View Full Version : Concerts

Apr 28, 2005, 02:37 PM
Anybody been to any good concerts recently? Through an odd bunch of coincidences, I've just gone to the second of three concerts I plan on attending this week.

I saw the Shins on Monday night in Manhattan. I'm not really a huge Shins fan, but my girlfriend really wanted to see them, so I went with her. They were good, and they put on a good show. They looked a little exhausted though, and it probably had something to do with the fact that they were playing their third night in a row at that one venue.

The Shins opening act, though, was awesome. I dunno if anybody's heard of them, but the act was The Brunettes. They're this seven-piece band from New Zealand, and they're really good. Really cheery and happy and silly, but I really enjoyed it. We picked up both of their albums at the concert, and it's just good fun. I mean, dude, they had a kazoo or a slide whistle or something. It was sweet.

As for my second concert this week, Green Day came to my university last night.

Opening for Green Day was My Chemical Romance, and they were absolutely awful. They just sucked. That's all I'll say on that subject for right now.

Green Day, on the other hand, was really good. I was surprised, as I've never seen them before, but they were genuinely good entertainers. I guess that's what happens when you've been a band for over a decade. They played a fair amount off of American Idiot, but they also got in some old songs, so that was cool. I was really impressed with their concert, though. It wasn't that it was amazing, it's just I wasn't expecting such a fun show out of them. I mean, c'mon, they did a cover of "Shout", which takes things to a whole new level of awesomeness!

There's also a big festival on campus on Saturday, and Less Than Jake is going to be playing. Don't really know them too well, but I like what I've heard, and I've heard they're really good live. If I don't have too much to do this weekend, I'll probably stop by. And hey, it's free, so what have I got to lose?

(And on a slight tangent, I'm incredibly psyched about the Oasis concert I'm going to in June. I'm going to be in the pit, the place is going to be packed, and I'm going to be going crazy. It's Oasis. It's going to be awesome. And Jet is even opening for them! So, awesome.)

So yeah, anybody been to any good concerts recently?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Outrider on 2005-04-28 12:38 ]</font>

Apr 28, 2005, 08:21 PM
I saw Life Of Agony about a month ago. It was incredible since they are one of the greatest bands ever.

Apr 28, 2005, 08:58 PM
I saw Psycho le Cemu at the end of February, and they owned all ass. So fucking awesome.

Saw the Rolling Stones a few years ago, with Pearl Jam as the opening act(Weird combination. O_o;)... That was really fucking cool too.

Seen the Moody Blues so many times I've lost track. They're good too.

Apr 28, 2005, 09:13 PM
On 2005-04-28 18:58, Ian-KunX wrote:

Seen the Moody Blues so many times I've lost track. They're good too.

I love it when they're backed by a full orchestra.

I haven't really gone to a lot of concerts. Did a couple of Yes shows, Moody Blues, Rush, Weird Al, Frank Black and the Catholics, Modest Mouse, and a couple other indie shows that I can't remember at the moment.

One criticism I have about concerts is that they're way too damned loud to hear any of the music. I usually bring earplugs.

Apr 29, 2005, 12:29 AM
The Mars Volta.

May 31, 2005.

Denver, Colorado.

Making the trip for my second show of theirs.

And then I can die happy--again.

Apr 29, 2005, 07:01 AM
Come to think of it, I haven't been to a concert in a long time. I think the last band I saw was the Moody Blues. I've loved them for years and it was so awesome see them live.

Apr 29, 2005, 09:59 AM
last thing i saw was "phoenix" ..

Apr 29, 2005, 11:19 AM
First and last concert was some local friends ,college friends band "Drift". Nice guys but sounds like everything on the radio.

I would really like to see Paul McCartney, Bob Dylan, Billy Joel, Elton and some Kinks or Davies brothers before I die...or before they die, whatever.

Apr 29, 2005, 12:58 PM
Bob Dylan actually played at my school last semester, but I didn't have the cash or the time to see him.

I heard it was a real good concert, though.

