View Full Version : Ep 3 S-rank FAQ

Apr 26, 2005, 12:06 PM
A LONG time ago I was here and I found an awesome guide on how to get an S-rank, It worked online, and offline, (Meaning a comp could vs you so it helps u level online) it involved, reiz, a nano dragon, and I think an HP attack. That's all I remember about it and I can't seem to find it on the mainsite. If anyone knows what I'm talking about could they please post a link?


Apr 26, 2005, 12:20 PM

Apr 26, 2005, 12:25 PM
This isn't a guide. It was a guide on the mainsite showing how to get an S-rank in battle in about a minute that included the things I mentioned above.

Apr 26, 2005, 02:20 PM
Did you look at this?


I think I vaguely remember the strategy you are talking about. It involved using a Nano Dragon, HP Attack, Fly Attack, AB Guard, Guard, and some other cards. You would select Reiz's Creature=0 deck, deploy your Nano Dragon, and do some massive damage.

Apr 26, 2005, 02:29 PM
An alternate method of an easy S-Rank is the way I showed in my video.

If you have a Sinow Zele, MC attack, HP attack, and Slash, you can organize your deck with those cards first. Afterward, set dice rolls to 6, 6 and deck to unshuffled.

Set up a match vs. an Arkz and bring out Sinow Zele on the first turn.

Second turn move it in front of the Arkz and use HP attack, MC attack and Slash in one attack on the Arkz.

Should 'net you an easy S-Rank.

You may put in a resist as your fourth card in case the Ark manages to call out an attack on you inbetween turns. But you should be fine.

Apr 26, 2005, 05:09 PM
Or not ^

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Corey on 2005-04-26 15:10 ]</font>

Jun 16, 2005, 04:28 PM
On 2005-04-26 10:06, Ivan wrote:
A LONG time ago I was here and I found an awesome guide on how to get an S-rank, It worked online, and offline, (Meaning a comp could vs you so it helps u level online) it involved, reiz, a nano dragon, and I think an HP attack. That's all I remember about it and I can't seem to find it on the mainsite. If anyone knows what I'm talking about could they please post a link?


I dont know of any link but I still remember what your talking about. What you need is:
A Nano Dragon,Dice+1,Dice+1,Guard,AB Guard,HP Attack,AB attack, FL attack and a Split Boost.
What you do is you go to Nebula 2b (the long, thin arena) face reiz with his creature=0 deck then set the rules for min roll 6 max roll 6 deck shuffle unact. then use your deck with the cards I said above in the same order. Then in the battle you play the nano in front of you then play dice+1 on reiz then end turn. Next turn you play dice+1 on yourself and end turn. then reiz should attack you with a slash use ab guard and guard on your people. next turn attack with nano using all the attack action cards.

Aug 31, 2005, 04:34 PM
here is one easy way but it only gain's offline multiplayer S rank's in three or four turns first create a worhtless player then create a deck for him so that his first eight cards are three rag rappys three claws and tw lillys.Create a hunter deck using Sil'fer with in this order the following cards two dice +1 three mags, dragon slayer, musclear,exchange,SW attack and round slay.
Use the first map and make sure that the deck's aren't shuffled and that you alway's throw 6-6with the dice.With the arkz place the monster around you leaving a passage in front of you.With the hunter us the dice +1 and equip the mag's and move foward on the first turn and on the second equip the sword use musclear then exchange move in front of the arkz and combine SW attack with round slay to infict over 150 damage to give you the S rank and receive 9 cards

There is my technick orry about the long explanation