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View Full Version : Isnt skateboarding a career?

Jul 24, 2002, 09:15 AM
Last time I checked it was. I was in school and I got picked out to setup my schedule for high school. They give me classes to fit me carrer. Anyway she asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and I say, "Profesional Skateboarder" then she goes, "That is not a career" and I say "yeah, it is" . Then we argue and I ended up having classes for something else. I see Tony Hawk, Bob Burnquist, Bucky Lasek, ect. getting money for skateing.. She wouldnt know because she is all old and Skateboarding as a carrer has only been around for 30 or so yeara.

Anyway does anyone know if this is a career?

Jul 24, 2002, 09:26 AM
It's not a career! You need college education to have a career. And don't ask how the HELL those jocky idiots are still alive, God knows they did'nt make it through college.

Jul 24, 2002, 09:34 AM
I'd say its a career if you're good enough to actually make money out of it....very few people make it even if they are good enough though; so its not something you can rely on.

Jul 24, 2002, 01:51 PM
its a career however like most sports careers u either earn a shit load of cash or not alot at all. so dont rely on it, do it as a fun thing and see how u do

Jul 24, 2002, 02:08 PM
Theres about a 1% chance you will become a Tony Hawk. I would skate as just a hobby.

Jul 24, 2002, 02:31 PM
Skateboarding isn't a career, it's a crime http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

Jul 24, 2002, 02:41 PM
Thats nice.

Jul 24, 2002, 02:43 PM
A little VA beach humor.

Skateboarding at the ocean front is illegal. And yet, a few years ago, they hosted the x-games trials there. Go figure.

Jul 24, 2002, 02:50 PM
Illegal..wow...oh well

Jul 24, 2002, 04:46 PM
I don't appreciate the "dumb jocky" comment, Abdur. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif A lot, but not all, of pro skaters are very admirable as far as their attitudes on life and such. Tony Hawk is a good example of this; he happens to be very rich and famous, but he's also very smart and down to earth. My big brother had a dream of skating professionally, but to do so, you basically have to live in a place like California, where you can skate all day long since the weather is great year-round. Unfortunately, we lived in rainy Seattle, so he didn't have the chance to skate as much as he wanted to. He now lives in San Francisco, where he can still skate as a hobby and sees pros on a regular basis.

It's possible to become pro, but you also have to work very hard at it to get noticed. Chances are, you'll really struggle until then. I wouldn't rely on it alone to get you through life; like another poster said, you should also work on getting a good education not only to fall back on if you can't live your dream, but to be more enriched in general. Otherwise, you might end up being one of those "dumb jockies." http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_eek.gif

[/long-winded post]

Jul 24, 2002, 04:49 PM
It makes money, it's a career.

Jul 24, 2002, 05:13 PM
I agree with Alielle there....I was actually surprised at that comment coming from you Abdur..

(I still love you)

Jul 24, 2002, 05:31 PM
On 2002-07-24 14:46, Alielle wrote:
I don't appreciate the "dumb jocky" comment, Abdur. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

...ok..where was everyone in school when their teacher said "You'll never make a living without a college education"? I was in 7th grade when my english teacher told the class that.

I was poking fun at the teachers and adults who say that, because there are sports pro's who make a FINE living and some of them haven't even gotten a great education.

The point was, "If you have the skills, you don't need to waste time and money in school". You can't learn something that comes natural for you, right? Don't take offense to it, I thought I made it pretty clear that I was being sarcastic. Oh well, now you know =)

Jul 24, 2002, 05:48 PM
Sorry Abdur, I must have the brain-worms today. Duh... I thought it was a little unlike you to say something like that.

Jul 24, 2002, 06:07 PM
..oh well, guess I shoulda spotted that too http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif I blame the interesting events of my last night http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jul 25, 2002, 10:35 AM
I already know how to get sponsered I just need to be extremly good.

Jul 25, 2002, 07:12 PM
lol...do you know how many unknown skaters there are out there just as good as the 'pro's'? And how are you going to get spondorship?

I don't mean to be rude, its just that the odds aren't good, and you really need to have something to fall back on....(omg I sound so old!!! ;p http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif)