View Full Version : FanFic: Into the Darkness

Apr 29, 2005, 10:46 PM
((Yes, I realized how TERRIBLE my writing was two years ago. I shudder to think that this was some of my best writing when I compare it to my latest fics. Well, I need to post the whole thing if I want to also put the sequel here, so... Yeah, I know this fic is really bad.))

An android held a scythe in his hand, the blade dripping the blood of its victims. Two corpses lay on the ground, a young man and a woman. Wounds covered their bodies, and they swam in pools of their own blood. The android slowly turned around, its eyes finding a small child cowering in fear. "Must grow. Evolve. Open the door." The little girl backed away until her back hit the wall. As the android approached her, it raised its scythe into the air, repeating those same words over and over again. It stopped in front of her, and the child looked up into its dark, soulless eyes. The scythe came down, and the girl screamed.

Chapter 1: Arrival

Danielle awoke with a start, her throat ragged from the scream she let out. The RAmarl was 17, younger than most other hunters. Her brown hair was worn back, and she had hazel eyes. Years ago, her mom and brother were murdered by an assassin. Since then, she had always been alone. The memories of the past had came back to haunt her for some unknown reason. Tears streamed down the RAmarl's face as she struggled to regain her composure. Danielle slowly got out of bed and entered her bathroom. She splashed water on her face, hoping that the nightmare would go away. It was after the discovery that she had a rare, incurable disease that the dreams had returned. Doctor's told her that the illness she had was the rarest and most deadly of them all. Only one other person had ever caught the virus, and they had died a few years ago. The virus slowly destroyed a person's body, a little bit every day. At the current rate, she wouldn't live past the age of 20.

Her BEE system received a message and began to beep. She turned off the bathroom light and walked into her bedroom. The message was from Amanda, her best friend. She wanted the RAmarl to come and watch the arrival to Ragol from one of the observation decks. Danielle sent a reply and put on her green fatigues. She turned to her Mag, Apsaras, who was waiting patiently for her orders. "Sorry buddy, but they don't allow Mags there," she said weakly. The Ranger pocketed her key and left the house.

Pioneer 2: Observation Deck A

A woman with long, blonde hair worn back and brown eyes stood with her arms crossed by one of the windows. Amanda was one of the nicest people Danielle had ever met. Not only had she taken care of the RAmarl after her parents were killed, but she had also trained her to become a Ranger. Amanda turned to Danielle as she arrived. "I was wondering when you would get here."

"Yeah, well, I kind of overslept." Her mentor noticed the teen's tired expression and guessed that her nightmares had returned.

"We should be arriving any minute now. I didn't want you to miss this, Danielle."

"I wouldn't miss this for a million Meseta," Danielle replied. She watched the space outside of the ship and waited. The people of Pioneer 2's home world was being destroyed, so Pioneer 1 was sent to Ragol to establish a colony. Pioneer 2 was the second of the colony ships sent to the planet. More would come later, if everything went well. Suddenly, where there was only darkness outside the ship, millions of tiny lights appeared. A blue and green planet, covered by white clouds, was before them. Many of the spectators whispered excitedly among themselves. The Pioneer 2 launched a bright blue beam, which shot downward toward the planet. Somewhere on the surface, the Central Dome launched a red beam up into space. The communications link opened, and the Pioneer 2 was about to send a message, when there was a large explosion. The two lights vanished as the explosion engulfed the Central Dome. Danielle's blood ran cold.

"They? They're gone. They're all gone," she whispered in disbelief. Tears trickled down her face, and she turned away. Danielle left before Amanda could stop her.

Pioneer 2: Danielle's House

Apsaras was hovering a few centimeters above the couch in the living room, watching the television. It paused when it saw the explosion on the surface. The reporter's voice was frantic as he tried to discover what just happened. Apsaras's master returned a few minutes later, and the Mag tried to comfort her. The two of them had been together since Danielle was a kid, and no one understood her better than the Mag. The RAmarl sat down and sobbed, her hands covering her face. "Apsaras?" Suddenly, she cried out in pain and clutched her heart. She coughed hard, so hard that she tasted blood in her mouth. The coughs continued for a few seconds, but it felt like an eternity to the teen. She trembled, scared that an attack would come again. Thankfully, it did not.

