View Full Version : Apples and Macs

Mar 31, 2005, 04:35 PM
Anyone use macs?

I use a G4 iMac
800 MHz PowerPC G4

Its kind of old. Im saving right now to buy a Powerbook G5 when they come out http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif. Probably sell this iMac to get more money too.

Mar 31, 2005, 06:07 PM
I use a Mac on my University campus, but im not too big a fan. Theres something about the keyboards that just dont sit right with me, and too many keyboard shortcuts that could easily be conquered by adding an extra button to the mouse.

But I do have to say graphics and animations programs such as Director work better on a Mac, I seem to be able to find places to stick the thousands of windows the programs bring up on a Mac.

Mar 31, 2005, 06:09 PM
i have an emac g4 1.25 ghtz 768mbyts

Mar 31, 2005, 07:07 PM
sweet. I don't know how so many people could use PCs. I use to use them, but they kept like getting screwed up after a month and then I would have to erase them entirely and burn CDs of everything. And when a program freezes you have to turn off your whole computer! oh well. More for me. haha. just kidding. but seriously.

Apr 1, 2005, 03:54 AM
Power Mac G5
Dual 2.5 GHz
250GB HD
23" Cinema Display

Apr 1, 2005, 11:20 AM
The computer I used throughout college is Mac PowerPc 7500. That computer is about 7 years old, and I've upgraded it as far as it can go, and it still chugs along just fine. My sister's using it out in Ohio.

At home, we've got an eMac. Great machine!

Apr 1, 2005, 12:46 PM
Mac g3, 6 gb hard drive.
I must be insane.

Apr 1, 2005, 11:10 PM
On 2005-04-01 00:54, pixelate wrote:
Power Mac G5
Dual 2.5 GHz
250GB HD
23" Cinema Display

thats crazy. All you need now is the 30" display and you have the best apple computer for consumers!

Apr 1, 2005, 11:12 PM
I have... er... a mini Ipod.


I would get a mac, but all of my software happens to be for Windows. I'd rather not have to replace it all. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Apr 2, 2005, 12:29 AM
The only macs I get to use are old and crappy by todays standards. They are the one my pub school district has in classrooms. My 5 year old PC blows any mac out of the water I have ever seen in a classroom here in town.
I feel sorry for the little kids that have to learn technology with pieces of shit. If you think PC's crash often, try using the intenet with an iMac g3 with a 233. Thats all we get.

Apr 2, 2005, 03:27 AM
On 2005-04-01 20:12, Solstis wrote:
I have... er... a mini Ipod.


I would get a mac, but all of my software happens to be for Windows. I'd rather not have to replace it all. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

They make Microsoft Office for Mac now, which is cool because word is great. But Apple also has there own version of word - called "Pages" and PowerPoint called "Key Note". They are both easy to use and nice interface. Same thing with Office. Only problem with Macs is that game companies don't usually make a version for Mac. Although there is a few companies like MacSoft that turn thePC games for Mac.

Apr 2, 2005, 04:00 AM
On 2005-04-02 00:27, RegPaq wrote:

They make Microsoft Office for Mac now, which is cool because word is great.

I pity you, if you're so starved for a decent word processor that you believe Word to be great. For most purposes, it's like taking a barge when what you really need is a little sail boat. Sure, it'll get you there, but it was designed with a rather different purpose in mind and many people just wouldn't know what to do with it.

Word is good for format-heavy papers and documents, and that's really about it. Personally, I find that if Wordpad had a spellchecker, I'd have no need for Word at all.

Apr 2, 2005, 01:49 PM
I love apple. I dislike apple militants. lol.

If I wasn't too busy saving and spending money on audio gear, I'd buy a g5 in a second.

Apr 2, 2005, 06:53 PM
On 2005-04-02 01:00, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:

I pity you, if you're so starved for a decent word processor that you believe Word to be great. For most purposes, it's like taking a barge when what you really need is a little sail boat. Sure, it'll get you there, but it was designed with a rather different purpose in mind and many people just wouldn't know what to do with it.

Word is good for format-heavy papers and documents, and that's really about it. Personally, I find that if Wordpad had a spellchecker, I'd have no need for Word at all.

What's the harm in getting used to using Word, even if it is overkill for what you want to do. Just because it has a lot of features doesn't mean that they'll randomly pop out and try to cut you in the face if you choose not to use them.

