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View Full Version : Anticipation? When is it time for PSU?

Mar 30, 2005, 08:24 PM
PSOW stands as a community for all phantasy star games which are online.

It wasn't covering PSU previously because no one knew if it was going to be online. Now it's confirmed as a 'bit o' both' with 40hr offline play and nearly mmorpg like online play.

My question is: when is it time for PSOW to get a board dedicated to PSU? Obviously, it'd only be 1, because there's no real "areas" to it yet like 'player matchup/items/etc' like the other released vers have.

Yes, there is a sticky topic in "off topic" for it, but if you want to bring up a separate point or speculation, it gets lost in the zillions of pages. Chances are, you're not going to get an answer, or be able to discuss it to a meaningful end, before something else occurs inside the topic. Also, the people who don't know this sticky is here just post stuff anywhere and some mod has to come and move it every day. If there was a board, everyone would just know.

For me, (IDK who else) speculation, anticipation, and the hanging-on of every super exciting tidbit of info is SUPER fun! I love it! I love this exciting time of looking ahead and discussing with friends what's about to go on! It only builds up the fun of the game and gets rid of the hum-drum that is the current desolate PSO of the USA.

Is it highly difficult to make another forum on this site? What is the resistance to doing a PSU one, now that we all know it's online? I would bet that people have enough to say about it now, to warrant one. I know the EP3 main board gets less posts then any PSU one would. PSOBB is an offshoot of all the current rehash of the rehash we're already dealing with, so it is in the ep 1&2...until it hits USA shores and actually becomes readable and discussable.

Does anyone think it would 'go to waste' if there was a PSU board now? Does anyone else think that anticipation is really cool and ultra exciting to talk about? It might bring new people to the PSOW site ahead of time if it was offered.

For me though, I just can't wait! There's plenty to say about the awesome future, and there's only gonna be more soon! I reeeely want this to be the place that's ready for it all. What do you think?

Mar 30, 2005, 08:44 PM
we hear ya, we hear ya loud & clear..
it's coming, but the 'how soon' is up to the admins

Mar 30, 2005, 09:24 PM
At the moment, that which is known has not enough real branches to warrant individual threads to the point of a new board or section. Also, there's not many varying topics in all.

Think about how it'd be if there really was a whole section for PSU right now. Every thread would end up either "Who's going to get this game?", "Which system do you want it to be on?" and "Hey here's a new news thing.", the most applicable of which would be "Hey here's a new news thing."

Basically put, there's no actual discussion on the game itself. There's no strategies, no items, no enemies, no areas, no secrets, no places to meet, nothing.

The one or two threads that pop up are enough, at the moment. There's that feeling that if a new board or section came out, people would be looking for excuses to post threads there, as opposed to actually having significant content about the game to post about. and by content, I mean more than news stories and interviews.

When and if there's a board, there will be one. Mods and such know that PSU is a game, and they know all this stuff. They don't really have to be reminded of it. If they think one will be needed, and they have the time, there will be one. Having it later than now won't kill it, but making one too early is definitely not needed.

Mar 31, 2005, 02:08 AM
While I do agree that it's probably too early to merit an entire board Mix, you've gotta admit-- it'd clean up General. And Off-Topic. It's kind of in an unbalanced limbo, at the moment. Every time some new information jumps out about it, we get a post or two in General, which then get moved to Off-Topic, which results in more threads about the same information in General.

The problem, as Azure pointed out, is that we have a single Sticky about it in Off-Topic that is waaaay too long. I don't know about you, but I gave up on that sticky for useful information months ago.

Mar 31, 2005, 03:56 AM
Let's have a vote! Everyone in favour of a PSU forum, say 'Aye.'


Apr 1, 2005, 12:39 AM
Let's just wait for the game to be released first. Once it's out and people are playing it I'm fairly certain there will be a forum for it. Untill then lets just stick to the one topic in off topic http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 1, 2005, 02:14 AM
Its like I said, until there's a decision, these forums stay primarily PSO. if the answer is no, this place will stay PSO only and you'll have to look elsewhere for your PSU fix. I mean this place isn't called PSO World for nothing.

Apr 1, 2005, 02:21 AM
On the other hand Jon, I suppose that once PSU is released, the decision will have to be made concerning whether "Phantasy Star Online World" is devoted specifically to "Phantasy Star Online" games or to "Phantasy Star" games with Online gameplay.

Apr 2, 2005, 10:14 AM
OF COURSE the site will cover PSU. Expect a new message board and dedicated PSU updates page to appear sometime in the near future http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 2, 2005, 02:56 PM
LOL! I heard they are going to try to have a new quest every week on psu. That seems to many for every week unless your gonna make like 100 before you release the game and then do it every week.

Apr 2, 2005, 07:36 PM
All right!
Just what I was hopin' to hear! "very near future" is cool to me! I hope I can save up my questions and observations until then, like if you look on top of that giant-face-beast in the screenshots that horn has a little carpet and a handle on it which don't look natural. I can't wait till it's here, TY for the reply!