"Danielle," Amanda said softly. The RAmarl wasn't at all surprised. She had given Amanda a spare key to her house in case of emergencies. Danielle looked into her friend's eyes; thankful she was here. Her mentor walked over to her and helped her up. "Are you all right?" The Ranger nodded and wiped her mouth.

"Yeah. I just wish I didn't have to live like this. It's a pain worrying whether your heart will suddenly hurt and you start coughing up blood or not." Asparas beeped worriedly and rubbed against its master. "I'm okay, really," Danielle insisted. Amanda let go of her and reached into her pocket for something.

"Principal Tyrell asked me to give this to you," she said as she handed the Ranger a piece of paper. It was a letter asking for Danielle to meet with Principal Tyrell ASAP, and that she was granted permission to enter his office. "He spoke with me while I was on my way here. It sounded like he had something important to tell you. But after I came in and saw you, I'm not too sure." The RAmarl shook her head.

"It's okay. I can go." Danielle walked into her room and picked up her storage unit from her desk. Asparas floated over to her so it could be stored. Amanda took something out of her own unit and handed it to her pupil. "Amanda, this is?"

"It's Agito, one of the four legendary katanas. I think that you can put it to better use than I can." Amanda laughed at the Ranger's expression. "You better hurry, Danielle. I don't think the Principal likes to be kept waiting." She nodded and left the house. Amanda sighed and stood there for a moment, watching the TV. She never heard the door open; never saw the shadow approaching her; never saw the scythe, until it was too late.

Pioneer 2: Near Principal Tyrell's Office

Danielle pushed through the crowded intersection and walked up to one of the guards standing by the teleporter to the Principal's office. "Hold it. No one is allowed through here," he said. Danielle took the note out of her pocket and handed it to him. "I see. He wants to speak with you. Go right ahead." The RAmarl stepped into the teleporter and reappeared in Tyrell's office. Scientists were speaking among themselves, trying to find out any information about the people on the surface. Principle Tyrell noticed the Ranger and gestured for her to approach. "Danielle! I'm glad you are here. I have something to ask you."

"Anything you need, sir."

"I want for you to investigate the surface of Ragol and search for survivors. We tried to send unmanned drones, but we lost control as they neared the surface, and the probes crashed. After numerous attempts, we were finally able to launch a teleporter. This is where you come in. Experienced hunters are needed to explore the Central Dome and the area surrounding it. Will you help us?" Danielle nodded.

"Yes, sir."

The Principal looked relieved. "Thank you. When you are done, please return here and report your findings to us. Good luck." The RAmarl turned and left. Tyrell hoped that she would be okay. He had heard about her illness, and had arranged for her to meet his daughter, Rico, when they arrived. Danielle had idolized Rico and dreamed of meeting the hunter before the virus killed the RAmarl. Tyrell returned to reading the papers on his desk, praying for his daughter's safety.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Stormsworder on 2005-04-30 06:03 ]</font>

Apr 30, 2005, 10:43 PM
Chapter 2: Mother Earth of Dishonesty
Planet Ragol: Forest: Residential Area

Danielle looked around, surprised at the lack of evidence of an explosion. There were no scorch marks or burns. It was as if nothing had happened. There was a capsule on the ground in front of her, a message recorded on it. "Hm… I wonder if this was left behind by a survivor." She touched a button on it, and the recorded message played.

"Ah, testing, testing? Cough! I'm Rico, Rico Tyrell. I'm a hunter. This capsule is for anyone who has come looking for me. I hope this helps you. I don't know who you are, but you must know that there is something unusual about Ragol. This is important. Pay attention to everything around you if you want to survive."

The RAmarl's heart skipped a beat. Rico was still alive, and was somewhere in this area. Danielle used her storage unit to record the message and started down the path. A gate was in front of her. Beyond that, four strange looking animals were roaming the area. Unsure whether they were hostiles or not, the Ranger drew her Bravace before stepping through. The animals, Boomas, had foot long claws, bear-like faces with a small horn above their nose, purple eyes, and dark brown fur. They turned to her and came forward, looking very hungry.

Danielle aimed at the nearest Booma and pulled the trigger. The Photon bullet burned off its face, and the creature moaned in agony. A second bullet put it out of its misery. The RAmarl quickly pulled the trigger three times, and the second Booma dropped. The last two had closed in and were preparing to shred the Ranger into pieces. She barely dodged the claws, but didn't dodge the teeth. One of the animals bit into her right arm, and made her drop the Bravace. Using her left hand, she punched it in the face. It released her, but continued to press on the attack. Danielle snapped the pistol up and shot the two animals.

There was a growl from behind, and something leapt onto the RAmarl's back. She was thrown to the ground, but she used her right arm to break her fall. That was a mistake. Incredible pain shot up her arm, making her cry out in pain. A Savage Wolf growled at the Ranger, waiting for the right time to pounce. Danielle quickly recovered and sent three bullets into the wolf's face. It howled in pain before collapsing on the ground. Nothing else jumped at her, so she breathed a sigh of relief. Apsaras examined her arm and beeped. "Don't worry. It's just a scratch." The Ranger took out some bandages and wrapped her arm. Truth be told, she was terrified. That Booma had managed to shred through her armor with just its teeth. It frightened her to think about what would have happened if it had bit her hand instead of her arm. There were two other gates in the area, and only one was unlocked.

There was a long pathway, which led to another gate. Through it, a Barbarous Wolf howled, along with the rest of its pack. Danielle put away her Bravace, swapping it for her Vulcans, a pair of mechguns. Two of the four Savage Wolves came at her, snarling and wanting her blood.

"Not today," the Ranger said quietly. The Vulcans released a hail of bullets, turning the wolves into bullet-riddled corpses. The pack leader growled and decided to take matters into its own hands. It charged forward and went for the Ranger's neck. Danielle ducked under it, drew her Agito, and cut into the wolf's neck. The other wolves howled in agony and attacked. Danielle focused on powering up a technique she had learned called Foie. A fireball shot forward from her open hand and engulfed the first wolf, and its brother met the same fate. Even more wolves came at her, and each one was either riddled with bullets or burnt to a crisp. There was another capsule near a gate. The RAmarl jogged over to it and played the message.

"What made the animals become violent all of the sudden? They weren't before. They were very quiet and friendly… There must be some cause. I'll find it. I know I'm a fool. This won't make me any richer. Perhaps that's why I'm exalted by them... Red Ring Rico, ha, ha. But I'm not really the great hunter citizens say I am. They needed a hero. And I just happened to fill that position."

Danielle peered through the gate and saw that there was nothing in the next area. "Well, I guess I'm in luck. No one is home." She stepped through and heard a buzzing sound. There was nothing in sight, until a strange looking nest was lowered in by a group of oversized insects. The Mothmants released the Monest when it was close to the ground and came at the Ranger. She backed away and drew her Vulcans. The insects were relatively easy to kill, but they continued to appear from the Monest. At least, they appeared until she tore it to shreds with the Agito. Two yellow Rag Rappies, which resembled an oversized bird, dropped in and waddled toward her. A single shot from the Vulcans was sufficient to kill them. Two of the gates in the area unlocked, but one led back to where Danielle had started.

She looked around and saw a few buildings off to her right. "Guess I'm near the residential area. But where is everyone? It's like they just vanished into midair."

The Ranger walked through the gate and saw a teleporter just ahead. Right next to it was yet another capsule. Danielle made sure that the area was cleared before playing the capsule's message.

"Wow... bodies of dead animals... We hunters sometimes use firearms, but this... They were killed by firearms that are much stronger than ours!"

"What is she talking about? There are no bodies here." Danielle shook her head, confused by everything that was happening. "Come on, Apsaras. I think this teleporter leads to the area around the Central Dome. Maybe we'll get lucky and find someone." The Mag bobbed up and down, as if nodding. The RAmarl stepped into the teleporter and vanished.

Planet Ragol: Forest: Central Dome

Rain fell on Danielle's armor and skin. She had to admit it felt pleasant, refreshing even. It had been a long time since she felt the rain. There were two gates, one in front of her and one to the right. Only the one in front of her was unlocked, and there was a capsule on the ground near it. The RAmarl crouched down near it and played the message.

"A disaster occurred. Things were shaking, then something broke through the surface. And then it exploded in the Central Dome! I don't know what to say… For 7 years, we've tried to adjust and improve the environment. What was it? Was it related to the accidents we've had recently?"

Danielle brushed her bangs out of her face as she stood up. Now she was even more confused. If something exploded in the Central Dome, then why was it still here? The enormous structure bore no signs of destruction or an explosion. Through the unlocked gate, a pair of Savage Wolves woke up and attack. The RAmarl took out her Laser, a powerful rifle, and took careful aim at the animals. Two yellow bullets pierced the hide of one of the wolves, while the other took a single bullet to the neck. A few meters away, a Gobooma dug itself out of the ground and roared. Behind Danielle, a Gigobooma, a purpled furred and much nastier version of the Booma, came at the Ranger. She drew the Agito, dashed forward, and cut into the monster's flesh. It collapsed to the ground without a sound. The Gobooma was close enough to slash at her, and it did just that.

Apsaras warned her of the attack, and Danielle dodged the claw in the nick of time. She brought her leg around and slammed it against the monster's face. Bones broke, and it clutched at its face in pain. The Gobooma stumbled away from the Ranger and fell into a pool of water. Two Rag Rappies dropped in and attempted to peck the Ranger to death. She easily avoided them and struck back by sending lightning bolts at the birds.

"Zonde. Works like a charm every time," Danielle chuckled. The gate to her left unlocked as soon as the birds fell. There was a pathway with a capsule in it, along with two Boomas. They roared in anger at the intruder, but their anger turned to pain as they were struck with Zonde. Danielle took her Vulcans in hand and waited to make sure no more surprises popped out. Further down the path, two Savage Wolves slept. They didn't notice the RAmarl as she went over to the capsule.

"Pioneer 1 may have damaged the ecological system of Ragol before we were aware of it. So, the native creatures tried to remove the invaders. That's one supposition. But what about the explosion!? I need more information. I have to go do some research."

The wolves woke up as soon as the message finished. Danielle snapped up one of her Vulcans and pulled the trigger. The bullets overcame the Savage Wolves, but the Vulcan's Photon charge had run dry. Very bad, since two Goboomas and a Gigobooma were coming her way. Danielle used the last of the second Vulcan's energy before swapping them for Agito. The last surviving Gobooma cried for its fallen brothers and took on the RAmarl in a suicidal rage. The Agito carved into its flesh and struck the creature's heart in one swift move.

Danielle felt the ground shake. "Oh, boy…" A giant animal with muscular arms had just dropped in and started for the Ranger. There was no way she was going to take that thing on in close range combat, so she slowly backed up while firing the Laser at the Hildebear. The Hildebear leaped into the air and landed right in front of Danielle. It drew back its arm and hit the girl with a punch that very nearly broke her ribs. Apsaras dodged out of the way as its master slammed against the wall.

"Okay. This has got to end," Danielle panted. She discovered that she had dropped her Laser, and it happened to be right in front of the Hildebear when it stepped on the rifle. The RAmarl took out her last working long-range weapon, the Bravace, and shot the Hildebear in its apish face. A bullet went into the animals open mouth, and it died instantly. Danielle rubbed her ribs where she had been hit as she walked over to the remains of her rifle.

There was little left of the rifle but metal pieces. "So, that leaves me with the Vulcans, a Bravace, and the Agito. I really need to buy some more weapons before I go on a mission," she muttered. The thought of the Vulcans reminded her that she needed to replace the Photon charges. With a flick of her wrist, she drew her Vulcans. Danielle pressed a key on the panel on her arm and her inventory showed. She skimmed through and found out that there was only one charge left for her weapons, and that was for her Bravace. Apsaras peered over her shoulder and let out a small beep. Its master sighed and took out the Agito.

"Joy. I get stuck with a sword, and I'm not exactly a master with one of these. I should have brought some Telepipes." A gate to her left opened when Danielle approached it, and she spotted a large pillar. The symbols on it looked familiar, but the Ranger could not remember where she had seen them before. In my dreams, she realized. I have seen this symbols in my dreams. Danielle touched the monument with her hand, and jumped when it suddenly began to glow. She spotted a capsule on the ground and decided to hear what Rico had to say.

