View Full Version : Weapon upgrade

Apr 17, 2005, 06:34 PM
Do you need to grind the lavis cannon before turning it into lavis blade? Same question on plantain leaf and monkey bar. The guide doesn't say if you need to or not. Thanks in advance.

Apr 17, 2005, 06:46 PM
lavis cannon cannot be ground, so you do not have to max grind the lavis cannon to make a lavis blade (or you can think of it as being max ground already, as the max grind is zero). as for the monkey king bar, you do have to grind it to max before you can create the bkb. i would assume plantain leaf needs to be max ground, as that's the case with most item combinations. can't speak to it directly as i've never upgraded one.

Apr 17, 2005, 06:56 PM
Dunno about Plantain Leaf, but the Fatsia could be transformed without grinding. But I think it was like the Lavis Cannon, as it couldn't be ground anyways.

Apr 17, 2005, 08:32 PM
Ah, sorry. Since those weapons are kind of bad, I never did try grinding them to learn they can't be ground. That would explain why the guide didn't state the grind requirement. Except the monkey bar, that's probably an oversight.

Apr 18, 2005, 07:05 AM
Fatsia and Plantain Leaf don't grind, PJ, like any Lavis weapon.

All weapons require max grind before merging except one: Handgun + Parts of Egg Blaster, that is the only exception.