View Full Version : Snoozers are Losers!

May 4, 2005, 12:46 PM
Half rant, half puzzle...all irritating!
How many people have ever had an encounter with a sleeping person on ep3?

I would guess a large majority have either faced off vs a sleeper or had someone zonk out on them.

I've fought a few before, and they are excruciatingly dull to fight against. Why? EVERY turn has to time out for them, and on tourneys that can be like 30/60 sec for EACH phase. There's no strategy to fight them, you just walk up and hit them till there's no hp...which is also super dull.

If your partner is catching some Z's, you almost always lose. Even if it's coms. And you lose slowly and painfully as you wait out their every turn, trying to tweet enough smilies to wake them.

Last night, testing a new deck, it was coms on the final round of a tourney. We had the Break down to 1 hp when an unplanned trip to dreamland happened. I was unable to stop the Relmitos from killing my parnter and we lost. That's negative 20 exp AND missed out on the 1000 meseta.

What kind of a game is THAT thrilling that people are konking out left and right? I'm sure if you looked through Halo or like Everquest or even Ep2 stats that the number of slumbering goons would be almost non-existant.

"Didn't know you were going to fall asleep?"
Exqueeze me, yes you did. Unless you have Narcolepsy or some other physical problem, you KNOW you are getting drowsy and to NOT LIE DOWN and play. Have the guts to say "Oh I am too tired to go on, I should quit here" have some respect for your partner/opponent/friends. Respect them enough to show them a good time with or without you. If you are not tired, don't pester sleepy people to keep going...or you'll get what you asked for: a HUmar drooling slowly into the keyboard while COM Silfer whacks him.

Have you had any similar encounters? Do they make you as mad as I? (I do think it's about respect) Does anyone still read this forum or are they all sleeping?

May 4, 2005, 01:14 PM
On 2005-05-04 10:46, AzureBlaze wrote:
Have you had any similar encounters? Do they make you as mad as I? (I do think it's about respect) Does anyone still read this forum or are they all sleeping?

I remember one tournament where my teammate and I (level 32 and 40 at the time) were facing a level 200 and 300 player team. I forget the name of the level we were on. It is the one that is rather small, has 3 rocks, and 2 small passes near the middle of the stage.

Anyways, the level 200 guy made a small mistake on the placement of enemies. The level 300 guy got very angry and decided to go AFK. At that point, my teammate and I decided to focus on the level 200 guy.

We had to wait a long time for each turn to end, but the match ended with us gaining 50 exp.

May 4, 2005, 01:16 PM
i once had a J hunl falling asleep in 2c4, right before the boss warp at 45min. we waited 10 minutes, 15 minutes, then we logged off. i checked back around 1 hour later and the game was still there...

May 4, 2005, 01:32 PM
When you come across that kind of situation in challenge mode, I have no problems with disconnecting.

It only becomes an issue on ep3 because you lose exp and you get a "disconnection" added to your record.

May 4, 2005, 02:23 PM

I did that one time on EP3.

(And Aura was my partner too x_x)

I got drowsy during the battle...but I lost 2 battles there: My EP3 battle and the battle to stay awake for 30 more minutes

May 5, 2005, 04:23 PM
Ah, yes. I can definitely relate to falling asleep while playing PSO, especially during the past week or two since I recently got a new job and been finding myself more tired during the evenings.

Especially last night though. I had a long day at work (had to work a shift and a half), and was just playing Episode III to relax a bit before I went to bed. I was playing a few team matches with Zam, and I started to get a bit sleepy during one of the last matches we were going to play. Jesse was watching this battle as well. I told myself that I would just pull through this match and then call it a night, but I ended up falling asleep anyway. Don't even remember it happening, I must've just rested my eyes for a second, and suddenly I realize it's about 4 or 5 turns later.

I guess during each of the phases they were each playing sounds like mad to awake me, but I don't even remember it. They were surprised though when on the last turn (after I awoke) I suddenly moved my Mericus towards the only surviving enemy SC and had it attack, thus winning us the match. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Also, last weekend I've been Reiz bashing (in hopes of snagging any new cards or a VIP) when nobody else is online to play matches with. Two consecutive nights doing this I ended up falling asleep during one of the matches. I wake up about 30-60 minutes later only to find myself back in the Morgue, down 20 exp, and another loss permanantly added to my record http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif

May 13, 2005, 06:59 PM
Wait, people still play EP3? Last time I tried (In january) there were only like 50 people on Vega 1 at any given time it seemed, evewn though the JP servers were still full. I personally thought EP3 OWNED EP1&2 up and down, but nobody caught on, plus the whole inability to find players what with all the server merges and stuff.

And yeah, I've had lousy partners as well. Funny how they all seem to use Relmitos...

May 15, 2005, 09:27 AM
On 2005-05-13 16:59, agenevil wrote:
Wait, people still play EP3? Last time I tried (In january) there were only like 50 people on Vega 1 at any given time it seemed, evewn though the JP servers were still full.

There are still a few people left that play Episode 3.

Pretty much the only ones left are casual players and the die-hards trying to get 100% cards.