View Full Version : FanFic: Leavin' Flow

May 6, 2005, 11:02 PM
Hello everyone. With the recent light shed on the pre-ragol history from the PSO:BB site, I took some quotes from the real game and merged them into a story that details what happened before the Pioneer Project was born. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you guys have, even if it's negative. http://pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

With that, I hope you enjoy...

Leavin' Flow
Part 1

Heathcliff adjusted the recorder pitch, glanced up at the sun, and began speaking into the machine.

"I know who is watching this..." He began, swallowing a cough. His sickness as of late was apparently not ready to leave just yet. "I decided to leave a little ahead of you.", he spoke again. His voice starting to brighten from it's normal mellow tone.

"It's sad that we can't see each other, but I don't want to tempt fate..." He continued, a hint of sadness creeping slowly into the very air he breathed. He looked around, examining the green leaves swaying among the branches, the sunlight casting shadows and soft rays down upon the land. Ragol was immersed in brightness.

"It's very peaceful here" he said, almost without thinking - almost as if the words had been spoken by a friend who had not spoken in many years. But surely, that was nonsense. There was too great a gap for... ... "It's boring because it's too peaceful.", he laughed. "Donoph..." His voice softened. "This is not the place for you. Especially, for you! Ha ha ha..."

The soft laugh brought back memories. Memories of violence and war, but memories which he was not afraid to remember.


Donoph's sword found it's mark, and three enemy officers fell to the ground. Bullet's shot past Donoph's head, but Two answering shots from somewhere behind him hit the would be - attacker before he could find his mark. Flowen ran past him, his brown hair glowing in the fires and cloud blackened sky around them.

"More of them, behind that building." He said quickly, pointing to what was now a heap of rubble burning softly amidst a sea of chaos. Donoph and Flowen ran forward and split, Donoph going right and Flowen taking the left.

The leftover survivors of the military were far too weak to stop them. Two photon swings and a bullet later, Flowen and Donoph opened the door to the cellar slowly, listening to the echoing creak as the dim light illumintated the stairway.

"Down there. This is it." Flowen grasped his sword tightly, as did Donoph, and the two looked at each other.

"We've been fighting alongside each other for over a year..." Donoph said. "I regard you as my best friend, and my most trusted ally. No matter what happens down here, Flowen, It has been my honor to fight with you."

Flowen grinned, his usual optimistic self showing again, even in the middle of war. "The same to you, Donoph. I would be no military "hero" were you not here - you've saved me countless times, and for that I owe you my life. But for now, let's take care of this, and save our sad solace for later, alright?"

Donoph nodded, hands gripping tightly on the large grey sword he held.

"Let's do this."


"My daughter will take care of you." the recording continued. "Don't cause any problems, old man." Old man. What cruel irony that such childhood friends were now talking to each other as "old men"... Flowen smiled a bit, not regretting his youth. It would do him no good. "You are her favorite - Ever since she was a small child, I'd imagine.", he spoke again, remembering Alicia, and her cold, cold stare as he first saw her. He almost shuddered, but smiled, staring up into the sky. "I hope you are doing well..." he said, in a voice inaudible to the recorder.

The fires gagged as Heath and Donoph poured the water over them, looking in horror at the mangled and burned bodies of the people within the cellar.

Refugees. There had been no secret base here.

No base. Just refugees. Just civilians. Just innocent people.

Flowen's mind was flooded with a stream of thoughts, all linking back to one pregressor - The minute he'd nodded at Donoph, pulled out the grenade and thrown it down there. He expected to cause enough chaos to kill the military personell in what was supposed to be a "secret base" - But... But this - this was no secret base.

Flowen's armor was stained with the blood of the innocent. He knew it would come; someday... He knew that eventually, as in all wars, a civilian would die by his hand. But he had never imagined it would happen this way.

Something grabbed his leg. Looking down to the cold, and now wet stone floor, he saw a hand gripping his ankle. Someone was alive!

And yet, as he turned and looked, he saw only the barrel of a handgun pointed up at him. The man on the floor was missing half of his face, it appeared, and his wounds appeared to have been fused shut by the water extinguishing the flame - but his left leg was gone, and no matter now, he would die soon anyway. The man whispered only two words.

"I'm... sorry."

The bullet shot out of the gun, and struck the skull straight between the forehead. Flowen looked down, expecting to find himself dead - but saw that Donoph had shot the man, and not vice versa. The man's handgun fell onto the floor.

"Donoph... they're... they're all..."

"I know."

Donoph started walking back up the stairs. "More bad intel. First the incident with the 3 nations meeting, and then this. They were just local families trying to survive..."

Flowen began walking up as well, no tears flowing from his face or Donoph's. They had emotions, of course- and they were very compassionate - But they were also warriors. Soldiers. And soldiers did not have time for tears of remorse.

He slipped on the third stair up, catching himself as he did; but he heard something - from within the small cellar, now glowing with the embers of extinguished fires, he thought he heard something - what was that? A scrape of a boot, perhaps? A body just now dying? Or was it alive?

He didn't stand back up. Instead, he froze in place, not moving, his eyes skimming the room as his brown hair attempted to push itself into his vision.

Suddenly, a whimper. And then, after a few more moments, crying.

He leapt from the stairs, saber drawn, and charged towards the corner of the room. Two small, flimsy walls barred his entrance, and he slashed once, then twice, the walls falling apart like butter.

And there, sitting in the corner, crying; sobbing now, was the girl.

He dropped the saber to the ground, and drew his Sword from his back. It's crystal clear blade was omniscient amongst the flames, and it's tip was held steady.

He had to kill her. It was the simple order of operations. Suddenly, from above, a voice - "Hey, Heath, you coming? We've got more enemies from the central towers - and I think they have some hunters with them! Get up here, fast!"

The girl heard the voice, and continued crying. Heath looked at her; noticed the poverty in which she lived. The rips and tears in her dress, symbolic of the clothes her family couldn't afford to buy. The blackened skin around her face, arms, and hands.. Smybolic of the dirt and ash in which she slept. And the blood pouring out of her arm; moreover, the emotion pouring out of her soul - He couldn't bear it.

Better to end it now, he thought. Better to make it so she doesn't have to suffer. He held his sword sideways, preparing for an easy, clean sweep - but then, something stopped him.

Looking down, she looked up - and they locked gazes.

Her eyes- her eyes, filled with sadness, hate, anger and love all mixed into one - they looked back, and for that moment - that one, fleeting moment, he stopped.

"I pity you.", those eyes seemed to say. "I pity you for what you have to do. For those men you have to obey. For the lives you have to take. And now you must take mine." She was saying nothing, but her eyes seemed to be doing all the talking - and suddenly, as she blinked once, he found himself free from the apparent spell.

His sword fell to the ground,disengaging, and he picked up the handle quickly, sheathing it on his back. He walked forward, picked up the girl with both hands, and walked slowly out of the building.

- End of Part 1 -

May 6, 2005, 11:36 PM
This is a very good beginning.

May 7, 2005, 12:25 AM
Nice, not bad, not bad at all. One suggestion though. Spell out numbers. It looks better. Can't wait to see what comes next.

Great job.

May 7, 2005, 07:41 PM
Awesome i think, nice detailing....can't wait to see more

May 8, 2005, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the comments! I decided to keep this story somewhat short, but I'm already thinking about writing a series of Flowen, Donoph and Zoke's battles on Coral.

But for now, I hope you guys enjoy:

Leavin' Flow
Final Chapter: Prelude de Idola

"And, Zoke,", his voice spoke suavely, "I know you want "out," - but don't do anything stupid. You're such a stubborn guy." He smiled a little bit again, a breeze catching a few of the green leaves and sending them into a voyage among the sunlight. "Even when we were young." The memories came again, the floodgates open.


Zoke stabbed the Sange through one man's stomach, left it there and turned completely to parry a saber attack with the yasha. It was lightweight, and he thrust upward, sending the other man off balance and onto the ground. Quickly, he ran up, stabbed the sword down, and then pulled it, along with the Sange, out of his opponents. He twirled them, spraying a bit of the blood off of the blades, and sheathed them, one on each side.

"Miyama, did you come here just for the sword?" asked a voice from another room. Two swings of a saber echoed from it, and two bodies fell as well.

