View Full Version : If you don't know by now then......

May 13, 2005, 09:34 PM
..... there is no point in explaining it.

You see I have two rants that are based on this single phrase.

The first one is about people who don't understand why you are mad at them when all they've done to you is treat you like shit. Then once they've had their fun they find that they are in trouble and come crawling to you for help. What's worse is that they act like nothing ever happened. They ask me why I'm mad at them and I'm thinkg "Isn't it obvious? You treated me like shit so you could fit in with all the cool kids. now That I realize how shallow you are, I have no desire to associate with you anymore. Heck, I even said that to you when you were being an ass and you still don't get it. What are you on?"

The second one is about people who use this phrase to hide the fact that they have nothing to back their agner with. Either that or they expect you to be able to read their mind and know why they are mad. If your going to be pissed at someone at least grow a pair and tell them why you are mad.

Sheesh, people suck.

May 13, 2005, 10:13 PM
I'm a victim of the first paragraph, and I'm guilty of the second. In this day and age nobody cares why you're mad at them, so yes there is no point in explaining it.

May 15, 2005, 02:17 PM
I too have been a victim of the first and guilty of the second.