View Full Version : Differences?

Apr 4, 2005, 10:04 PM
What're the main differences between offline PSO for the GC and if I were to buy the adaptor? Are there any? If so, what are they? I'm not talking about little things such as items and stuff like that, I mean...like, y'know, big stuff. Me and my friend are considering playing PSO online, but we wanna know if it's worth it.

Thanks http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 5, 2005, 12:49 AM
playing online is a lot of fun and highly addictive. The main problem with online is the high number of cheaters who try very hard to ruin your character and your fun.

Avoid packed lobbies & give your guild card out AFTER you've played with a person/people several times and you should be okay.

Offline can be fun too, but it's nearly impossible to aquire all the items you want and next to impossible to hit level 200. I have three level 100+ characters offline only on the cube (and I've deleted a level 130 HUcaseal and a level 101 FO before because of crappy IDs).

hope this was helpful.

-- J

Apr 5, 2005, 05:55 AM
Compared to being able to play online, offline mode is really boring. There are more interesting quests online, and some more items, sure. But the social interaction (ignore all noobs) make it totally worth it. By the way, you'll need a keyboard, word select conversations suck.

Apr 5, 2005, 08:32 AM
online & offline modes are literally 2 different worlds
it's hard to describe to an offliner, so if you can get on & see

Apr 5, 2005, 10:58 AM
Gameplay wise, online mode has more enemies and is slightly harder than offline.

Apr 5, 2005, 03:28 PM
Enemies have more HP Online and are generally stronger... Though you can always find someone a higher level to get you through the game if needed.

Quests, events, all that good stuff are online that're not available offline. 'Tis fun and gives the game a sense of purpose instead of just blindly battling through the levels.

But there're all the hacks and dupes that people have put into the game. You know, the super-uber-one-hit-kill weapons and the units that make you indestructable. Top that with duping and the things are being mass-produced and given to random people. Although I really dislike them, you might find it more enjoyable to play with the hacks since it makes the game easier, so I can't really say whether that's a pro or con. It's up to you really.

Then there are all the people. Playing with multiple people brings about another fun factor to PSO, that is, if you can find the right people. Otherwise, it's just a crowd of idiot nubbies screaming in your ear. Make sure you find the right people to hang around with.

Apr 5, 2005, 05:57 PM
On 2005-04-05 13:28, Fefnir wrote:
Otherwise, it's just a crowd of idiot nubbies screaming in your ear.

(On the xbox version, GC version is just nubbies screaming in your..eyes?)

Apr 5, 2005, 06:17 PM
On 2005-04-05 15:57, Meaky wrote:

On 2005-04-05 13:28, Fefnir wrote:
Otherwise, it's just a crowd of idiot nubbies screaming in your ear.

(On the xbox version, GC version is just nubbies screaming in your..eyes?)

Does anyone remember the symbol chat "Get with SSJ"?

I think that constitutes a bunch of idiot nubbies screaming in your ear. XD

Apr 5, 2005, 06:30 PM
On 2005-04-05 03:55, Tycho wrote:
Compared to being able to play online, offline mode is really boring. There are more interesting quests online, and some more items, sure. But the social interaction (ignore all noobs) make it totally worth it. By the way, you'll need a keyboard, word select conversations suck.

For a year and a half I used the on screen keyboard, and often came out typing faster than the rest of people who had keyboards. So you don't necessarily need a keyboard, just fast fingers.

FYI: You can't use your computers keyboard without an adapter..