View Full Version : PSO 1 & 2 is on PC?

Apr 1, 2005, 09:43 PM
I just saw someone named andamgnome (or something along those lines) say in another thread:

Not to mention, PSO has been on PC since version 1 or 2. o_O

I know about a month ago I downloaded what I thought was a demo from an abandoned attempt at a PC port. The resolution was bad and the character customization was limited, not to mention the control was pretty miss. Is this what he was talking about? Or is there a full blown Episode I and II PC version of PSO wich is exactly like the console? As far as I knew I and II were Dreamcast/GC/Xbox exclusive. (?)

Apr 1, 2005, 09:48 PM
There is a full blown PC version of the Dreamcast PSO v2. As for your other question, do a search for PSO Blue Burst on google or go to the Blue Burst section of this site and all will be revealed. It's Ep. I & II and more (Ep. IV) for PC.

Apr 1, 2005, 09:51 PM
So there is no English full PC version?

Apr 1, 2005, 09:53 PM
I think there's some confusion here about the versions of PSO.

Dreamcast first got PSO. This was to be later referred to as Version 1. Max level was 100, there were 9 class/race combinations, and there was no Ultimate (only Normal, Hard, and Vhard).

Next came version 2. This was an addon for the DC version 1. Ultimate was introduced, and the max level was raised to 200. More rares and such were also introduced. Online play became pay-to-play.

Here's where the PC part comes in. PSO PC was a port of DC version 2 (which includes version 1). The really bad version you played with no customization and poor controls was the demo for this. Again, it's like version 1 and 2 for DC. Version 1 and 2 does not equal Episode I&II.

Episode I&II comes out for GC and Xbox. This is also referred to as "version 3". 3 character classes were added (Hucaseal, Ramarl, Fomar). More rares were also added.

PSOBB is the PC version of Episode I&II, which is different from PSO PC, which is version 1 and 2. The difference between BB and PSO PC is comparable to DC -> GC/Xbox (there are differences but it's the same basic point).

What the poster you quoted meant was in reference to how BB is on the PC, but that there was an earlier version of PSO which was also on the PC. The one you played and described was the demo version of that earlier PSO PC, not BB, which is based more on the GC/Xbox versions.

Apr 1, 2005, 09:59 PM
Good explanation, thanks alot

Apr 2, 2005, 12:11 AM
Two more notes.

V1/V2 is refered to as Episode I for the Gamecube and beyond.

Episode 4 is available as an expansion pack for Blue Burst.