps.

Apr 8, 2005, 12:42 PM
Missed that thread...

I played the DS, my feelings were clear: "I've been playing video-games for 18 years, and this is new"
Feeling like playing something new after 18 years of experience is astounding.

I played the PSP, I thought, well, a handheld with good graphics, meh.

I don't give a fuck that the PSP can read mp3, avi, heat my food and clean my bathroom, I never did, for any system, as a console, it's very meh, good graphics, yeah.

Don't see how you can regret buying a DS, really.

Apr 8, 2005, 12:45 PM
Where is it that someone said they regret buying a DS?
Where did I say you "have to" buy a PSP kef?

Not once, have I said PSP is superior over the DS. Need I repeat what has been stated in so many posts.

"personal choice"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-04-08 10:48 ]</font>

Apr 8, 2005, 12:49 PM
On 2005-04-08 10:42, Kef wrote:

I don't give a fuck that the PSP can read mp3, avi, heat my food and clean my bathroom, I never did, for any system, as a console, it's very meh, good graphics, yeah.

Ironically, those same attributes were one of the many facts that made PS2 rise over the DC.

Apr 8, 2005, 01:22 PM
I wasn't replying to you AT ALL, digigram, just replying to the thread.

I bought neither of the handhelds, but my choice would be DS, by very far.

And, Jin, what is your point ?

PS2 outclassed DC for other reasons, so ? this is a PSP/DS thread, not PS2/DC.

Apr 8, 2005, 01:49 PM
On 2005-04-04 21:48, digigram wrote:
about 30 minutes longer while playing.

went from dead,,plugged in, kept playing.. 1.5 hours to 1.75 hours pass and it's charged, unplug, play for 6.5 hours (manual reference)

ya, but ds lasts a good 12 hours, with a about 2 hours charging, and you can play while its charging without it STILL DYING, so wtf is your point?

Apr 8, 2005, 02:28 PM
Kef - oh, i didn't realize who you were replying to, or more precisely whose statement.

HUcast - My point is.. You do not know your facts, therefor you shouldnt continue presenting yourself as a ->

2:childish whiner
3:biased control freak
4:ignorant shit talker
5:post whore that HAS to say anything even if it isn't true.

nd you can play while its charging without it STILL DYING
proof that you do not know what the fuck you are talking about. If you read my posts at all, you'd notice I have both systems. You would have also noticed, that when I mentioned that I was "charging" while playing, that means it is not STILL DYING, as you so firmly and blindly believe.

save us from having to read your bullshit again please. Don't post unless you aren't going to come into a thread throwing your fists with your eyes closed.

OMg!!! I luV my DS that i will Killz j00! ... go away

On another note. I have been sick lately so I have been playing my PSP far more in bed. played Wipeout for 3 hours the other night. no suspend, no nothing,..full volume, mid brightness on screen from a fresh recharge..

3.0 hours full wipeout playing with no breaks.
pushed home. went to system information, battery information.

[99% battery remaining/7.02 hours] this is what it displays... 3 days ago this was.. I still haven't recharged the PSP and it has 55% battery left and about 5-6 more hours played on it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-04-08 12:40 ]</font>

Apr 8, 2005, 06:46 PM
I think i will just chime in with a few thoughts of mine. Bearing in mind that I own a DS but not a PSP:

As some people have said, I am looking for something different in the gaming market. Graphics? Not an issue really. The graphics on the DS are good enough. The PSP just isn't innovative enough

Someone earlier said about the DS looking like it is made out of plastic etc etc. Well the clamshell design makes it very strong. At least the screen wont smash or something if you drop it.

One thing people don't seem to consider about the DS (in regards to it's gaming library) is that the console is using new concepts. People expect games developers to suddenly bring out new game that utilise this to it's full potential. It wont happen. And to be honest, games like Polarium show how the Ds is re-inventing certain genres.

The touch screen control is very intuitive.

Erm...can't think of much else right now. If the PSP turns out good, I might get one.

But at the end of the day...SEGA rule!!! The saturn and the Dreamcast were the best consoles ever!

Apr 9, 2005, 07:17 PM
Look at all the nintendo fanboys here lol.

I gave my DS to my little brother after I played my PSP. I dont care to play rehashes of mario games and be in the pokemon cult anymore. I dont care to buy a new handheld system from nintendo every 6 months either. Nintendo has some good games with strategy and rpgs games, but its too bad they wont put it on my GC like the PS2 has.

The bad thing about nintendo is IT TOOK SONY to bring out the super graphics on a handheld. Nintendo could have done this along time ago but they just keep milking it along. Now Sony comes out with a handheld that is 10 times better in graphics than the DS. When sony makes a system they really put power into it.

Better graphics, can watch movies and music and download them, can play games ONLINE with it and MAYBE EVEN PLAY PSO on it if enough peeps are interested! I cant wait to see what a good 2d game like CASTLEVANIA or even (and I pray) GUARDIAN HEROS would look like for the PSP. If Square brings in all the old RPGS then nintendo is gonna lose alot more money that it already is doing now.

Nintendo will always have a good fan base and good games. As long as they sell THIER 1ST PARTY GAMES they make a profet. 3rd party games are really just a a bonus to them. This probably insures that they will be around for a while. Too bad though. They will NEVER be the market leaders ever again by thier own arrogance. I still cant believe that they dont think that ONLINE GAMES is marketable.

Apr 9, 2005, 08:41 PM
Okay, time to see if I can post my opinion without getting flamed to hell by fanboys!

I own the DS. I've had it for around 5 months. You know what? I love it. I have NEVER had this much fun playing on a handheld. Guess what? I only have one game: Super Mario 64 DS. That one game has held me over for months. No, it's not because I'm a Mario fan. The fact that the DS is so innovative made it fun for me. Those minigames will keep me entertained for hours on end. And only today did I find out you could unlock more...http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Yeah, I think the DS is innovative. That's my opinion. I'm not stating it as a fact, as some people here have done. I think it's innovative! There's really not much more I can say about it, that's just what I think.

And to all those people complaining about battery life, try this: When you're done playing you're handheld, don't leave it lying around forever and then complain how it ran out of power. Of course it ran out of power, you didn't replace the batteries/hook it up to the charger! I hook the DS up to the charger everytime I'm done playing with it. I think that if everybody did that (I don't know if the PSP has a charger), we wouldn't have people complaining about battery life. It's just a recommendation.

Now, onto the PSP. No, I haven't played the PSP yet. I've read about it, I've seen pictures, I've seen it in action. I think it looks pretty cool. But I'm not gonna get it. Why? One word:


I'm not gonna scrounge up that much money for something that could fit in my pocket. That's how much I'd spend to buy a console like Xbox or Gamecube, but not a handheld.

Once I get my hands on a PSP, I will play it. I'm not gonna be a Nintendo fanboy and say "OMG teh PSP suxx0rz!!11!1."

There is one other problem that I have with the PSP, though. Why the need for all this other stuff? I don't want a Handheld/DVD Player/MP3 Player/TV/Microwave/Tanning Bed/Other crap. I want a handheld that plays games! I'm not gonna buy a PSP so I can watch 'Family Guy' on a screen smaller than my hand. That won't keep me from playing it, though. It's just something I felt like venting about.

Now, before you fanboys (which I know is not all of you) flame me to hell, let me point out that this entire post is all OPINION. Not once did I state a fact. Not once did I say that my opinion IS fact. And not once did I attempt to shove my opinion down your throat. If you still feel like flaming me, then go ahead.

Apr 9, 2005, 09:57 PM
I have the DS myself. I love it. I've seen the PSP played, seen people sell everything they have to get one (I have a friend sold his GBA, SP, GC, and games for said systems just to get the PSP) and... it didn't really impress me. I dunno, something about the DS just feels like, well, feels the way I felt back when I played my Nintendo 64 and SNES all the time. It has made me remember how awsome some of the games were on them. I am a bit of a nostalgic gamer myself and, like the PS2, the PSP doesn't bring that nostalgic feeling to me.

I will now say though, that I don't play handhelds nearly as much as consoles or my PC. I just don't. But when I do play my handhelds, I play for a long time. I am prone to going on very long trips via aircraft, where charging is not an option. Like laptops, the PSP has so much running that it kills the battery time on it. Sorry, but 5-7 hours isn't enough for a 10-15 hour day with no access to a charging station. Movies and MP3s? I have one of those already that my dad bought, and I use. Portable with AVI, MPEG, MP3, WMA, etc. and 40GB of space for less than the PSP or DS with the required cost for the 1 or 2 GB stick. I figure, if I wanna listen to music or watch a movie, I will use that device that is specifically made for it rather than my game system.

PSP didn't, and doesn't, 'excite' me the way the DS does. For me, DS wins hands down. Plus, with backwards compatability, I can finish all those GBA games I have been neglecting.

And the disclaimer: This is all personal choice for me. For my needs DS wins, for others, like my friend, PSP wins. I will probably get a PSP, but it is by and far not my main priority of what to spend my money on. I would rather spend that money on a new video card personally, or even buy the few more parts needed so that I can have 2 very nice computers.

Apr 9, 2005, 10:07 PM
On 2005-04-09 17:17, Drithe wrote:
Graphics mean nothing.
The PSP is not impressive, and so far has mostly shitty games, like all SONY systems at launch.
The DS is impressive, breathtaking.

I haven't seen too many rehashed games so far, either.

Never was a fan of Mario (I liked Mario World 2 a lot, that's about it) so all those Mario games annoy me as well, whether on GC, GBA or DS, I still think that those 3 systems are simply excellent.

Apr 9, 2005, 10:54 PM
I had a DS and was really excited about it.

I loved it until I saw the PSP in real life. A friend bragged about it, and he plays it all the time. I liked it to the point of more than my DS, and I got rid of the DS and got a PSP.

I like the PSP now.

Apr 10, 2005, 08:32 AM
I just traded in my DS in favor of a PSP. I'm very happy with it. My DS was collecting dust, it just wasn't fun to play. The touch screen didn't feel like anything more then a gimmick to me. The PSP feel's like a real console that may see some games I acually care about. Don't get me wrong, my sister still owns a DS and I'll probably still use it, but personally I really like my PSP.

Apr 10, 2005, 08:39 AM
On 2005-04-08 11:22, Kef wrote:

And, Jin, what is your point ?

Hold on a second while I check what I said:

Ah, I meant that most people only look for brands, and extras. Happens in software, and also in hardware.

If they know that the PSP is from Sony, and that it has multiple features, they won't remember that the Nintendo DS came from the creators of Game Boy.

I heard some people comment that they weren't gonna buy the DS because "I don't need two screens to play a videogame. In fact, why should I pay for two screens?"

The average consumer is ignorant.

Apr 10, 2005, 07:46 PM
I disagree Kefka. I dislike all the launch titles for both systems. DS has Mario DS which is a rehashed Version of Mario 64. So far I've had my DS for about 4 months and I have yet to buy a DS game for it. I played 1 game on it so far and that was Kingdom Heart:Chain of Memories for GBA Sp.

To answer the topic, I did'nt vote because there wasnt a "both" option. Yeah Im gonna get PSP too since I know that even though neither of them have good games yet, they will soon. Plus PSP has MP3 and it may save me the expense of buying a separate one.

Apr 10, 2005, 11:54 PM
Both look pretty interesting.

The Nintendo DS has a lot of good features that interest me. Backwards compatability is always good, and the touch screen is quite a unique concept. Wireless multiplayer/chat is an awesome concept as well. Currently, though, DS doesn't have many games that I'd be interested in buying. Mario 64 DS, maybe WarioWare: Touched, but that's about it. Those games aren't really too in-depth, either. I'd really want some more solid titles (Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, etc) before I bought one.

The PSP has some cool things going on, as well. Having the pseudo-control stick is good for me, and the ability to watch movies would be quite a nice option if I was traveling for long periods in a car/plane/whatever. They have quite an impressive lineup of movies coming out - I'm interested in Spiderman 2 (since I haven't seen it yet XP), Pirates of the Caribbean, and Terminator 2. The music carrying features, eh, I don't really care about, since I plan to get an iPod sometime soon. I really care more about the games, since those are what defines a system.

And PSP has a lot more games that look interesting/fun to me. Metal Gear Acid (though Outrider has told me he's heard mainly mediocre/lukewarm reviews of it), Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory (I'm a bit shaken up by the lukewarm reviews of the imported version, but...), Wipeout Pure, Lumines, and possibly others. The PSP also has similar wireless multiplayer abilities compared to DS, but no chat feature.

On the bad side of things about the PSP...well, there's the hefty price, the stuff I've heard vaguely about dead pixels, defective buttons, etc, and how a couple of the games I'm interested in suck. As far as the memory stick issue goes, I'm sure I'd be fine with the defualt one, since I probably wouldn't store any music/pictures/MPEG movies/whatever on it.