More men ran into Miyama's path on the light hallway of the building, smoothed with tile - and he grabbed his sword handles again.

"Actually, Flowen ..." he spoke, parrying the first enemies' attack to the right and stabbing the second with a thrust from the sange - "I have other reasons, as well." The first man hit the wall, and Zoke sliced him across the back quickly with the Yasha, pushing with the sange in his left hand, and then drawing them both back at once. More blood.

Flowen himself walked out of the room now, joining Zoke as they ran down the hallway. Zoke smiled, their soft footsteps hardly noticeable within the soundproof, white walled building. " Covert ops is just so much fun, don't you agree?" Zoke asked jokingly.

"I don't really call it "fun", but I do find it challenging." The wall cut off, and the two stopped before looking around the corner. Zoke held up his pointer finger, and flowen stepped back. With blazing speed, Zoke dove onto the floor of the hall, throwing both his swords- both of which found their mark directly into flesh - and rolled into the wall. Flowen turned the corner now, pressed against the wall, and ran past the two, now falling forward, towards a group of soliders with guns ahead of him.

They fired, and he held up his sword in front of his face for defense. Bullets ricocheted off of it, the sparks clear as his sword; clear as his soul, and still he moved on. Zoke grabbed his swords back quickly, and opened the secured door next to him with a quick passcode number. Flowen, meanwhile, continued running. He was almost there. Just one clean swing, and it would all be over. They were all too stupid to realize they should spread out. But no, still they clumped- humans - his easiest target, simply because of how illogical they acted sometimes. A bullet ripped past his arm, deflected only by the armor, but still it dented it and the spike crushed into his skin. He groaned in pain, but took two more running steps forward, found his mark, and swung.

Eight people fell to the ground, dead. Some missing body halves; other arms, and others heads. How brutal, he thought, that this is how mankind must fight it's battles. But inside he smiled a bit, secretly - Again, I am the victor. Again, I have defeated mine enemies. And again, I shall fight for a future where my daughter can be safe.

Alicia. He had taken her back with him that night, even to the dismay and orders of his higher ups- and now she was his only child. He would never marry, he knew - that was his own choice. But now Alicia needed him. And he had to survive, because, most of all, he needed Alicia.

Zoke and Donoph walked out of the room.

"Gosh," Donoph said satiricly. "I've been waiting for 10 minutes! What took you guys so long?"

Zoke grinned, sheathing his swords once again. "We were having some fun. Besides, there were a few more of them than we expected. Isn't that right, Heath?"

Heathcliff turned around, his mind already at peace with the deaths he had caused. "That's right." he said, looking at his friends. "Now Zoke, did you get your little wooden sword, or do we have to keep looking for it?"

Zoke grinned. "My "Legendary Katana", as I'm sure you meant..." he spoke with a fake air of snobbishness, almost - "And yes, I found it. Check it out."

Zoke unsheathed a sword from his back, it's dark blade glimmering in the electric lighting from above.

Donoph pointed at it. "You see, now he can even cook gourmet dinners wielding all three - I tell you, Heath, Our buddy Zoke here is going to be an iron chef in no time!"

They laughed. And that laughter would continue for many years.

Three men. One mission. Three friends, and yet one ending. Zoke was content with his Kamui for a long time, but soon he and Donoph both got tired of the military.

The next thing he knew, Flowen was the only one left. And the words hit him like bricks.

"You're going to leave on Pioneer 1.", they said coldly. "Only you."

"Well... I did something that I'm not really proud of..." Flowen said again, thinking about his decision to okay the WORKS program on Pioneer 2. Had it been a mistake? Was his choice to delve into these ruins going to be helpful, or hurtful? His men were waiting a few hundred feet away, enjoying the breeze.

And tomarrow evening, their mission was to infiltrate the ruins. To discover whatever may lay inside. And, if necessary, to fight it with force.
"I am not leaving."

"Mr. Flowen, I don't think you understand. You are the head of our militar --"

"I AM NOT LEAVING CORAL!" Flowen yelled at the messenger. "My place lies here, with my country! With the Ten Nation alliance! Not with a ship bound for some haven!"

