View Full Version : AOL CUP -> exchange medals?

May 26, 2005, 06:30 PM
Hi, i have about 20ish bronze medals from the aol cup, but whenever i try to go talk to the guy in front of the bank in the single player quest, he only talks to me about a girl who has seen a ghost, and about going down to Ragol, never lets me trade the medals for silver and gold ones so i can go get the shield... anyone know why / who im supposed to talk to? Or am I supposed to do it in multi mode? I never saw the guy in multi though :S


May 26, 2005, 06:31 PM
ok i tried going for the guy in multi just to see, thers a guy in a blue armor and he talks about resta places. thats it. no other guy. WHAT DO I DO?!?

May 26, 2005, 06:59 PM
Go through the online quest without dying, then go talk to him before you exit the game.