If there is no harm in it, I always try to use the most powerful tool available. That way I am already familure with it should any of it's fetaures be in any way beneficial.

Apr 2, 2005, 07:46 PM
On 2005-04-02 15:53, Prof_Frink wrote:

What's the harm in getting used to using Word, even if it is overkill for what you want to do. Just because it has a lot of features doesn't mean that they'll randomly pop out and try to cut you in the face if you choose not to use them.

If there is no harm in it, I always try to use the most powerful tool available. That way I am already familure with it should any of it's fetaures be in any way beneficial.

Exactly. It is not like the program is slow because of what it can do. And I do use it for long documents and such anyways. So I think it is great. Plus, alot of downloads of text are in word because it is a very common program which cn display more than text - tables, pictures, and animations.

Apr 2, 2005, 07:52 PM
Well, no, it is slow because of what it can do, and some of the "features" have screwed me up on many occasions. Many of us in Fanworks have cursed the name of "smart quotes", which it turns out, aren't really all that intelligent.

Apr 3, 2005, 02:39 AM
I don't mind Macs. I just prefer the Windows OS, mainly since I was brought up using it, and find it more fun than Mac. I own an iPod, and use Macintosh OSX daily in our computer class, and my dad owns a G4.

They look nice, too.

Apr 3, 2005, 02:50 AM
On 2005-04-02 16:52, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
Well, no, it is slow because of what it can do, and some of the "features" have screwed me up on many occasions. Many of us in Fanworks have cursed the name of "smart quotes", which it turns out, aren't really all that intelligent.

Switching the question marks back into... well... whatever they were supposed to be lets me edit my posts just a tad bit more.

Unfortunately, that leads to some confusion when I realize that the version online and the one on my hardrive are different. :/

After using Works, I must say that Word is my favourite documentizer. Sure, I haven't found the need to mail-merge since I was the FBLA Reporter, but I like knowing that it's there.

Apr 3, 2005, 02:58 AM
On 2005-04-02 16:52, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
Well, no, it is slow because of what it can do, and some of the "features" have screwed me up on many occasions. Many of us in Fanworks have cursed the name of "smart quotes", which it turns out, aren't really all that intelligent.

Well my version isn't slow at all. I love all the extra features it provides. Plus the formatting for documents is more advanced to the point which is necessary for my use with it. I just like Word and thats my preference.

Apr 3, 2005, 11:11 AM
I think the next computer I buy is going to be a really decent Mac. I'm thinking of customizing a high-end laptop just for shits and giggles.

Apr 3, 2005, 12:27 PM
iBook (White)

I've been a mac user for three years..

Apr 3, 2005, 05:00 PM
Powerbook G4 (15 Inch Aluminum)
1.5 Ghz G4
1.5 Gigs o' RAM
80 Gig HD

Apr 4, 2005, 12:20 AM
On 2005-04-02 23:58, RegPaq wrote:
Well my version isn't slow at all. I love all the extra features it provides. Plus the formatting for documents is more advanced to the point which is necessary for my use with it. I just like Word and thats my preference.

When continually switching between Wordpad and Word, the difference in speed is quite apparent. Because Word is especially heavy on formatting it takes it considerably more cycles to determine where to place what on the screen.

Still though, if you're making use of the features, then it's apparently what you need. I just wouldn't want to do the bulk of any extensive writing in it. Maybe a little touching up here and there, as well as the occasional spell check as needed, but beyond that, as a writer, I find it to be really too much document editor for the job.

Apr 4, 2005, 12:45 AM
On 2005-04-03 22:20, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:

On 2005-04-02 23:58, RegPaq wrote:
Well my version isn't slow at all. I love all the extra features it provides. Plus the formatting for documents is more advanced to the point which is necessary for my use with it. I just like Word and thats my preference.

When continually switching between Wordpad and Word, the difference in speed is quite apparent. Because Word is especially heavy on formatting it takes it considerably more cycles to determine where to place what on the screen.

Still though, if you're making use of the features, then it's apparently what you need. I just wouldn't want to do the bulk of any extensive writing in it. Maybe a little touching up here and there, as well as the occasional spell check as needed, but beyond that, as a writer, I find it to be really too much document editor for the job.

To each his own. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 4, 2005, 05:15 AM
...Any Mac is a step above it's predassesors processor. For instance, the G3 is 2x faster than the P3, and equal to the P4. A P4 is 2x faster than a G4 and equal to the new and improve p4/Amd Athlon Pro 64+ and the G5 is unmatched in power thus far.

Mac's are faster for everything, including program switching. It becomes really easy if you know all the shortcuts, and what not. So don't tell me switching around is faster on a Windows, because it will eventually just get bogged down with something useless.

Apr 4, 2005, 09:45 AM
On 2005-04-04 03:15, 3v1L19 wrote:
...Any Mac is a step above it's predassesors processor. For instance, the G3 is 2x faster than the P3, and equal to the P4. A P4 is 2x faster than a G4 and equal to the new and improve p4/Amd Athlon Pro 64+ and the G5 is unmatched in power thus far.

Mac's are faster for everything, including program switching. It becomes really easy if you know all the shortcuts, and what not. So don't tell me switching around is faster on a Windows, because it will eventually just get bogged down with something useless.

1. Macs aren't faster for everything.
2. In this day and age, the difference in speed between a Mac and a PC is negligible.
3. Macs aren't any less buggy than a computer running any other OS.
4. No one in this thread made any claims that "switching around is faster on a Windows".
5. I said that the difference in speed between Wordpad and Word is apparent when you're continually working in both.

Apr 4, 2005, 01:57 PM
On 2005-04-04 03:15, 3v1L19 wrote:
...Any Mac is a step above it's predassesors processor. For instance, the G3 is 2x faster than the P3, and equal to the P4. A P4 is 2x faster than a G4 and equal to the new and improve p4/Amd Athlon Pro 64+ and the G5 is unmatched in power thus far.

Mac's are faster for everything, including program switching. It becomes really easy if you know all the shortcuts, and what not. So don't tell me switching around is faster on a Windows, because it will eventually just get bogged down with something useless.

You are right.

And Mac OS X has much less problems than any other OS because more hackers and virus writers write them for PC becase more people and certain offices use PCs. I have ha donly one problem with my mac and it wasn't from using limewire or downloading anyhing (because I download whatever I want and I am always ok) and that problem occured when I was messing with system files and changing them around and experimenting. But because you can log into 'safe mode' I retrieved all of my files and applications (everything) and backed it up while the problem was occuring. Apple has great support and gives you free softawre updates and security updates every so often (at least one a month) to protect you from spyware etc. In addition, what makes a program slow or not is the computer more than the application.

On 2005-03-31 15:07, Deathscythealpha wrote:
I use a Mac on my University campus, but im not too big a fan. Theres something about the keyboards that just dont sit right with me, and too many keyboard shortcuts that could easily be conquered by adding an extra button to the mouse.

But I do have to say graphics and animations programs such as Director work better on a Mac, I seem to be able to find places to stick the thousands of windows the programs bring up on a Mac.

I can't help you about the keyboards, they are fine to me. But its because you are use to the one you use and you can use your own keyboard on the mac anways. same thing with your 3 button mouse and scroll. However, you can buy ones that look like the mac that are two button or three with scroll. I don't like how Windows uses very few windows actually. Because on my mac, I am usually running many applications at once and need the windows to swtich back and fourth quickly and I do it a numerous amount of times. Mac OS X Panther comes with a thing called 'exposé' which makes window switching very easy and fast and looks so awesome. Never seen anything like it. And programs are available for other window switching styles, although not necessary to my preference.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RegPaq on 2005-04-04 12:04 ]</font>

Apr 4, 2005, 03:49 PM
On 2005-04-04 07:45, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:

On 2005-04-04 03:15, 3v1L19 wrote:
...Any Mac is a step above it's predassesors processor. For instance, the G3 is 2x faster than the P3, and equal to the P4. A P4 is 2x faster than a G4 and equal to the new and improve p4/Amd Athlon Pro 64+ and the G5 is unmatched in power thus far.

Mac's are faster for everything, including program switching. It becomes really easy if you know all the shortcuts, and what not. So don't tell me switching around is faster on a Windows, because it will eventually just get bogged down with something useless.

1. Macs aren't faster for everything.
2. In this day and age, the difference in speed between a Mac and a PC is negligible.
3. Macs aren't any less buggy than a computer running any other OS.
4. No one in this thread made any claims that "switching around is faster on a Windows".
5. I said that the difference in speed between Wordpad and Word is apparent when you're continually working in both.

1. Show me some things Windows is faster for
2. How so? I think it's still very much so important.
3. Windows is much more buggy, and bogged down because of all the loopholes it has, and then all the patches that Microsuck has to issue to fix them. Plus Virus/Adware/Spyware that Windows gets, that Mac has never seen any of.
4/5. You're right, I misunderstood that part.