So, as of now, I'm more leaning towards PSP, but I don't plan to buy either of them anytime soon. Next on the list is my iPod. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eihwaz on 2005-04-10 21:56 ]</font>

Apr 12, 2005, 06:00 PM
Just going to put in two sence here:
DS: Nintendo seems keen on having DS be a innovation but until developers find ways to use it, most will consider it a gimmick.

I believe that it will end up with innovative games when developers realise that the screens can be used for multiple little things instead of one gameplay mechanic.

PSP: Sony hit the PSP with everything that will attract the mainstream and graphic whores. Sleek design, a beauty screen, PS2 graphics, and the ability to have movies/music/photos.

However, the screen is easily scratched and most know that graphics don't mean much. Aside from the UMDs given with the system, there isn't any UMDs for music or movies and the ones announced sound lame. Know how to turn a movie into a MP4 so PSP can play it? You do? I am going to laugh when thousands of people try to watch movies on PSP in vain.

I have a GBA Movie Player (not that one shown above) and it is easier to work with than turning it into a MP4 and is surprisingly crisp. It can also play music (& display lyrics), pictures, text (& have music on at the same time), and NES games just for $25.

Serious though, games will decide the system and both have some great games coming out. In terms of games released now, I have to give it to PSP but DS has a more promising future line-up. Now can we quit this and have this thread locked before the pocking and eye-gouging begins.

Apr 13, 2005, 02:39 AM
I just bought a PSP. and its amazing. I like it more than my iPod. I have seen DS's and stuff, but its hard to play a system with good graphics and then step down. The graphics on the DS aren't too bad, but could be much better. So yeah the DS can play movie files and mp3. wow. The screen is so small on the DS to watch movies. its crap. Can it surf the net? no. And to all you complaining about the price of the PSP, fine buy the DS. If you invest in a PSP you would be better off. Or you can have fun playing more mario remakes and pokemon remakes (I am not saying remakes are bad, just ones that have been around for more than just a few years get boring) and animal crossing, and blah blah. kiddy games. The PSP is made to play games, movies, music, pictures, and surf the net. If you don't need the extra features, buy the DS, unless you want better graphics and games buy the PSP. Personally, I am not trying to convert the way you feel about any system, I am just stating the fact of what the conversations ridiculemets exist of.

This is the bottom line right here.

If you want to play games mainly and don't mine 64 bit graphics, and like to touch things, and are 7 years old (because of games), buy the DS.

If you like having all your media devices in one - movies, music videos, music, pictures and slideshows, great PS2 graphics and a little more 'adult' games, buy the PSP.

Don't have the cash for a PSP and thats the only reason you don't like it? Thats not a good reason at all. If you can't afford to spend just $250, then you don't have a job. People. I make minimum wage 6.75 and work about 17-27 hours a week and could make that in two weeks with extra left over. If you have bills to pay maybe 3. Its not really hard to get money.

This is my experience.
The PSP has been the greatest joy i have ever had from a gadget by far. Its like my own little friend that I can completely interact with. When I am bored, it entertains me, when I am serious or doing business, it supports me.

People who turn down the PSP for price is sad. K the DS has two screen that are like more than an inch apart, which I find hard to look at. The bottom one is touch screen, which is cool, but not actually necessary. Unless your playing a game that takes advantage of the feature like Wario Touched or whatever (childs game). I bet if you played the three best games for the PSP and then the three best for DS or vise versa it won't matter, you will like the PSP better. However, unfortunatley, this test can never be determined because of teh factors of pride for companies and the question that scientists use: "Don't seek to make your theory true, but seek to find the truth" not exact quotes, but you know what I mean.

Apr 13, 2005, 03:37 AM
To me, Nintendo will ALWAYS be over Sony.

I like and have both DS and PSP...

DS will be good for it's fun games and PSP will be.. well somewhere with it's games. Like the PlayStation... the first many games will be boring (we know this)...

But let's wait for a real street fighter game.

Maybe another MvC?

PSP is a revolutionary handheld with a lot of power... but that's all it really is. A UMD player, mp3 player... and portable game system.

I bought the PSP because of its capabilities.

I bought the DS because of it's tradition in real gaming.

So stop fighting.

Apr 13, 2005, 12:57 PM
The fact that Reg reverted to the "kiddy" argument really shows he has no idea what he's talking about.

