View Full Version : What version are you getting, and why?

Jul 30, 2002, 01:18 PM
I don't think I can get Halo out of my Xbox tray.

Jul 30, 2002, 01:23 PM
I'm getting on GCN it because it's coming out the soonest =^-^=;;

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SnAPPUrU-nyan-ko on 2002-07-30 11:24 ]</font>

Jul 30, 2002, 01:36 PM
Umm...out of those choices, I suppose I would pick the XBOX, because of Voice Chat. There are a number of things that the XBOX has that I prefer over what the GCN has (Voice Chat, no Hunter's License, Microsoft running the servers, "unlimited" characters, BB-only, XBOX Live, et al), so I'll put down Voice Chat as my reason.

Jul 30, 2002, 01:38 PM
Um, actually, Xbox still has a license fee, keep up with the times, will ya, damn.

Jul 30, 2002, 01:38 PM
Both, since i pretty much only have one game for my X-Box (Halo) and I think that the GC pso is gonna be fun and worth the money

....plus im getting a gc pretty soon anyways (for obvious reasons)


Jul 30, 2002, 01:50 PM
On 2002-07-30 11:38, Mag_Launcher wrote:
Um, actually, Xbox still has a license fee, keep up with the times, will ya, damn.

Nope. Sonic Team has only stated that the Japanese version *may* have an additional fee, on top of the Live fee. There has been no such word about that here in the States.

Jul 30, 2002, 01:52 PM
Fine, don't listen to me, friggin' ignorant fanboy...

Jul 30, 2002, 02:01 PM
On 2002-07-30 11:52, Mag_Launcher wrote:
Fine, don't listen to me, friggin' ignorant fanboy...

Sorry, you must again be confusing me with someone else. I try to stay abreat in PSO news, and I have yet to read that there will be a Hunter's License for American players. If you provide me a link to an article with that infomation, from a reputible source, I'll believe you.

Jul 30, 2002, 02:04 PM
If there is a big wait for the Xbox version i'll just get the GC one. But if PSO Xbox comes out soon after PSO GC (like within a month... I'd rather pick up the XBOX version. Alot more features IMO. And no there is no additional license fee... You just pay for the Xbox live Kit and your ready to go for a full year!

Jul 30, 2002, 02:05 PM
I have yet to read that they have annouced it to american players...
As far as I know its only announced as the free game in the japanese Live-kit.

Jul 30, 2002, 02:06 PM
The release date we have for XBOX PSO/XBOX Live is "before Thanksgiving"...so I'd say sometime in November it'll be out.

Jul 30, 2002, 02:08 PM
Oh and I picked the becouse I know I'll get Episode 2 option but here are all my reasons
1. Text chat
2. On the Cube
3. The GBA linkup
4. Its Episode 1 & 2!
5. And cuz I dont have a Xbox

Jul 30, 2002, 02:09 PM
Alright... thanks for the info K. I'll prolly pick up the Xbox version then since I wanna play PSO lag free O.o Imagine no more light speed players!

Jul 30, 2002, 02:12 PM
You're welcome. In September, at the TGS, we'll get the absolute facts of what XBOX PSO'll be, too.

Jul 30, 2002, 02:13 PM
Argh, you Xbox fanboys, get outta my topic, you annoy the living hell outta me.

Jul 30, 2002, 02:14 PM
Getting gc pso, and the bba when it comes out.

Jul 30, 2002, 02:16 PM
On 2002-07-30 12:13, Mag_Launcher wrote:
Argh, you Xbox fanboys, get outta my topic, you annoy the living hell outta me.

M'eh. We're simply calmly discussing a Phantasy Star game that interests us, and our talks are on-topic.

It shouldn't bother anyone that anybody's getting one version or another. If I had a GCN, I'll buy the GCN version. Heck, if I had an extra ~$250, I'd buy a GCN, GCN PSO, and all the accessories.

Jul 30, 2002, 02:16 PM
Yeah, rbf, you might have to close this topic soon... so be ready.

Jul 30, 2002, 05:13 PM
On 2002-07-30 11:50, Kalbelgarion wrote:
Nope. Sonic Team has only stated that the Japanese version *may* have an additional fee, on top of the Live fee. There has been no such word about that here in the States.

No, not "may." Will. They WILL charge an additional fee to play PSO in Japan. Here's the link to Gamespot, though I don't know if you have Gamespot Complete or if this link is locked out: http://gamespot.com/gamespot/stories/news/0,10870,2872628,00.html

Sure, there is no word about it in the US, but then, there's no word about a charge in the US for the GameCube release either. I really fail to understand how you can use that as a "pro" for the Xbox version.

Jul 30, 2002, 06:08 PM
On 2002-07-30 12:13, Mag_Launcher wrote:
Argh, you Xbox fanboys, get outta my topic, you annoy the living hell outta me.

Well that basicly sums up why you created this topic, I mean look at the choices you generated to vote from,"Teh graphics R gonna B better, d00d." "Because I don't want no kiddy cube." I mean what is that about !? Did some giant over sized black box with a little green dot ontop cast you down from your mighty hill in some past life...Yet again your little angry fanboy additude shines through, but hey, if making a poll helps you to work out your aggressions more power to ya, dude.

On a side note: PSO is comin out for GBA, ERaZer?!? Does any got the link for that, cause i'll get that!! I can't play GoldenSun forever and Alpha & the new Castlevania won't be out for some time =[

Jul 30, 2002, 06:59 PM
heh I'll probly get it for GC since I hear it has more bells and whistles but meh I dont care I'm getting the game anyway

Jul 30, 2002, 08:45 PM
I'm getting it for the Gamecube because my friends already have X-Boxes, Dreamcasts, and PS2s...not to mention that the Gamecube also has Smash Bros. Melee. What really swung me over, however, was the amount of disclosed information about PSO. I don't know shist about the X-Box version, the Windows version is a direct Version 2 port, but I *know* that the Gamecube has 4-player split screen, *is* Episodes 1 & 2, *and* doesn't require some kinda "Live" thingy. Sega must be insane to try to charge people an additional fee *with* fees already present. 'Tis robbery, I say! And...what's with you, Mag-Launcher? Anytime someone says something about getting the X-Box version, you acuse them of being a fanboy. That's *not* cool and it creates unneccessary flames. Just chill for a moment and read the posts of others more closely before going anti-fanboy mode.

Jul 30, 2002, 08:46 PM
I am getting PSO for the Cube because I do not care for the xbox plus I've heard that there are more features in the Cube version.

Jul 30, 2002, 09:22 PM
According our good news bringing friends at Mamak...

Like the original Dreamcast PSO, the Gamecube version will feature a 30 day free online play period. This should be good news for all future GC PSO players.

Gee, something changes in how much people pay to play online after 30 days...maybe Sonic Team will pay the players to play online?

Use some common sense. The GCN version will have an online fee, as reported by Mamak.

It's true that Sonic Team has said:

Separate fee becomes necessary in online play of PSO, but at present the amount is undecided.

But that doesn't mean that a fee *will* happen. It won't happen if Microsoft gets their way.

Jul 30, 2002, 11:05 PM
Microsoft has made it absolutely clear that the purchase of an Xbox Live kit will be the ONLY FEE TO PLAY ANY XBOX GAME ONLINE. The Live kit comes with:

Revolt (An Online version of this DC RC racer)

Voice Communicator (Lets you talk with other friends and enemies in real time... online!)

Network Cable (hooks up your Xbox to your BB connection)


The year of service is more than worth it. The kit will run you about the price of a game $49.99 as reported by the Official Xbox Magazine as well as XBN. Once Nintendo comes out with an equally clear online plan call me...

Jul 31, 2002, 12:00 AM
I'm buying GC version for several reasons.

1. I already own the system.
2. It's gonna be out for GC sooner.
3. I'm not buying an Xbox for one game.

Jul 31, 2002, 12:05 AM
On 2002-07-30 19:22, Kalbelgarion wrote:

Gee, something changes in how much people pay to play online after 30 days...maybe Sonic Team will pay the players to play online?

What are you babbling about? It simply means the first 30 days are free, nothing more.

Use some common sense. The GCN version will have an online fee, as reported by Mamak.

Reread all of my post, not just the parts you want to read that seem convenient for you to respond to. Show me where Mamak says those are the pricing details for the US release of PSO for GameCube.

Oh gee, guess what? It doesn't say so anywhere. There are no pricing plans for any version of PSO for the US, other than the already released PSOV2 for Dreamcast. There's only an announced fee for PSO GameCube in Japan so far.

But that doesn't mean that a fee *will* happen. It won't happen if Microsoft gets their way.

You having difficulty reading? I'll cut and paste the statement straight from Gamespot, and boldface the important part so you might actually grasp this really simple concept.

"Sonic Team has announced on its official Web site that it will charge an additional monthly fee for those who want to play the Xbox version of Phantasy Star Online on Xbox Live in Japan. Details on pricing have yet to be decided. Phantasy Star Online will be bundled with the Xbox Live starter kit when it's released in Japan later this year."

Not may... will. WILL, WILL, WILL, WILL, WILL. It could be just a measly freaking 1 yen per month since they haven't decided how much, but it says there will be an additional fee for Xbox PSO in Japan.

It's apparent that you just marked my post as another anti-Xbox rant and skimmed past some important words. Thanks a lot.

Jul 31, 2002, 12:19 AM
Parn, Mamak didn't say wether that was an announcement for the JP version, the US version, or both. The fact that they DIDN'T say that it was JUST for Japan leads me to believe that the fee is universal. (Perhaps I should start using more (/sarcasm) tags, as the first line you quoted was very heavy with sarcasm.)

For the XBOX fee, on the other hand, Japan was specified. See the difference? I hope you can...I hope you've read every word, instead of seeing this as some "anti-Gamecube" post. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

What is most confusing to me, is that Microsoft's big selling point with XBOX Live is there there will be *no* additional fees whatsoever with Live games. It may come to blows in Japan, but I doubt Microsoft will allow a seperate monthly fee over here for their only online RPG.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kalbelgarion on 2002-07-30 22:21 ]</font>

Jul 31, 2002, 12:23 AM
On 2002-07-30 21:05, Agent_Reav wrote:
Microsoft has made it absolutely clear that the purchase of an Xbox Live kit will be the ONLY FEE TO PLAY ANY XBOX GAME ONLINE. The Live kit comes with:

You must have missed the part about Xbox Live that states that 3rd party companies reserve the right to charge an additional fee. PSO Xbox having an additional fee in Japan is proof enough I'd say.

Revolt (An Online version of this DC RC racer)

...no comment.

Voice Communicator (Lets you talk with other friends and enemies in real time... online!)

Which would have been just fine, if they retained keyboard support. But since they chose otherwise, all they did was scare off potential customers. Not a smart choice.

The counter argument, "but people might think it's a poor man's PC if they see a keyboard!" is nonsense. Those people wouldn't buy an Xbox anyways.

Network Cable (hooks up your Xbox to your BB connection)

Which you can do with your PS2 and GameCube with an extra adapter if you feel the need. *shrug*


There's always a catch somewhere. So how much is it AFTER that first year? What, are they going to wait until people are signed up before they say? Wouldn't be surprised if that's their plan... which is brilliant, actually. Hype up the product, provide a low price early on, get people addicted, then announce the standard price to continue using the service, and start raking in the cash.

You DO realize of course, how much they're spending to develop Xbox Live? Microsoft's in this for the cash boys and girls, not because they want little Jimmy to have fun at their expense, which means they're going to have to make up for losses. You don't make a profit charging discount prices forever.

The year of service is more than worth it. The kit will run you about the price of a game $49.99 as reported by the Official Xbox Magazine as well as XBN. Once Nintendo comes out with an equally clear online plan call me...

Nintendo has the same plan as Sony, which is the same one that PC gamers have dealt with for years.... none whatsoever. Let 3rd party companies deal with it. The better format for yours truly, since I care about PSO and nothing else.

Jul 31, 2002, 12:30 AM
Which would have been just fine, if they retained keyboard support. But since they chose otherwise, all they did was scare off potential customers. Not a smart choice.

Or, I could say that Microsoft drew in many, many more people by including only Voice Chat, as many feel that it's quicker and easier if everyone used voice chat, instead of squinting at text.

There's always a catch somewhere. So how much is it AFTER that first year?

It's $9.99/month after the first year, which is a great deal. $9.99/month for unlimited online play for all of the Live compatible games one owns? THAT'S a wonderful deal...if one plays other games besides PSO.

Jul 31, 2002, 12:34 AM
Come on now Kal. Getting back to the core of this debate, you went right out and said Xbox PSO US would be free to play in the US as a "pro" but you don't know that at all.

I think the assumption that the news bit about the online fee addresses PSO GC for the Japanese release is a lot more valid than your assumption that US Xbox PSO is going to be free. Mamak reports Japanese PSO news almost exclusively, sourcing Japanese sites constantly.

If it's alright for you to assume that US Xbox PSO is going to be free, then it should be alright to assume that US GameCube PSO is going to be free as well.

Jul 31, 2002, 12:38 AM
On 2002-07-30 22:30, Kalbelgarion wrote:

Or, I could say that Microsoft drew in many, many more people by including only Voice Chat, as many feel that it's quicker and easier if everyone used voice chat, instead of squinting at text.

I'm curious as to who they interviewed. If you hadn't noticed, a lot of PSO players aren't too excited about this.

Of course, you could discuss the average gamer, but since we're discussing PSO on this board, voice chat isn't a very good selling point.

It's $9.99/month after the first year, which is a great deal. $9.99/month for unlimited online play for all of the Live compatible games one owns? THAT'S a wonderful deal...if one plays other games besides PSO.

Out of curiousity, can I get a quick link to a statement that says this?

Of course, while that sounds good, until I read some confirmation that PSO won't have an additional fee in the US, my original point still stands.

If Microsoft would just open their damn mouths and say something, we wouldn't even have this debate right now.

Jul 31, 2002, 01:24 AM
On 2002-07-30 22:38, Parn wrote:

On 2002-07-30 22:30, Kalbelgarion wrote:

Or, I could say that Microsoft drew in many, many more people by including only Voice Chat, as many feel that it's quicker and easier if everyone used voice chat, instead of squinting at text.

I'm curious as to who they interviewed. If you hadn't noticed, a lot of PSO players aren't too excited about this.

Microsoft isn't exactly the best at using focus groups. *points to xbox controller*

Jul 31, 2002, 01:29 AM
I'm getting the Gamecube versoin because it comes out before the X-Box one. Also, due to the fact I don't own an X-Box, and I don't plan on in the near future.

Jul 31, 2002, 02:00 AM
"Let 3rd party companies deal with it." - Parn

Letting 3rd parties deal with it will only make things very confusing... *Looks at FF11* You have to pay for the PlayOnline service as well as a specific charge for FF11. Also, if you ever decide to play another online game besides PSO you'd have to pay ANOTHER separate fee. <sarcasm> But obviously you're never wrong...</sarcasm>

Jul 31, 2002, 02:05 AM
As for Voice Chat... Many many individuals are looking forward to this... Cept for a few stiffs over at PS.net (how is maxx ne wayz?). I suppose you haven't played an online game with voice chat before. It is very interesting and saves my wrists from cramping up http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Alien Front Online (DC) was a good example. Also, quite a few people use programs like Roger Wilco on their PCs to chat it up with friends while blasting away baddies... I guess you'd have to have tried it to understand :/

Jul 31, 2002, 02:47 AM
xbox, im too lazy to import again.

Jul 31, 2002, 03:38 AM
On 2002-07-31 00:00, Agent_Reav wrote:

Letting 3rd parties deal with it will only make things very confusing... *Looks at FF11* You have to pay for the PlayOnline service as well as a specific charge for FF11.

No, you just pay for PlayOnline. That's it. PlayOnline covers all of Squaresoft's games, it's just that FFXI is pretty much the only game to play at the moment.

If you want additional characters aside from your main one, then yes, there's an extra charge.

This is no more confusing than PSO Xbox having an additional fee on top of Xbox Live in Japan. Even then, you're just getting petty. Paying two fees hardly is "confusing." You just basically told everyone here that you're stupid. Come on now.

Also, if you ever decide to play another online game besides PSO you'd have to pay ANOTHER separate fee.

If I decide to play another online game, I would cancel my subscription to the previous one.

My first online game was Ultima Online. When I got sick of it, I cancelled my subscription... particularly when PSO came out. When PSOV2 came out, I subscribed to it. When I stopped playing PSOV2, I quit subscribing and subscribed to Ultima Online again. 2 months later, I cancelled that and subscribed to Anarchy Online. Eventually I cancelled that. When PSO GCN comes, I'll subscribe to that, and when I'm done playing it, I'll cancel my subscription.

I can see what you're trying to get at here, but it's not quite how it works for a lot of us who have been playing online games beyond the Dreamcast. But I suppose you should get a star for effort.

<sarcasm> But obviously you're never wrong...</sarcasm>

You won't win an argument with me using the guilt trip method.

You know what though? Whatever. I'm done argueing about this whole Xbox thing. I hope for your sakes that PSO Xbox really isn't a PSOV2 port. I also hope for your sakes that it doesn't have an additional fee on top of the Xbox Live fee. Come this September, us PSO GCN importers are going to be playing the new game, and in October, the domestic release will be out for GameCube. It's just a shame you'll be left out until... well... whenever. Guess you can play Halo some more or discuss other possibilities regarding PSO Xbox in the meantime. *shrug*

Jul 31, 2002, 06:53 AM
If my memory serves me correctly, didn't Microsoft already state that all online Xbox games would be played on their servers?

If this is true, then whatright would Sega/Sonic Team have to charge for playing a game online that isn't even being played on thier servers?

Jul 31, 2002, 09:17 AM
Not all is maintenance, thetre is updates, quests, new stuff...

xbox live is 10$ month for play, the other systems in 0$ for play all the games except the ones with an extra fee that will have extra fee in xbox too

Jul 31, 2002, 09:57 AM
Parn, the Mamak site is *very* good about being spicific when it comes to their news and what areas it applies too. Oftentimes they state "In Japan" when a news item applies to only Japan. When they announced new lobby areas, they didn't *have* to say "For both the Japanese and American releases...", did they?

C'mon, Parn! If the fanboys at Gamefaqs can accept that there's a monthly fee, you can too!

Also, for many, many people, that one, low monthly fee is one hell of a deal. I *know* I'm going to be playing Episode II until PSO2 is coming. But I'm also going to be interested in other online games. If one of my friends online wants to play Halo2 with them, I can, WITHOUT paying another large fee. A *number* of games can apply to this.

Jul 31, 2002, 10:34 AM
The Xbox live deal certainly sounds good. If Sonic Team don't charge a fee to play on Microsoft's servers, they'll be losing money in time as I doubt Microsoft will share the live service money with their 3rd party developers. What's stopping 3rd party developers charging for game patch and quest downloads? Nothing.

Jul 31, 2002, 01:11 PM
If one of my friends online wants to play Halo2 with them, I can, WITHOUT paying another large fee. A *number* of games can apply to this.

In any system there are fees for each game. In GC and PS2 mosdt online games will be *FREE* only mmorpgs and such *may* have a fee in xbox in gc and in ps2, no matter the system.

Jul 31, 2002, 01:41 PM
On 2002-07-31 11:11, Malkavian wrote:
In any system there are fees for each game. In GC and PS2 mosdt online games will be *FREE* only mmorpgs and such *may* have a fee in xbox in gc and in ps2, no matter the system.

Sony and Nintendo have told every developer that they may charge whatever they want for any online game. Microsoft, on the hand, wants each developer to charge nothing, and I doubt that any developer will charge ANY seperate fee, at least in the States.

Jul 31, 2002, 08:03 PM
the fanboy thing swings both ways, xbox forums get littered by people taking the time out of their day to talk sh*t about the system.
not everyone is getting an xbox because they think that the GCN is for kids, or they are tech snobs because of the BBA.
what happened to the simple matter of personal choice...
Mag, your sweeping generalizations of all xbox owners as "fanboys" only puts an air of "dost protesting too much."
Why isn't there an "Xbox: because i don't own a gamecube"?

broadband is the future in the US market, and Xbox is hedginf bets by simplifying things into their own closed system. A selling point of the system, to many was the built in HD and BBA. As for some of us who don't like to be bothered with memory cards, coupled with additional peripherals being needed to play online (xbox live mic aside)
this was an attractive element of the xbox.

Someone people don't want this, and have made their choice with a GC or PS2. All three systems have their fair share of in-house work, adult, and kid type games.

Why not talk sh*t about the PS2 folks for just being lemmings and buying the most popular system instead of the "almighty" cube with a more effective processor. Because such a statement would be pretty ridiculous first off, people purchase systems for many reasons.
The Xbox is M$'s first system and it is still pretty much running off of its first generation games still. All the systems have potential and the market can go any way.
All system's have their selling points. No, GC is not a "kids" system. It is kid-friendly, which if anything is only MS's and Sony's fault for not actively going after the target market as actively as Nintendo, which can build brand loyalty.

I would doubt there's a single so-called "xbox fanboy" that can't reminisce(sp) about the OG 8 bit NES. The reason the N64 hurt that loyalty was the cart issue, which drove many developers to Sony, where they could more affordably make games. There was the memory issue as well as cost-effectiveness of discs vs carts and time-contraints of making the carts. Sega shot themselves in the foot with the Saturn. This is all really economics here.

The new RE and Eternal Darkness have showed the system is on par with XBox and PS2 in the "mature" category.
The first time anyone with an Xbox appears to critisize that purple box they are immediately put down as some sort of technophilic-youth-hating yuppie scum. That really shows a narrow world view. Frankly people are going to want to be able to speak well of the system they put down money for, or in some cases bugged the christ outta their parents for. Most people chose the system that worked for them, get passed it.

So, for the record.
Xbox, because the BB network sounds good from what I've heard and simple in cost plan, I don't own a GC, and could care less whether i type or talk.

Jul 31, 2002, 08:04 PM
I don't have an x-box and I'm too poor to buy one.

Jul 31, 2002, 09:38 PM
Ok, first off, Microsoft has NOT said what the annual price will be for Xbox Live. Secondly, if your not concerned about roughing it, Gamecube would be cheaper (not counting that Xbox Live has a crappy racing game packed in with the kit). Third, we don't even know what the Xbox version will be! It could be a port, it could be like GC, who knows?

This post is pretty much between the two PSOs, and not the two systems. One question I would like to ask: How will Sonic Team make it understandable when you got 5 people talking in the visual lobby on the XB version? text is simple, five speech bubbles in different areas, but I would like to play XB version JUST so I could see how they would do that.

Voice chat is a great idea in ideal conditions, but a deaf or dumb person couldn't do squat. Also, it's sometimes hard to understand what somone says, due to bad quality, player error, etc. Good 'ole text has never failed us, and it's not starting now.

Now, wat about control? Granted, the GC setup is odd, but so is XB. It's likely that XB will have an extra action button or two, so that's a plus, but the controller is big, and the S version has just as odd a setup as GC. I say neither win this round.

Memory. XB wins, hands down. Sure, GC memory cards are cheap, but the XB mem card is built-in, and nothing beats that.

Now, online capability. Yes broadband is good, and it helps reduce lag. The problem is, not everyone has DSL/T1/Cable, but most anyone has a phoneline. a little lag isn't all that bad, and both BB and 56k means more people online, more friends you can make. Of course, no lag is always better than any amount of lag, so this is all based on opinion.

Well, that's all I can compare. Hope I didn't sound like a fanboy of either version. PSO rocks either way.

Ian D
Jul 31, 2002, 09:44 PM
Here's another reason I am getting the GC version... I don't know how many characters I will be able to make on the Xbox version. I mean I know with the Gamecube you can only fit 4 characters on each card, but you can get another card for 4 more. With Xbox, you may only be able to use 4 characters and since there is no memory card you might be more limited on the amount of characters. Just a thought, there's no proof as to how many characters you can make on the Xbox version yet.

Jul 31, 2002, 10:08 PM
With the PC version of PSOv2, it has a 90 or so character cap. So methinks XBOX PSO will be similar. Sonic Team would have to be run by bottom feeding suction eels to do anything different.

And Microsoft *has* announced that XBOX Live will be $9.95/month after the first year, according to the July issue of OXM.

...And comparing prices:
GCN console: $150
PSO game: $50
Modem: ~$40
Keyboard/controller: ~$30
Hunter's License: ~$5/month x 12=$60

XBOX console: $200
PSO game: $50
Starter kit: $50

So the XBOX version is cheaper for the first year, then it slowly becomes more expensive.

Jul 31, 2002, 10:24 PM
Well... we still have to pay those ISP charges. ($40-$50 a month for BB may be ok for some people, but that kills most of the prices on either side.) Oh, right, the Xbox live... ugh... oh man, that's not cool. My mom SURELY won't like $70 a month (after the first year...). I'm telling ya, it sucks when you're not rich. Then again, I don't know, I never was in the first place... dammit...

Jul 31, 2002, 10:29 PM
Erm...I didn't factore in ISP/BB charges on either side because they vary from person to person, from area to area. Plus, they are oftentimes also used to surf the internet using a PC, so the ISP/BB charges aren't *just* for console use.

Jul 31, 2002, 10:59 PM
me personally, I'm going for the Xbox version just because I need to expand my library for that console... plus I don't even own a GC >|... *grabs a gun and asks the world "why?" before blowin brains away, but realises that "Oh, yeah I'm broke," and kicks Gato's ass for 15 more silver points*

Aug 1, 2002, 02:21 PM
If you buy PSO with the bundle the modem is 30$ and japanese hl is 12$ each 4 months so 48$ a year. And keyboard/controller isn't exactly needed

Aug 1, 2002, 02:48 PM
On 2002-07-30 22:30, Kalbelgarion wrote:

Which would have been just fine, if they retained keyboard support. But since they chose otherwise, all they did was scare off potential customers. Not a smart choice.

Or, I could say that Microsoft drew in many, many more people by including only Voice Chat, as many feel that it's quicker and easier if everyone used voice chat, instead of squinting at text.

There's always a catch somewhere. So how much is it AFTER that first year?

It's $9.99/month after the first year, which is a great deal. $9.99/month for unlimited online play for all of the Live compatible games one owns? THAT'S a wonderful deal...if one plays other games besides PSO.

Uh, Voice chat does no work with PSO at all, think about it. You go into a lobby with 10 ppl talking all at once, it will be chaotic and gay, ppl cussing you out, or just coming in and yelling the whole time.... Just thinking of it gives me a headache....

Plus, you will only have to pay a fee for gamecube games if they are MMORPGS. That means that PSO is the only thing you will have to pay for, all its other online games that arent MMORPGS you wont have to pay to play for.

So, really, unless for some reason nintendo goes crazy and starts charging for all its online games (like microsoft) all we will have to pay is 3-5$ a month... That's only if you have PSO, otherwise it will be freeeee.

Erm, Can't stop thinking about how horrible voice chat will be..... And it hasn't been announced if the American Xbox or Gamecube PSO is pay to play.
That 30 day free trial was for japan, not America..... I just hope we dont have to pay at all...

I feal so sorry for ya'll.

Aug 1, 2002, 02:55 PM
On 2002-07-31 20:08, Kalbelgarion wrote:
With the PC version of PSOv2, it has a 90 or so character cap. So methinks XBOX PSO will be similar. Sonic Team would have to be run by bottom feeding suction eels to do anything different.

And Microsoft *has* announced that XBOX Live will be $9.95/month after the first year, according to the July issue of OXM.

...And comparing prices:
GCN console: $150
PSO game: $50
Modem: ~$40
Keyboard/controller: ~$30
Hunter's License: ~$5/month x 12=$60

XBOX console: $200
PSO game: $50
Starter kit: $50

So the XBOX version is cheaper for the first year, then it slowly becomes more expensive.

In the end Xbox will be more expensive, also, you have twisted things up a bit.

1. The BB/Modem Adapter is 35$
2. It is 3-5, not just 5$ (That's if there is a monthly fee)
3. Most ppl already have thier gamecube
4. You dont have to have a keyboard, although I recommend you do.

Erm, I hate it when the littlest things are messed up, it makes me wanna correct them and smoosh it all in thier little retarded faces.

Plus, the price dosen't matter, qualitly, features and cool stuff does. The nintendo difference!

Aug 1, 2002, 04:44 PM
Bortak, you know that you may mute anyone or everyone, right? And it wouldn't be that hard for Microsoft/Sonic Team to make the lobbies bareable. The slim chance that it may be unintelligenable is a poor con to hold against the XBOX version.

And Nintendo has said that *any* developer may charge anything they want. Nintendo isn't taking charge of online play on the Gamecube: They're leaving it up to each sperate developer. So any developer, regardless of the type of game, may charge anything they want. Sorry.

Any, if the 30 free trial was only for Japan, Mamak would've labeled it as such. Look at their other news-It's labeled according to region, unless it applies to all regions.

Also, depending on exchange rates, the fee could be between 3-5 dollars a month. I consede that.

The remark that "Most people already have their Gamecube" is a stupid one. I can easily say that most people already have their XBOXes, so that subtracts another $50 from the XBOX colum.

So, buying the basic equipment (not counting the consoles, and counting the Modem as $35, as you wished), and one year play time, one saves $51 by buying the XBOX version. Over 13 months, one saves $44. Then $37, then $30, then $23, then $16, then $9, then $2, then -$5...gee, if one plays the new PSO for 20 months on the GCN, they save $5! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Aug 1, 2002, 05:19 PM
On 2002-08-01 14:44, Kalbelgarion wrote:
Bortak, you know that you may mute anyone or everyone, right? And it wouldn't be that hard for Microsoft/Sonic Team to make the lobbies bareable. The slim chance that it may be unintelligenable is a poor con to hold against the XBOX version.

And Nintendo has said that *any* developer may charge anything they want. Nintendo isn't taking charge of online play on the Gamecube: They're leaving it up to each sperate developer. So any developer, regardless of the type of game, may charge anything they want. Sorry.

Any, if the 30 free trial was only for Japan, Mamak would've labeled it as such. Look at their other news-It's labeled according to region, unless it applies to all regions.

Also, depending on exchange rates, the fee could be between 3-5 dollars a month. I consede that.

The remark that "Most people already have their Gamecube" is a stupid one. I can easily say that most people already have their XBOXes, so that subtracts another $50 from the XBOX colum.

So, buying the basic equipment (not counting the consoles, and counting the Modem as $35, as you wished), and one year play time, one saves $51 by buying the XBOX version. Over 13 months, one saves $44. Then $37, then $30, then $23, then $16, then $9, then $2, then -$5...gee, if one plays the new PSO for 20 months on the GCN, they save $5! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Erm, what is mammack? The 30 day free trial was for japan, I heard the same story from another website.. I think it was IGN... OK?

I have decided to just ignore you and your other Xbox friends, there is like 3 of you right? I wont ignore them, because some of them have some common sense... 3 Xboxers, all the rest of us are getting the Gamecube version.... funny... You guys are the only people with Xboxes planning on getting PSO... I don't really care though.

Your ignorant and anoyingly dumb....

Atleast you admitted that you could get the Gamecube version if you had enough money to get a Gamecube.... I don't really care, stleast I know what I'm getting.

Aug 1, 2002, 05:30 PM
Please provide a link to an IGN story that claims that only the Japanese version will have a HL, and that Mamak's information does not apply to the US version of the game.

Funny...I know of the most informative PSO news site on the web, I'm a regular visiter to most XBOX and PSO news sites on the web, and you call me ignorant...funny...

Many Hardcore gamers will buy GCN PSO. Many Hardcore gamers will buy XBOX PSO. But, methinks, more casual gamers will buy the latter...IMHO, of course.

And I know what I'm getting. I'm buying Episode II this fall for the XBOX, and if Episode I is packaged with it, I'll be getting that, too.

Aug 1, 2002, 05:36 PM
On 2002-08-01 15:30, Kalbelgarion wrote:
Please provide a link to an IGN story that claims that only the Japanese version will have a HL, and that Mamak's information does not apply to the US version of the game.

Funny...I know of the most informative PSO news site on the web, I'm a regular visiter to most XBOX and PSO news sites on the web, and you call me ignorant...funny...

Many Hardcore gamers will buy GCN PSO. Many Hardcore gamers will buy XBOX PSO. But, methinks, more casual gamers will buy the latter...IMHO, of course.

And I know what I'm getting. I'm buying Episode II this fall for the XBOX, and if Episode I is packaged with it, I'll be getting that, too.

They have never stated that epII would be available with xbox, and I said that the trial was for japan, by saying that I was implying that it was un-announced if there would be a HL. OK? Search it on IGN, I am pretty sure I saw it there.

Aug 1, 2002, 05:40 PM
No. You made the claim, you provide the proof. That's how information exchanges, or debates, work.

And I've talked to 4 different Microsoft reps, and all four have read Microsoft's database, which states that PSO Episode II is coming this fall. Before, it was titled "PSO2". Now, it's been changed to PSO Episode II.

Aug 1, 2002, 05:45 PM
On 2002-08-01 15:40, Kalbelgarion wrote:
No. You made the claim, you provide the proof. That's how information exchanges, or debates, work.

And I've talked to 4 different Microsoft reps, and all four have read Microsoft's database, which states that PSO Episode II is coming this fall. Before, it was titled "PSO2". Now, it's been changed to PSO Episode II.

Ahhah, You just said it, When they said PSO 2 was gonna be amde for the xbox the prob meant ep II

Aug 1, 2002, 06:09 PM
I still wouldn't trust a rep. over the phone, or whatever source you got it from. I'd wait for an official announcement.

Aug 1, 2002, 06:57 PM
for many people who rely on a steady net connection, between the cost of an additional phone line, coupled with a national ISP charge, equals or exceeds the charge of paying the 50 bucks for a decent DSL connection. As far as DSL being for the rich, frankly if you already have a stable net connection you're going to be classified as well off to the rest of the world. Microsoft is trying to hedge a bet that they think BB will explode in the next few years. It's already becoming more feasible then ever for most.
Mind you that PSO players are by and large fringe gamers when compared to your average person who owns a next-gen system. These people probably don't have the patience for typing and will be very much enthused by the whole voice thing. How many people enjoy having to type in CS only to get your ass shot by some punk hitting puberty with voice?

Aug 1, 2002, 10:23 PM
On 2002-08-01 15:45, Bortak wrote:
Ahhah, You just said it, When they said PSO 2 was gonna be amde for the xbox the prob meant ep II

Erm...you're getting the issues confused. Microsoft's been calling XBOX PSO "PSO2" for quite a while, even though Mamak has reported that the full blown sequel (you know, the one with the re-done engine and entirely new setting) won't be begun for the XBOX until this Fall.

So we all knew that Microsoft's "PSO2" meant either "PSOv2" or "PSO Episode II". Recently, they have clarified that, so Microsoft's "PSO2" now is "PSO Episode II". Mamak's report that a full blown sequel still stands, however.

Aug 2, 2002, 05:38 AM
We all know that the future of PSO is with a concole that has a HD, so no matter what version Bortak, you may think is coming out on the xbox, I know I will be able to take my Racast into a new installment of PSO (cause we all know you don't need a HD for episode II)...... That was my biggest gripe with the DC v2, my character died with the death of DC, never to countinue on any new PSO advantures. Knowing Yuji Naka direction with PSO, I hope I will be able to do with the xbox version what the DC version failed to do...... So Sega is only releasing v2 this fall on the xbox , with both ST & MS jointly working on it?!? I hope they have enough time to port over at least episode I. We Xbox owners could only be so lucky, I curse myself for not wanting to buy mario sunshine or another zelda since i have been playing those titles since the NES straight though N64, I wanted a change and the Xbox is my choice, sorry I selected a different system from the common majority from here on PSOW, but that does't make me a bad person. Now alittle fun, although I feel alot of this is just redundent.........

On 2002-08-01 12:48, Bortak wrote:
Uh, Voice chat does no work with PSO at all, think about it. You go into a lobby with 10 ppl talking all at once, it will be chaotic and gay, ppl cussing you out, or just coming in and yelling the whole time.... Just thinking of it gives me a headache....

WOWWIE you played PSO for Xbox!!! NO you have not, you have no clue how it works, so think about that, and lay down before you hurt your head some more from thinking such negitive thought!!!

Plus, you will only have to pay a fee for gamecube games if they are MMORPGS. That means that PSO is the only thing you will have to pay for, all its other online games that arent MMORPGS you wont have to pay to play for.

I guess that is some what true, considering PSO is like the only online game coming out for a long time on the cube. I mean you can't put a price tag on online games that don't exsist.

Erm, Can't stop thinking about how horrible voice chat will be..... And it hasn't been announced if the American Xbox or Gamecube PSO is pay to play.
That 30 day free trial was for japan, not America..... I just hope we dont have to pay at all...

I feal so sorry for ya'll.

Well grabe that wishbone and yank hard...and please stop thinking so hard about voice chat your bound to pop a blood vesel. And thanks, i feel sorry for us too, from reading your jargin.

On 2002-08-01 12:55, Bortak wrote:
In the end Xbox will be more expensive, also, you have twisted things up a bit.

1. The BB/Modem Adapter is 35$
2. It is 3-5, not just 5$ (That's if there is a monthly fee)
3. Most ppl already have thier gamecube
4. You dont have to have a keyboard, although I recommend you do.

Erm, I hate it when the littlest things are messed up, it makes me wanna correct them and smoosh it all in thier little retarded faces.

Plus, the price dosen't matter, qualitly, features and cool stuff does. The nintendo difference!

Well then lets look at it your way then from what is known now, what it takes to get (only) PSO online.....


$35.-50. : The BB/ 56k Adapter
(Estimated cost)
$36.-60. : year for HL
(Estimated cost of $3.-5. per month)
$35.-50. : controller/keyboard hybrid
(Estimated cost)
$41. : PSO
(Estimated cost)
$15. : 59 block memory card
(Double that price if you want more then 4 character or want to download quest)


$50. : XboxLive
(24 7 access with any live game, Revolt, headset)
$41. : PSO
(Estimated cost)

..... I hope your twisted face doesn't hurt to much, tard.

On 2002-08-01 15:45, Bortak wrote:
Ahhah, You just said it, When they said PSO 2 was gonna be amde for the xbox the prob meant ep II


And welcome to PSOW, you are now my new little buddy:)

Aug 2, 2002, 06:19 AM
Anyone care do tell me the Pros and cons of either system?

Aug 2, 2002, 08:18 AM
Here you go Bortak, something to read to help that little headache of yours, enjoy.

Xbox Live: Voice and the Xbox Communicator

One of the first decisions we made when building Xbox Live was to make voice an integral part of our technology. We wanted our online multiplayer gaming service to be a revolutionary, fun, and social atmosphere. And it's hard to be social without talking to other people. We didn't stop at letting you chat with other people, though.

Xbox Live games will feature the Xbox Communicator in some mind-blowing ways, and it's about time we got to talk about them.

Voice Chat

It may seem like adding a headset to the Xbox console would be an easy thing to do. While it's not really difficult, we wanted to make sure we did it right. The first thing to nail was comfort. A gamer should be comfortable playing into all hours of the night, so we made the Xbox Communicator flexible, lightweight, and well-balanced. It slips around the back of your head; you can adjust the earpiece to be on the left or right side. The second goal was to get great sound quality. Noise cancellation is built-in and reduces background noise so you can deliver taunts crisply and cleanly (speech lessons sold separately). There's also a directional microphone, so people hear more of you and less of the loud talkers beside you. If you like singing victory songs, this'll be your favorite karaoke. We wanted everyone to be able to join the party line; that's why the Xbox Communicator is included with the great introductory package.

After we made it possible for everyone to chat with you, we worked on giving you the power to take it away. Why? Well, we've played a bunch of online games and know that people always find new ways to be annoying. If that happens to you on Xbox Live, you can selectively mute the offensive players. Soon enough, they'll be getting the silent treatment that they deserve.

Voice Masking and Effects

The scenario goes like this: you've battled through hordes of creatures in a hostile world to reach the level's final "boss" dragon. It rears back with anger and opens its huge jaw only to let out a wimpy squeak, "I'll kick your butt!" You've suddenly been teleported out of your fantasy world and back to elementary school. The kid may have killed you, but only because you were on the floor laughing your +2 armor off. Xbox Live has the answer. (A point of amusement in our team meetings is hypothesizing what a dragon's voice would sound like we think they have a British accent.) We've given games the ability to change your voice on the fly. There's no need to be embarrassed about your voice or worried about your privacy.

Another interesting aspect of changing a player's voice is the addition of environmental effects. Your character's voice could sound distorted when underwater or have slurred speech when intoxicated (we do not in any way promote or condone virtual underage drinking). We're giving game developers what they've always wanted innovative tools which help them achieve the next level of greatness. Daniel Vogel, a developer on Unreal Championship, volunteered this after using our voice tools: "Voice masking is the coolest thing since sliced bread!" So, okay, not an original statement, but you get the point.

There's no doubt that Xbox Communicator will add to the immersive gaming experience that can only be had with Xbox Live. But it's just the first important step we took in building our service. Check back here at Xbox.com for more articles and information about your Gamertag, Friends, Multiplayer options, and Content Download in the near future.

[ EDITED: For my little buddy http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif ]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WEBSTER on 2002-08-02 06:33 ]</font>

Aug 2, 2002, 09:36 AM
wo either he has the headache or you just cant shut him up!! xbox is rubbish too big in design. keep up the good work baldrick!! lol

Aug 2, 2002, 12:12 PM

$35.-50. : The BB/ 56k Adapter
(Estimated cost)
$36.-60. : year for HL
(Estimated cost of $3.-5. per month)
$35.-50. : controller/keyboard hybrid
(Estimated cost)
$41. : PSO
(Estimated cost)
$15. : 59 block memory card
(Double that price if you want more then 4 character or want to download quest)


$50. : XboxLive
(24 7 access with any live game, Revolt, headset)
$41. : PSO
(Estimated cost)

The BBA and Modem for the GC are $35 each in the U.S. The Nintendo website lists them at that price. (Someone already said this, I believe.)

Won't PSO be $49.99 like all other new games?

Ian D
Aug 2, 2002, 12:23 PM
On 2002-08-02 10:12, WraithAkaMrak wrote:


$35.-50. : The BB/ 56k Adapter
(Estimated cost)
$36.-60. : year for HL
(Estimated cost of $3.-5. per month)
$35.-50. : controller/keyboard hybrid
(Estimated cost)
$41. : PSO
(Estimated cost)
$15. : 59 block memory card
(Double that price if you want more then 4 character or want to download quest)


$50. : XboxLive
(24 7 access with any live game, Revolt, headset)
$41. : PSO
(Estimated cost)

The BBA and Modem for the GC are $35 each in the U.S. The Nintendo website lists them at that price. (Someone already said this, I believe.)

Won't PSO be $49.99 like all other new games?

Not if your a whiney fanboy like SOME people here.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Y0SHI on 2002-08-02 10:25 ]</font>

Aug 2, 2002, 12:32 PM
Other= DC version 2

Because it rules!

Aug 2, 2002, 11:59 PM
On 2002-08-02 10:12, WraithAkaMrak wrote:
The BBA and Modem for the GC are $35 each in the U.S. The Nintendo website lists them at that price. (Someone already said this, I believe.)

Won't PSO be $49.99 like all other new games?

oops my bad, the adaptors is listed at MSRP of $34.95 each. But even with that correction PSO is still cheaper to get online with the box, cause you get more for what you are paying for if you want to go online with any other game, then just PSO. And i am looking forward to Mech Assult!!

I found this at sega.com today..... take the news however you want to.

Upcoming Online Titles
Although our Dreamcast subscription service is ending, online gaming with Sega is not going away! Get ready for a whole new generation of Sega online titles for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and GameCube. Coming this fall: Sega Sports NFL 2K3, Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II,* and lots more. Look for online ladders and rankings for Sega Sports 2K3 titles on http://www.segasports.com.

New to Online Gaming with Sega?
Now's the time to check it out! If you're not already a member of Sega.com, then sign up for a Sega login account to access game servers for most Sega online console games.**

* Online gameplay!
* Sega Instant Messenger
* Message Boards
* Member Profile page
* Sega NewsBlast & other game news
* Contests & Events
* Rankings, Ladders on SegaSports.com

*Access to game servers for Phantasy Star Online Ver. 2 and Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II is not affected by the changes to SegaNet and requires separate subscription fees. Online Sega games for the Xbox will require the Xbox Live service.

**You will need an account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and the game software in order to play online. You are responsible for the costs of online access (ISP charges) and any associated telephone call charges. Please check with your ISP to ensure your console's compatibility with Sega servers.

Phantasy Star Online Version II that they are talking about is the one for the DC all other DC games are free to play online till the end of 2002, except ver2.

Aug 3, 2002, 12:58 PM

There is little to nothing on the XBox that appeals to me anyway besides one or two games from Sega. :/

Aug 3, 2002, 05:49 PM
Let me sum all of this up!

Basically what you guy's are tellin' me is that Xbox sucks?

I agree!

Ian D
Aug 3, 2002, 05:54 PM
On 2002-08-03 15:49, SMOKU_9X wrote:
Let me sum all of this up!

Basically what you guy's are tellin' me is that Xbox sucks?

I agree!

I know some fanboy who will be replying to this soon...

Aug 3, 2002, 06:42 PM
All fanboys are idiotic fools in any case.

Aug 3, 2002, 07:14 PM
I'm getting th GC version because it has episode 2. Also because I'm not going to buy and Xbox just for one game. All of Xbox's other games look so boring to me.

Aug 3, 2002, 07:41 PM
On 2002-08-03 15:49, SMOKU_9X wrote:
Let me sum all of this up!

Basically what you guy's are tellin' me is that Xbox sucks?

I agree!

All fanboys are idiotic fools in any case.

Aug 4, 2002, 09:43 AM
On 2002-07-30 11:50, Kalbelgarion wrote:

On 2002-07-30 11:38, Mag_Launcher wrote:
Um, actually, Xbox still has a license fee, keep up with the times, will ya, damn.

Nope. Sonic Team has only stated that the Japanese version *may* have an additional fee, on top of the Live fee. There has been no such word about that here in the States.

Just because nothing is said about something doesn't mean it's not true. Also if you had been following updates you'll know that PSO Xbox is also pay-to-play. If sonicteam were doing Xbox without pay-to-play then it would do GC too. Besides the sonicteam can't afford to not do pay to play. Literally, with Xbox PSO being free and all. Don't forget Sonicteam's banruptcy.

Aug 4, 2002, 09:49 AM
On 2002-07-30 16:08, WEBSTER wrote:

On 2002-07-30 12:13, Mag_Launcher wrote:
Argh, you Xbox fanboys, get outta my topic, you annoy the living hell outta me.

Well that basicly sums up why you created this topic, I mean look at the choices you generated to vote from,"Teh graphics R gonna B better, d00d." "Because I don't want no kiddy cube." I mean what is that about !? Did some giant over sized black box with a little green dot ontop cast you down from your mighty hill in some past life...Yet again your little angry fanboy additude shines through, but hey, if making a poll helps you to work out your aggressions more power to ya, dude.

On a side note: PSO is comin out for GBA, ERaZer?!? Does any got the link for that, cause i'll get that!! I can't play GoldenSun forever and Alpha & the new Castlevania won't be out for some time =[

PSo is not coming out for GBA. Erazer meant that you can play PSO minigames on your GBA.

Aug 4, 2002, 11:08 AM
On 2002-08-04 07:43, Ness wrote:
Just because nothing is said about something doesn't mean it's not true. Also if you had been following updates you'll know that PSO Xbox is also pay-to-play. If sonicteam were doing Xbox without pay-to-play then it would do GC too. Besides the sonicteam can't afford to not do pay to play. Literally, with Xbox PSO being free and all. Don't forget Sonicteam's banruptcy.

But just because something's NOT been said, it doesn't mean that it *is* true. I have been following the news, and only the Japanese release of Episode I is currently slated to be PTP. And Sonic Team will be payed by Microsoft for updates and such to the game, so they have no need to charge for the XBOX's Episode II, or the American release of Episode I. With the GCN version, if it wasn't PTP, then Sonic Team would recieve no money, whatsoever. See the difference?

Saying that if one version is free, the other will be too is foolhardy. And, AFAIK, Sonic Team has never been backrupt...only Sega has.

Aug 4, 2002, 12:31 PM
And Sonic Team will be payed by Microsoft for updates and such to the game

Really? Microsoft will pay all 3rd parties that make online games?? that's crazy.. and I thought it was reverse... that 3rd parties needed to play the royalties.

Aug 4, 2002, 02:17 PM
*Looks at poll results*

Alright, who the hell had the gall to vote for the "kiddy cube" and "graphics r better d00d"? I want answers, dammit.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mag_Launcher on 2002-08-04 12:18 ]</font>

Aug 4, 2002, 03:00 PM
On 2002-08-04 09:08, Kalbelgarion wrote:
But just because something's NOT been said, it doesn't mean that it *is* true.

Then why was you and many others defending those early pics of Xbox PSO, saying wait for more news. You go on that you've been told by a MS representative that Xbox's version of PSO is Ep. I & II.
There still hasn't been an announcement saying Xbox PSO will be Ep. I & II.

I could say Xbox PSO is only a v2 port(which I know is highly doubtful).

Aug 4, 2002, 04:51 PM
I plan on picking up the GCN PSO, simply because I don't see the XBox lasting too long. Not like the DC, more or less like the Saturn, right off the face of the planet. Anywho, Nintendo has been and let's face it, always will play a major role in the gaming industry. So, that's my 2 cents. G'day

Aug 4, 2002, 08:53 PM
Mag, the fact that you made a poll with such lousy answers is why some were forced to vote "fanboyishly".

WWW...:Many of us wanted to wait for more news because we didn't want PSO to be a simple PSOv2 port. Now that Microsoft has changed their word and has said that it will be Episode II, we can rejoice. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

...And ever since those screenshots have come out, those who have called it PSOv2 were wrong. It's a port of Episode I from the GCN, not a port of PSOv2 from the DC.

Kaervek: That's your opinion, but it's a shame that you won't be picking up a good console for little to no reason.

Aug 4, 2002, 09:34 PM
Hey Kal u know i'm a big PSO Xbox fan... can you hook my up with the link to the Xbox shots? Also I'm a little confused... is the Xbox version gonna have all the stuff the GC one does?


Aug 4, 2002, 11:34 PM
No offense Kal, but, you're not a reliable news source for me. I haven't had any proof that Xbox PSO will be Ep. I & II. There has been no announcements...has there?

Aug 4, 2002, 11:46 PM
Agent, according to Microsoft, the XBOX will be getting PSO Episode II this fall...since they're running the servers and it's their system, I've decided to take their word on it.

Here's some screenshots of PSO Episode I on the XBOX, ported from the GCN. (http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/products/screenindex/0,11104,561400,00.html)

WWW...: We have Microsoft's computer database that calls the game PSO Episode II...and the fact that Episode I's been ported, so why can't Episode II be?

Aug 5, 2002, 07:30 AM

You got a link to the Microsoft database where it states that?

Also, just because Episode I has been ported, that does not mean Episode II will be.

Aug 5, 2002, 12:34 PM
No, but the friendly Microsoft reps at xbox.com have access to said database, and they have read that Episode II is coming to the XBOX this fall.

Microsoft has said that Episode II is coming to the XBOX this fall, and neither Sonic Team nor Nintendo nor Sega has said otherwise.

Aug 5, 2002, 01:44 PM
This is a conversation I had with an Xbox rep.

Question: Is PSO coming out for the Xbox?Chris: Hello and welcome to Xbox interactive online chat support! My name is Chris.
A Fan: Hi
Chris: Yes. Phantasy Star Online 2 will come for the Xbox.
A Fan: It's called Phantasy Star Online 2?
Chris: That is the title we have.
A Fan: any release dates?
Chris: Not at this time. We're still waiting to here from Sega about that.
A Fan: Ok, thank you

Still the PSO 2 title....

Aug 5, 2002, 04:28 PM
Nintendo may be a force, but they shot themselves in the foot with the N64 and lost a lot of ground to the PS. Making it cart-based sent a lot of developers to to Sony and really hurt the brand name. Sure they had a few Zelda's and Goldeneye type FPS that couldn't handle the PS's shit loading times. But they lost out many, many titles. The only thing that saved Nintendo's ass were those f*cking pokemon. The GBA is selling atrociously.
The PS2 is the only gaming system that will survive the next wave. Sega had the decency to bow out for now. Xbox and GC may be able to find a niche, but it's still up in the air as to which system will make it. Historically only 2 systems have been able to survive any given market.
I went with Xbox because frankly the upcoming line-up looks caters to my tastes than of Nintendo's. The only things I regret are RE and Rogue Sqaudron. Then again, i don't miss that purple, hokey, cheap-feeling controller. When CS, the Next Halo, and Star Wars Galaxies hits Xbox:Live I doubt I'll be leaving my den for anything short of sex, alcohol, food, or god-forbid...work.

Nothing is accomplished by bashing something that has yet to even come out yet. If you have any beefs with a system, for the love of christ, use information you have here and now. Many people hate the big xbox controller.... more power to ya, as I myself hate the GCN's and have always been a little sketch about the PS's. The N64 was a great model, but nintendo obviously f*cked that up, for me anyways.
If you hate the games out now for any system, that's also unfair, do to the GCN and Xbox still being in end stage of the first generation still. When the second gen really comes out, you can see who's been better able to max out their system. Sony's ahead of the pack in this area.
Now everyone wants to speak well of their systems and all, but I see most of the trash being talked here from the GCN camp and most of the stereotypes being lunged at the people who bought an Xbox.

(To follow the same minded half-assed thinking of the fan-boy mentality, i should make sure that it said "bought" above. To follow these stereotypes than it must be that the only people with Xbox's can afford their own systems and not bug mommy and daddy.)

See how retarded making accusations are? That statement above in parentheses is full of holes. But that's the same bullsh*t that's popping up in just about any topic where the Xbox is listed.
Can we please get rumors, facts, information and hearsay into their respected categories again?

Aug 5, 2002, 05:07 PM
Still, no one has answered me on who voted for those 2 choices. There's 3 names I need so far.

Aug 5, 2002, 05:29 PM
Well said Choking... It seems most of the people on this board are stuck on getting their system (more often than not the GC) to seem the best. I don't see the point of this as no company gives a damn of their fanboyishness ne wayz. Also, as you said, alot of people are slingin around completely false information... Just please only post what is fact and not wild guesses... Damn.

Aug 5, 2002, 10:35 PM
Yay! Another non fanboyish poster! Ain't that rare! I like what you said there, Choking...intelligent responses rule, no mateer if they are in my favor or not...

Aug 5, 2002, 11:25 PM
WWW...: I just talked with one, and this is the conversation I got:

Topic: Earlier in this chat I was told that "Phantasy Star Online Episode 2" was coming to the XBOX this fall...is this still true?

Kar: Welcome to the Xbox Interactive Online Support. My name is Kar.
Kal: Hello
Kal: Well...is that game being developed for the XBOX?
Kar: Yes it is. By Sega.
Kal: Okay, thank you.
Kar: It was a pleasure chatting with you today, for your convenience and future reference, you will receive by e-mail a detailed transcript of our chat, including all site links and services. Thank you for inquiring about Xbox. If you need further assistance, please come back and visit us again. I hope you have a nice day!

Hmm...5 for, one against...Microsoft better get their story straight. -_-

Aug 6, 2002, 07:42 AM
So I think it would be best to completely forget about saying Xbox will be getting Eipsode II for now.

Aug 6, 2002, 04:25 PM
On 2002-08-04 21:46, Kalbelgarion wrote:
Agent, according to Microsoft, the XBOX will be getting PSO Episode II this fall...since they're running the servers and it's their system, I've decided to take their word on it.

Here's some screenshots of PSO Episode I on the XBOX, ported from the GCN. (http://gamespot.com/gamespot/filters/products/screenindex/0,11104,561400,00.html)

WWW...: We have Microsoft's computer database that calls the game PSO Episode II...and the fact that Episode I's been ported, so why can't Episode II be?

Looks like a souped up version of PSO v2. Proving my theory.

Aug 6, 2002, 10:22 PM
Read what Kal said, more pics of EPISODE ONE. Episode 1 IS Version 2, even on the Gamecube. Episode 1 are all the levels of the first PSO and Episode 2 are all the new levels.