Apr 5, 2005, 04:29 PM
MAC OS X Tiger is coming out this month!!!

Apr 5, 2005, 05:35 PM
Big deal :| I'm still on 10.2

Apr 5, 2005, 06:41 PM
oh dang your missing out

Apr 5, 2005, 07:29 PM
Well I had a friend who could send me 10.4 months ago..but he was afraid to mail it..and then lost it..

Apr 5, 2005, 11:45 PM
oh I just no that Tiger is going to be the best ever.

Apr 6, 2005, 05:07 AM
Yeah, I heard it was going to be fast, easy, sweet, everything.

EDIT: But I heard the layout is pretty ugly..What have you seen?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: 3v1L19 on 2005-04-06 04:01 ]</font>

Apr 6, 2005, 07:28 PM
i have an iPod. my experiences with Mac's werent that great. everything seemed to forced to be really good.

Apr 7, 2005, 01:03 AM
Not enough support for Macs.

Whether it be for gaming or just little programs that you're not going to find support for in Macs.

I LOVE the visual style of macs and the interface but there's not much support.

Apr 7, 2005, 03:26 AM
Actually Tiger is going to look the same with minor differences. Screen shots have been shown of the new system and they have made GUI kits which actually changes the way your system looks. I have the tiger GUI kit and like it better than Panther. I want to buy it soon after release.

I think theres a lot more support than you think. besides games though.

Apr 7, 2005, 05:11 AM
I use ShapeShifter as is right now, because I hate 10.2's style. You are using that to change your style, no doubt?

Apr 7, 2005, 09:21 AM
yeah. I use the gui kit called "spotlight" from resexcellence.com. I like it alot.

Apr 7, 2005, 05:08 PM
ResEx has it all..I use JetBlack though..I prefer darker desktop than lighter..

Apr 8, 2005, 04:09 AM
On 2005-04-04 13:49, 3v1L19 wrote:

On 2005-04-04 07:45, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:

On 2005-04-04 03:15, 3v1L19 wrote:
...Any Mac is a step above it's predassesors processor. For instance, the G3 is 2x faster than the P3, and equal to the P4. A P4 is 2x faster than a G4 and equal to the new and improve p4/Amd Athlon Pro 64+ and the G5 is unmatched in power thus far.

Mac's are faster for everything, including program switching. It becomes really easy if you know all the shortcuts, and what not. So don't tell me switching around is faster on a Windows, because it will eventually just get bogged down with something useless.

1. Macs aren't faster for everything.
2. In this day and age, the difference in speed between a Mac and a PC is negligible.
3. Macs aren't any less buggy than a computer running any other OS.
4. No one in this thread made any claims that "switching around is faster on a Windows".
5. I said that the difference in speed between Wordpad and Word is apparent when you're continually working in both.

1. Show me some things Windows is faster for
2. How so? I think it's still very much so important.
3. Windows is much more buggy, and bogged down because of all the loopholes it has, and then all the patches that Microsuck has to issue to fix them. Plus Virus/Adware/Spyware that Windows gets, that Mac has never seen any of.
4/5. You're right, I misunderstood that part.

1.PC's own Mac's in gaming.
2.My PC based on an Athlon 64 processor is extremely fast in windows, I doubt a mac would be any faster.

Apr 9, 2005, 01:21 AM

im sitting next to one of those bad boys http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 9, 2005, 01:33 AM
If I had hella cash, I'd get a tight Apple. Too bad I don't...

Guess it's Linux for me. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Apr 9, 2005, 01:46 AM
On 2005-04-08 23:21, silvermax wrote:

im sitting next to one of those bad boys http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif


25 mhz processor
Est Current Price: $0

http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Anyway, I'm starting to grow on macs. I just really wish that the software support would grow drasticly.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Getintothegame on 2005-04-08 23:47 ]</font>

Apr 9, 2005, 02:11 AM
On 2005-04-04 13:49, 3v1L19 wrote:

On 2005-04-04 07:45, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:

On 2005-04-04 03:15, 3v1L19 wrote:
...Any Mac is a step above it's predassesors processor. For instance, the G3 is 2x faster than the P3, and equal to the P4. A P4 is 2x faster than a G4 and equal to the new and improve p4/Amd Athlon Pro 64+ and the G5 is unmatched in power thus far.

Mac's are faster for everything, including program switching. It becomes really easy if you know all the shortcuts, and what not. So don't tell me switching around is faster on a Windows, because it will eventually just get bogged down with something useless.

1. Macs aren't faster for everything.
2. In this day and age, the difference in speed between a Mac and a PC is negligible.
3. Macs aren't any less buggy than a computer running any other OS.
4. No one in this thread made any claims that "switching around is faster on a Windows".
5. I said that the difference in speed between Wordpad and Word is apparent when you're continually working in both.

1. Show me some things Windows is faster for
2. How so? I think it's still very much so important.
3. Windows is much more buggy, and bogged down because of all the loopholes it has, and then all the patches that Microsuck has to issue to fix them. Plus Virus/Adware/Spyware that Windows gets, that Mac has never seen any of.
4/5. You're right, I misunderstood that part.

1. Windows is faster for getting programs released for it.

Speed is one thing but the actual processing is another. For right now, there is no true 64bit operating system. Windows for instance is still using 8bit based applications and a modified 8bit core. Sure the OS is 32Bit, however, it still runs processes at the 8bit level. Untill the new generation of OS arrive, we will really have no way of truely determining which is faster simply because neither is working to the full potential of the hardware.

As for program switching, that point is rather, invalid. Sure, Notepad is going to switch faster than say, Unreal Tournament 2004. That is simply because you are speaking of a very low stress program and a high stress. Because the programming is different between what runs Macs and what runs Windows PCs the comparison is tough to make because neither is truely doing the same thing.

Also, about being bogged down by something useless, that is simple to take care of. If you really are having major problems with your system due to too much running, don't run it all at once. Useless programs constitute as what? That IM program running in the background? The EAX program running? The MP3 player gorging on your memory and processor? Or do you mean background programs that are installed into the operating system via installing 3rd party programs? (Eg. Steam Client, Norton Antivirus, and other low priority but essential programs) That is easily fixed as well, Task Mananger was created for a reason. It allows one to end processes that are not needed. I don't find that a problem to use every so often, but then again, I am never bogged down on my system.

2. Speed differences between computers are measured in microseconds now. Are you really going to notice that difference? I think not. Unless you can somehow process your thoughts faster than the two computers both running the exact same scenario at the exact same moment. This is just like comparing a 3.8GHz processor to a 3.6GHz. Is there going to be a difference? Certainly, mathematically. Will it be enough to be noticed by the user? Not hardly. A rule of thumb is, the faster the processor, the less difference in processing over the previous model. Now should you argue that a 1GHz is slower noticeably from a 1.5GHz, that would likely be true. To say the same of a 3.3GHz and a 3.8GHz processor would not, simply because the ratio between them shrinks so rapidly.

3. Macs have had virii, adware, and spyware. However, any intelligent attacker realizes that attacking less than 2% of the computers in the world is a rather stupid and pointless thing to do when compared to attacking the majority of computers, at well over 95% Windows makes a much more palatible target. Some of what constitutes as spyware and adware is rather simple cache files, cookies, that are on all operating systems. Cookies can and do spy on what you do on and offline, and do so on any OS.

I am not saying "OMG WINDOWS R TEH BETTORZ!11!!" I am simply stating that both operating systems are more similar than most people think. Afterall they are both based off of the same core programming. Very few OS are not based on a DOS type system. Another point to keep in mind is that, without Microsoft and Windows, who knows if a visual operating system would have ever been created, or even a basic DOS.

Both systems have their problems, for Windows, it is security issues mainly. For Mac, it is cost and compatability mainly.

Sorry about the length, but I am a bit sick of these arguments of Mac vs. Windows vs. Linux vs... every other operating system ever created. People like to think what they use is superior because they invested their time and money into the product. So when the product comes under 'attack' or disapproval, the response is instantly defensive.

Back on topic: I have used an Apple and still have it for occasional nostalgic use, an Apple IIe with the greenscreen monitor and even the single button mouse. My dad even upgraded it to a whopping 128kb of memory. For word processing it is great and even some of the games are rather fun.

Apr 9, 2005, 04:31 PM
On 2005-04-09 00:11, BLITZKOMMANDO wrote:

On 2005-04-04 13:49, 3v1L19 wrote:

On 2005-04-04 07:45, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:

On 2005-04-04 03:15, 3v1L19 wrote:
...Any Mac is a step above it's predassesors processor. For instance, the G3 is 2x faster than the P3, and equal to the P4. A P4 is 2x faster than a G4 and equal to the new and improve p4/Amd Athlon Pro 64+ and the G5 is unmatched in power thus far.