"I heard that this tall column was built to commemorate the immigration of Pioneer 1. But... it may just be me, but it doesn't look very new. And these patterns... aren't they characters?"

Danielle stared uncertainly at the monument. "What does it mean? Why were these characters in my dreams?" she asked no one in particular. The Ranger turned away and continued her search for a way into the Central Dome. Back in the area where Danielle had killed the Hildebear, there were three gates. One lead to a dead end, one led back to where she had started, and the last one led to the Central Dome. Once again, there was a capsule by the gate.

"Tactics are important, but strategy is vital. You have to think about how you can put yourself into an advantageous situation. Look, learn, analyze and judge. Think carefully."

Danielle thought for a moment. She was down to a pistol and a katana. It would be a good idea to heed Rico's words. After all, Rangers were the ones who used strategy the most, since they didn't excel in techniques or close-range combat. In the next area, a laser fence blocked access to the warp that lead to the Central Dome's entrance. There was a single Rag Rappy sitting by the fence's controls, but Danielle knew that there were more enemies hiding in the forest surrounding her.

The RAmarl took out her Bravace and shot the Rappy, scaring it off. All of a sudden, an army of animals attacked. Savage Wolves and Barbarous Wolves leapt out of the forest, eager to kill the young Ranger. She quickly put away the Bravace and used the Agito to take out two Savage Wolves before they could bite her. Danielle reversed the katana and impaled a Barbarous Wolf straight through the skull without looking, but thankfully, she did not see its corpse. The last wolf snarled and bared its teeth. The young girl brought her left hand up and called down a lightning bolt from nowhere. The wolf was electrocuted instantly, its skin blackening in less than a second.

The ground shook as another Hildebear landed in the area. This time, Danielle was prepared. As soon as it landed, a Zonde struck the Hildebear in the chest. It twitched, paralyzed by the lightning. Danielle dashed up and slashed at its torso as fast as possible. Its hide was tough, but not that tough. Two Boomas and a single Gobooma dug themselves out, eager for a fight. After them came three Gigoboomas. Once they fell, the area became quiet. Danielle deactivated the laser fence and stepped into the warp. That was when the fight of her life began. Every animal that she had encountered wanted a piece of her.

The Ranger took her Bravace in one hand and Agito in the other. She was careful not to waste any bullets as she jammed the pistol in a Gobooma's gut and pulled the trigger. She spun around and broke the jaw of another Gobooma with her fist. Danielle utilized everything she had learned during her training to fight back the waves of animals. The only animal that wasn't there trying to kill her was the Hildebear. It'll show up, she thought grimly. The last animal, a Rag Rappy, fell beneath her katana, and the gate unlocked.

A Hildebear was skulking around the Central Dome's entrance. Danielle thought that this area would be easy to clear, that is, until she met the Hildebear's friend. The Hildebear that dropped in was blue instead of red. That was when the Ranger realized it was a Hildeblue, a rare subspecies of the Hildebear. It saw its brethren's corpse and cried out in sadness. The Hildeblue froze Danielle with its breath and started for her. Apsaras saw that its master was in trouble and used Anti, one of the techniques that Mags could somehow master. The RAmarl leaped over the incoming fist and slashed at the giant ape's wrist. It grasped at the injury and tried to stop the bleeding. Danielle used the last of her technique power she could muster and sent a Foie blast straight into the creature's ugly face.

The door to the inside of the Central Dome was before her. Danielle grasped the small crack in the doors and struggled to pull them apart. After a few minutes of trying, she gave up. The doors seemed to be shortened out, and there was no way she could bypass them. Danielle looked around for another way to get in.

"Think," she told herself. "The doors can be opened, but I alone don't have the strength." Apsaras floated over to the door and beeped. It turned to her and boosted her strength. "I know what you're thinking, buddy, and I agree with your idea." With her strength increased by Shifta, she was able to pull the doors apart within a few minutes. Danielle took out a flashlight and turned it on. There was nothing in the room but a ventilation shaft leading deeper into the Dome and a pair of security doors. Despaired by her findings, she turned to leave when the doors leading outside slammed shut tightly.