View Full Version : What if PSO was fast-paced FPS like Quake and such?

Jul 31, 2002, 10:39 PM
... Would you play it?
If you said yes, say what kind of thing would make it good.

Jul 31, 2002, 10:46 PM
The current PSO is fairly clunky when u think about it. 3 hit combos do not an excellent game make... If PSO was fast paced ala Quake 3 and Halo it'd definetly make for much more interesting battles. I would love it if a Devil May cry control setup was used (or at least something like GTA3 PC)!

Jul 31, 2002, 11:14 PM
Yeah, here's some other Ideas:

The two bars up top will be HP (duh) and AP (Armor points) would replace MP. Various armors would raise max AP limit slightly, Armor could regenerate (like Halo). Find Meseta by killing enemies/opponents, or finding it in boxes (They'll regenerate), use the money to buy ammo, armors, or weapons you don't have (Like CS). Monomates and such can be carried along and used, 10 max of course. Things can be picked up just by running over them. (Like any normal FPS...)

Yasminkov 2000H: (x2, Scope x2) 10 rounds a clip, 200 rounds max
Charge Handgun: (x2) 100 Charge, hold fire to charge (Like Halo again... Charge fire strenth shown where PB counter was)
Yasminkov 7000V: 8 shells, 90 max
Yasminkov 9200M: (x2) 32 rounds, 250 max
Drill Launcher: Used like a grappling hook, can also do big damage when hit in the right place.
Anti-Android Rifle: (Scope x10) 6 rounds, 100 max
Ano Rifle: (Scope x10) 120 charge
Inferno Bazooka: 1 rocket, 10 max
Photon Launcher: 1 photon cartridge, 3 max
Flame Visit: It's a flamethrower, what do you expect?
Spread Needle: (Scope x2) 5 shots, 80 max
Maser Beam: Ever used Quake 3's Lightning Gun?
Chain Sawd: Kinda like UT but... bigger. way bigger.
Float Proxy Mine: 10 max (The ol' PSO traps.}

So... what do you think of that so far?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mag_Launcher on 2002-07-31 21:19 ]</font>

Jul 31, 2002, 11:29 PM
that would sooo kick ass. Take morrowind for exemple, it's a FPRPG and it rocks ... but imagine having a FPS RPG, a-la PSO ... ownage ... O yeah bring it on! I imagine Hunters having special dodgin hability allowing them to dodge some shots (usefull in battle) and all sort of cool FPS things and RPG elements that would make PSO be the best game with the best game-concept ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My vote goes to the first choice of answer! no dought about it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BWS-1 on 2002-07-31 21:42 ]</font>

Aug 1, 2002, 01:17 AM
Yeh i like all the stuff mag launcher said in the other topic but, wouldn't it be nice if mp stayed as mp...It would be cool to launch a fireball at someone or cast shifta on you and your teammates and get stronger.......also scape dolls would be kinda cool on like round based games....(not really).......monomates and monofluids of course......having any of the melee weapons would kind of suck since people would be sniping you with rifles......(from atop the trees in the forest or something like that)........an beach level like on ep 1 and 2 that had an omaha twist would be cool.....also imagine blowing someone to smitherens using a baranz launcher http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Aug 1, 2002, 01:37 AM
Well, maybe there could be powerups for Shifta and Deband. I dunno, I don't like the spells much... Well, a normal FPS doesn't usually matter with stats.

Ok, here's more ideas: Players get to jump around. They will also have traditional levels, once they raise in level, their HP max goes up, they jump higher, and move faster. Even though the Armor repairs itself, the player still takes HP damage. Mags could provide additional gunfire.

Aug 1, 2002, 02:13 AM
errr...if PSO were a fast paced FPS like Quake, then it would be just another Quake-like FPS, probably along the lines of Jedi Outcast. Would I play it? Probably not, because that kind of FPS doesn't fit my tastes. Counter-Strike is my kind of FPS.

I agree with Reav though, 3 hit combos don't make a good game. PSO isn't good because of it's battle system though. It would be nice if there was some more varaity in the combos though.

Aug 1, 2002, 02:16 AM
Some other ideas:

1.Melee weapon only battles

2.Pretty much PSO ep 1and2 in fps mode..that would be fun...

3.Make your own characters (mandatory)

4.status conditions (so people would have a reason to use s-rank weapons)

5.argh i can't think of any thing that would be creative O.o

Aug 1, 2002, 02:58 AM
PSO is good as it is, why change??why would I want it to be like other fps??PSO has everything that makes it great...and it shouldn't be changed to fps...fps games are good, but it is not for my beloved PSO...

Aug 1, 2002, 03:35 AM
On 2002-07-31 20:39, Mag_Launcher wrote:
... Would you play it?
If you said yes, say what kind of thing would make it good.

no, i wouldnt play it. i have enough fps games to play..

Aug 1, 2002, 04:06 AM
PSO a FPS....... no thanks, those games make me dizzy if i play them to long, so that would mean no more allnighters with PSO. Keep the FPS for Halo & Metroid Prime, I like to see my characters kickin ars....... and speaking of ars kicking, PSO needs a huge overhall in its fighting and combo system, no more final fight combo attacks..... i am thinking a mixture of DoA & SoulCalibur with RPG level building, with huge states, not levels or stages but states that spread across a world with towns and castles and kings, damsils introuble,dragons, mechs and bandits and monster and rival armies that get in the way, that you must take care of in your own approach not always fighting...... maybe poisoning an intire army and this would be all online, no more 4 persons groups, but a free roaming world where you stumble across fellow hunters in the wild or at a local sallon or on a transport to the next city.........that would be kool, I could honestly say i would never leave my house again if that happened........ well at least til my racast reaches a high lvl.

Aug 1, 2002, 07:38 AM
why dont you just go and buy a copy of quake? PSO v2 is a excellent game the only addition I would say would be more levels instead of the standard 4!

Aug 1, 2002, 08:10 AM
Maybe not as a FPS, but third person with the depth of skill found in a FPS. It wouldn't necessarily turn into another quake, techniques could quite easily still exist, it would just mean a more fluid skillful approach to gameplay. The most basic improvement would be being able to fight and move at the same time. There'd need to be big changes to the monsters though...

Aug 1, 2002, 08:47 AM
Here's an idea!

What if somebody made a mod for Jedi Knight 2, that was completely based around PSO?

Running aound with your saber, cane, or gun slaughtering enemies. You've got your different weapons, your techniques (to replace Force powers), and your items. Of course, some scripter could figure out a way to implement experience points, different stats, stat growth, and different classes.

I think this kind of mod would go over well.

Aug 1, 2002, 09:17 AM
Lol, i was considering modding Jedi Knight 2 to be like PSO. I had loads of ideas but not enough skills. My skinning still needs working on, cant model for jack and im still learning mapping, oh well.

Battle mode would be a lot better if it was like JK2's deathmatch.

Aug 1, 2002, 09:19 AM
Imagine having a slicer in 1st person and watching it rip carnage. XD

Aug 1, 2002, 05:24 PM
I think PSO should play like an FPS with a 3rd person view ala GTA3PC. If you've played it you'd understand. I really think PSO's control system needs work. Hopefully SEGA will change it for the true sequel :/

Aug 1, 2002, 06:54 PM
Well like any RPG its gotta stand up to hours long games... FPS-style speed would flare and burn... imagine BA mode, but more full on... try that for 2 hours.

I do like the attack, delay, attack, delay, attack fighting system. Its holding onto the RPG base.. a bit.. but don't like the chunky movement enforced. Both designed to help out the lag, but I'd prefer if the characters did move with the response of a FPS. Not the full free movement.. just nice running with maybe dodge/strafe whatever. Then the AI boosted to match.

Then launch into your timed attacks from that.. perhaps with freedom to change target, or respond mid-combo.. that's what I'd like. =]

Aug 2, 2002, 04:16 AM
FPS no, maybe a few more EQ elements...keep it 3rd person...but bigger levels....less linear playing...but keep most of the game intact

Aug 2, 2002, 09:46 AM
If you wanted to change PSO into a FPS, the outcome would basically be the co-operative mode on Halo, except online.

Aug 2, 2002, 11:51 AM
An FPS/PSO mix would be amazing. I'd keep the third-person view and make bigger levels. *flashback of the many times he's killed monsters and players with a punch in Halo* (Had them running, I did...) PSO could REALLY use the speed and manuverability of an FPS but it could also use a better fighting system. 3-hit combos got old fast (as fast as I figured out that I could only do 3-hit combos) and without target switching evasive techniques and such, it feels a little too clunky. Besides...it's make the RA class SO much more formiddable. Maybe the RA would be able to zoom in like Halo guys...imagine the fun in that.

Aug 2, 2002, 12:16 PM
On 2002-08-02 09:51, Shinnosuke wrote:
Besides...it's make the RA class SO much more formiddable. Maybe the RA would be able to zoom in like Halo guys...imagine the fun in that.

Yeah, although you could try and pull tht off as a Ranger, it'd all be over once you got hit. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Aug 2, 2002, 11:09 PM
PSO? Hmm, naw, I am a HUGE FPS fan but PSO just wouldnt work, although I would love to see a MMOFPS(that was free and worked on the suckiest systems and had no lag with 28.http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif