View Full Version : Ep3 is it fun?

Mar 31, 2005, 10:13 AM
I have a copy of ep3 but I never play it(maybe cus I was dissapointed that it was a card game) is it worth playing at all, should I get it from my friend?
and can you use chars from ep 1&2 on it?

Mar 31, 2005, 10:34 AM
On 2005-03-31 07:13, Shiva91 wrote:
I have a copy of ep3 but I never play it(maybe cus I was dissapointed that it was a card game) is it worth playing at all, should I get it from my friend?
and can you use chars from ep 1&2 on it?

Do you enjoy strategy turn-based games? If so, you may like Episode 3. It is set in the PSO universe and uses many of the same monsters/items/concepts as Episode 1 and 2. The only way you'll know if you like or hate it is to try it.

Also, you can't use characters from Episode 1&2. If you want to use your Episode1&2 avatar, you will have to recreate him/her.

Mar 31, 2005, 10:35 AM
oh, How long is the game? can you beat it in a day?

Mar 31, 2005, 10:38 AM
On 2005-03-31 07:35, Shiva91 wrote:
oh, How long is the game? can you beat it in a day?

If you played a morning-evening marathon session and skipped the side-quests, you maybe able to beat it in a day. However, you'll probably miss most of the storyline if you do that.

If your goal is to get to a high level and collect most/all of the cards, that will take several hundred hours.

The real fun of Episode 3 comes from playing with friends, finding new cards, building new decks, and testing battle strategies.

Mar 31, 2005, 10:40 AM
So I should put forth effort and not try and rush the game? also the cards are weapons and enemies, Is there a Dark Falz or Olga flow card?

Mar 31, 2005, 10:49 AM
On 2005-03-31 07:40, Shiva91 wrote:
So I should put forth effort and not try and rush the game? also the cards are weapons and enemies, Is there a Dark Falz or Olga flow card?

You should take your time and talk to all of the NPCs after each match. You will be rewarded with a rich storyline (at least by PSO standards), additional quests, and receive cards.

Also, there are no boss cards. However, there are mini-bosses.

Mar 31, 2005, 10:54 AM
oh so which is better to play first? Arkz or Hunters?

Mar 31, 2005, 11:00 AM
On 2005-03-31 07:54, Shiva91 wrote:
oh so which is better to play first? Arkz or Hunters?

It is usually easier if you start off with Hunters. You can use the monster cards you earn while playing as a Hunter to increase the strength of your early Arkz decks.

Mar 31, 2005, 01:13 PM
I like the online play alot, the only downside is sometimes its hard to find ppl. BTW, Hi, I just started posting! ^.^

Mar 31, 2005, 01:35 PM
Hi noce to meet you http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif So playing the hunters will increase my strenghth for my arkz(assuming I get cards for them) when I play with them.... I'll keep this in mind

Mar 31, 2005, 01:45 PM
On 2005-03-31 10:13, GuiltySeraph wrote:
I like the online play alot, the only downside is sometimes its hard to find ppl. BTW, Hi, I just started posting! ^.^

That's what Free Battle is for, right? Welcome to PSOW, as well!

Mar 31, 2005, 03:43 PM
I know, but I have to swap g.cards w/ whoever I meet just to stay in touch. And thx for the confidence boosts ^.^

Apr 3, 2005, 07:56 PM
I quit PSO Ep3 very fast and went back to Ep 1&2 just because..the cards get boring..the cheaters..and the game has NO strategy. It's all just luck of who rolls the higher dice..and blah blah..but it did leave me with some good memories of Omni and I owning Source and other people..*Sigh* I miss playing online...

Anyway, new guy, welcome.

I just started posting again after about 6-8 months..so I guess I'm new again *Sigh*

Apr 8, 2005, 09:00 PM
Find non-cheaters online and you're good. That's what I do. Fun.

I think Ep III is just as good and addictive as Ep I&II. I don't think there's anything more I can say that isn't already obvious...

Apr 12, 2005, 10:54 AM
My opinions of EP3 were the same as with Ep1/2. It starts off a bit slow when you start, but if u put in a lil effort, the game gets very fun and addictive. I played ep3 for like 2 weeks, then dropped it completeley, then 5 months later picked it up and got real into it. Right now? im not into it again, but gimme a month or two, and ill be at it again.

Apr 12, 2005, 04:54 PM
I'm still considering the game. I need to save money, but have always had a bit of interest in this game. Is it worth buying if you can not go online? Sadly, I'm stuck offline.

Apr 14, 2005, 07:31 AM
On 2005-04-12 14:54, A-P wrote:
I'm still considering the game. I need to save money, but have always had a bit of interest in this game. Is it worth buying if you can not go online? Sadly, I'm stuck offline.

Offline multiplayer is a lot of fun. I also enjoyed the single player offline mode. I don't go online either, but that's by choice.

Apr 18, 2005, 07:14 PM
Online Ep3 is fun but be sure to find low Card level beginners to play with. High Card level players tends to defeat you less than 5 minutes.

Apr 26, 2005, 05:42 AM
True but I was kind of disappointed because of the card base game and well... I wasn't going to give it much hope but then you get to use only the characters you are assigned with.

From there you get to play side stoires for them and get to understand their past as to how the goverment became as it is and so on.

I'm currently about to go back and play it.

Apr 26, 2005, 11:00 AM
At first I was aprihensive about the card aspect of Ep 3 aswell, but I've played games like Etherloards on the PC and I like playing Magic the Gathering a bit too, so I gave it a shot... and here I am ^_^

I really like Ep3, the card system gave an ageing franchise a breath of life without resorting to re-hashes.

May 2, 2005, 02:29 PM
PSO Episode III is one of the best online games with I and II. Unfortunatly not as many people play as they used to anymore but it is still a great game offline... I don't see why people hated at first (or still do) the card thing. It's a great way to play and does require strategy but luck too. So yeah...

Jun 16, 2005, 04:02 PM
On 2005-04-12 08:54, Graptakular83 wrote:
My opinions of EP3 were the same as with Ep1/2. It starts off a bit slow when you start, but if u put in a lil effort, the game gets very fun and addictive. I played ep3 for like 2 weeks, then dropped it completeley, then 5 months later picked it up and got real into it. Right now? im not into it again, but gimme a month or two, and ill be at it again.

Yeah I feel that Ep1&2 is probably more fun then Ep3 but I find that I come back to it every two month or so. The fun on Ep3 comes from collecting the cards as well as playing with friends.