I'm glad you're having fun with your PSP, as it's supposed to be a very good system, but it appears you're more concerned with the image it'll give off than the games, so the entire thread was pretty much pointless.

Oh, and also:

If you're planning on flaming Mario 64, which is considered one of the best and most revolutionary video games ever made, you would probably be better off not saying anything.

I fear what the new generation of gamers really are.

Apr 13, 2005, 04:29 PM
On 2005-04-13 10:57, Outrider wrote:

but it appears you're more concerned with the image it'll give off than the games,

Lord knows that's why a lot of people I know got it. A few that I know don't touch the thing. They carry it around in public and "play" whatever game they have and whenever the DS is brought up they denounce it as "that gay kiddie system" or the "Nintendo Dual-Shit". Pricks...

Apr 13, 2005, 04:40 PM
On 2005-04-13 00:39, RegPaq wrote:

Don't have the cash for a PSP and thats the only reason you don't like it? Thats not a good reason at all. If you can't afford to spend just $250, then you don't have a job. People. I make minimum wage 6.75 and work about 17-27 hours a week and could make that in two weeks with extra left over. If you have bills to pay maybe 3. Its not really hard to get money.


People who turn down the PSP for price is sad. K the DS has two screen that are like more than an inch apart, which I find hard to look at. The bottom one is touch screen, which is cool, but not actually necessary. Unless your playing a game that takes advantage of the feature like Wario Touched or whatever (childs game).

wow, good for you! You work full time and earn money. But Do not fucking assume that other people are even in that kind of situation. Maybe $250 is alot to some people. What about students at college/uni eh? Maybe there aren't any jobs in that area? Maybe people think spending that much on a hand held is too much. Whatever, take your arrogant attitude and shove it up your arse!

Secondly: What kind of retard are you? The DS screens aren't miles away from eachother.
The bottom one is touch screen, which is cool, but not actually necessary. Unless your playing a game that takes advantage of the feature like Wario Touched or whatever (childs game).

This comment is exactly the kind of thinking that holds up the game industry. Not necessary eh? Ever think of putting new features into games/consoles? You could argue that having the ability to play music/movies is not necessary. Hell you could even argue that analogue control isn'e necessary. See where I am goin with this? Also consider that it's a new feature and it will take time for games to make full use of it.

And wario ware? It's a fun game, not a kids game. Again you are judging the game on it's graphics. Mind you I don't expect any less.

Apr 13, 2005, 04:58 PM
On 2005-04-13 10:57, Outrider wrote:
The fact that Reg reverted to the "kiddy" argument really shows he has no idea what he's talking about.

I'm glad you're having fun with your PSP, as it's supposed to be a very good system, but it appears you're more concerned with the image it'll give off than the games, so the entire thread was pretty much pointless.

Oh, and also:

If you're planning on flaming Mario 64, which is considered one of the best and most revolutionary video games ever made, you would probably be better off not saying anything.

That doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about. I do and Its a fact. Just because well, "I think that Nintendo will always be over sony" doesn't mean it is always going to be over sony. There are like two games out for the DS that rated T and the rest E. Most E games are like mario and pokemon and shiit like that. I am not dissing mario 64 by the way. It was a good game when it was on 64 and new. At least they can make like a different mario or a mario 64 2 thing. Its a basically a remake even though there are little added features its a remake. And its surprising that everyone is obsessing over mario 64 that I am sure have played on the 64 version and have collected all 126 stars or whatever.

And you don't know me. You just assume and judge that I haven't 'touched' a DS or whatever or played Mario 64. you judge me and say that I don't know what I am talking about, but in fact I do. I know what the DS can do and what it can't. I know what games it has and what it doesn't have. I know what kind of kids play them and what kind of 'adults' play them.

And on the other hand, I know the same thing for the PSP. I am just pointing out that the PSP has much more possibilities than the DS. Personally and honstly, I do not think that touch screen WON'T be the future gaming technology and will take over the gaming world, but I am not saying it will, its a possibility. But I think it needs to be developedd more and thought about more before putting it into a system like the DS.

Basically and it really does, the DS has games and is made for pre teen and under and the PSP made for older people by more than just the games. The price and what it can do. I mean what kid really needs to put videos and music and pictures and what not on their gaming system. Kids don't care about that.

