View Full Version : Good trade?

May 19, 2005, 02:59 AM
Well, im a level 28 RAmar. I've played pso on dc and xbox, but was never hardcore.

Anyways, I recently traded two photon drops, and two addslots for a level 200 mag(Cant remember the name, its like 5 letters...maybe petri). Anyways, it has the worm, the guy who shoots purple, and the twins as pb's. Full IQ and syncro, it has about 5 defense, 137 power, and 58 dex(the numbers are slightly scewed, but about right). Is this good for a ramar, and was it a good trade?

May 19, 2005, 03:12 AM
I would say yes. For your current level that mag is pretty damn nice.

And about the actual trade, good job. I am a mag farmer and for a lv200 rare mag i usually charge a 9-10 star wep. You only paid 2 PDs and 2 Addslots, nice.

But once you get to a higher level (60+) you should start working on a new mag with less DEX ( 40-45ish) and put all of the rest on POW.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arnot on 2005-05-19 01:13 ]</font>

May 19, 2005, 09:40 AM
Well, to be honest, I'm not sure the guy knew what he was doing. He offered me a gattling for them at first, trying to tell me they were special and such. When I blew that off, he offered me his mag for all my rares(the 2 adds and 2 pd's), which I jumped on.

My mag has a few wierd stats(defense already has a few, and mind too), so I was going to wait till I could loot another mag, to start making one specifically for me.

I got a chance to play with it last night though. My attack is about tripled. I was killing pretty much everything in mines in two or three hits, with a spread.

May 19, 2005, 11:01 AM
Truthfully, if you're willing to spend the time you can make any mag specifically tailored to your own character(s). Getting addslots and pd's are relatively harder in that you have no guaranteed way of getting them to drop. Whether or not this was a good trade depends on if you are willing to spend the time to create a mag on your own.

May 19, 2005, 05:19 PM
Well, I can always find PD's and Addslots. Seeing as I got most of them in normal forest, I really doubt it would be harder to re-gain those, than make a lvl 200 mag.

Anyways, Its a Rati, sorry for mixing up the names. And this was on BB.

May 19, 2005, 07:58 PM
If you keep the Mag for a long time, I'd say you dealing got the better end, no doubt. I never cared about photon drops (I'm offline) but addslots can be hard to come by, like Megaman said. For the most part though, it's a good deal for you.