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View Full Version : Mag is a valuable commodity?

Apr 8, 2005, 09:30 AM
I simply do not understand. You look at the trade forum and you see people begging for mags or wanting to trade for one. It's not hard to raise one, especially with the feeding charts on this site. And it doesn't take that much time to raise a lv200 mag. On top of that, one that you raise by yourself will have the color, PB and stat that you want. What makes high level mags such a wanted item anyway?

Apr 8, 2005, 09:42 AM
Some people don't want to take the time to raise their own mags and also certain mags that are made from mag cells are rare if you weren't online during the time the mag cells drop.

Apr 8, 2005, 09:44 AM
Some of the more highly sought after mags, such as the Rati, take a while to raise. Also, some mags require a special feeding diet that may not be obvious to a person that is experienced in raising mags.

Another factor could be that people are just lazy and want someone else to do the work for him/her. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Apr 8, 2005, 12:27 PM
Hmmm... I don't know why Rati is so popular. I know it looks good, but everybody has one or want one... Everybody... >.> Even me, I'm making one that has the same stat as the Sato I made for my RAmarl. @.@

Maybe I should go raise tons of Rati's and trade them for rares. But if somone played long enough to get good rares, they probably can raise their own mags. So meh, I really don't know. And I don't really feel like raising mags for other people.

In conclusion, after reading the previous two posts... Laziness wins again! It's in my sig since day one. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Apr 8, 2005, 12:48 PM
On V2, the most popular mag I saw was Angel Wings. Almost everyone had them or wanted one. I think part of the demand for them back then was that US players had to ask an EU or JP player to get the Angel Wings mag cell.

From what I've seen, Rati mags are kind of like the evolution of Angel Wings. They are a set of wings, only bigger and more metalic.

Besides, Ian popularized the Rati mag. There is no way you can argue with Ian's impeccable tastes...

Rawr! n.n

Apr 8, 2005, 01:02 PM
ah mags our little friends that are either loved or just hated. well high lvl mags seem to be wanted because of their high stats, since their at lvl 200 their statts have matured so its great for low level chars if u want to tweak them. Also you may of had a mag but traded it away for something, high lvl mags are fully raised so u dont have to mess around raising them. Also if somehow youir on a low budget due to money difficulties u dont have to fork out the cash to raise them since their already done, i personally prefer to raise my own mag as it is a minor achievement.

Apr 8, 2005, 05:58 PM
On 2005-04-08 10:48, Ryna wrote:
On V2, the most popular mag I saw was Angel Wings. Almost everyone had them or wanted one. I think part of the demand for them back then was that US players had to ask an EU or JP player to get the Angel Wings mag cell.

From what I've seen, Rati mags are kind of like the evolution of Angel Wings. They are a set of wings, only bigger and more metalic.

Besides, Ian popularized the Rati mag. There is no way you can argue with Ian's impeccable tastes...

Rawr! n.n

Indeed. Rati also look better on manlier costumes. Which makes them bad for FOmars or anyone interested in wearing a colour that goes badly with black and red, but.

Though Sato and Nidra are very popular as well.

But Rati, is of course, best.

And your sarcasm is noted and duly ignored. :D

Rawr~. ^n.n^___)~~~~>

Apr 11, 2005, 01:56 AM
heh, I came here expecting this to be about that Quest with Elenor and the mags, then have some complaining about the fact that you can't even sell mags...

Apr 11, 2005, 09:38 PM
Back when my bro Kazeh played ep1/2, he used to farm Kamas in hopes of showing other of "how cool the kama can really be!" And he actually got more than a few takers willing to trade.
I still see new players or fsoded/corrupted players asking for mags. So i can see how mag farming can be quite helpful to others. Heck, sometimes i even meet some people looking specifically for lvl 5 mags, so it takes all kinds i suppose. Mags = Ultimate Fun!

As for rati, i think its kinda cool, but not as much for the following it has. Sato on the other hand, you cant say no to that lil face and wiggly tail...