Apr 29, 2005, 05:54 PM
Xiu Xiu!

And DAMN it has been a long time since I've been here.

Apr 29, 2005, 07:57 PM
I'm seeing Jaco Pastorius tomorrow! Sweeet!

Actually, since Jaco's been dead for a while (obviously,) it's going to be more of a tribute, but still awesome! http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Apr 30, 2005, 06:23 AM
Seldomtoast, you had me uber confused before I read that second line. I was like, "How the hell is he going to see Jaco?"

May 1, 2005, 12:36 AM
Oh sorry, I forgot to mention that it was just the Big Band, plus a really awesome substitute on the bass. It was awesome. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: sSeldomToasTt on 2005-04-30 22:37 ]</font>

May 1, 2005, 12:41 AM
Um... I saw the Dear Friends: Music from Final Fantasy concert in Redmond, Ill. a couple months ago. That is the only concert I have been to in a great while. Boy, that was good too.

May 1, 2005, 09:19 AM
I'm going to see System of a Down tomorrow

May 1, 2005, 09:31 AM
Last one I saw was a VERY long time ago. The Kenny Chesney "Guitars, Tiki Bars, and a Whole Lotta Love" tour. I guess it was okay. Keith Urban was better than both Dirks Bently and Kenny Chesney in my opinion.

I want to go to a concert for the Casting Crowns and Stephen Curtis Chapman "All Things New" tour, but that won't be happening ever.

May 1, 2005, 11:42 AM
The Less Than Jake concert was yesterday. It was an open-air concert and free, so I stopped by for half an hour to an hour.

It wasn't too bad. I don't really know the band, but I love the sound of ska. What I heard was good.

May 1, 2005, 12:30 PM
went to see idlewild play on Friday night, and they were fucking awesome!! got close enough to spit on them! Not that i did, but i did tell the singer i loved his freaky cowboy boots http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif. my friend managed to get hold of the drummers drum stick. damn her.

funniest part was half way through american english they broke into u2 - still haven't found what im looking for. Then finished up with a cover of i wanna be sedated. everyone these days are covering the ramones!

the support band where great too, sons & daughters. managed to get their autographs after the show. nice.

last concerts i was at was jimmy eat world, who where frankly a little disappointing, and before that was a thin lizzy (well, one of the original members, unfortunately the attempts to raise phil lynott from the grave proved fruitless).

and the week before that the amazing greenday, and ur right outrider, they are entertainers! did the pink bunny turn up when they played? did they do we are the champions? They played shout at the concert i saw too, and the blitzkreig bop, great showmen.

really looking forward to the Oxygen festival in july, so many good bands playing that i could piss fire! foo fighters, greenday, queens of the stone age, the killers, jimmy eat world, razorlight, biffy clyro and the king of funk james brown himself! ROCK!

though i may go c funeral for a friend next week. think bullet for my valentine are supporting them. i dunno if i shud, exams are coming up. Course, i was never one to study http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif



May 1, 2005, 06:28 PM
On 2005-05-01 10:30, BOC wrote:
and the week before that the amazing greenday, and ur right outrider, they are entertainers! did the pink bunny turn up when they played? did they do we are the champions? They played shout at the concert i saw too, and the blitzkreig bop, great showmen.

Ha, yeah, they did all of that, except for Blitzkreig Bop.

They, uh... they covered... they did another cover. It was an Operation Ivy song. That's all I know.

May 11, 2005, 02:57 PM
On 2005-05-01 09:42, Outrider wrote:
The Less Than Jake concert was yesterday. It was an open-air concert and free, so I stopped by for half an hour to an hour.

It wasn't too bad. I don't really know the band, but I love the sound of ska. What I heard was good.

Less Than Jake never fail to put on a great show. haha Takes me back to good ol' '96 and skankin' pits.

Since I moved up here, I haven't been to any major shows or anything (Just a bunch of local junk), but I plan on catching Streetlight Manifesto (Argueably the best ""active third-wave ska band) next month at The Metro. Then its the Aquabats in July.