View Full Version : Item: White Day Conversion

Mar 26, 2005, 07:59 PM
Heyyyyyyyyyyyy look who it is....Itttts Rabid!

ok seriously, so I got the Flower Bouqet from White Day. Im just like "O yay! I got a level and another worthless item! Better add this to my collection of Game CDs and Hunter Reports!"

Then I was talking about events to a friend of mine, Snow, and they said that with the Flower Bouquet I can make an item out of it. They said somewhere in TTF I can get the item....

So my question is this...What do I do to convert the White Day Flower Bouqet into an Item?
(sorry if Im blind and its in the guides...I didnt see it)

Mar 26, 2005, 08:15 PM
damn at my female char (main char for the moment) cant access that quest lol)