Apr 13, 2005, 05:07 PM
On 2005-04-13 14:58, RegPaq wrote:

That doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about. I do and Its a fact. Just because well, "I think that Nintendo will always be over sony" doesn't mean it is always going to be over sony. There are like two games out for the DS that rated T and the rest E. Most E games are like mario and pokemon and shiit like that. I am not dissing mario 64 by the way. It was a good game when it was on 64 and new. At least they can make like a different mario or a mario 64 2 thing. Its a basically a remake even though there are little added features its a remake. And its surprising that everyone is obsessing over mario 64 that I am sure have played on the 64 version and have collected all 126 stars or whatever.

And you don't know me. You just assume and judge that I haven't 'touched' a DS or whatever or played Mario 64. you judge me and say that I don't know what I am talking about, but in fact I do. I know what the DS can do and what it can't. I know what games it has and what it doesn't have. I know what kind of kids play them and what kind of 'adults' play them.

Basically and it really does, the DS has games and is made for pre teen and under and the PSP made for older people by more than just the games. The price and what it can do. I mean what kid really needs to put videos and music and pictures and what not on their gaming system. Kids don't care about that.

There are more generalizations here than I know what to do with...

Apr 13, 2005, 06:28 PM
On 2005-04-13 14:58, RegPaq wrote:
There are like two games out for the DS that rated T and the rest E. Most E games are like mario and pokemon and shiit like that. I am not dissing mario 64 by the way. It was a good game when it was on 64 and new. At least they can make like a different mario or a mario 64 2 thing. Its a basically a remake even though there are little added features its a remake. And its surprising that everyone is obsessing over mario 64 that I am sure have played on the 64 version and have collected all 126 stars or whatever.

Ok, first off - why in the world does a game being rated T make it better than a game rated E? Besides, have you ever even played Pokemon? It's a damn good RPG, particularly for handhelds.

Also, I fail to see how if you've already beaten Mario 64, you wouldn't want to play it again. Games are not meant to be played once and discarded just so you can say you've "beaten them." A good game can be played over and over again. I can't count the number of times I've just booted up Mario 64 just to run around and have some fun in the game world.

And you don't know me. You just assume and judge that I haven't 'touched' a DS or whatever or played Mario 64. you judge me and say that I don't know what I am talking about, but in fact I do. I know what the DS can do and what it can't. I know what games it has and what it doesn't have. I know what kind of kids play them and what kind of 'adults' play them.

Actually, I never mentioned any of this besides saying you don't know what you're talking about. You're not really helping your case.

And on the other hand, I know the same thing for the PSP. I am just pointing out that the PSP has much more possibilities than the DS. Personally and honstly, I do not think that touch screen WON'T be the future gaming technology and will take over the gaming world, but I am not saying it will, its a possibility. But I think it needs to be developedd more and thought about more before putting it into a system like the DS.

Basically and it really does, the DS has games and is made for pre teen and under and the PSP made for older people by more than just the games. The price and what it can do. I mean what kid really needs to put videos and music and pictures and what not on their gaming system. Kids don't care about that.

Actually, I can't see how PSP offers more possibility for gaming than the DS. The only thing it really has over other handheld systems is better graphics, stronger processor, etc. Sure, processing power can allow for some types of gaming that haven't already occured, but I think you'd be fighting an uphill battle to call PSP revolutionary in any way but portable graphics.

Again, the Teen/Kid comment. Just because a game is for all ages doesn't mean it can't be enjoyed by adults. Do you disregard animated movies because they're mostly made so that kids can enjoy them? That doesn't prevent them from being thoroughly enjoyable.

Also, I'd just like to point out something from your previous post. I was thinking about the libraries for the DS and the PSP, and actually, I believe the PSP has more "ports" than the DS. Could be mistaken, but I can think of more as of right now.

Apr 17, 2005, 08:07 PM
pokemon is a HUGE GREAT GAME, when it came out i was playing until 2 am, most of the evenings, and on sunday my best friend and me played all the sunday combined with super smash bros.

One thing that is important before judging kids games or mature games, is WHO is playing it, in other words, for myself if i enjoy a game like pokemon it doesnt make me a kiddo, in matter of fact i got most responsabilities raising a 5 months old one, (my first son) than playing a video game, but when i got time i do it, and its the fact that you enjoy it that makes more important than the age rate of it.

So for me it just simply doesnt matter if its a kid or mature game, if i enjoy it ill buy it...Period dont have to listen someone to know what i like.

Apr 19, 2005, 12:37 AM
PSP biotch http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif