View Full Version : Help with the final boss

Mar 29, 2005, 10:50 AM
Oke im i need of some sugestions.
I finaly have reached the Big boss, but whatever i try i cannot WIN!!!!
Does aybody have some ideas of how to defeat this 1?

Mar 29, 2005, 03:20 PM
Well first of all... are you hunters or arkz? this should affect your strategy a lot. o.o;

Mar 29, 2005, 07:45 PM
Either Hunter or Arkz you should use the same basic strategy. you should focus on getting 2-3 attacks per turn with some fairly strong cards. For Arkz, Hildebear work especially well because you can set 2 and they have 6AP. For Hunters, give Sil'fer a try and use a good 3 star 5 star combo (Musashi and Black King Bar is a set I find extremely effective). Then get as many attacks per turn as you can, using action cards to improve your attacks, but not to replace the attack of another weapon or creature. Remember, the A.I. is dumb. Attack with your weakest hits first to draw out the defense, then wail on him with your strong attacks. I hope this helps. Good luck!

Mar 29, 2005, 08:17 PM
oh yeah! TP defense and guard monsters help a LOT. o.o

If I recall correctly, the super monsters you end up going against have a lot of AP but little TP I think....

Mar 30, 2005, 05:28 PM
On 2005-03-29 17:17, Mowse wrote:
oh yeah! TP defense and guard monsters help a LOT. o.o

If I recall correctly, the super monsters you end up going against have a lot of AP but little TP I think....

Guard monsters work, but TP Defense does nothing. Amplum Umbla's AP and TP are both 4. :<

I've gotten a flawless S against AU. :3 Sil'fer. Use three two-star weapons (Sabers, Swords, DAGGERS, etc.) and two Mags. Musculars strengthen all of your cards whenever you have the chance. Be sure to have three Weaknesses in your deck. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif It worked for me. Other times, I only got hit a couple times, by summoned monsters.

Arkz can be just as fun when you use a card like Hallo Rappy. It's got teh bling-bling... er... Contact Halfguard. ...Or you can just summon two Merlans and utilize SC Slayer to the max! Weakness cards also help here. Break is good with Magic. Or if AU summons Epsilon, use Memoru. Snatch! Aw, snap!

Mar 31, 2005, 05:38 AM
Thanks for the sugestions!!!!!!!!! Will give it a try http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif if it doesnt work i probably post again lol

Apr 3, 2005, 07:58 PM
>.> Arkz..was the easiest battle I had ever seen. I mean I had dark gunner..and some stuff..forgot..but I know he was dead before I was touched..