View Full Version : Melee FOmar

Apr 7, 2005, 09:08 AM

What should I equip to a melee FOmar, not a technique force but one that uses weapons. eg;saber

I'd also like to know what armor should be equipped and what should be in the slots.

The current equipment I have with me is:

Level 48
Double Saber
Dragon Frame
God Arm (so I can get a 99% chance hit ratio hitting with the Double Saber)
God Arm
God HP
God Battle (So I don't get slaughtered in the middle of doing a combo with the Double Saber)
Freeze Barrier
Devil Wings (47/150/3/0)
I have all 30 techs


Apr 7, 2005, 09:15 AM
I would suggest looking at Ian-KunX's first post in this thread:


Also, try doing a forum search for "Melee FOmar". There are quite a few topics on this particular subject.

Apr 7, 2005, 09:15 AM
i think need to change the mag to something like 5/125/50/0 so you can replace a god arm with a cure unit. but the rest is fine. i wish i have the equipment you have...

Apr 7, 2005, 09:41 AM
...like 5/125/50/0 so you can...

Why would he wear a level 180 mag? Anyways your a FOmar you need all the ATA you can get. something along the lines of 5/115/80/0 with a God/Battle, God/HP, God/Power,and God/Body Later on in Ultimate you'll probably have to put that God/Arm back on, cause you'll start missing again. Also if you have the time and want to consider getting a S-Rank Twin much better once grindered.

Apr 7, 2005, 10:28 AM
80 DEX on ANYBODY'S mag is excessive. Maybe HUnewearl with her huge base-max gap, but.

FOmar's ATA growth vs. his max ATA is actually fairly good. Honestly, on PSOBB my FOmar had a 5/135/60/0 Rati handed down from the HUnewearl I briefly had, and I found it excessive. Normal-VHard you don't need as much ATA, and by the time you get to the point of actually being able to melee in Ult without dying horribly, you'll be able to max your ATA with a couple of God/Arms and 50 DEX anyway.

Let's see... You're going to want to put DEX on your mag. 5/145/50/0 is always good. A Soul Eater is a good thing to have, it's always nice to have a multi-target weapon. Go do some questing!

Other than that, and maybe a gun, you're doing fine.