View Full Version : Things that should be.

Apr 21, 2005, 05:27 PM
Since this is mostly item oriented, this is where it will be placed.

The point of this topic is that, not only am I bored, but it would be fun to point out things that "Should have been".


Frozen Shooter/Snow Queen are highly overpowered. They should have had their specials deal Ice damage instead of Physical damage, due to the specials (mostly Frozen Shooter's) being as powerfull as their Heavy Attack.

Flame Garment should have had a built in Cure Feeze, and resistance to EIC, not EFR.. You know, because you're on Fire :

Maser Beam/Power Maser should have had normal Shot-type attacks, with the Gizonde attack as it's special. Why this weapon even has ATP/ATA and Percentages is beyond me. It would suck to accidentally find one with 60+ untekked percentages in 2 areas, and in Hit.

Are there any other ideas that you think would seem logical and would make other things usefull/balanced?

Apr 21, 2005, 05:30 PM
you mean besides... belra cannon should be a serious weapon?

Apr 21, 2005, 05:39 PM
I guess, in other words, what changes would you seriously make to certain things to make the item logical and balanced. As if you were going to submit it so Sonic Team would change them in Blue Burst, or somehting.

EDIT: Added bold to avoid confusion.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2005-04-21 15:41 ]</font>

Apr 21, 2005, 06:25 PM
well, it would be cool if NPCs could attack normally (combo and hit multiple enemies with multi-hit weapons). and if mags didn't start out with 5 DEF. and if there were easier ways for androids to do the telepipe trick (especially for slimes...). there's plenty of others, but I can't think of them right now.

Apr 21, 2005, 06:32 PM
I don't agree on the Flame Garment part D:

I mean, if you're on fire, you are immune to it, but ice is your antidote, like on classical RPGs, monsters made of fire are weak to ice.

One MAJOR thing in PSO that should be other wise are the specials.
I mean, about 50% of the rares in this game have useless specials:

Burning series ? useless.
Tempest series ? useless.
Lavis series ? useless.
Blizzard series ? not too useful.
Soul Banish ? useless.
Twin Blaze ? useless.
Any tech casting weapon, anyway, most are only findable in Ult, and can only deal significat damage in Normal).
Plantain (Huge) Fan ? useless.
Heaven Punisher ? not worth the rarity.
Twin Psychogun ? useless.
Windmill ? useless.
Prophets of Motav ? useless, come on, Lv 5 J/Z on a Force only weapon...

Now about the weapons they totally screwed:
-Heaven Punisher, not worth the rarity.
-Angel Harp, does not deserve its 11th star.
-Baranz Launcher, bullets are too slow for Ultimate monsters.
-Nug2000-Bazooka/Gi Gue Bazooka/Iron Faust/Burning Visit/Belra Cannon would have been good if they could just combo. I mean, really, they would have been just good, not better than Shots or Needles, they would have been just worth their rarity.
-Sinow Berill's Hands #1 needs more ATA, it's an 11 stars, dammit!
-Partisan of Lightning needs more ATP for a HU-only Double Saber, especially one of the rarest.
-S Rank Bazooka is RA only, and sucks on RAs.
-Maser Beam/Power Maser = duh.
-Victor Axe should work like S Rank Axe.
-Hildebear's Cane/Hildeblue's Cane/The Sigh of a God boost one single tech by 30% when less rare weapons boost the same tech by 40%
-All wands and Canes that do nothing and don't boost any tech (Technical Crozier, Plantain Fan, etc.)
-S Rank Cane/Wand/Moon, they don't boost any tech, while most of the weapons of those classes do = useless.
-A Rod/Club/Wand that have actually good enough stats to melee. What is the use of Rods in PSO, really ? (apart from tech boosting ones). What good is it to have a good Rod animation (FOmar) and not have a single Rod that has decent melee stats ? A mere Durandal pwns 90% of the Rods.
-Dancing Hitogata = duh, again.

Maybe more later http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Apr 21, 2005, 06:43 PM
Guld Milla, totally.

I mean, come on, do the math.

Fill (Milla) + Soul (Guld) = ...

Gush? -_-;
It should be unreduced Gush AND unreduced Geist! ;-;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tycho on 2005-04-21 16:46 ]</font>

Apr 21, 2005, 06:57 PM
psyco wand should use your level of foie, barta and zonde not a lvl 11 tech.

Apr 22, 2005, 12:07 AM
On 2005-04-21 16:57, Luis wrote:
psyco wand should use your level of foie, barta and zonde not a lvl 11 tech.

I agree that more powerful FO weapons should use your tech levels or maybe your tech level minus so many levels...or half your tech level...although now that I think about it this may be slightly unbalancing. Well I think Kef covered most of it. There's so many useless/underpowered weapons in this game. All I wanted for my FOmar was to melee with a frickin rod. The strongest rod I have is a Caduceus, which is the second strongest rod in the game (tied with Sorcerer's Cane). But it's WEAK for cryin out loud. So dissapointing.

I also think weapons should have my creative/useful specials. Make the specials do DAMAGE. The only good specials are like...Berkserk, Gush, Demon's...that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Apr 22, 2005, 01:17 AM
Well, it would be neat to think how some of you could make these worth it. Like, Kef, you listed all of that but it would have been neat to read how you would change them to be more balanced.

Tycho, same thing. Would Gush/Geist be balanced? How about using Gush if Milla is equipped, and Geist if Guld is equipped for the fusion?

I really wanted to read how people would change things, instead of just point them out as usual. XP

Apr 22, 2005, 05:05 AM
How about this...

S-Rank names be longer than 8 characters.

S-Rank should have a description editor.

S-Ranks should be able to have different colors
(Yellow...come on)

S-Ranks armors/shields (Drools)

Lan play on xbox.

Offline npc hire (Diablo 2 anyone?)

BB on Gamecube (I hate server saving, no offline and no normal multiplayer)

Katana weapons being good would be nice.

Downloadable quests...


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BaymanFan on 2005-04-22 03:13 ]</font>

Apr 22, 2005, 05:09 AM
On 2005-04-22 03:05, BaymanFan wrote:
How about this...

S-Rank names be longer than 8 characters.

S-Rank should have a description editor.

The color of the S-Rank's name should change-able.

Apr 22, 2005, 06:17 AM
None of those really affect the balance at all, though...

I'll give this a go... let's see here...

Non-photonic weapons can keep their ATP, ATA, and such, but have a lower requirement to use, as, generally, I'd think "normal" weapons to be easier to use than photonic weapons. The downside, they cannot have percentages, as percentages are based off the certain types of photonic energies within the weapon. No photon, no percentages.

Of course, to make up for that, the whole weapon structure would need retooling, as a good deal of the higher up weapons are non-photonic (Yasminkov series, Sange&Yasha), and would really break them down, unless they had some other type of bonuses... like...

Boom, attack percentage (could be named something else, but we'll name it Attack for now). A percentage that affects all types the same. Non-photonic weapons would only have 2 percent areas, Attack and Hit. Something with an Attack of 10% would be the same as 10% Native, 10% A.Beast, 10% Machine, 10% Dark. Such weapons could have percent to both Attack and Hit. However, there must be limits... something like 100% Attack would be way overpowered... so...

Divide the percentages that'd normally be found. Let's say, for example, Sange was considered a non-photonic weapon. Let's say, as it is right now, you found a Sange that was... 10 Native, 30 Machine, 10 to Hit, untekked. Instead, you'd get a Sange that was 10 to Attack ((10+30)/4) and 10 to Hit (Hit wouldn't change). The Attack would round down to the nearest 5% (a 10 Native, 15 Machine would be 5% (25/4 = 6.25), as would a 5% Native... basically getting high "off the bat" Attack percentage would be difficult.

Using the example, you have an untekked 10% Attack, 10% Hit Sange. Tekking would be different for non-photonic weapons, a possible +/- 5%, even for the hit.

That Sange would be the same as 15% Native, 15% A.Beast, 15% Machine, 15% Dark, 15% Hit... Of course, that'd be about as often as you'd find a Sange now with at least 40% total in non-hit areas... not too common. For any non-photonic weapon to have Attack percent at all, would be about how often you'd get that weapon with at least 20% total in non-hit areas... giving an untekked 5% Attack, obviously.

And I can hear it now... "Yeah, but what if you use Photon Spheres to boost it to 100? That'd be completely cheap! 4 100s for the cost of 1?"

Well, I could bail out and say something like "that's where Photon Crystals would come in... they could do hit OR attack" and then leave, but I'm having fun, so I'll keep going... :wacko:

Okay, take into consideration, for now, that dividing the 4 areas equally would, if kept in check, allow for a maximum 75% to Attack (300/4). This would still be fairly destructive up the ass, so, for now, let's stick with... 40-50 for a Maximum. Yes, hit is seperate... so yes, 50% Attack, 100% Hit would be 300 worth of percentages ((50x4) + 100), just like now, except it'd be harder to land the 100 hit (only +/- 5% tekk opposed to 10)

Boosting the Attack percent would take 5x, yes 5x, not 4x, but 5x the cost of "normal" percents. This is because you can have Attack percent AND Hit percent. The extra cost would be more worth it.

And...... that's all I can think of at the moment for THAT particular thing... XD sooo.... second thing...

Weapon type bonuses and penalties and defenses and weaknesses.

Fairly easy concept... certain classes get certain damage bonuses with certain weapon types (Ramarl gets +10% damage with rifles, -10% damage with sabers, for example (picking random weapon types)) Also, this can even be more broad... like all RAs get bonus to all gun icon weapons, HUs get bonus to all sword icon weapons, FOs get... tech bonus I guess? to all cane icon weapons. Not a big boost... maybe 5-10%, but still there. This could make damage a bit more "weapon type" based, and less stat based (HUs doing less damage with guns than RAs do, but make up for it with superior melee).

Defenses and weaknesses, same sort of thing, Delsabers, for sake of example, completely block melee attacks WITH the shield (like it is now), but guns only get a huge reduction against the shield, -80% or so... Delsaber shield would block melee, but still take a bit of ranged damage. This would not stun them as techs would.

Gibbles, for opposite example. Bullets and ranged weapons glance off, only minor damage, or a minor damage reduction. Bladed/melee weapons either get a bonus, or do "normal" damage. etc.
Third part: DoT (Damage over time)

This might be tricky to pull off for PSO, as such acts like poisoning monsters and then sitting off to the side waiting for them to die would be a popular low level tactic... so this has to be handled carefully. This also brings in Kef's previous statements about some of the specials. For example, burning special would activate a Fire DoT flag on the monster, burning it for a certain amount of damage every so many seconds. Wears out after a while, and if need be, the DoT damage can be regen'ed back after the flag is gone, slowly, but enough so that one cannot just rely on killing enemies with DoTs.
Fourth: Shock.

Shock is amusing. In DC, only androids could be shocked... it was one of their disadvantages. Machine type enemies could also be shocked.

Come Xbox/GC, all character types can be shocked, including non-androids. However, enemy wise, still only machines can be shocked.

There's multiple branches and combinations of branches this could lead in:

-Returning shock to how it was on DC.
-Making all classes shockable, but also all enemies (within reason, of course... bosses would cure themselves as Vol Opt does, some enemies with special circumstances would make them non-shockable).
-Androids and machines more susceptible to shock than newmans/humans/non-machine enemies, unless it's like that already.

That's mostly it for now... hmm... I'll see if anymore come to mind...
Also, no I haven't been thinking of these things for a long time XD, I started writing the post and I basically made up everything on the spot (I thought about the whole Attack % as I was writing it XD)

Apr 22, 2005, 06:18 AM
On 2005-04-21 16:43, Tycho wrote:
Guld Milla, totally.

I mean, come on, do the math.

Fill (Milla) + Soul (Guld) = ...

Gush? -_-;
It should be unreduced Gush AND unreduced Geist! ;-;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tycho on 2005-04-21 16:46 ]</font>

It did just that on DC, it used to drain 120 hp AND tp per bullet.

Apr 22, 2005, 06:26 AM
I kinda like the Katanas as they are ;x

On 2005-04-21 23:17, Skorpius wrote:
Well, it would be neat to think how some of you could make these worth it. Like, Kef, you listed all of that but it would have been neat to read how you would change them to be more balanced.Sure Skorp, excellent point. Too easy to criticize if you don't propose better.

--Burning/Tempest series specials: easy, like in several RPGs, give the special attack the power of a hard attack + elemental damage, so if the monster is iummune to fire it will deal the same as a hard attack, but if the monster is weak to fire, he will receive more damage (not a lot more, but enough to be significant).

--Lavis series specials: just give it the power of a hard attack, like Orotiagito.

--Blizzard series: as efficient as Arrest series.

--Tech-casting weapons: higher techs so they deal significant damage in online Ultimate mode. More specifically, Soul Banish could have a different special altogether, unreduced Dark comes to mind; Prophets of Motav would have J/Z Lv 25-ish, the weapon is so rare that you would have better J/Z by the time you find it, anyway, but it would still be funny to play around with the special in not too difficult areas. S-Red's Blade could have S/D Lv3, that's ok, but with the duration of Lv 30 (a bit like SoaG).

--Plantain (Huge) Fan: the special should have the power of a Hard attack.

--Twin Psychogun: either a LOT more powerful or just something different altogether.

--Windmill: power of a hard attack (and more ATP to the weapon).

--Heaven Punisher: 2 solutions, the special deals non elemental rays, or the rarity is drastically lowered.

--Angel Harp: becomes a 10-star weapon.

--Baranz Launcher fires way faster missiles.

--Nug2000-Bazooka/Gi Gue Bazooka/Iron Faust/Burning Visit/Belra Cannon/Power Maser can combo.

--Sinow Berill's Hands #1 has 38 ATA.

--Partisan of Lightning has ATP and variance that make it the gap between Demolition Comet and Meteor Cudgel.

--S Rank Bazooka is equippable by all classes.

--Maser Beam/Power Maser shot lightning that deals physical damage, not magical.

--Victor Axe should have Sword radius, but Saber animation, like S Rank Axe.

--Hildebear's Cane/Hildeblue's Cane/The Sigh of a God boost their respective tech by 40%.

--For FO weapons, either they boost a tech or they have decent stats mor meleeing.

--S Rank Cane/Wand/Moon boost simple/normal/hard techs respectively by 10%

--Dancing Hitogata: I dunno, just make it usable.

I understand the concept of trophy weapons (DB's Swords, Flowen's Swords, ID cards, etc.) but not useless weapon.

Apr 22, 2005, 06:32 AM
Katanas shouldn't be able to have photon %'s, since they're not photon based (they're just swords) http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

The Yas 2000 should be usable by HU's, for coolness.

I actually think it'd be cool if Yamigarasu had a small chance to kill you when you use it's special. I mean, cmon, it drains your HP anyway (and it can kill you, ive tried), confuses, insta-kills, should be able to kill it's user. I think that'd rock, id use it more.

Orotiagito's special shouldn't be so damn inaccurate.

Sealed J-Sword should make a more convincing noise when you hit something http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Dragon Slayer, imo, should have an ice-based special (I mean, it's a sword used by someone who slayed a dragon, a burning attack isnt gonna do much, unless it was the Sil Dragon)

The Dragon's Claw/Bringer's Rifle/Sorcerer's Cane/Belra Cannon should be their Ultimate mode variants (ie, I want to use a Dark Bringer's Rifle, not a Chaos Bringers, I killed a damm Dark Bringer for it)

Spirit Garment shouldn't be android usable.

There should be a HU weapon that casts J/Z, for HUcaseals and HUcasts.

If the Dark Flow was legitimate, it's special shouldn't suck as much. 1/10th HP on Ultimate is taking chances. (Yes, I know the description for it, but Olga Flow uses that attack loads)

Yasminkov weapons should sound more like real guns, they sound strange.

Thats all I can think of for now.

Apr 22, 2005, 06:52 AM
I think Guld Milla should just have both unreduced Gush and unreduced Geist. For Androids the Geist isn't worth much, for RAmarl the Gush isn't either, so it would balance out. Come on, the weapon just has a bit more ATP than other Mechs (although its a multiple.. >_>), but this would not make Guld Milla 'overpowered', or at least not any more than it already is.

For useless FO weapons... How about they give FO S-ranks a built-in Technique unit or something? Then at least they would do something.

Apr 22, 2005, 06:55 AM
TP/Revival - should gain TP at maybe 5TP per second, not 1TP every 5 seconds!

Apr 22, 2005, 07:03 AM
On 2005-04-22 04:55, SLON wrote:
TP/Revival - should gain TP at maybe 5TP per second, not 1TP every 5 seconds!

How about 1% of your total TP every five seconds? If it did that, I'd start using four. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Apr 22, 2005, 07:08 AM
On 2005-04-22 04:52, Tycho wrote:
for RAmarl the Gush isn't eitherI oh-so disagree, Gush owns on RAmarl as well, I think GM is good the way it is.

When reading Skorpius' post, I was more thinking of changing existing items, not making a whole new game up -- despite the good ideas.

Yas2k usable by HUs is a VERY bad idea.

As for Skorp's point about the FS, I agree, it should work more like on DC, the special freezes 100% of the time, like on GC, but deals no damage, like on DC.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kef on 2005-04-22 05:12 ]</font>

Apr 22, 2005, 08:01 AM
I know the Yas 2k being HU usable would be a bad idea, seeing as it is better than HU usable handguns, but I did only say for looks (it looks awesome, it'd be a bit good on a HU though). Im with Tycho on the TP/Revival idea, id probably start using them >_> (id currently regenerate 15 TP per 5 seconds with that idea, not too bad really http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif I'm still clinging to the other ideas I had, the Yas just appeals to me for the appearance of it.

Apr 22, 2005, 08:05 AM
Twin Blaze and Partisan of Lightning equippable by all classes with enough ATP. *coughFOscough*

Marina's Bag equippable by males. *coughFOmarcough*

And ST doesn't listen anyway. Look at all the female-only shit in Ep4... And the continuing lack of any male-usable weapon boosting Resta and Anti range. 9_9

I guess Vivian is nice if you're a FOmarl? Except doesn't her twin saber animation suck? 9_9


Rods should hit four times. 1-2-1 would be a good enough pattern for it. Maybe 1-1-2.

Apr 22, 2005, 11:17 AM
Sealed J Sword should make a sound when it becomes unsealable. It should also make some sort of sound when you do unseal it. The counter on it should be visible, and perhaps placed into the weapon description field. This would make it easy to tell the difference between hacks and legits.

This part not item based
There should be a way to place more than one picture file per memory card per episode. Even with a few memory cards, it becomes a chore to take a few snapshots, go upload them, then have to sign back on to take more. If I have a memory card 228 or whatever, and a snapshot file takes 15 blocks, then give me the option of filling up the remaining blocks with snapshot files please.

Back to items
I agree with the guld milla changes to a degree, mostly in their base forms of handgun guld and handgun milla. Guld is a useless weapon if it's not paired with milla. Only useable by male rangers, both of which have crap for tech capacity, and the thing steals TP? I don't think so!

The milla has a nice special on it, at least it's reasonably useable by the female rangers, but then, RAmarl could easily cast Resta, and the special on the Guld would have been more suitable for her anyway. Milla should have been the useable one by the male rangers, Guld by the female rangers. Or how about, the tech using rangers use Guld, and the android rangers use Milla? That would have been the better choice.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: trypticon on 2005-04-22 09:21 ]</font>

Apr 22, 2005, 11:44 AM
All swords should pale in comparison to TJ since its so hard to get.

Black King Bar SHOULD NOT be stronger than Double Cannon. God I hate bkb....

Apr 22, 2005, 02:14 PM
Black King Bar SHOULD NOT be stronger than Double Cannon. God I hate bkb....

"Returning home to his monkey subjects, he discovered they were under seige by a fearsome monster. Magic tricks were no good - what he needed was a weapon. So he whizzed off to the Dragon King AO-KUANG and cajoled his way into the Treasury. There he found the great Magic Wishing Staff, a huge rod of black iron which Heaven had used to flatten the bed of the Milky Way. It weighed 13,000 pounds but could expand to fill the Universe or shrink to the size of a needle. MONKEY was delighted with this Weapon of Mass Destruction and used it to bludgeon many a demon thereafter."

Taken from http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/chinese-mythology.php?deity=MONKEY

Surely that justifies the power of the Magic Wishing staff, Black King Bar rather. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

I'm perfectly happy with the game in it's current state. However, I feel that a communal bank for each set of characters on a memory card would be a great feature. It's a nuisance swapping units/mags and weapons between them.

Rico's Glasses should be equippable by RAmarl and HUnewearl. A RAmarl with a Yas2000H and a set of shades might look too hot though.

The infamous untekked Lavis glitch should not have been removed from the PAL version of the game. Although it is a glitch, and should not be abused, I find it unfair that the majority of players have the choice to do so. I would have loved to mess around with it before I used my Syncesta.

I totally agree that PoL and Twin Blaze should be equippable by all classes ( other than FOnewearl ). They already have access to the far deadlier S-rank Twin, so why deprive them of some style.

Finally, once you finish a quest online, you should have the option of choosing another quest or returing to a free game with the same party.

Apr 22, 2005, 02:27 PM
seeing as it is better than HU usable handguns Refering to yas2000H vs HU usable HG's

If I remember correctly. Red handgun is stronger than yas2000h when both are max ground.

yas = 340 is it?
Red handgun = 300

yas = 360
redhandgun = 400 I believe. 40 ATP higher.

Now I haven't played PSO in a while, so I forget if there is a difference in boost from shifta. But without, RH is still the winner, while also already being used by HUs.

Now, for my input. Since I found a Sealed J-sword before I quit, how about making the damned thing stronger than the red sword. I mean it's arguably one of the hardest drops in the game, and red sword is still stronger. Sure, SJS unseals, disregard that and leave TJ normal, I mean it took you how long for SJS to drop, and it's weak. Just like 50-100 atp stronger, thats all.

Take away HP drain from orotiagito if the special doesn't hit very often with maxed ATA.

ermm.. Can't think of anything else right now.. I don't generally think about the game anymore.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: digigram on 2005-04-22 12:33 ]</font>

Apr 22, 2005, 04:05 PM
Guld is a useless weapon if it's not paired with milla. Only useable by male rangers, both of which have crap for tech capacity, and the thing steals TP? I don't think so!

Huh? I thought MILLA stole TP and GULD stole HP.

Victor Axe should have sword radius and attack like a saber. Like S-Rank Axe.

Wait what? I'm confused. Is S-Rank Axe single-targetting or multi?

I thought Victor Axe had saber radius and attack like a sword, so your saying it should be reversed? Hmm.

Apr 22, 2005, 04:07 PM
S-rank axe is a saber type.

Apr 22, 2005, 05:37 PM
It's not so much style I'm after. (How about Stag Cutlery usable by FO males and Twin Brand usable by FOs as well?)

It's the one thing you can never, ever have on an S-rank, even with item modding. The one thing that FOmar could so desperately use, that FOmarl could also desperately use...

Hit %. >_<

Apr 22, 2005, 05:49 PM
btw, whoever it was that said MILLA has Fill special earlier. It doesn't. It has GUSH. I just tested it.

Apr 22, 2005, 06:27 PM
It's Fill, believe me, I have tested specials thoroughly.

Apr 22, 2005, 07:20 PM
I JUST USED IT like 10 minutes ago. It steals 120 HP in Ultimate. Now how is that Fill?

Apr 22, 2005, 07:25 PM
Yes, Milla does have gush, very good. That's what I was complaining about earlier.

Why give the Guld the ability to steal TP from enemies? Neither RAcast or Ramar can use tachs worth a dam, hell RAcast can't use them at all! The ability to steal TP should have been given to the handgun that a RAmarl could equip, and that's the milla. The milla, on the other hand, has the ability to steal HP, which should have been given to the characters that could use it much better, the RAcast and RAmar.

Then I mentioned how even the RAmar could cast resta on himself, and suggested that the TP stealing Guld should have been useable by the Human characters, and the HP stealing Milla should have been useable by the Cast characters.

Apr 22, 2005, 07:29 PM
Yup, I agree.

There are so many things that should be changed.

My biggest complaint is the lack of Melee FO weapons. Its hard to do much, when all the good stuff is HU/RA specific.


Apr 22, 2005, 07:51 PM
Twin Blaze ? useless.

Not really, it's special is great for stopping charging enemies like ill gill or chaos bringer.

Yamigarasu should become stronger the more you use it, for instance, the weapon gives 500 (not sure) ATP, using it to kill alot of enemies should make it's ATP grow to 300-200 more than it has but only if it stays in your inventory, the blade's color will darken more and it's special will be even more dangerous (akujiki anyone?), now the downside is, it will drain you HP more (say 50HP when at max power every X secs).

Belra Cannon should be able to be upgraded to a Indi cannon somehow, and the indi cannon fires like a photon launcher but like a SQ and has no range boundary, it cannot combo, but it fires 2 arms so it will hit X amount of enemies in the same line if there are relatively close to each other (basically it's an indi belra that fires both arms instead of one).

Victor Axe should be able to change to berydish or at least make some sort of other weapon from it, it will still attack like a sword but this time, it will hit multiple enemies and will be HU/Ra only, ATP doesn't change neither does the special.

Combat Gear should be able to evolve into a Kasami Bracer or something like adv.combat Gear, which gives better ATP boost and more stable DFP and EVP boosts as well.

more to come.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kazuma56 on 2005-04-22 17:52 ]</font>

Apr 23, 2005, 06:13 AM
On 2005-04-22 17:20, Bu5ta wrote:
I JUST USED IT like 10 minutes ago. It steals 120 HP in Ultimate. Now how is that Fill?No, you are just 100% wrong. Even Drain and Draw can steal 120 HP in Ultimate.

Milla is Fill. I have studied special attacks for several months, when I say something it's true, because if I don't know or am not sure, I just don't talk at all.

Try getting a Fill Gladius or a Fill Raygun, or Fill on any non-rare weapon that only hits 3 times in a combo, and use it, you will see it drains 120 HP.

The maximun HP or TP you can draw from monsters is dependent on difficulty, not on the special.

Apr 23, 2005, 08:24 AM
How about telling us the specific attributes of "Fill" that would be seen when using Milla's special. I do believe that, instead of just saying is, showing us that you know what you're talking about would create less friction in topics.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2005-04-23 06:24 ]</font>

Apr 23, 2005, 12:27 PM
How about trying to make sense ?

I just explained why he was mistaken, what more do you want ?

Apr 23, 2005, 02:22 PM
On 2005-04-23 06:24, Skorpius wrote:
How about telling us the specific attributes of "Fill" that would be seen when using Milla's special. I do believe that, instead of just saying is, showing us that you know what you're talking about would create less friction in topics.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skorpius on 2005-04-23 06:24 ]</font>

I personally think less fighting and fewer attempts at one upping over a previous persons post would cause less friction in topics. Just an observation. I don't think anybody really understand why a few people who will go unnamed on the forums here try to prove everybody wrong on every single topic consistently. It's not a productive environment with this going on. Instead, it leads to frivolous competition.

Boy my spellings eems to be off today.

No offense intended toward anybody with this, it's just what I've observed.

Apr 23, 2005, 03:05 PM
On 2005-04-23 12:22, trypticon wrote:

No offense intended toward anybody with this, it's just what I've observed.

i agree, same with the MST and Megid, i just deleted a lvl 135 foney and started her over, now she is level 55 at ultimate forest, and she barely kill the enemies with her megid, and when she was level 135, she raped his ass all over the place with the megid ball, the only diference between the level 135 and the right now level 55 foney is her MST, because the megid level is the same.

Apr 23, 2005, 04:52 PM
The bullets that come out of the Yasminkov series should come out facing the correct way, not backwards.

Apr 23, 2005, 08:11 PM
On 2005-04-23 12:22, trypticon wrote:
I personally think less fighting and fewer attempts at one upping over a previous persons post would cause less friction in topics. Just an observation. I don't think anybody really understand why a few people who will go unnamed on the forums here try to prove everybody wrong on every single topic consistently. It's not a productive environment with this going on. Instead, it leads to frivolous competition.
I was actually quite confused as to what makes Milla have fill, other than "Because Kef Said So". I was only asking for an explaination to his words, nothing more. A simple explaination would have been fine, other than "Reread my useless garb".

And why was this moved to rants? This is hardly a rant topic.

Apr 23, 2005, 08:31 PM
On 2005-04-23 18:11, Skorpius wrote:

And why was this moved to rants? This is hardly a rant topic.

I was wondering that myself.

Apr 23, 2005, 08:43 PM
I didn't move it, but I'll move it back.

Uhm... MQIS?

Apr 23, 2005, 09:12 PM
Yeah. If you think this topic will be in negative spirits, then keep it here.

Otherwise, this really is item related, just a fantasy about what should have been. A fun topic.

And, as of right now, please.. let's not argue anymore, everybody.

Apr 24, 2005, 06:32 AM
Make some of the novelty weapons (Crazy tune etc) better, they suck and cannot be used apart from in the forest or something.
Offtopic: Id also have an extra difficulty, for lv 180+ maybe and some kind of bonus for getting lv 200.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ulyoth on 2005-04-24 04:37 ]</font>

Apr 25, 2005, 11:15 AM
"Returning home to his monkey subjects, he discovered they were under seige by a fearsome monster. Magic tricks were no good - what he needed was a weapon. So he whizzed off to the Dragon King AO-KUANG and cajoled his way into the Treasury. There he found the great Magic Wishing Staff, a huge rod of black iron which Heaven had used to flatten the bed of the Milky Way. It weighed 13,000 pounds but could expand to fill the Universe or shrink to the size of a needle. MONKEY was delighted with this Weapon of Mass Destruction and used it to bludgeon many a demon thereafter."

Taken from http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/chinese-mythology.php?deity=MONKEY

Surely that justifies the power of the Magic Wishing staff, Black King Bar rather.

Aside from it being a nice story, it justifies nothing. BKB is too powerful to be that easy to get. Period.

P.s-And its ugly too.

Apr 25, 2005, 12:22 PM
On 2005-04-25 09:15, AxelgearVIII wrote:

Aside from it being a nice story, it justifies nothing. BKB is too powerful to be that easy to get. Period.

P.s-And its ugly too.

It's far from easy to get. Collecting 45 Photon Drops takes at least a few weeks of work and Monkey King Bar, although not difficult to get, requires Seabed/Tower hunting.

I was simply saying the reason it is so powerful is to justify the myth which influnced it. Personally I use other weapons, but the extra power is very useful for a non HUcast hunter - it's not something to moan about.

And I don't see how a simple black stick which is only visible in the presence of an enemy can be ugly.