View Full Version : Xbox: A milestone reached!

Apr 18, 2005, 10:59 AM
Today, I have every s-rank and brought every class through both ep1 & ep2 c-mode. Last night I completed the EP1C9 with Mero, Shigecki, and Sitka with my Ramar to get this done.

For those that do not know me, I just started c-mode this past August. I have been playing this game since it first went online for the Dreamcast, but I never liked c-mode. That all changed when I met AxemPunanny and Snow. All I needed was a push and the right players to become addicted to c-mode. I have a luxury of being surrounded by the best players in the game, and I could have not of done this without them.

Here is a shout out to all who helped me:

AxemPunanny: Who better to learn ep1 c-mode from? You were always helpful, and I thanks for getting me into c-mode.

Snow: What can I say the guy that was there for almost every one of my s-ranks, and put up with me playing those crappy ranger classes? Thanks man, I would have retired from this game if it was not for c-mode, and the great people that I play with.

Merovingian: A good friend on PSO and in real life. Thanks for the understanding and support of why I wanted to do this, and it is going to be great TAing this thing.

Liquid Bacon: Another good friend that said that he did not like it when people brought the crappy classes through c-mode, but he was always there to offer his help when I needed him. He always said that it did not reflect on the player's skill when that player brought a weaker class through. He was right because it reflects on the team's skill as a whole. Remember Bacon, you helped get a Ramarl, Hunewaearl, and a Ramar get through ep2 c-mode. Now how is that for skill!

Shigecki: Another person that I learned c-mode from, and another person that helped me get those crappy classes through. Thanks man!

Sitka: Thanks for your patience with me trying to get this done.

Sanzo: I think the Hucast master (using it lightly) needs to get back to PSO and off WOW.

Here is all of the other people that I would like to thank: Haruna, Helix, Yummy (who hasn't played c-mode with her? lol), Anicent, Ajax, Choke a Goat, Mugen, GAD, DieByMyBlade, Yort, Tranzor Z, Digigram, Vash, and SegaSpyder.

If there is anybody that I forgot please let me know. For those who think c-mode is dead on the Xbox, they are sorely mistaken. There are a lot of great players left that are still playing this game, and my accomplishment is a testament to this fact.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Curalkin on 2005-04-20 21:58 ]</font>

Apr 18, 2005, 11:28 AM
Congratulations Curacklin. It was fun to be a part of so many of those runs.

Now let's get on to posting some really good times.

Looking forward to some good TA runs.

Apr 18, 2005, 10:21 PM
I wasn't the first to say it and I won't be the last.... CONGRATS!!!!
TA here we come

Apr 19, 2005, 12:19 AM
So this means... no more runs with Ramarls, Hunewearls and Fomars?

*drops dead*

I thought the day would never come! Just kidding and congrats, man. That is an accomplishment that I don't think too many people can say is theirs; a true tribute to your skill, attitude, and relationship with a group of friends who helped you make it happen.

Apr 19, 2005, 12:57 AM
That's a pretty cool accomplishment. Congrats.

FWIW, there's a HUney on the GC version that has ~2'30 time for EP2.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: yellow5 on 2005-04-18 22:57 ]</font>

Apr 19, 2005, 06:42 AM
Must have been a test of patience! Having to do each stage in order is a real drag. Congratulations to you and everyone who helped you out.

Apr 19, 2005, 07:48 AM
Ep1 was worse then ep2 because of the going in order thing.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Curalkin on 2005-04-20 22:00 ]</font>

Apr 19, 2005, 07:57 AM
Thanks guys, and I definately could not have done this without my friends. The one advantage to the xbox is the voice chat, and after playing with alot of the players that I thanked you get to know them. Alot of those players I have been playing with for over a year. The CL guild that Mero, Bacon, and I started just turned one year old on Saturday, and it is going stronger then ever which is how I got to my goal. Oh yeah, Bacon! Do not drop dead yet because we still have to finish that ep2c4 with the FOmar, 2 HUnewearls, and a RAmarl! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Apr 21, 2005, 06:39 PM

i'm glad to say i was a part of this and was there when you got that last "cursed" EP2 s-rank. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

good luck with your TAing, hopefully after finals are over, i'll have more time and can join you guys.

keep on truckin' http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Apr 26, 2005, 03:19 AM
congrats to ya...

recently i had someone say to me, "congrats on such a feat," referring to my BU-EI status with my RAmar. I'm thinking to myself... ya sure. Srank can be done with any class on either cmode. It's all bout believing it and working on it (especially as a team). Personally, I don't like that kind of closeminded-ness, but I understand where they're coming from. Obviously, there are optimal classes for optimal times.

Keep at it with the epII TA times. I can see the sub-3hr/2:30 to be VERY conceivable. All about fixing mistakes (polishing the killing and teamwork) and the weapon drops. It will take a good amount of time, nonetheless. Plus there's no worry bout the random spawns; you know what/how many you're gonna face. Unfortunately, 99% of the pso population doesn't know epII monsters like the back of their hand, like we do with epI monsters. But it'll be only a matter of time before epII becomes natural for most of us; epI has been in our blood for like 5 yrs now, as oppose to epII (like 2 yrs). I would say, in a few months or so (if psox is still going), that epII cmode games will be being played more than epI games. Yes, cmode games aren't far from abundant... but every now and then there's a nice lil surge. I saw 3-4 cmode games on dav10 the other night, and that's alot nowadays (nothing like when there hundreds more ppl playing less than 2 yrs ago).

Let me know how things go with the epII thing. About a year ago, I wanted to do what you guys were doing, but cmode was too slow for my tastes. I began understanding why the old vets complained and eventually left. It's good there's still something going on; even a lil. Personally, I'm still debating how much psox I wanna play. I still want to get into WoW (haven't touched it since I bought it in Jan.). Im debating if I wanna immediately jump into Blue Burst, or wait, or maybe even disregard it. I know for sure I'm going into PSU (PC). I'd love to complete all of the psox goals I wanted to achieve (normal and cmode). But with the uncertainty of what games I wanna play (if any) and the life of my first Xbox (where my main pso file is)... I dunno how much more psox I'll be playing. ATM, egg hunting and MA is my main focus. After that, I'll see what happens.

Apr 26, 2005, 07:44 AM
That's funny because someone said the same thing about my RAmarl. With a solid team, you could bring any class through. As for TAing, we have now have a total ep2 c-mode time of 3:05. We broke the 20 minute barrier with ep2c3 last night with a run of under 18 minutes. I will go to PSU (ps2), but as for PSOBB I don't know. As you said, we have been playing this game for 5 years. Hope to see you around.

May 10, 2005, 10:37 AM
Lightly eh? Lets jsut remember who has the better times here Curaklin. And who got the kill shot on Flow the first time he was killled on XB in E2C4, That's right Me. so shut it, Ill be back and stomp whaever little times you got just you wait. oh, and congratz, Its about time you got them all, though i dont really see the point, all that time getting weapons you dont use, you could have been improving times.

May 10, 2005, 11:28 AM
watch it, pal.

+1 on your warning counter for flamebaiting

if you want to talk shit to people, use private messages and dont polute the forums with that.

May 10, 2005, 05:46 PM
Congrats on the feat...

Though I'm a type of cmoder who is mostly going for the clear, and I'm almost comfortable with any team though I hate ep2 for being 'certain' class orientated.

Dunno if I can do a 2p e2c4 again. -.- I'm losing my touch. Of course, I was drawing the map back then... with a time of 2hrs and 30min. -.-

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sharkyland on 2005-05-10 15:47 ]</font>

May 11, 2005, 10:46 AM
First of all, I was not flame baiting, or trying to insult Curaklin, He is a good frined of mine, and can take a joke. If you think oterwise taht is fine, but flaming in anyway shape or form was not my intention.

May 11, 2005, 11:54 AM
if you want to talk shit to people, use private messages and dont polute the forums with that.

May 12, 2005, 11:07 AM
I guess we will just leave our trash talking for the CL board, Sanzo. I will see ya tonight.