Mac's are faster for everything, including program switching. It becomes really easy if you know all the shortcuts, and what not. So don't tell me switching around is faster on a Windows, because it will eventually just get bogged down with something useless.

1. Macs aren't faster for everything.
2. In this day and age, the difference in speed between a Mac and a PC is negligible.
3. Macs aren't any less buggy than a computer running any other OS.
4. No one in this thread made any claims that "switching around is faster on a Windows".
5. I said that the difference in speed between Wordpad and Word is apparent when you're continually working in both.

1. Show me some things Windows is faster for
2. How so? I think it's still very much so important.
3. Windows is much more buggy, and bogged down because of all the loopholes it has, and then all the patches that Microsuck has to issue to fix them. Plus Virus/Adware/Spyware that Windows gets, that Mac has never seen any of.
4/5. You're right, I misunderstood that part.

1. Windows is faster for getting programs released for it.

Speed is one thing but the actual processing is another. For right now, there is no true 64bit operating system. Windows for instance is still using 8bit based applications and a modified 8bit core. Sure the OS is 32Bit, however, it still runs processes at the 8bit level. Untill the new generation of OS arrive, we will really have no way of truely determining which is faster simply because neither is working to the full potential of the hardware.

As for program switching, that point is rather, invalid. Sure, Notepad is going to switch faster than say, Unreal Tournament 2004. That is simply because you are speaking of a very low stress program and a high stress. Because the programming is different between what runs Macs and what runs Windows PCs the comparison is tough to make because neither is truely doing the same thing.

Also, about being bogged down by something useless, that is simple to take care of. If you really are having major problems with your system due to too much running, don't run it all at once. Useless programs constitute as what? That IM program running in the background? The EAX program running? The MP3 player gorging on your memory and processor? Or do you mean background programs that are installed into the operating system via installing 3rd party programs? (Eg. Steam Client, Norton Antivirus, and other low priority but essential programs) That is easily fixed as well, Task Mananger was created for a reason. It allows one to end processes that are not needed. I don't find that a problem to use every so often, but then again, I am never bogged down on my system.

2. Speed differences between computers are measured in microseconds now. Are you really going to notice that difference? I think not. Unless you can somehow process your thoughts faster than the two computers both running the exact same scenario at the exact same moment. This is just like comparing a 3.8GHz processor to a 3.6GHz. Is there going to be a difference? Certainly, mathematically. Will it be enough to be noticed by the user? Not hardly. A rule of thumb is, the faster the processor, the less difference in processing over the previous model. Now should you argue that a 1GHz is slower noticeably from a 1.5GHz, that would likely be true. To say the same of a 3.3GHz and a 3.8GHz processor would not, simply because the ratio between them shrinks so rapidly.

3. Macs have had virii, adware, and spyware. However, any intelligent attacker realizes that attacking less than 2% of the computers in the world is a rather stupid and pointless thing to do when compared to attacking the majority of computers, at well over 95% Windows makes a much more palatible target. Some of what constitutes as spyware and adware is rather simple cache files, cookies, that are on all operating systems. Cookies can and do spy on what you do on and offline, and do so on any OS.

I am not saying "OMG WINDOWS R TEH BETTORZ!11!!" I am simply stating that both operating systems are more similar than most people think. Afterall they are both based off of the same core programming. Very few OS are not based on a DOS type system. Another point to keep in mind is that, without Microsoft and Windows, who knows if a visual operating system would have ever been created, or even a basic DOS.

Both systems have their problems, for Windows, it is security issues mainly. For Mac, it is cost and compatability mainly.

Sorry about the length, but I am a bit sick of these arguments of Mac vs. Windows vs. Linux vs... every other operating system ever created. People like to think what they use is superior because they invested their time and money into the product. So when the product comes under 'attack' or disapproval, the response is instantly defensive.

Back on topic: I have used an Apple and still have it for occasional nostalgic use, an Apple IIe with the greenscreen monitor and even the single button mouse. My dad even upgraded it to a whopping 128kb of memory. For word processing it is great and even some of the games are rather fun.

What I'm simply saying about Processor speed is that of a Mac's processor surpasses almost twice that of a Window's Processor. For instance 1 Mac GHz=2 Windows GHz. There's nothing in there about how 3.8GHz compares to 3.6GHz.