Be real, he thought to himself. This world was done for. They all knew it. All the fighting had taken it's toll... the planet would soon be completely destroyed, its ecosystem already torn to shreds. But was he saying this for himself, or for Alicia?

He couldn't leave Alicia. Not now. Not yet. He wanted to see her grow older; to find a boyfriend, get married, have children - but now, he knew, he would never see it.

"Listen, Mister Flowen, if it's about Alicia --"

"That's the main part of it." he interjected. "She comes with me."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Flowen, but we can't! Every spot is limited, and you were voted on as the head of the military forces by the supreme council of the Ten Nations! You're a hero, Mister Flowen - Your people need you!"

He looked out the window, examining the snow falling softly. It was June, but the seasons were already out of loop due to the photon wars. Perhaps, if he left.. he could find a world.. a world where his girl could grow up knowing what things like "Flowers, birds, and trees" were... perhaps... perhaps he would have to sacrafice it all, for his little girl.

But it was a sacrafice he was willing to make.

"Alright," He said. "I'll go. But Alicia leaves on Pioneer 2. No questions asked."
The voice behind him seemed excited. "Of course, sir! We can handle that easily!"
And now it was all down to this.
Alicia cried again, but Flowen could do nothing. "You'll be living with Donoph now, Alicia." he said softly. "I have to go on Pioneer 1. I have to go prepare a world for you, and your children - a world where you don't have to worry about war, or radiation, or anything else - a world of peace."

Alicia hugged him tightly, and he looked up from his kneeling position at Donoph.

"Take good care of her, please..." his eyes seemed to say. "Please, my friend - you must take care of Alicia." Donoph nodded solemnly, his eyes swelling with tears. And he glanced back, a look that seemed to say: "I understand. And I treasure all the time I got to spend fighting beside you. I love you as a brother, my closest friend..."

Alicia would never see Heathcliff again.
"We are so old now.", he finished. So old, indeed... he thought to himself. "I hope you understand. Don't let that girl worry about you so much." Again, he was thinking about Alicia. But how could he ever stop thinking about her? She was his child; not naturally perhaps, but even so - he was a father, and she is daughter, their bond stronger perhaps than any other family - stronger because of what they had been through.

"We still have a lot to talk about, but I guess it'll be a while." He smiled again, unpacking his lunch. He knew, in the back of his mind, that if they found what the scientists were after... There would be no "While.".
The sandwhich looked tasty, at least, and before he bit into it, he paused to finish his recording.
"See you again... over there."


He sat down, looking calmly up at the blue clouds that had long been foreign to him.

He sat, and he remembered.

Three hands formed the triangle that led, one to every other. Zoke, Donoph, and Heathcliff looked at each other, smiling.

"This will be our last official mission together..." Flowen said. "And I am honored to have friends such as you."

Friendship was indeed the ultimate bond that kept the three of them together.

But now they were gone, seperated- unwoven, and thus weakened.

Flowen knew that they might find the message someday - more or less, he was praying, hoping it would happen - That at least this might be his final goodbye to the world. His grande finale, perhaps.

A hand patted him on the shoulder. "Still reminiscing, Heath?" asked a feminine voice, and he stood up, not turning around yet - his eyes still focused on the sun now about to set in the horizon. The time had gone by faster than he thought.

"Well...", He responded, not needing to look behind him. "They say that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it - so I can't help but wonder. Ah, well..." He sighed. "My time is over now", he said, glancing at his watch. "And you, Rico, how are you this fine evening?"

"I'm saddened..." She said, resting her chin on his shoulder. "Saddened that you're leaving - my mentor, my trainer, and my best friend. And sad that I can't go with you..."

"It's classified information. You know that..." He said softly. "I don't have a choice here, but this could be big. Just trust me on this, alright? And no matter what happens, stick to that strong willed personality you've always had."

She walked away softly, saddened at losing her best friend. Though inside, she thought, he will always remain a part of me. Those memories, at least.
And it was there, as the orange sunlight faded in the horizon, that she would see him one last time in the mortal plane. Then and there, she knew, somehow -

She was leaving flow.


May 10, 2005, 12:10 AM
Nice ending. Good, no... great short story. Well except for a few spelling errors there is nothing wrong with it. Congratulations on a job well done.