I know the percentage of Window's/Mac users, and don't need to be reminded. The fact that we are a small community makes us all that much tighter. Ontop of the fact that we don't have to deal with moron hacking twelve year olds is awesome. You can all sit and worry about your OS not turning on in the morning if you make one false move, while we can pretty much rest assured that nothing will be happening to our computers violator wise.

Apr 9, 2005, 05:12 PM
Why I use and eMac with Panther:

1. I am not a big PC gamer.

2. Sleek design.

3. Different than everybody else.

4. Smooth in working and graphic arts.

5. Neat features.

6. Organised.

7. Makes you feel special.

Apr 9, 2005, 05:50 PM
Where's Link00seven?! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

I've never used a Mac, but I am really fond of iTunes. I believe it to be the best music-playing software available right now. I also plan to buy an iPod as soon as I get enough money. Macs are pretty, but I don't really want to have to learn the ins and outs of a new OS...

Apr 9, 2005, 06:02 PM
On 2005-04-09 14:31, 3v1L19 wrote:

What I'm simply saying about Processor speed is that of a Mac's processor surpasses almost twice that of a Window's Processor. For instance 1 Mac GHz=2 Windows GHz. There's nothing in there about how 3.8GHz compares to 3.6GHz.

I know the percentage of Window's/Mac users, and don't need to be reminded. The fact that we are a small community makes us all that much tighter. Ontop of the fact that we don't have to deal with moron hacking twelve year olds is awesome. You can all sit and worry about your OS not turning on in the morning if you make one false move, while we can pretty much rest assured that nothing will be happening to our computers violator wise.

Ever hear of AMD? They make great processors. Which are far and known as being far slower than Intel processors, yet out perform. In much the same way you speak of Mac processors. My point is, even so, there is little to no difference, even with efficiency factored in. AMD just broke the 3GHz barrier, whereas Intel is broken the 4GHz. Both process about equally yet AMD runs at a slower rate but processes more data at a slower rate. As I said, it has everything to do with ratios. And really, Mac and Windows computers run with what makes a nearly 1:1 ratio.

About your second point, that is more an issue with the person running the machine, not the machine itself. If you have a careless person running it they are far more likely to mess it up. This is the same as saying, "Honda is not as safe as Nissan because the Honda has more likelyness of being hit." The driver could make that true, but not the car itself. If the operator does stupid things the operator's machine will be at more risk.

The worst effect I have had on any of my, hmm, guess this makes 9 computers now, is having my homepage reset by a cookie. A good firewall, antivirus, and adware/spyware remover and you should have no problems at all. A Mac is just as vulnerable it is just less likely to be attacked because there are so few of them to attack.

About the "moron hacking twelve-year olds." A real hacker is anything but a moron. It takes quite a bit of knowledge to hack into another persons computer, especially with multiple firewalls, among the other protection many people have. Also, twelve year olds are not the group most known for doing the hacking. Most are middleaged persons who don't even live in most of the countries represented here at PSOW. As in, most are from the People's Republic China, the People's Republic of North Korea, the Russian Federation, among other areas where Net-crime is not fought against in any outstanding force and in many cases, is encouraged. I know a "moron twelve-year old" and he is definitely not hacking, he is the one being hacked for his stupidity and lack of proper safety while online.

Apr 10, 2005, 09:09 AM
That's not the kind of hacker I am talking about. The kind I speak of is the one that reads the 3 minute tutorial, and downloads a AIMHack and goes into chat rooms bombing people, stealing IPs and then wonders what to do with them. That then searches google for "How to use an IP" or something along those lines, and then still messes up. I'm not talking about the people in other countries that are trying to crack bank codes wide open, to send money to their swiss bank accounts. There's also a wide line between the kiddy hackers and the ones that can completely control your computer from theirs, by controlling through a terminal.

As far as processors, I'm not talking about what just broke on the market. Sure, everyday someone makes something new, that's bigger and better. Good for them, but the majority of computer users don't have the absolute latest in technology, and for those users who lag a few years behind, a mac of the same year, or a few behind it, can still out run it. Yes I am aware of the new Intel that just came out, and yes I know of all the AMD products, my friend builds computers and I watch him all the time. It's not like I don't read all the new Gamespot articles on the new releases though.

Apr 12, 2005, 03:56 PM
tiger scheduled for release on April 29